How much more democrat hypocrisy will the US take?

And there it is folks!
The demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies cannot take the truth of their PROGRAMMING. Instant meltdown when confronted with true information that they cannot process.
The angry apple would rather cover its eyes and plug its ears than consider its been LIED TO its whole life.
Common sense and critical thinking have been obliterated from the minds of these SICK creatures, and now they have taken over the Democrat Party. You leftists are stuck with these contaminated souls, but the rest of us will call out and RESIST this sickness no matter how much you cry!
EVERY Marxist Leniniist Stalinist Maoist revolution that occurred in the 20th century needed MASS MURDER to come to fruition before ultimately the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies think they can pull that SHIT off here today?
No one tell this guy what subsidized capitalism for the first 150 years of this country.... I'm not sure he could handle it emotionally. 😂
do the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies think they can pull that SHIT off here today?

It's a very short step from prison beatings in the gulag, to mass murder.

VERY short.

This is why Stalinism will NOT be tolerated in this country.

It will be put down, with force if needed, with violence if necessary.
Are you lashing out cause the truth hurts you emotionally? Awww. There there.
Lashing out? Laughable. :rolleyes:
Calling out you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies is a pleasure.
You fell for the commie lies because you have a weak mind, and you can't handle the truth of just exactly how your eggs got scrambled.
Nice going, dumbass.
If YOU don't know what a Stalinist is, YOU are dumb as a stump.

Take a look over at DC. See that bitch with the gavel in the Speaker's chair?

That's a Stalinist.

Stop playing dumb.

You know exactly what a Stalinist is.

Because you SUPPORT them.
Still didn't state what Stalinism is....

You were asked a simple question and you had to resort to insults...

Here, have a second try to explain again...

Let's also consider that Democrats would be a centre right party in EU.
Still didn't state what Stalinism is....

You were asked a simple question and you had to resort to insults...

Here, have a second try to explain again...

Let's also consider that Democrats would be a centre right party in EU.
Another demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie stuck on semantics and STUPID.
Lashing out? Laughable. :rolleyes:
Calling out you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies is a pleasure.
You fell for the commie lies because you have a weak mind, and you can't handle the truth of just exactly how your eggs got scrambled.
Nice going, dumbass.
I'm sure your hilarious cosplay fantasies are just a coping mechanism because you Snowflakes can't handle the real world. 😂
Looks to me like you're the one asking all the clueless questions

Why do you deliberately troll others when you know damn well what we're talking about and so does everyone else?

This is the kind of crap we get from libtards, and maybe it's part of why no one likes them anymore.

Because you WASTE OUR TIME doing that crap, and if this is all the country's problems mean to you then YOU should be the one being ignored.

Orange Man Bad is not a solution. It's not a policy. It's not even legitimate moralism. What is Stalinism? It's coercion, intimidation, harassment, backstabbing, abuse, slander, blackmail and extortion, and every other form of authoritarian underhandedness. It's Nazism on steroids.

No one is fooled by the asswipes who call themselves Democrats. They're NOT Democrats - not as long as they're using Stalinist tactics to silence and intimidate the political opposition.

Hey - I'll tell you straight up, I have NO problem going to war with assholes like that. I'll fuck em up. Tear em apart. Rend them limb from limb.

Which is exactly where the scumbag Dem leadership is taking all the little lemmings.

Ike had the right idea. Commies should be stripped of their rights and deported. They're NOT WELCOME HERE.

You descended into insults... Is that because you find it hard to articulate your answer...

Please try and actually answer questions without pretty stupid insults... Insults only tell me what I should think of you, not what I think of others...

"What is Stalinism? It's coercion, intimidation, harassment, backstabbing, abuse, slander, blackmail and extortion, and every other form of authoritarian underhandedness"

You seemed to made up a definition of Stalinism which seems to encompass anything bad in the world.

Here is an example... You in your last post clearly abused FridgeWeirdo... You claim that 'abuse' is Stalinism in your own definition. Does that mean you actually support Stalinism while acusing others of being supporters of Stalinism.
It's a very short step from prison beatings in the gulag, to mass murder.

VERY short.

This is why Stalinism will NOT be tolerated in this country.

It will be put down, with force if needed, with violence if necessary.
Please define Stalinism again...

If it is 'prison beatings', wasn't it the GOP Bush Admin that allowed the torture of prisoners... Pretty sure it was Democrats that were the ones objecting...
Demscum are anything but for family values.
Please define Stalinism again...

If it is 'prison beatings', wasn't it the GOP Bush Admin that allowed the torture of prisoners... Pretty sure it was Democrats that were the ones objecting...
Only because it was the Dems kinfolk they were beating.

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