How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

I dont think people should be punished because they are more successful. IE much higher tax burden. They already pay most of the taxes anyway.
They also give a lot of money and time, to charity.
They pay most of the taxes because they hold most of the wealth.
You mean they earned most of the wealth, so your explanation if just an excuse for organized plunder.
Neither did the NAZI's.

No, but Hitler had been spewing Jew and general race hate almost his entire life. He hijacked the party and mutated it into something else.

Do you think dislike of Jews is something unique to the Nazis? General antisemitism was sadly pretty common at that time. Still is, among some people.
based on your comments you are no nationalist,,, my best guess is your a progressive,,,

I am a left wing nationalist. I want us to stop wasting money internationally and I want us to stop letting uneducated poor people into our nation.
So you are a NAZI then.
thats not nazi,, they are national socialist,,,

ANY government that is collectivist, is LEFTWING. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Fascism, socialism, communism, are all the same house, they are just slightly different colors.
nationalist in this country isnt about collectivism,, its about constitutional freedom,,,

Nationalist can be leftwing. In fact extremist nationalists are always leftists. Like I said, the extreme rightwing in anarchy.
yes rightwing is conservative, libertarian to anarchist,,, to bad the conservatives vote for leftwing republicans,,,

I consider myself a rational anarchist,,
You mean left-wing Republicans like Mittens? I thought you douchebags claimed he is a "genuine conservative."
Of course he doesn't. You're paying him to be nice to you. You aren't paying us jack shit, so we have no vested interest in kissing your ass.

And you are seriously flattering yourself that anyone here is interested in "turning you into" anything at all.

He gets paid to challenge me. He is extremely critical of my views. He's just critical in an intellectual way. I was intentionally exposed to conservative perspective.

Omigod. I stand amazed at your naivete. He gets paid to challenge you in a certain way, and that certainly is not a contradiction to the fact that he's paid to be nice to you. Are you actually so sheltered that you think interactions with someone who works for you is real life? Holy crap.

You were intentionally exposed to SELECTED conservative perspective. You want actual exposure to actual conservative perspective? You're gonna need to step outside the protective bubble and get out onto the germy streets with real people who aren't on your payroll.
based on your comments you are no nationalist,,, my best guess is your a progressive,,,

I am a left wing nationalist. I want us to stop wasting money internationally and I want us to stop letting uneducated poor people into our nation.
So you are a NAZI then.
thats not nazi,, they are national socialist,,,

ANY government that is collectivist, is LEFTWING. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Fascism, socialism, communism, are all the same house, they are just slightly different colors.
nationalist in this country isnt about collectivism,, its about constitutional freedom,,,

Nationalist can be leftwing. In fact extremist nationalists are always leftists. Like I said, the extreme rightwing in anarchy.
yes rightwing is conservative, libertarian to anarchist,,, to bad the conservatives vote for leftwing republicans,,,

I consider myself a rational anarchist,,
You mean left-wing Republicans like Mittens? I thought you douchebags claimed he is a "genuine conservative."
I dont know anyone named mittens,,, and when did I claim anyone was a conservative???
Omigod. I stand amazed at your naivete. He gets paid to challenge you in a certain way, and that certainly is not a contradiction to the fact that he's paid to be nice to you. Are you actually so sheltered that you think interactions with someone who works for you is real life? Holy crap.

You were intentionally exposed to SELECTED conservative perspective. You want actual exposure to actual conservative perspective? You're gonna need to step outside the protective bubble and get out onto the germy streets with real people who aren't on your payroll.

That man would make a fool of 99% of the people on this forum if he could be bothered to waste his time here. You don't actually know as much about the situation as you think you do.
Omigod. I stand amazed at your naivete. He gets paid to challenge you in a certain way, and that certainly is not a contradiction to the fact that he's paid to be nice to you. Are you actually so sheltered that you think interactions with someone who works for you is real life? Holy crap.

You were intentionally exposed to SELECTED conservative perspective. You want actual exposure to actual conservative perspective? You're gonna need to step outside the protective bubble and get out onto the germy streets with real people who aren't on your payroll.

That man would make a fool of 99% of the people on this forum if he could be bothered to waste his time here. You don't actually know as much about the situation as you think you do.
so says the 18 yr old kid thats never had to fend for himself or provide for others,,,
Omigod. I stand amazed at your naivete. He gets paid to challenge you in a certain way, and that certainly is not a contradiction to the fact that he's paid to be nice to you. Are you actually so sheltered that you think interactions with someone who works for you is real life? Holy crap.

You were intentionally exposed to SELECTED conservative perspective. You want actual exposure to actual conservative perspective? You're gonna need to step outside the protective bubble and get out onto the germy streets with real people who aren't on your payroll.

That man would make a fool of 99% of the people on this forum if he could be bothered to waste his time here. You don't actually know as much about the situation as you think you do.
I doubt it.
"You're not worth the effort of explaining myself" is also another way of saying you can't answer.

Strike two.

All you do is insult and belittle me. You're not getting more effort from me, sorry.

I wasn't getting more effort from you than that before I ever posted. You were exactly like this for two whole pages before I said a word.

Strike three. I guess this thread will be going with evil is objective, and you argue from the point of view of "It's this way, because I WANT IT!!!"

On this particular subject, you may now go stomp your little feet and pout in the corner.
Or you think you could, anyway. His question is making a point, which you seem determined not to hear: you're trying to lecture us on a reality we actually live in, and you don't. The entire premise of this thread is your idea that wealthy people "owe society" for their success. Every single person disagreeing with you here has held down a full-time job and paid taxes for years on end. Have you?

Your point isn't as relevant as you think it is in this conversation.

Too bad for you that the only person accepting the spoiled rich college kid as the arbiter of what's relevant is the spoiled rich college kid.

At some point in your life, your mommy and daddy aren't going to be paying your bills and buying you people to "challenge" you politely. You're going to be responsible for yourself, and possibly for a bunch of hostages to fortune. Then you can come tell me how "irrelevant" it is to the topic of "Rich people should be grateful and pay taxes joyfully" to actually be a person paying taxes.
I dont think people should be punished because they are more successful. IE much higher tax burden. They already pay most of the taxes anyway.
They also give a lot of money and time, to charity.
They pay most of the taxes because they hold most of the wealth.
You mean they earned most of the wealth, so your explanation if just an excuse for organized plunder.
I earn wages for labor.

They make money from having money.
Or you think you could, anyway. His question is making a point, which you seem determined not to hear: you're trying to lecture us on a reality we actually live in, and you don't. The entire premise of this thread is your idea that wealthy people "owe society" for their success. Every single person disagreeing with you here has held down a full-time job and paid taxes for years on end. Have you?

Your point isn't as relevant as you think it is in this conversation.

Too bad for you that the only person accepting the spoiled rich college kid as the arbiter of what's relevant is the spoiled rich college kid.

At some point in your life, your mommy and daddy aren't going to be paying your bills and buying you people to "challenge" you politely. You're going to be responsible for yourself, and possibly for a bunch of hostages to fortune. Then you can come tell me how "irrelevant" it is to the topic of "Rich people should be grateful and pay taxes joyfully" to actually be a person paying taxes.

Here's a revelation:

I don't have a college education. The fact I hold my own in debates with highly educated individuals tells you something.

A college degree does not make you smart. Your capacity for attaining and maintaining knowledge determines your intelligence.
Omigod. I stand amazed at your naivete. He gets paid to challenge you in a certain way, and that certainly is not a contradiction to the fact that he's paid to be nice to you. Are you actually so sheltered that you think interactions with someone who works for you is real life? Holy crap.

You were intentionally exposed to SELECTED conservative perspective. You want actual exposure to actual conservative perspective? You're gonna need to step outside the protective bubble and get out onto the germy streets with real people who aren't on your payroll.

That man would make a fool of 99% of the people on this forum if he could be bothered to waste his time here. You don't actually know as much about the situation as you think you do.

Bring him along. If you're an example of his handiwork, someone needs to call him out for defrauding your parents.
Or you think you could, anyway. His question is making a point, which you seem determined not to hear: you're trying to lecture us on a reality we actually live in, and you don't. The entire premise of this thread is your idea that wealthy people "owe society" for their success. Every single person disagreeing with you here has held down a full-time job and paid taxes for years on end. Have you?

Your point isn't as relevant as you think it is in this conversation.

Too bad for you that the only person accepting the spoiled rich college kid as the arbiter of what's relevant is the spoiled rich college kid.

At some point in your life, your mommy and daddy aren't going to be paying your bills and buying you people to "challenge" you politely. You're going to be responsible for yourself, and possibly for a bunch of hostages to fortune. Then you can come tell me how "irrelevant" it is to the topic of "Rich people should be grateful and pay taxes joyfully" to actually be a person paying taxes.

Here's a revelation:

I don't have a college education. The fact I hold my own in debates with highly educated individuals tells you something.

A college degree does not make you smart. Your capacity for attaining and maintaining knowledge determines your intelligence.

You are correct.
The difference is the lower tiers are funds that cover living expenses while the upper tiers represent expendable income beyond living expenses.
Who are you to decide what living expenses are for other people?
This is why they are taxed at a higher rate. Money needs to flow and circulate for an economy to operate at a healthy level. Living expenses continuously circulate. Expendable income often gets saved and invested.
Savings and investments circulate money in the economy. Banks loan out savings at a legal rate of 10 to 1, and investments put money right back into the economy as well. If I invest in gold, the gold dealer now has my cash to spend stimulating the economy.
I’m not deciding what living expenses are for people. There is a basic range that people need to have the essentials... food, shelter, transportation, healthcare, childcare, education and retirement savings. Beyond that are choices of entertainment and luxury, which is great and encouraged. Live the dream and go big, I’m all for it.
Who provides the funds? That’s your road block

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