How much money is enough?

Or being called a muslim or a rent boy or having his wifes looks trashed by small cock hillbilly rubbish.

Or being referred to as a "coffee boy" by Bill Clinton in 2008? Recall when hitlary reminded everyone obozo hadn't done the necessary "spade work" to be president?

You're such a bigoted piece of shit you always over look the overt racism of leftists while accusing everyone you're programmed to hate of being one. You really should have ended up as rat shit in the dumpster at an abortion clinic.

hypocrisy is off the charts, next your going to criticize obama for his fake tan and hairpeice

How about fake father, completely fabricated life story, and zero accomplishments in life that can be attributed to his own efforts?

Plus he's a commie agitator.



Too bad Obama can't put his fathers name on buildings and get paid for it

Who was his fuckin father and why wasn't the bastard gelded?

How about putting former Klansman Robert Byrd's name all over West Virginia?

He went to college and to law school and then he taught and published a book before he ran a winning political campaign twice, breaking the color barrier in a country that had legal segregation until fifty years prior, went on to do the most difficult job in the world for eight years. What do you mean, he has done no work?
Have you folks whining about Obama's speaking fees ever complained about Trump's bank account? He's got a bit more than Obama, but that's okay, right? It's okay he's got five Goldman Sachs employees in his cabinet but Obama can't give a speech on Wall Street?
Think about it!

I have not mentioned his speaking fees, or begrudged the fact he has money and will make more.

I just saw this article and wonder, at what point will he be satisfied?

Clearly hitlary will never be.

I give him zero credit for anything you mention, because I'm not impressed when people write bullshit books, and I seriously doubt an assclown who doesn't seem to know what year it is sometimes....

Barack Obama signs wrong date in abbey visitor's book

actually sits down and puts thoughts together any sane individual with a xerox machine would copy and attempt to sell. All he has ever done is repeat what other people have told him to say and they pushed him into the WH.

I really don't care what he does, but those people who slapped their little flippers at everything their messiah parroted and believed in some asinine concept of "too much" won't be giving a fruit fly's fuck no matter how much he makes, or any other leftist sociopath for that matter.

Wealth and the "greed" behind success is only bad when the person doesn't grovel at the alter of collectivism.

the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?


Mooch is the only one who had a "job". Bill Ayers wrote obozo's bullshit books.
I don't care who pushed the pen or keys on the computer's keyboard. I care who's cited as the author, for Obama's books, that's Obama.

(And, no, I'm not among the crowd that prattles on about Trump's book being ghost written. To tell you the truth, I don't know that most folks who even mention the ghost writer thing even know how a ghost writer differs from an editor. So I don't pay those folks too much mind merely because they mention that "so and so" had a ghost writer. As far as I'm concerned, that's just another item best suited to a Trivial Pursuit question card.)
Ronnie RayGun charged $1.5Million for one of his wifty, wandering speeches.

And that was after he was caught in scandals, had raised taxes sky high on the working class, slashed taxes for his 1% cronies and made the US a debtor nation.

But, that's different, isn't it.

RWNJs always want to control the left's money but think the right should earn all they want.

SSDD from the hypocrites.
Very sad! Attacking the Obamas who have been out of the WH for months is so beneath contempt! It's desperate to change the KNOWN narrative that TRUMP is using his position to enrich himself and his family to the detriment of the country! I stopped caring when society made it possible for this CON MAN to get in this position to ruin it all for EVERYONE! :banana2: :bang3: :blowup: :boohoo:

Obama blamed everything on Bush for years. He dished it out so now it's his turn. We're still suffering from some of his radical moves.
onnie RayGun charged $1.5Million for one of his wifty, wandering speeches.

To be fair, Reagan was a much better public speaker than Obama who is nearly incoherent when speaking off of a prepared script.

You get that for which you pay.
That's right, these damn ex President's making money, damn it they're unemployed and should live off unemployment like anyone else would have to if they lost their job. Shit, not to mention the money for secret service.

I say when they leave office give them a couple of guns and the address to the nearest unemployment office. For congress and senate don't give them the guns and reduce their unemployment.
I don't care who pushed the pen or keys on the computer's keyboard. I care who's cited as the author, for Obama's books, that's Obama.

(And, no, I'm not among the crowd that prattles on about Trump's book being ghost written. To tell you the truth, I don't know that most folks who even mention the ghost writer thing even know how a ghost writer differs from an editor. So I don't pay those folks too much mind merely because they mention that "so and so" had a ghost writer. As far as I'm concerned, that's just another item best suited to a Trivial Pursuit question card.)

For someone who is generally way more of a lib than me from what I've read of your posts, you still seem rational.

I don't know what the messiah did as part of the effort to write his books, don't really care because I could not be forced to read them. I'm just sometimes in awe of the fact that moonbats who rant and rave about Trump's money, or any other republicrat evil rich guy's money are so willing to insist their messiah deserves everything he has and much more.

I have yet to see what great difference in the world the #44 presidency made. I don't see a single damned improvement.

I don't expect much from Trump for that matter, so if there is any I'll be pleasantly surprised. Believe it or not I expected the messiah to do some of that "wealth redistribution" bullshit and make some social programs more effective.


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