How much more democrat hypocrisy will the US take?

1) how does a kid pick their father?
The only reason you know who any of these folks are is because they were rich and entitled at birth.
2) Hunter was kicked that something to really brag about?
Apparently you're ignorant about Biden's kids. Not surprised.

Anyway...why didn't any of your blob's kids serve in the military?

Cue the excuses.....
The only reason you know who any of these folks are is because they were rich and entitled at birth.

Apparently you're ignorant about Biden's kids. Not surprised.

Anyway...why didn't any of your blob's kids serve in the military?

Cue the excuses.....
1) no that’s not the only reason. There are tons of rich amd entitled kids i don’t know
2) no i know hunter was kicked out of the Navy cause he was a crack head. Is that really something you wanna brag about?

Why did Xiden’s kid get kick out for crack use?

Trump’s kids didn’t serve because they had other jobs running successful businesses amd not using crack
Godboy Your turn to go on the record. How do you think it will shake out?
Youre fucking delusional if you think you will do that well in either one. :laugh:

My prediction is we do better than your prediction.
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Youre fucking delusional if you think you will do that well in either one. You honestly give democrats ANY chance chance at keeping a majority in the House? :laugh:

My prediction is we do better than your prediction.
Generic ballot polling has Dems in the lead. It’s not likely they hold the house but it’s not a zero percent chance either.
Generic ballot polling has Dems in the lead. It’s not likely they hold the house but it’s not a zero percent chance either.
You shouldnt put much faith in polls. Republicans are hanging up when people poll them. Without a tremendous amount of luck, you always end up with "poll saturation".
Youre fucking delusional if you think you will do that well in either one. :laugh:

My prediction is we do better than your prediction.'re quite the coward... C'mon at least tell us if you think the GOP will take both you can't lie about it later on. Because we all know you will.

Be a man...for once.
You shouldnt put much faith in polls. Republicans are hanging up when people poll them. Without a tremendous amount of luck, you always end up with "poll saturation".
I’m not putting all my faith in them. I’m just saying it’s not completely outlandish.

Don’t overestimate the popularity of Republicans. Especially now that their party likes to nominate especially crazy people.
And Trump's offspring would be just as anonymous.
Yes, like I said...being rich isn't the only reason I know who they are. I know them because they come from a highly successful family, and have run successful businesses, not to mention their father was President of the United States.

I know Hunter because his father has been in Govt for 50 years, had two unsuccessful bids for President due to being caught lying repeatedly, and being known for being wrong on just about everything...only to finally win....on the third try...
Too busy serving themselves instead of serving others.... And you applaud that?

Of course you do...
I didn't applaud anything. They served numerous people, and employed them giving them jobs, and pay...while Xiden's kid was smoking crack on taxpayer's dime.
I call it propaganda because it is so heavily biased and takes so much effort to deliberately rewrite history. My example was that no Dem has ever done what Trump had done after the election in 2020. It’s completely unprecedented yet this propaganda piece wants us to believe that it’s just hypocrisy that we call out Trump’s assault on our electoral system. They rewrite history to whitewash Trump’s actions and efforts.

Incumbent parties often lose seats. I’m not too concerned.

The extent of gerrymandering is likely to give you a misconception of your own popularity. Republicans are a minority of the country who have an exaggerated amount of power compared to their own popularity.

For example, Trump was never very popular but you wouldn’t know that talking to his most devout supporters. Do you acknowledge that Americans didn’t want Trump?
First, you call conservative media propaganda because, according to you, it is heavily biased? And what do you call the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc? NOT heavily biased?

And no, I do not acknowledge that “Americans didn’t want Trump.” Are not the 75 million who wanted Trump Americans? Without the harvested ballots from gullible, manipulated ballots trucked in at the last moment, he would have won.
Yes, like I said...being rich isn't the only reason I know who they are. I know them because they come from a highly successful family, and have run successful businesses, not to mention their father was President of the United States.

I know Hunter because his father has been in Govt for 50 years, had two unsuccessful bids for President due to being caught lying repeatedly, and being known for being wrong on just about everything...only to finally win....on the third try...
….with a lot of manipulated ballots and suppressed news to pull him over the finish line.
Yes, like I said...being rich isn't the only reason I know who they are. I know them because they come from a highly successful family, and have run successful businesses, not to mention their father was President of the United States.

I know Hunter because his father has been in Govt for 50 years, had two unsuccessful bids for President due to being caught lying repeatedly, and being known for being wrong on just about everything...only to finally win....on the third try...
If you count 6 bankruptcies as being "successful"....

Let me guess...the geniuses that are the blob's kids had no hand in those failures at all...which begs the question...if they are so brilliant...why didn't they save the Old Man's bacon?
Shut up, asswipe.

It's not about Trump.

It's about DEMOCRAT hypocrisy

And DEMOCRAT duplicity

And fucking DEMOCRAT Stalinist bullshit

You are just a little lemming for a bunch of deathly dangerous Stalinist pigs

But boy that Kool Aid sure tastes good, don't it?
Trigger much?
Some good points, but Democrat derangement has NOTHING to do with the left.

Democrats would kill every leftist in the country if they could.

Confusing Democrats with the left is like believing the Nazis were Jews.

Fake news
American Thinker is a well-written, clearly-sourced website, written by educated and intelligent people.

The problem you have is that it isn’t a far-left, Trump-bashing site like MSNBC or the NYT.
If it is not approved by The Democrat Media Bubble cult, it is forbidden to be seen by the cult members.

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