How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

under what youre proposing whats to stop every american from quiting their jobs and let the government provide for them???

I'm not proposing that the government should take care of everybody right now to the extent that people wouldn't need to work. That will come later when automation starts biting gigantic chunks out of the job market. And when that does happen I think the remaining jobs will be so few that there won't be a problem filling them with bright and motivated people. Not everybody will just sit on their ass forever because they can. If I wanted to I could fuck off and do nothing for the rest of my life. That's not the life I want though.
How? You have a multi-billion dollar industry and you are going to make it go away? Please explain how.

I don't know what the exact process will be. I just believe we'll follow the trend set by the rest of the world sooner or later.
Surely something, right? I see a lot of people talk like taxes are theft. Is it not just our obligation?
You won’t get many if any serious answers.
I feel they should pay at least the same percentage of income as the bulk of Americans pay. Unfortunately though our current system makes it cheaper for them to pay experts to avoid taxes altogether in some cases. See Trump.
See every multi-millionaire and billionaire and stop pretending it's something unique to TRUMP!. Why do you think Warren Buffet complains about the income tax being too low? He does it because most of his income is in capital gains, not regular income and he knows if it gets raised it won't effect him very much.
See every multi-millionaire and billionaire and stop pretending it's something unique to TRUMP!. Why do you think Warren Buffet complains about the income tax being too low? He does it because most of his income is in capital gains, not regular income and he knows if it gets raised it won't effect him very much.
I used Trump because we know for a fact what he’s paid recently. As long as a tax expert and loopholes are cheaper they will always pay a lower percentage.
And as long as it's legal to do so, they will continue to pay a lower percentage. Just don't believe a rich democrat when he tries to tell you he wants to pay more taxes. He doesn't, because if he did, he wouldn't have a tax firm doing his return for him.
And as long as it's legal to do so, they will continue to pay a lower percentage.
That was my point, dope. It only took you three tries to get it. Good job.
Did you get the part where I pointed out that you shouldn't believe rich democrats who piously tell you they want to pay more taxes?
Did you get the part where I pointed out that you shouldn't believe rich democrats who piously tell you they want to pay more taxes?
I did. It’s just irrelevant to the point made. Per usual.
Surely something, right? I see a lot of people talk like taxes are theft. Is it not just our obligation?

No one owes anything to moochers.

Moochers deserve absolutely nothing. Never contributing anything to society yet expecting so much in return. These folks never gave anyone a chance to do anything, in fact, they are all about denying such possibilities.

How far to the stars can we rise? A valid question... they ask how far to the dirt can we dig instead.
Because they want a job, not welfare.

The jobs aren't going to stop going away. Our society is changing.
ROFL! Yes they are, nimrod. No country ever taxed its way to prosperity. Why do you imagine our economic growth has slowed to a crawl? higher taxes stifle growth.
Bullshit. After ww2 fdr put this country back to work by taxing the rich and building our infrastructure, which is now falling apart and we’re broke. So roll back the bush trump and Reagan tax breaks
under what youre proposing whats to stop every american from quiting their jobs and let the government provide for them???

I'm not proposing that the government should take care of everybody right now to the extent that people wouldn't need to work. That will come later when automation starts biting gigantic chunks out of the job market. And when that does happen I think the remaining jobs will be so few that there won't be a problem filling them with bright and motivated people. Not everybody will just sit on their ass forever because they can. If I wanted to I could fuck off and do nothing for the rest of my life. That's not the life I want though.
thats doesnt answer the question,,

what if everyone decide to quit their jobs and let the government take care if them?? half the population has already done that,,

how will they provide if they dont have the money to do it or there isnt anything to buy because nobody is making anything??

thats the flaw in your argument you refuse to consider,,,
who cares as long as the government doesnt control our healthcare,,

I care. A lot of people would save money, nobody would go without care and people wouldn't be going bankrupt late in their lives over medical expenses.

You do get that it's really not for you to decide what should and shouldn't happen with other people's money or healthcare, right? God save me from people who are convinced that they "care" more about my life issues than I do, and know better how I should live my life than I do, so they're going to take over and mandate their preferences to me.

You, of course, are welcome to provide yourself with healthcare any way you would like. Knock yourself out. But please do not try to include me in it.
Who decided to pass the trump tax breaks? That same body of government can decide to undo those tax breaks
How? You have a multi-billion dollar industry and you are going to make it go away? Please explain how.

I don't know what the exact process will be. I just believe we'll follow the trend set by the rest of the world sooner or later.

So you are going on the presumption that because the rest of the world does it, we will?

So you have really nothing but a pipe dream. Until you solve the ending of an industry that gives Congress millions and millions, there will be no universal healthcare, it will run through insurance companies, Congress isn't about to end a source of revenue for themselves.
thats doesnt answer the question,,

what if everyone decide to quit their jobs and let the government take care if them?? half the population has already done that,,

how will they provide if they dont have the money to do it or there isnt anything to buy because nobody is making anything??

thats the flaw in your argument you refuse to consider,,,

Do you want my prediction? Obviously the events of the future have yet to unfold. I think AI, automation and unbelievable amounts of excess without the need for much human labor will ultimately lead to most jobs and eventually currency becoming obsolete.
Because they want a job, not welfare.

The jobs aren't going to stop going away. Our society is changing.
ROFL! Yes they are, nimrod. No country ever taxed its way to prosperity. Why do you imagine our economic growth has slowed to a crawl? higher taxes stifle growth.
Bullshit. After ww2 fdr put this country back to work by taxing the rich and building our infrastructure, which is now falling apart and we’re broke. So roll back the bush trump and Reagan tax breaks
That's commie propaganda.
The very wealthy are so due to society. They profit the most (by definition) from society. They are defended by society (the sons and daughters of the poor, in fact). It is not only just, it is entirely in their interest to pay as much as necessary for society to continue. They have the most to lose. Playing apologist for the wealthy is about as pitiful as one can get.

Horseshit. That is a giant, steaming pile of horse apples. To say, "The very wealthy are only wealthy because of this society" is to say that there are no very wealthy people in OTHER societies. Likewise, the only definition by which they "profit most from society" is your own personal "I hate them because I'm not one of them" definition, and no one I would waste my time spitting on has any interest in living by your definitions. They are defended by society exactly as much as your worthless, sucking-the-intelligence-out-of-the-world ass is, and I don't see you suggesting that YOU should be stripped of your personal possessions (although I doubt the federal government has much use for your cardboard box and half-empty bottle of Ripple).

What is just is for fools like you to start producing and contributing something to make yourselves useful to society before you pollute the air with your greedy, jealous diatribes about how other people aren't contributing enough.
YOU need to learn to read. The post says "society" (as in, any). It does not say "this society" (your projection). No hatred of any kind was expressed (also your projection). You have twisted and distorted simple observations in order to prostrate yourself slavishly before those you worship for unfathomable reasons. Yes, about as pitiful as possible.
This concludes our exchanges in this thread.
Because they want a job, not welfare.

The jobs aren't going to stop going away. Our society is changing.
ROFL! Yes they are, nimrod. No country ever taxed its way to prosperity. Why do you imagine our economic growth has slowed to a crawl? higher taxes stifle growth.
Bullshit. After ww2 fdr put this country back to work by taxing the rich and building our infrastructure, which is now falling apart and we’re broke. So roll back the bush trump and Reagan tax breaks
That's commie propaganda.
When you have no come back, throw out the word commie. Did rush teach you to do that?
thats doesnt answer the question,,

what if everyone decide to quit their jobs and let the government take care if them?? half the population has already done that,,

how will they provide if they dont have the money to do it or there isnt anything to buy because nobody is making anything??

thats the flaw in your argument you refuse to consider,,,

Do you want my prediction? Obviously the events of the future have yet to unfold. I think AI, automation and unbelievable amounts of excess without the need for much human labor will ultimately lead to most jobs and eventually currency becoming obsolete.
good predictions can only come from experience and you have none,,, and your comment shows that,,

your star trek utopia fails to show the people that need to keep the automation repaired and running,,, not to mention provide the raw materials needed,,

are they second class citizens that are forced to work when so many dont have to???
good predictions can only come from experience and you have none,,, and your comment shows that,,

your star trek utopia fails to show the people that need to keep the automation repaired and running,,, not to mention provide the raw materials needed,,

are they second class citizens that are forced to work when so many dont have to???

The people still working will want to work. Not everybody wants to do nothing. Some people have passion. As automation becomes advanced it's likely that even repair/maintenance work will be done by machines. Robotics will probably get so advanced that humans just aren't useful as maintenance.
good predictions can only come from experience and you have none,,, and your comment shows that,,

your star trek utopia fails to show the people that need to keep the automation repaired and running,,, not to mention provide the raw materials needed,,

are they second class citizens that are forced to work when so many dont have to???

The people still working will want to work. Not everybody wants to do nothing. Some people have passion. As automation becomes advanced it's likely that even repair/maintenance work will be done by machines. Robotics will probably get so advanced that humans just aren't useful as maintenance.
who said they would do nothing?? they could follow their dreams and become an artist or travel the world,,,

again your lack of experience is evident,,,

who will pay taxs when no one is working?? half the population isnt working to the point they pay taxs now and look where we are,,,

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