How much more democrat hypocrisy will the US take?

1) Gore wasn’t party to the lawsuit in your link. You should read your own stories. Also, a lawsuit is actually due process. Trump just asked Raffebsperger to toss tens of thousands of votes for him. Just do it. That’s not due process.

2) If the objections were upheld (which there never was any chance they would be) then the electoral votes from the states are disregarded. The state does not appoint new electors. Trump was requesting the legislatures to certify different electors because he asked them to. It was indeed outside the law.
1) Dems were, for his campaign....he was also party to GORE v Bush
2) Trump followed the legal process.
The mail in ballots were verified.

Trump was trying to persuade the SOS to throw out enough votes so he could win. It’s exactly what he wanted. He said it. I’m his own words. On tape.

The only people who are okay with that don’t deserve to call themselves loyal Americans. They’d destroy the country to achieve political victory.

Nobody even pretended that they were verified.

I have to simply dismiss you at this point.
1) Dems were, for his campaign....he was also party to GORE v Bush
2) Trump followed the legal process.
1) They did not represent his campaign and Gore has no control over what they do. He was party to Bush v Gore which only asked that the votes be counted.

2) Pressuring a SOS to toss votes is not the legal process. Pressuring legislatures to toss votes in their state is not the legal process. Trump abandoned democracy.
why do you think people that are divorced can’t still have great families?
Compare the Trump family with the Biden family.

If Don Jr's. Or Eric had ever said this
I loved to be reassured that my 9-inch very big penis was actually big. It may sound funny to you but its [sic] body dysmorphia … I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average man’s penis,” the first son wrote on July 12, 2018

Compare the Trump family with the Biden family.

If Don Jr's. Or Eric had ever said this
I loved to be reassured that my 9-inch very big penis was actually big. It may sound funny to you but its [sic] body dysmorphia … I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average man’s penis,” the first son wrote on July 12, 2018

Or this:
“How much money do I owe you,” Biden asked Mesires in one exchange on Dec. 13, 2018, before adding, “Becaause [sic] n—a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.”

The following month, Biden used the slur twice more in a bizarre, wide-ranging conversation with Mesires in which the first son also joked about the size of his genitalia and told Mesires, “I only love you because you’re black.”

1) They did not represent his campaign and Gore has no control over what they do. He was party to Bush v Gore which only asked that the votes be counted.

2) Pressuring a SOS to toss votes is not the legal process. Pressuring legislatures to toss votes in their state is not the legal process. Trump abandoned democracy.
1) hahah of course they represented his campaign.

On Wednesday, November 15, 2000, Al Gore lawyer Mark Herron sent a memo to Democratic recount observers telling them how to challenge late-arriving overseas absentee ballots that did not have a valid postmark on them.

It was his campaign that drew up the memo to instruct their agents on how to try and get the miltiary vote oppressed.

This would have potentially thrown out the votes of hundreds of military members stationed overseas. In a race separated by about 300 votes at the time, these votes could have been decisive in choosing the next president.

.Bush v Gore, Gore was not asking for the absentee ballots to be counted...the Dems already lost that case, he was asking that votes in a heavy dem area be counted differently then the rest of the state, and that was what the Court said violated the Constitutional rights of the entire people of FL.
2) Nowhere in the transcript of the call is Trump asking the SoS to toss votes. Stop lying
1) hahah of course they represented his campaign...Bush v Gore, Gore was not asking for the absentee ballots to be counted...the Dems already lost that case, he was asking that votes in a heavy dem area be counted differently then the rest of the state, and that was what the Court said violated the Constitutional rights of the entire people of FL.
2) Nowhere in the transcript of the call is Trump asking the SoS to toss votes. Stop lying
1) The lawsuit in your link wasn’t from Gore’s campaign. In Bush v Gore, Florida’s Supreme Court had already ordered a statewide recount eliminating the concern of different standards. That recount was stopped by SCOTUS. As for different standards, I already provided a source that showed Bush’s campaign persuaded counties to have different standards to allow overseas votes to be counted. Your memory is short and your outrage is very selective.

But this still is the proper process of going through the courts.

2) The entire point of Trump’s call was to get Raffensperger to change the result in Georgia.

interesting question, I would also throw in the Bush/Cheney/McConnell jerks as well.
Those darned hypocritical Democrats!

We need the Republicans back so they won't raise the debt ceiling!

We need the Republicans back so we won't have trillion dollar deficits!

We need the Republicans back so they can repeal and replace Obamacare!

We need the Republicans back so we won't create the largest trade deficits with China and Mexico EVAH!

We need the Republicans back to restore Fambly Valyoos!

We need the Republicans back so we can Drain The Swamp!

Oh wait...
1) The lawsuit in your link wasn’t from Gore’s campaign. In Bush v Gore, Florida’s Supreme Court had already ordered a statewide recount eliminating the concern of different standards. That recount was stopped by SCOTUS. As for different standards, I already provided a source that showed Bush’s campaign persuaded counties to have different standards to allow overseas votes to be counted. Your memory is short and your outrage is very selective.

But this still is the proper process of going through the courts.

2) The entire point of Trump’s call was to get Raffensperger to change the result in Georgia.
1) i literally linked to where the gore campaign drafted a memo to show their agents how to challenge the military vote

Yes the FL court got it wrong, thank goodness for appeals…and the scotus found Gores attempt to have votes counted differently violated the constitution…that was Gore not Bush.

2) haha no it wasn’t we have seen the transcript…
1) i literally linked to where the gore campaign drafted a memo to show their agents how to challenge the military vote

Yes the FL court got it wrong, thank goodness for appeals…and the scotus found Gores attempt to have votes counted differently violated the constitution…that was Gore not Bush.

2) haha no it wasn’t we have seen the transcript…
1) The lawsuit in your link was separate from that. The challenges to the military vote were for votes that had no postmark which is required by law. Bush‘s campaign pushed for votes to be counted differently by ignoring the law in Republican leaning counties and following the law in Democratic leaning counties.

The issue of votes being counted differently in Florida was solved by the state Supreme Court ordering a statewide recount. SCOTUS prevented that from happening. It was a non-issue.

2) Of course it was. Trump said over and over again he won and Raffensperger should say so. The only way to do that is to change the votes.
1) The lawsuit in your link was separate from that. The challenges to the military vote were for votes that had no postmark which is required by law. Bush‘s campaign pushed for votes to be counted differently by ignoring the law in Republican leaning counties and following the law in Democratic leaning counties.

The issue of votes being counted differently in Florida was solved by the state Supreme Court ordering a statewide recount. SCOTUS prevented that from happening. It was a non-issue.

2) Of course it was. Trump said over and over again he won and Raffensperger should say so. The only way to do that is to change the votes.
there is literally a memo in my link from the gore compaign telling agents what to do.

correct scotus prevented the dems from violating the constitutional rights of the people of fl…it was the entire issue of the case

2) the transcript of the call does not say what you claimed.

stop lying
correct scotus prevented the dems from violating the constitutional rights of the people of fl…it was the entire issue of the case
How did they prevent the violation of constitutional rights?
I just asked you to show me where he, or anyone in his family declared for Chapter 7 PERSONAL Bankrupty.

Can you?
Ahh...moving the goalposts....

You claimed they were successful business Now you're asking if they declared personal bankruptcy.

Not the same thing.
Ahh...moving the goalposts....

You claimed they were successful business Now you're asking if they declared personal bankruptcy.

Not the same thing.
i never moved them. you said they declared personal bankrupty

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