How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

Surely something, right? I see a lot of people talk like taxes are theft. Is it not just our obligation?
You won’t get many if any serious answers.
I feel they should pay at least the same percentage of income as the bulk of Americans pay. Unfortunately though our current system makes it cheaper for them to pay experts to avoid taxes altogether in some cases. See Trump.
See every multi-millionaire and billionaire and stop pretending it's something unique to TRUMP!. Why do you think Warren Buffet complains about the income tax being too low? He does it because most of his income is in capital gains, not regular income and he knows if it gets raised it won't effect him very much.
See every multi-millionaire and billionaire and stop pretending it's something unique to TRUMP!. Why do you think Warren Buffet complains about the income tax being too low? He does it because most of his income is in capital gains, not regular income and he knows if it gets raised it won't effect him very much.
I used Trump because we know for a fact what he’s paid recently. As long as a tax expert and loopholes are cheaper they will always pay a lower percentage.
And as long as it's legal to do so, they will continue to pay a lower percentage. Just don't believe a rich democrat when he tries to tell you he wants to pay more taxes. He doesn't, because if he did, he wouldn't have a tax firm doing his return for him.
And as long as it's legal to do so, they will continue to pay a lower percentage.
That was my point, dope. It only took you three tries to get it. Good job.
I dont think people should be punished because they are more successful. IE much higher tax burden. They already pay most of the taxes anyway.
They also give a lot of money and time, to charity.
They pay most of the taxes because they hold most of the wealth.
You mean they earned most of the wealth, so your explanation if just an excuse for organized plunder.
I earn wages for labor.

They make money from having money.
All the money they have was recieved through a voluntary exchange. How are you entitled to any of it?
"You didn't build that."

'Take from the rich because they have more money than me....'

Quoting a socialist, terrorist-supporting, failed coup traitor to engage in jealous class warfare?

*sigh* I tell you what, little prince. Why don't you give me some examples of the "rigorous discipline" and harsh adversity of your life in the cushioned bubble. We'll compare it to my life when I was 18, and you tell me if you can figure out why I don't respect your protestations of how knowledgeable you are about "making your own way".

Go ahead. What is this "lot" that's expected from you? What discipline do you have to show? What are the consequences if you don't? Let's hear about your extensive preparation for making your own way in the real world.

I work hard and am a disciplined person. That's enough to get by in most cases. Hard work and discipline have always been expected from me. I'm not interested in comparing myself to you.

In other words, you got squat other than a towering need to believe in your own wonderfulness.

Let me put it this way, Princess. By the time I was your age, my father had had two majors strokes and was starting on the downhill slope of the health problems that killed him. My family had lost everything - house, cars, everything - and my mom was working two jobs to keep a roof over our heads. I was cleaning kennels in a veterinary hospital to help feed the family. I had also been assaulted on the street by a man who turned out to be a budding serial killer, and testified at the trial that eventually led to his execution.

And I will tell you freely that, despite everything I had survived and the responsibilities I shouldered, I was still a dumb-assed kid.

So spare me your self-aggrandizing preening about "discipline" and "working hard", and how you "just know" you can make your way in the world, Princess. The real world is going to eat you for an appetizer five minutes after you get out of your parents' padded ivory tower.
I don't agree. Nobody owes anything to anybody.
The only people I've ever owed anything to are the ones I borrowed something from. Liberals love the concept of a social contract because it facilitates their marxist nanny state wealth redistribution incomes.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.

When you work you are selling your labor to an employer.

Your labor is your product. The money you get paid for your labor is yours not someone else's.
No, child, once again you flatter yourself. I don't care one way or the other. I am just stating fact.

I hope very much that I never turn out to be as cruel and bitter as you are.

I'm very glad I was never such a spoiled, simpering brat as you are.
Shame on you attacking a young lady.

Im glad you do it though. Maybe now she won’t join the dark side later in life when she finds her way.

P.S. Nothing wrong with being spoiled. My brother and I grew up poor and happy. He became rich and is not going to deny his kids things we couldn’t have. Why should he?

He always says he’s sick of hearing about how his kids are privileged as if that’s something he should be ashamed of.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
we're happy that you have more money than you know what to do with. Other people have responsibilities and they need what they earn. Thanks for telling hard working Americans that you don't give a fuck about them.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
The very wealthy are so due to society. They profit the most (by definition) from society. They are defended by society (the sons and daughters of the poor, in fact). It is not only just, it is entirely in their interest to pay as much as necessary for society to continue. They have the most to lose. Playing apologist for the wealthy is about as pitiful as one can get.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
we're happy that you have more money than you know what to do with. Other people have responsibilities and they need what they earn. Thanks for telling hard working Americans that you don't give a fuck about them.
I don’t want those struggling hard working Americans to pay more taxes. Just all the ones who do as well as I do. $75,000 or more a year. $125,000 for a couple. If you make less your taxes will go down.

This is one way to combat the out of control growing gap between the rich and rest of us. More social programs to help we the people and trust me I wont even miss it in my paycheck
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
If I could I would cheat and not pay any taxes. Unfortunately only rich guys like trump can get away with that.

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