How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

Neither did the NAZI's.

No, but Hitler had been spewing Jew and general race hate almost his entire life. He hijacked the party and mutated it into something else.

Do you think dislike of Jews is something unique to the Nazis? General antisemitism was sadly pretty common at that time. Still is, among some people.
Most leftwingers are antisemites.

Unfortunately, it's not limited by any sort of group boundaries.
Or, at least, so you've been told.

A lot is expected from me. Discipline is not optional. The idea that I couldn't make my own way if forced to is ridiculous.

*sigh* I tell you what, little prince. Why don't you give me some examples of the "rigorous discipline" and harsh adversity of your life in the cushioned bubble. We'll compare it to my life when I was 18, and you tell me if you can figure out why I don't respect your protestations of how knowledgeable you are about "making your own way".

Go ahead. What is this "lot" that's expected from you? What discipline do you have to show? What are the consequences if you don't? Let's hear about your extensive preparation for making your own way in the real world.
based on your comments you are no nationalist,,, my best guess is your a progressive,,,

I am a left wing nationalist. I want us to stop wasting money internationally and I want us to stop letting uneducated poor people into our nation.
So you are a NAZI then.
thats not nazi,, they are national socialist,,,

ANY government that is collectivist, is LEFTWING. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Fascism, socialism, communism, are all the same house, they are just slightly different colors.
nationalist in this country isnt about collectivism,, its about constitutional freedom,,,

Nationalist can be leftwing. In fact extremist nationalists are always leftists. Like I said, the extreme rightwing in anarchy.
yes rightwing is conservative, libertarian to anarchist,,, to bad the conservatives vote for leftwing republicans,,,

I consider myself a rational anarchist,,

I have been calling myself that for over 50 years.
What do you think I’m ignorant about and why are you persisting with these arguments over the topic of the thread? Are you just trying to fling insults to feel tough or smart?
You attributed a false perspective to me earlier, which makees you ignorant to my views.
What do you think I’m ignorant about and why are you persisting with these arguments over the topic of the thread? Are you just trying to fling insults to feel tough or smart?
You attributed a false perspective to me earlier, which makees you ignorant to my views.
And instead of showing that my impression of your perspective was wrong by providing counter arguments to my points about the economy youve been going on for pages now with the personal attacks. That’s a strawman. Thanks for playing
you know if you could make it on your own when youve never done it and are asking others to provide for you??

I didn't ask anybody for anything. I know because I'm disciplined and not a stupid person.

Or, at least, so you've been told.

It's a latin phrase on my sig "Temet Nosce," or "know thyself". In other words, don't let anyone interpret who you are except yourself.

My goodness, that is so liberating!
And instead of showing that my impression of your perspective was wrong by providing counter arguments to my points about the economy youve been going on for pages now with the personal attacks. That’s a strawman. Thanks for playing
You might want to look up the definition of a straw man argument before foolishly misusing it again.
you know if you could make it on your own when youve never done it and are asking others to provide for you??

I didn't ask anybody for anything. I know because I'm disciplined and not a stupid person.

Or, at least, so you've been told.

It's a latin phrase on my sig "Temet Nosce," or "know thyself". In other words, don't let anyone interpret who you are except yourself.

My goodness, that is so liberating!

Both true as far as they go, although I disagree to a certain extent that the second is the meaning of the first.

I have to ask you, though. Do you interpret who you are solely through your own thoughts and feelings about yourself, or do you incorporate information and perspective from those around you and how they react to you? I could tell myself all day long that I interpret myself as a nice person, but I would be wrong and lying to myself. I could decide I wanted to be a nice person, but I would need the perceptions of others to measure accurately whether or not I was succeeding.

Fortunately for me, I've never aspired to niceness.
And instead of showing that my impression of your perspective was wrong by providing counter arguments to my points about the economy youve been going on for pages now with the personal attacks. That’s a strawman. Thanks for playing
You might want to look up the definition of a straw man argument before foolishly misusing it again.
I didn’t misuse it.
Nobody owes anybody anything.

If people want to be generous or kind and thoughtful to their lesser brothers and sisters that fine. No problems with that. It's all good.

But nobody owes anything to anybody. My opinion.

How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?
Nobody owes anybody anything.

If people want to be generous or kind and thoughtful to their lesser brothers and sisters that fine. No problems with that. It's all good.

But nobody owes anything to anybody. My opinion.

How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?
Technically, they do though. Income earners in this country who deal in government currency owe taxes. It part of our laws and constitution
Nobody owes anybody anything.

If people want to be generous or kind and thoughtful to their lesser brothers and sisters that fine. No problems with that. It's all good.

But nobody owes anything to anybody. My opinion.

How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?
Technically, they do though. Income earners in this country who deal in government currency owe taxes. It part of our laws and constitution


I don't agree. Nobody owes anything to anybody.
Do you interpret who you are solely through your own thoughts and feelings about yourself, or do you incorporate information and perspective from those around you and how they react to you?

Sorry, I had to think about that for a while.

All of the above to be honest. It was/is a struggle to find a balance between the two, and honestly, I don't know how well I am succeeding at this point.

But when someone asks me what kind of person I think I am... I simply reply "I don't know." It would be boring if I knew.

I feel like I am explaining this poorly, but that is honestly the best answer I have to that particular question that I can give you.

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I could decide I wanted to be a nice person, but I would need the perceptions of others to measure accurately whether or not I was succeeding.

Well, if you were starting from the beginning, you wouldn't know how to be nice unless you had a reference, I think. I get that part. But that's as far as I go really. I let the reactions of others guide my behavior, but not to the extent where I start altering or interpreting my personality based on their reactions. That's what the woke crowd does.
Nobody owes anybody anything.

If people want to be generous or kind and thoughtful to their lesser brothers and sisters that fine. No problems with that. It's all good.

But nobody owes anything to anybody. My opinion.

How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?
Technically, they do though. Income earners in this country who deal in government currency owe taxes. It part of our laws and constitution


I don't agree. Nobody owes anything to anybody.
You owe taxes on your income. If you don’t pay you go to jail. That’s the law. Sorry but that’s just how it is.
*sigh* I tell you what, little prince. Why don't you give me some examples of the "rigorous discipline" and harsh adversity of your life in the cushioned bubble. We'll compare it to my life when I was 18, and you tell me if you can figure out why I don't respect your protestations of how knowledgeable you are about "making your own way".

Go ahead. What is this "lot" that's expected from you? What discipline do you have to show? What are the consequences if you don't? Let's hear about your extensive preparation for making your own way in the real world.

I work hard and am a disciplined person. That's enough to get by in most cases. Hard work and discipline have always been expected from me. I'm not interested in comparing myself to you.

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