How much more democrat hypocrisy will the US take?

First, you call conservative media propaganda because, according to you, it is heavily biased? And what do you call the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc? NOT heavily biased?

And no, I do not acknowledge that “Americans didn’t want Trump.” Are not the 75 million who wanted Trump Americans? Without the harvested ballots from gullible, manipulated ballots trucked in at the last moment, he would have won.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to call the American Thinker biased. It doesn’t even try to be objective.

Okay. 75 million people wanted Trump. Do you deny that in this midterm election tens of millions of Americans will vote Democratic? Of course they will. We both know that. So if our don’t acknowledge that Americans want Trump then you likewise couldn’t say that Americans don’t want a Democratic agenda.
The one that wasn't kicked out for crack use? Good for him. There is nothing "sick" about not serving...the majority of the country hasn't served...including Quid Pro Deferment Joe
So Biden's son sacrificed.

The blob's offspring? Only served themselves....

Trump isn't half the man, the president, or the father Biden is.

Your constant anger whenever someone speaks ill of your god is rather hilarious.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to call the American Thinker biased. It doesn’t even try to be objective.

Okay. 75 million people wanted Trump. Do you deny that in this midterm election tens of millions of Americans will vote Democratic? Of course they will. We both know that. So if our don’t acknowledge that Americans want Trump then you likewise couldn’t say that Americans don’t want a Democratic agenda.
who cares what happened in the 2020's been two years of a nightmare under the Demafascit and that's why 75 percent of the population thinks they have us headed in the wrong direction.
So Biden's son sacrificed.

The blob's offspring? Only served themselves....

Trump isn't half the man, the president, or the father Biden is.

Your constant anger whenever someone speaks ill of your god is rather hilarious.
I think it's great he served....

Trump's children, ran successful businesses employing tons of people.

Trump never raised a tax cheating crack head, that got kicked out of the military for getting high on tax payer expenses.

I am not angry at all...I think it's funny your post keep backfiring.
So Biden's son sacrificed.

The blob's offspring? Only served themselves....

Trump isn't half the man, the president, or the father Biden is.

Your constant anger whenever someone speaks ill of your god is rather hilarious.
Biden is Garfunkel. And promoted as Simon. And this from a corrupted media/entertainment propaganda system.
who cares what happened in the 2020's been two years of a nightmare under the Demafascit and that's why 75 percent of the population thinks they have us headed in the wrong direction.
The article brought it up. The 2020 election shows us the lack of commitment to democratic ideals amongst the Republican Party.
That’s the problem.
It’s why our country is headed the wrong direction.
haha no...75 percent of the population didn't feel that way until the Demafascit policies started really taking hold this year.....qtr after qtr of negative economic growth, inflation, Stalinist tactics to go after political rivals....
haha no...75 percent of the population didn't feel that way until the Demafascit policies started really taking hold this year.....qtr after qtr of negative economic growth, inflation, Stalinist tactics to go after political rivals....
86% of the population felt like we were on the wrong track when Trump was in office.

The fact that Trump supporters haven’t realized what they were supporting concerns millions upon millions of Americans.

The economy will recover. Inflation will go down.

The damage Republicans are trying to do to our country is permanent.'re quite the coward... C'mon at least tell us if you think the GOP will take both you can't lie about it later on. Because we all know you will.

Be a man...for once.
“Crazy people”….you mean like people who think men can become women by proclamation….people who profess to defund the police in shitholes full of ghetto beasts…people who want to teach little kids about chicks with dicks and the like…people who support the suppression of free speech….people who think government should force us to take experimental medicine we don’t want….Are those the “crazy people” you speak of?
These days up is down and black is white (and should hate one another ferociously because that diverts attention away from how we are being screwed by the govt, not ea other)
It seems likely that much of American is ready to dump the Democrats again.

But you've gotta give 'em something better than Rump.

The Rumpian agenda is OK - mostly - but you're suffering from a "Right Message, Wrong Messenger" condition.

Dump the Orange Albatross and you might have a serious shot at regaining broad political power.
Alinsky would be so proud

But you forget: Alinsky is more than likely frying in Hell right now.

Maybe you leftists don't believe in Hell or certainly don't believe u will end up there?

Well, disbelieving in Hell must make it disappear, right?

I don't believe in the Hair Sniffer in Chief. Will he go away if I stop believing he is real?
I won’t debase myself by arguing with someone like you.

You are an embarrassment to the entire country.
Anytime a filthy Leftist calls me an “embarrassment” they affirm that my positions are right on-point.
Much appreciated!

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