How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

based on your comments you are no nationalist,,, my best guess is your a progressive,,,

I am a left wing nationalist. I want us to stop wasting money internationally and I want us to stop letting uneducated poor people into our nation.
cant be leftwing and a nationalist,, they are incompatible,,, leftwing is authoritarian and nationalist is based on constitutional freedom,,,
based on your comments you are no nationalist,,, my best guess is your a progressive,,,

I am a left wing nationalist. I want us to stop wasting money internationally and I want us to stop letting uneducated poor people into our nation.
So you are a NAZI then.
thats not nazi,, they are national socialist,,,

ANY government that is collectivist, is LEFTWING. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Fascism, socialism, communism, are all the same house, they are just slightly different colors.
No, you didn't. Will you answer the question I asked you?
Your question was too vague to be answered.
Will you answer mine?
How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?

I could make it on my own in the world if I needed to. Your question is just an attempt to belittle me more with something that's ultimately irrelevant here. You're digging for ammunition, or at least that's my perception of things.
how would you know if you could make it on your own when youve never done it and are asking others to provide for you??
based on your comments you are no nationalist,,, my best guess is your a progressive,,,

I am a left wing nationalist. I want us to stop wasting money internationally and I want us to stop letting uneducated poor people into our nation.
So you are a NAZI then.
thats not nazi,, they are national socialist,,,

ANY government that is collectivist, is LEFTWING. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Fascism, socialism, communism, are all the same house, they are just slightly different colors.
nationalist in this country isnt about collectivism,, its about constitutional freedom,,,
Actually, you've claimed it many times, but I can see you're well-schooled in the leftist-idiot technique of "If I don't use the specific words, then I didn't say it."

I can't control the way you perceive my words. It's in your head.

Incorrect. As I have said before, words mean things. The words you choose convey meaning. It's like the purpose of language is communication, or something. And part of being an adult is learning to see yourself through the eyes of others.
based on your comments you are no nationalist,,, my best guess is your a progressive,,,

I am a left wing nationalist. I want us to stop wasting money internationally and I want us to stop letting uneducated poor people into our nation.
So you are a NAZI then.
thats not nazi,, they are national socialist,,,
I take this back,, youre right he is a NAZI,,,
Well, are you interested in listening to their point of view and seeing anything from their perspective? Or are you merely interested in being the victim? I'm not trying to be antagonistic or anything, but this is one question I asked myself when I was about your age.

Feel free to reject my reasoning. But being objective is one of the stepping stones to gaining the respect of your "elders".

Did you read the whole thread? The poster in question came in guns blazing shooting insults left and right. She never gave anybody the chance to have a good or constructive conversation. From the start she was insulting and condescending. Do you think they're interested in seeing anything from my perspective, or do they assume I'm too stupid and childish to have anything worth saying? Have they even seen some of the other "adults" on this forum?

You are incorrect. My first post on this thread was in response to this from you: "They'll still be the richest Americans if they are taxed more. They live in goofy amounts of excess that's only possible because the U.S kicks ass."

Here's what I answered: "See, that right there is a big part of why people refer to taxes as though they're theft: the idea that because you personally disapprove of how someone else uses the money they have earned justifies you taking it from them to "better use" it for what you want.

Your thread title pretended to start from the premise of "what do they owe for what they get", but it's pretty obvious early on that you're really starting from the premise of "What do we want that we can rationalize taking"."

By that time, the thread was already on page 2, and you had posted, in order:

We can't have a society if nobody owes anything to it.

They'll still be the richest Americans if they are taxed more. They live in goofy amounts of excess that's only possible because the U.S kicks ass.

People call taxes theft though. I also want to know what you think is appropriate as far as tax rates go.

How much more comfortable with it would you be if we were more focused on elevating Americans with that money?

So who pays for the military and the police?

By creating the environment that allowed them to grow so well. Do you think Bill Gates would be where he is today if he had been born in some isolated African tribe where he didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read?

But you agree that we need some, which means we owe that to the nation, no?

So you tell me. Is my post "guns blazing, shooting insults left and right"? Is two pages of posts before I said anything not "giving anyone a chance to have a constructive conversation"? Do you think I had enough of an opportunity to see exactly what your perspective was from your posts I just listed?

Is it at all possible that you're just butthurt that I didn't agree with you and applaud your perspicacity? Can you have a constructive conversation without a dissenting opinion?
Well, are you interested in listening to their point of view and seeing anything from their perspective? Or are you merely interested in being the victim? I'm not trying to be antagonistic or anything, but this is one question I asked myself when I was about your age.

Feel free to reject my reasoning. But being objective is one of the stepping stones to gaining the respect of your "elders".

Did you read the whole thread? The poster in question came in guns blazing shooting insults left and right. She never gave anybody the chance to have a good or constructive conversation. From the start she was insulting and condescending. Do you think they're interested in seeing anything from my perspective, or do they assume I'm too stupid and childish to have anything worth saying? Have they even seen some of the other "adults" on this forum?

You are incorrect. My first post on this thread was in response to this from you: "They'll still be the richest Americans if they are taxed more. They live in goofy amounts of excess that's only possible because the U.S kicks ass."

Here's what I answered: "See, that right there is a big part of why people refer to taxes as though they're theft: the idea that because you personally disapprove of how someone else uses the money they have earned justifies you taking it from them to "better use" it for what you want.

Your thread title pretended to start from the premise of "what do they owe for what they get", but it's pretty obvious early on that you're really starting from the premise of "What do we want that we can rationalize taking"."

By that time, the thread was already on page 2, and you had posted, in order:

We can't have a society if nobody owes anything to it.

They'll still be the richest Americans if they are taxed more. They live in goofy amounts of excess that's only possible because the U.S kicks ass.

People call taxes theft though. I also want to know what you think is appropriate as far as tax rates go.

How much more comfortable with it would you be if we were more focused on elevating Americans with that money?

So who pays for the military and the police?

By creating the environment that allowed them to grow so well. Do you think Bill Gates would be where he is today if he had been born in some isolated African tribe where he didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read?

But you agree that we need some, which means we owe that to the nation, no?

So you tell me. Is my post "guns blazing, shooting insults left and right"? Is two pages of posts before I said anything not "giving anyone a chance to have a constructive conversation"? Do you think I had enough of an opportunity to see exactly what your perspective was from your posts I just listed?

Is it at all possible that you're just butthurt that I didn't agree with you and applaud your perspicacity? Can you have a constructive conversation without a dissenting opinion?

Are you really going to suggest that you haven't been unnecessarily hostile?

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