How much money is enough?


If you wish for America to lead as a world super power it is going to cost a pretty penny...
-Nice infrastructure= pretty penny
-High ranking educational system = pretty penny
-Being the best in science and tech = pretty penny
-Big military= pretty penny

Conservatives don't get it...The super power they brag about cost a lot of money.

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

He went to college and to law school and then he taught and published a book before he ran a winning political campaign twice, breaking the color barrier in a country that had legal segregation until fifty years prior, went on to do the most difficult job in the world for eight years. What do you mean, he has done no work?
Have you folks whining about Obama's speaking fees ever complained about Trump's bank account? He's got a bit more than Obama, but that's okay, right? It's okay he's got five Goldman Sachs employees in his cabinet but Obama can't give a speech on Wall Street?
Think about it!

It's not the size of your bank account that matters, it's how you filled it. Obama has filled his by peddling influence and selling out his constituents.
The wheels of great empires and super powers have always been MONEY!!! Great powers are far more then abunch of men in uniforms....

It is made up of scientist
An educated population of innovators
middle class consumers
and more

If you don't have this part then you have North Korea. lol

Lets be serious conservatives....The future of our nation and our place in the world depends on it.

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

He went to college and to law school and then he taught and published a book before he ran a winning political campaign twice, breaking the color barrier in a country that had legal segregation until fifty years prior, went on to do the most difficult job in the world for eight years. What do you mean, he has done no work?
Have you folks whining about Obama's speaking fees ever complained about Trump's bank account? He's got a bit more than Obama, but that's okay, right? It's okay he's got five Goldman Sachs employees in his cabinet but Obama can't give a speech on Wall Street?
Think about it!
He got our people killed in Benghazi and no we won't get over his ineptness of having Clinton on his team or trying to sell the public a line of crap.
Obama probably saved thousands of Americans' lives by refusing to escalate the wars in the Middle East even though every one and his uncle was calling him a weenie. He has probably saved millions of lives by getting Iran to denuclearize. Obama tried. He hated meeting caskets at the plane and seeing the injured vets at the hospital. Maybe that's part of why he was such a pacifist. I don't think he did right saying Benghazi was caused by a video and Clinton fucked up by not trying to get those men out of there, but it doesn't take away from everything he did right.
I know you don't look at it that way, but he was not a total failure and he doesn't deserve to be called lazy.

Obama is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans because he overthrew the government of Libya and sent arms to ISIS to overthrow the government of Syria. Obama is probably single handedly responsible for the rise of ISIS and all the gruesome murders they have committed.
The wheels of great empires and super powers have always been MONEY!!! Great powers are far more then abunch of men in uniforms....

It is made up of scientist
An educated population of innovators
middle class consumers
and more

If you don't have this part then you have North Korea. lol

Lets be serious conservatives....The future of our nation and our place in the world depends on it.

North Korea is the result of too much government, not too little.

You post the dumbest things, Mathew.
Ronnie RayGun charged $1.5Million for one of his wifty, wandering speeches.

And that was after he was caught in scandals, had raised taxes sky high on the working class, slashed taxes for his 1% cronies and made the US a debtor nation.

But, that's different, isn't it.

RWNJs always want to control the left's money but think the right should earn all they want.

SSDD from the hypocrites.

As always, your characterization of a Republican is totally sleazy malicious bullshit.
I don't care who pushed the pen or keys on the computer's keyboard. I care who's cited as the author, for Obama's books, that's Obama.

(And, no, I'm not among the crowd that prattles on about Trump's book being ghost written. To tell you the truth, I don't know that most folks who even mention the ghost writer thing even know how a ghost writer differs from an editor. So I don't pay those folks too much mind merely because they mention that "so and so" had a ghost writer. As far as I'm concerned, that's just another item best suited to a Trivial Pursuit question card.)

For someone who is generally way more of a lib than me from what I've read of your posts, you still seem rational.

I don't know what the messiah did as part of the effort to write his books, don't really care because I could not be forced to read them. I'm just sometimes in awe of the fact that moonbats who rant and rave about Trump's money, or any other republicrat evil rich guy's money are so willing to insist their messiah deserves everything he has and much more.

I have yet to see what great difference in the world the #44 presidency made. I don't see a single damned improvement.

I don't expect much from Trump for that matter, so if there is any I'll be pleasantly surprised. Believe it or not I expected the messiah to do some of that "wealth redistribution" bullshit and make some social programs more effective.

Is greatly expanded terrorism and the creation of ISIS an "improvement?"

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

You have a problem all of a sudden with people earning money. Funny that. When white fat men do it, you have no problem, when good looking black men do it, oh no....

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

You have a problem all of a sudden with people earning money. Funny that. When white fat men do it, you have no problem, when good looking black men do it, oh no....
Obama is a black Muslim though. He should be shot for being uppity.
Its the racist creed.

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

You have a problem all of a sudden with people earning money. Funny that. When white fat men do it, you have no problem, when good looking black men do it, oh no....
Obama is a black Muslim though. He should be shot for being uppity.
Its the racist creed.

He is a black Muslims. He sure doesn't talk like a Christian.
Very sad! Attacking the Obamas who have been out of the WH for months is so beneath contempt! It's desperate to change the KNOWN narrative that TRUMP is using his position to enrich himself and his family to the detriment of the country! I stopped caring when society made it possible for this CON MAN to get in this position to ruin it all for EVERYONE! :banana2: :bang3: :blowup: :boohoo:

Obama blamed everything on Bush for years. He dished it out so now it's his turn. We're still suffering from some of his radical moves.

Everything was "W's" fault; the Nat'l Debt being doubled, 2 wars, NO WMD's found, stock market crash, and rampant unemployment! Memories are so short! Trump's FOS since he inherited record prosperity! :9::ahole-1:
You really are a blithering idiot.

Supply and demand. If someone wants to pay him a lot of money, there ya go, it's his.
Agreed. But...

One cannot begrudge another for being successful and earning their pay.

The taxpayer should not be used to bail out bad decisions of politicians , Wall Street or banks.

Liquidate their personal assets before demanding we pick up the cost.
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Very sad! Attacking the Obamas who have been out of the WH for months is so beneath contempt! It's desperate to change the KNOWN narrative that TRUMP is using his position to enrich himself and his family to the detriment of the country! I stopped caring when society made it possible for this CON MAN to get in this position to ruin it all for EVERYONE! :banana2: :bang3: :blowup: :boohoo:

Are we including all of the con men we elect, that use their position for personal gain?
Are we including all of the con men we elect, that use their position for personal gain?

Of course not.

Bed wetters only get upset when republicrats blow trillions of dollars on the military.

Dumping trillions more into GE stock holder pockets and solar energy scams is perfectly acceptable if it's a democrook in charge.

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

Too bad Obama can't put his fathers name on buildings and get paid for it

That's because he hasn't built any buildings, moron.
and he hasn't gone bankrupt 4 x either leaving others holding the losses Idiot,,trump is a con man and thief
the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

And he wrote them himself Didn't need a ghost writer like the Dump

ROFL! You are the ultimate sucker. Obama didn't write those books. Bill Ayers did.
btw earning money is a great way to keep score,,,,remember that when you're on the free food line again
the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

And he wrote them himself Didn't need a ghost writer like the Dump

ROFL! You are the ultimate sucker. Obama didn't write those books. Bill Ayers did.
btw earning money is a great way to keep score,,,,remember that when you're on the free food line again

Hillary and Bill was the ones who were trying to boost their wallets Trump is not
the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

And he wrote them himself Didn't need a ghost writer like the Dump

ROFL! You are the ultimate sucker. Obama didn't write those books. Bill Ayers did.
btw earning money is a great way to keep score,,,,remember that when you're on the free food line again

Hillary and Bill was the ones who were trying to boost their wallets Trump is not
their foundation did more good for the sick and downtrodden in 1 year than that pos con man trump did in his miserable life
Very sad! Attacking the Obamas who have been out of the WH for months is so beneath contempt! It's desperate to change the KNOWN narrative that TRUMP is using his position to enrich himself and his family to the detriment of the country! I stopped caring when society made it possible for this CON MAN to get in this position to ruin it all for EVERYONE! :banana2: :bang3: :blowup: :boohoo:

Obama blamed everything on Bush for years. He dished it out so now it's his turn. We're still suffering from some of his radical moves.

Everything was "W's" fault; the Nat'l Debt being doubled, 2 wars, NO WMD's found, stock market crash, and rampant unemployment! Memories are so short! Trump's FOS since he inherited record prosperity! :9::ahole-1:
You really are a blithering idiot.

Smarter than Trump goons who think they can blame the last vetting of Flynn on Obama from early 2016! You guys are hilariously stupid! :9: :argue: :blahblah:

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