How much money is enough?

It's never enough for people like him. Their greediness never ends.
It's why the clintons are now on the sidelines.
I can't say the same for myself. I have seen one that has been very beneficial to me. I pretty much watched it monthly become increasingly beneficial every month of Obama's presidency.

A friend of mine, who is pretty much a moonbat but doesn't oppose the 2nd Amendment and is still a decent dude fully embraced obozocare.

He says it's bottom rung insurance and he still pays out of pocket but he believes he's insured well enough for the money and saved a shit ton compared to before.

Almost everyone else I know felt malaise. The GDP never hit %3 growth and the empire BLEW 10 trillion dollars.

It makes no difference though. If you believe he was beneficial I'll never be able to convince you any better than you can convince me otherwise. It's all about perception.

Obama blamed everything on Bush for years. He dished it out so now it's his turn. We're still suffering from some of his radical moves.


The bed wetters STILL foam at the mouth at the mere mention of Sarah Palin, who never had the power to do anything to them, never DID anything to them and never wanted to do anything to them.

Now they'll piss and moan because someone criticized their moonbat messiah....


Mindless.... vacuous.... servile....sniveling zealots.

Ronnie RayGun charged $1.5Million for one of his wifty, wandering speeches.

And that was after he was caught in scandals, had raised taxes sky high on the working class, slashed taxes for his 1% cronies and made the US a debtor nation.

But, that's different, isn't it.

RWNJs always want to control the left's money but think the right should earn all they want.

SSDD from the hypocrites.

When has a conservative said he's made enough money and then seeks to make more? That's Obama. That's Hypocrisy. You people never learned......ignore Obama's words, watch his actions.
I can't say the same for myself. I have seen one that has been very beneficial to me. I pretty much watched it monthly become increasingly beneficial every month of Obama's presidency.

A friend of mine, who is pretty much a moonbat but doesn't oppose the 2nd Amendment and is still a decent dude fully embraced obozocare.

He says it's bottom rung insurance and he still pays out of pocket but he believes he's insured well enough for the money and saved a shit ton compared to before.

Almost everyone else I know felt malaise. The GDP never hit %3 growth and the empire BLEW 10 trillion dollars.

It makes no difference though. If you believe he was beneficial I'll never be able to convince you any better than you can convince me otherwise. It's all about perception.
If you believe he was beneficial I'll never be able to convince you any better

You'd believe it too were you me. Here's one of the several examples I can cite:

I have a rental property that I purchased in 1992 for just under $150K.
  • 2005 to 2007 -- Real estate developers gave me unsolicited offers ranging from $900K to $1.2M.
  • 2008 -- Developers offered ~$860K for the same property.
  • 2016 -- The most recent offer I received was $1.7M.
The neighborhood the property is in is no different now than it was in 2006, except it's 10 years older. I still own the property and have made no improvements to it since 2006, and I damn sure have not performed $800K worth of maintenance on the property.

Quick compartmentalized observations:
  • It took 16 years for the property appreciate $710K ($860K - $150K), for ~$44K/year.
  • It took 11 years for the property to appreciate $840K (1.7M - $860K) for ~$76K/year.
I'm sorry, but don't feel "deluded" for thinking that my fortunes did better under Obama than they did under Clinton and Bush together. The value appreciation pattern is the same for my other rental properties and for my primary residence.

I have a vacation home at the shore; it has not had similarly rapid value appreciation rates. Then again, I bought it to enjoy, not to make money, which is why it's a vacation property, not a business/rental property, so I don't really care how much or how rapidly or slowly it increases in value.​

Do I attribute the value appreciation in the real estate market to Obama? Yes. I will attribute to Trump the value appreciation that happens during his term in office. I'm not going to complain if he can implement policies that boost the appreciation rate and absolute amounts. The greater the appreciation per year, the faster and higher I can increase the rent, and that too is beneficial to me.
I can't say the same for myself. I have seen one that has been very beneficial to me. I pretty much watched it monthly become increasingly beneficial every month of Obama's presidency.

A friend of mine, who is pretty much a moonbat but doesn't oppose the 2nd Amendment and is still a decent dude fully embraced obozocare.

He says it's bottom rung insurance and he still pays out of pocket but he believes he's insured well enough for the money and saved a shit ton compared to before.

Almost everyone else I know felt malaise. The GDP never hit %3 growth and the empire BLEW 10 trillion dollars.

It makes no difference though. If you believe he was beneficial I'll never be able to convince you any better than you can convince me otherwise. It's all about perception.
If you believe he was beneficial I'll never be able to convince you any better

You'd believe it too were you me. Here's one of the several examples I can cite:

I have a rental property that I purchased in 1992 for just under $150K.
  • 2005 to 2007 -- Real estate developers gave me unsolicited offers ranging from $900K to $1.2M.
  • 2008 -- Developers offered ~$860K for the same property.
  • 2016 -- The most recent offer I received was $1.7M.
The neighborhood the property is in is no different now than it was in 2006, except it's 10 years older. I still own the property and have made no improvements to it since 2006, and I damn sure have not performed $800K worth of maintenance on the property.

Quick compartmentalized observations:
  • It took 16 years for the property appreciate $710K ($860K - $150K), for ~$44K/year.
  • It took 11 years for the property to appreciate $840K (1.7M - $860K) for ~$76K/year.
I'm sorry, but don't feel "deluded" for thinking that my fortunes did better under Obama than they did under Clinton and Bush together. The value appreciation pattern is the same for my other rental properties and for my primary residence.

I have a vacation home at the shore; it has not had similarly rapid value appreciation rates. Then again, I bought it to enjoy, not to make money, which is why it's a vacation property, not a business/rental property, so I don't really care how much or how rapidly or slowly it increases in value.​

Do I attribute the value appreciation in the real estate market to Obama? Yes. I will attribute to Trump the value appreciation that happens during his term in office. I'm not going to complain if he can implement policies that boost the appreciation rate and absolute amounts. The greater the appreciation per year, the faster and higher I can increase the rent, and that too is beneficial to me.

My perception is based on how people around me prospered, struggled, or floated. I floated fine, but I was in a group that was intended to float through it. Most people I know struggled harder the entire way. That's because the economy wasn't doing well. Parts of it obviously were but not for most people I interact with.

I believe it's clear from elections, not bullshit polls, that there has been a serious malaise of the Carter magnitude and worse that has the republicrat party on the verge of near political domination not seen since 1920 because of the messiah. Has any other president never passed a budget, unless he died quick or something? Even his own party could not even VOTE for his budget and he only submitted 3 in 8 years.

That said the republicrats offered nothing better than a meat puppet faggot, which reflects very poorly on those pieces of shit.

I can't say the same for myself. I have seen one that has been very beneficial to me. I pretty much watched it monthly become increasingly beneficial every month of Obama's presidency.

A friend of mine, who is pretty much a moonbat but doesn't oppose the 2nd Amendment and is still a decent dude fully embraced obozocare.

He says it's bottom rung insurance and he still pays out of pocket but he believes he's insured well enough for the money and saved a shit ton compared to before.

Almost everyone else I know felt malaise. The GDP never hit %3 growth and the empire BLEW 10 trillion dollars.

It makes no difference though. If you believe he was beneficial I'll never be able to convince you any better than you can convince me otherwise. It's all about perception.
If you believe he was beneficial I'll never be able to convince you any better

You'd believe it too were you me. Here's one of the several examples I can cite:

I have a rental property that I purchased in 1992 for just under $150K.
  • 2005 to 2007 -- Real estate developers gave me unsolicited offers ranging from $900K to $1.2M.
  • 2008 -- Developers offered ~$860K for the same property.
  • 2016 -- The most recent offer I received was $1.7M.
The neighborhood the property is in is no different now than it was in 2006, except it's 10 years older. I still own the property and have made no improvements to it since 2006, and I damn sure have not performed $800K worth of maintenance on the property.

Quick compartmentalized observations:
  • It took 16 years for the property appreciate $710K ($860K - $150K), for ~$44K/year.
  • It took 11 years for the property to appreciate $840K (1.7M - $860K) for ~$76K/year.
I'm sorry, but don't feel "deluded" for thinking that my fortunes did better under Obama than they did under Clinton and Bush together. The value appreciation pattern is the same for my other rental properties and for my primary residence.

I have a vacation home at the shore; it has not had similarly rapid value appreciation rates. Then again, I bought it to enjoy, not to make money, which is why it's a vacation property, not a business/rental property, so I don't really care how much or how rapidly or slowly it increases in value.​

Do I attribute the value appreciation in the real estate market to Obama? Yes. I will attribute to Trump the value appreciation that happens during his term in office. I'm not going to complain if he can implement policies that boost the appreciation rate and absolute amounts. The greater the appreciation per year, the faster and higher I can increase the rent, and that too is beneficial to me.

My perception is based on how people around me prospered, struggled, or floated. I floated fine, but I was in a group that was intended to float through it. Most people I know struggled harder the entire way. That's because the economy wasn't doing well. Parts of it obviously were but not for most people I interact with.

I believe it's clear from elections, not bullshit polls, that there has been a serious malaise of the Carter magnitude and worse that has the republicrat party on the verge of near political domination not seen since 1920 because of the messiah. Has any other president never passed a budget, unless he died quick or something? Even his own party could not even VOTE for his budget and he only submitted 3 in 8 years.

That said the republicrats offered nothing better than a meat puppet faggot, which reflects very poorly on those pieces of shit.

I understand. I don't necessarily feel the same way about all of happening and lacunae you described, but I do understand all of it, that, and how, you have come to hold the position(s) you do.
Very sad! Attacking the Obamas who have been out of the WH for months is so beneath contempt! It's desperate to change the KNOWN narrative that TRUMP is using his position to enrich himself and his family to the detriment of the country! I stopped caring when society made it possible for this CON MAN to get in this position to ruin it all for EVERYONE! :banana2: :bang3: :blowup: :boohoo:

Obama blamed everything on Bush for years. He dished it out so now it's his turn. We're still suffering from some of his radical moves.

Everything was "W's" fault; the Nat'l Debt being doubled, 2 wars, NO WMD's found, stock market crash, and rampant unemployment! Memories are so short! Trump's FOS since he inherited record prosperity! :9::ahole-1:
Very sad! Attacking the Obamas who have been out of the WH for months is so beneath contempt! It's desperate to change the KNOWN narrative that TRUMP is using his position to enrich himself and his family to the detriment of the country! I stopped caring when society made it possible for this CON MAN to get in this position to ruin it all for EVERYONE! :banana2: :bang3: :blowup: :boohoo:

Obama spent 8 years attacking Bush, douche bag.

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

Too bad Obama can't put his fathers name on buildings and get paid for it

That's because he hasn't built any buildings, moron.

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

That not really earning it or stealing it from others is a problem that both left and right should agree to take to task. Selling out isn't earning it IMO, nor is cooking the books and giving yourselves all raises before a crash hits. If there are grey areas in the laws the laws needs to clarify these areas that are so called "grey areas" to make sure there is no doubt, put in recovery laws for such situations, and then strictly enforce the laws to ensure that they are protecting the people from these political predators.

History always repeats just like the tide comes in and goes out. The mother of all crashes is on the horizon. The stock market is way overvalued by at least 500% and what goes up must come down.

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