How Much More In Taxes Do Liberal Want Me To Pay?

catatonic said:
Look! After Katrina they set out the budget for relief. They slated every single heavy Democrat area in Louisiana for no funding, so they would just die out, so they could win the next election. It's a fact... they just let tons and tons of people starve.

I've never seen an Oliver Stone movie, but I see that you're ignorant.
You are a liar on the scale of Hitler's big lie. "Tons and tons of people starve"...

You are weighing what? Where? Why don't you call NYTimes photographers? Oh I know, they are part of the 'conspiracy'...:tinfoil:
No. Not a liar. Not even close. Will back it up right now. Comparing me to Hitler is beyond the pale and I condemn it and then forgive it. The real Hitler is the one causing deaths, not the one reporting it. I still have pages and pages up my sleeve btw:

Disclaimer: I do not believe everything in this article from the Randi Rhodes Message Board:

Smoking Gun #1

FEMA was not authorized by Resident bush in the White House's Official Luisiana Emergency Statement to operate in neither Orleans Parish (New Orleans), nor Jefferson Parish (Gretna).

So it looks like orders from the very top were to ignore pleas for help from the DEMOCRATIC New Orleans. Except for the prisoners, they were rescued before the women and children on rooftops. They can use those criminals for insurgencies and such, to justify military action.

Its obvious why there was a swift response to Biloxi while New Orleans was basically ignored. Our childish president has a resentment:
Harrison County (Biloxi)
George W Bush ® 38,781 63%
John F. Kerry (D).....22,555 36%

Orleans Parish
John F. Kerry (D) ......151,686 77%
George W. Bush * ® 42,760 22%

He attacked Iraq for less. A rabid bush supporter could have breached the levee at a weak point with a few sticks of dynamite, who would notice?

Smoking Gun #2

Gretna is where evacuees were sent (With a solemn oath from law enforcement) with assuarances that busses would be there to pick them up. They did not find busses, but bullits. The Gretna Police had barricaded the bridge. Shots were fired which grounded Ambulances and other rescue attempts.

Smoking Gun #3
When the Army finally returned from their wild goose chase overseas. They didnt treat the citizens of New Orleans like victims of a flood (caused by misappropriation of funds) but like insurgents:

Army Times
Troops Begin Combat Operations in New Orleans
“This place is going to look like Little Somalia,” Brig. Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the Louisiana National Guard’s Joint Task Force told Army Times Friday

Smoking Gun # 3.5

NY Times Story,Q20.Q5BxiQ3A,Q7BhKZQ3Als0Q5Eg2,
September 7, 2005
Navy Pilots Who Rescued Victims Are Reprimanded
PENSACOLA, Fla., Sept. 6 - Two Navy helicopter pilots and their crews returned from New Orleans on Aug. 30 expecting to be greeted as lifesavers after ferrying more than 100 hurricane victims to safety.

Instead, their superiors chided the pilots, Lt. David Shand and Lt. Matt Udkow, at a meeting the next morning for rescuing civilians when their assignment that day had been to deliver food and water to military installations along the Gulf Coast.


"Their orders were to go and deliver water and parts and to come back," Commander Holdener said.

But as the two helicopters were heading back home, the crews picked up a radio transmission from the Coast Guard saying helicopters were needed near the University of New Orleans to help with rescue efforts, the two pilots said.
Smoking Gun #4

Why The Levee BrokeWhy the Levee Broke
and Stonewalling the rescue on many levels including: The Salt Lake Tribune
Frustrated: Fire crews to hand out fliers for FEMA
By Lisa Rosetta

ATLANTA - Not long after some 1,000 firefighters sat down for eight hours of training, the whispering began: "What are we doing here?"
As New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin pleaded on national television for firefighters - his own are exhausted after working around the clock for a week - a battalion of highly trained men and women sat idle Sunday in a muggy Sheraton Hotel conference room in Atlanta.

Smoking Gun #5

Brownie stepping down in lieu of Chertoff stepping down,....
Chertoff Delayed Federal Response, Memo Shows
By Jonathan S. Landay, Alison Young and Shannon McCaffrey

Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - The federal official with the power to mobilize a massive federal response to Hurricane Katrina was Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, not the former FEMA chief who was relieved of his duties and resigned earlier this week, federal documents reviewed by Knight Ridder show.

Even before the storm struck the Gulf Coast, Chertoff could have ordered federal agencies into action without any request from state or local officials. Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown had only limited authority to do so until about 36 hours after the storm hit, when Chertoff designated him as the "principal federal official" in charge of the storm.
..... when it was really the White House ordering the STAND DOWN (See Smoking Gun #1) to begin with:
The President's action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives, protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in the parishes of Allen,....etc (Gr8fuldaniel's note: But not Orleans Parish )
Now we know what to watch for when Rita comes to town.


WTC 7 Controlled Demo
"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death."
-- Adolf Hitler

See also Randi Rhodes Message Board:
Death toll unavailable.
Victims eating corpses to survive.
much about aid turned away from victims
Media group says FEMA censors search for bodies.
Hurricane aid used 'to test out, rightwing social policies'
Stonewalling on Hurricane Katrina Papers

See also
In 2004, after Florida Hurricane, FEMA sent 80% of relief to middle and upper class areas.

Now forgive me for not putting the links in the text... I had to dig 3 hours for this... plus my post got erased twice. Plus this isn't even the source I really wanted... which requires listening to months worth of 3 hour radio programs to find.

I state that this all verifies all I wrote that I was called a liar on.
As a resident of New Orleans, I have to tell you that you are wrong.

I have to go to bed now, but tomorrow I will formally rebute your position.
catatonic said:
No. Not a liar. Not even close. Will back it up right now. Comparing me to Hitler is beyond the pale and I condemn it and then forgive it. The real Hitler is the one causing deaths, not the one reporting it. I still have pages and pages up my sleeve btw:

Disclaimer: I do not believe everything in this article from the Randi Rhodes Message Board:
Then goes on to repeat the lies of Randi Rhodes. Whether you start them or repeat them, you are still disseminating lies.
I challenge anyone on this board, especially you Kathianne, since you've denied every single post I've ever made and never once provided a single argument against them, to find a statement of fact that Randi Rhodes ever got wrong.

This ought to be no challenge... she talks for 3 hours on weekdays through most of the year and has been doing it for a while. Just at the right time of day.

Note that this article is not directly from her (making you wrong), but don't let that stop you from finding copious volumes to discredit... just click on the "Your Homework" link from the main page.

I've brought this up at and they utterly failed.
catatonic said:
I challenge anyone on this board, especially you Kathianne, since you've denied every single post I've ever made and never once provided a single argument against them, to find a statement of fact that Randi Rhodes ever got wrong.

This ought to be no challenge... she talks for 3 hours on weekdays through most of the year and has been doing it for a while. Just at the right time of day.

Note that this article is not directly from her (making you wrong), but don't let that stop you from finding copious volumes to discredit... just click on the "Your Homework" link from the main page.

I've brought this up at and they utterly failed.
I've rarely responded to your posts, so there is no way I,
catatonic said:
...denied every single post I've ever made and never once provided a single argument against them...

With that said, I could care less about Randi Rhodes' or your own twisting and/or conspiracies. As for 'getting it wrong' about Randi in this case, that would be a result of what you posted. Needless to say, I have no desire to run through her rantings, but you run along now and enjoy yourself.
catatonic said:
I challenge anyone on this board, especially you Kathianne, since you've denied every single post I've ever made and never once provided a single argument against them, to find a statement of fact that Randi Rhodes ever got wrong.

This ought to be no challenge... she talks for 3 hours on weekdays through most of the year and has been doing it for a while. Just at the right time of day.

Note that this article is not directly from her (making you wrong), but don't let that stop you from finding copious volumes to discredit... just click on the "Your Homework" link from the main page.

I've brought this up at and they utterly failed.

This won't be hard... She doesn't use much facts in her opinion-rants, but here is your "one" that you asked for:

"If little girls in America in 1851 got together and danced around a fir tree they would have been burned as witches! ...witches were burned in this country until the 1850s."

This is wrong on many levels. Witches in the US were hanged, not burned. Some were also drowned. Also the last witch put to death in the US was, well never, in the colonies it was in 1713... Before we were the US... ;)
Kathianne said:
I've rarely responded to your posts, so there is no way I,

With that said, I could care less about Randi Rhodes' or your own twisting and/or conspiracies. As for 'getting it wrong' about Randi in this case, that would be a result of what you posted. Needless to say, I have no desire to run through her rantings, but you run along now and enjoy yourself.

I never claimed you denied them all through actual posts. That is called the obvious. Now you claim that since you haven't responded, there's no way you could have denied all of them. That is what you call a lie.

I could care less if you can't discredit Randi Rhodes, as you discredit yourself.
catatonic said:
I never claimed you denied them all through actual posts. That is called the obvious. Now you claim that since you haven't responded, there's no way you could have denied all of them. That is what you call a lie.

I could care less if you can't discredit Randi Rhodes, as you discredit yourself.

catatonic said:
I challenge anyone on this board, especially you Kathianne, since you've denied every single post I've ever made and never once provided a single argument against them, to find a statement of fact that Randi Rhodes ever got wrong.

This ought to be no challenge... she talks for 3 hours on weekdays through most of the year and has been doing it for a while. Just at the right time of day.

Note that this article is not directly from her (making you wrong), but don't let that stop you from finding copious volumes to discredit... just click on the "Your Homework" link from the main page.

I've brought this up at and they utterly failed.
Seriously dear, you need help.
no1tovote4 said:
This won't be hard... She doesn't use much facts in her opinion-rants, but here is your "one" that you asked for:

"If little girls in America in 1851 got together and danced around a fir tree they would have been burned as witches! ...witches were burned in this country until the 1850s."

This is wrong on many levels. Witches in the US were hanged, not burned. Some were also drowned. Also the last witch put to death in the US was, well never, in the colonies it was in 1713... Before we were the US... ;)

We'll check, although the part before the !, depending on the context, may very well have been sarcasm.:laugh: This will be fun. (In fact there's a chance the whole thing was sarcasm... we have to check).

In the mean time, I went to the very first Rush Limbaugh article
The Supreme Court, Not President Bush,
Overstepped Constitutional Authority
and found several mistatements of material fact, including the title, and a complete and utter ignoring of the entire point of the Supreme Court's ruling.
Kathianne said:
:laugh: Seriously dear, you need help.

Oh you called me dear. You must care so much about me. Another accusation with no backing at all.

For example I go on this thread and you say I'm a tinfoilist. Yet in the Al Gore thread which you were in everyone just blatantly ignored science and made up conspiracies. I believe that is a double-standard. And don't think for a second I don't have plenty of complete sources on my mind-control claims, I just think it shouldn't be brought up in public.
catatonic said:
Oh you called me dear. You must care so much about me. Another accusation with no backing at all.

For example I go on this thread and you say I'm a tinfoilist. Yet in the Al Gore thread which you were in everyone just blatantly ignored science and made up conspiracies. I believe that is a double-standard.

Uh huh. :rolleyes:

Just like I'm not going to bother with Randi's 'homework', your tried to 'assign'; I'm not going to indulge in your game of 'run around the boards'.

While RWA and others may get hyped about some issues and responses, they usually have something that is backing their stuff up, some of us may strongly disagree with it, but there is something to discuss/argue about.

You however, claim 'secret sources' and the like, which is why for the most part, you are blown off by anyone who's around more than a few days.
You're free to call me on any source or assertion you wish. Since you're such a baby like 5stringjeff was, I will give you special treatment even though I have already given this board dozens of hours which are almost always met by mindless 10-second comebacks and I have not been thanked once.

You called me on a source and denied a source.
The first source I told you you could ask the whole food bank community with enough experience to judge... apparently you never did and never will.
The second source, although it may be about to be refuted soundly, actually showed what I stated as fact.

So you can posture all you want, and if you act like a baby I will treat you like one and provide lots and lots of care in handling all your doubts.
catatonic said:
You're free to call me on any source or assertion you wish. Since you're such a baby like 5stringjeff was, I will give you special treatment even though I have already given this board dozens of hours which are almost always met by mindless 10-second comebacks and I have not been thanked once.

You called me on a source and denied a source.
The first source I told you you could ask the whole food bank community with enough experience to judge... apparently you never did and never will.
The second source, although it may be about to be refuted soundly, actually showed what I stated as fact.

So you can posture all you want, and if you act like a baby I will treat you like one and provide lots and lots of care in handling all your doubts.

Dang it all! Now you've hurt my feelings, not to mention that Jeff will probably be devestated when he sees you called him a baby!

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

BTW, considering I wasn't doing your 'assignment' on Rhodes, or running around the boards, what would make you think I'd start contacting the 'whole food bank community?' :duh3: I am somewhat familiar with the homeless shelter I volunteer at a couple times a month, we haven't had reports of starvation, not even one. And if there were such, I doubt we would be 'weighing' the corpses, rather calling reporters to advertise the plight.

Oh but I know! The press and the food banks are part of the the 'conspiracy' to keep this from the public, which is why we need to hear about secret agent man...:smoke:
catatonic said:
....even though I have already given this board dozens of hours which are almost always met by mindless 10-second comebacks and I have not been thanked once.

That's cuz a troll is a troll, is a troll. Your dribble isn't worth the time to respond. Did that fill ten seconds? I was shooting for less.:rotflmao:
Kathianne said:
Dang it all! Now you've hurt my feelings, not to mention that Jeff will probably be devestated when he sees you called him a baby!

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

BTW, considering I wasn't doing your 'assignment' on Rhodes, or running around the boards, what would make you think I'd start contacting the 'whole food bank community?' :duh3: I am somewhat familiar with the homeless shelter I volunteer at a couple times a month, we haven't had reports of starvation, not even one. And if there were such, I doubt we would be 'weighing' the corpses, rather calling reporters to advertise the plight.

Oh but I know! The press and the food banks are part of the the 'conspiracy' to keep this from the public, which is why we need to hear about secret agent man...:smoke:

I said they have to have enough experience in multiple food banks.
Utah for example has 0 starvation accross the entire state. Absolutely none.
New York has an awful lot. The homeless can go there and find nothing but expired milk and expired eggs, which I've covered already.
There's a dramatic difference between states.
Just how many states have you volunteered in? This is what I've been saying.

(to the other poster) As for being a troll, troll is in the eye of the beholder. In my eye, short snappy attention-grabbing arguments that aren't deep but are hard to refute, especially that cause psychological damage, are what makes someone a troll... although I have wanted attention its natural for board noobs to try to stand out in some way. I have succumbed to the psychological damage attacks and have attacked some people back on the board because it hurts my feelings. If you can tell me what you think is a troll, apart from simply disagreeing with the point of view of the board, I will totally work with it. I addressed this issue in my very first post at If you'd like me to come accross all mellow and kind, I can do that, but it will just slow things down. Life is a countdown.
It's just so frustrating and humiliating to keep losing my post. Well here I go again. Please understand that if I seem dry I am just trying to get it over with at this point because I'm frustrated that I keep losing my posts.

"If little girls in America in 1851 got together and danced around a fir tree they would have been burned as witches! ...witches were burned in this country until the 1850s."

I'm 99.995% certain I've got the exact source from the Library of Congress.

Witches: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of the Killing of Women (Hardcover)
by Evelyn Heinemann, Donald Kiraly (Translator)

(by psychologist, psychoanalyst and professor of special education at University of Mainz Germany and the book goes for $22-$35 or so on Amazon.)

Because I got to this book from that also claimed isolated extra-legal witch lynchings continued into the 1900s. It's a very factual source:

and also because the Amazon customers were buying the Air American radio hosts' books.

So that's two sources. I've got three credible sources besides that show the general burning time lasted until 1792.
This guy also thought they stopped at 1692, and he established that though these 4 weren't burned to death they were burned painfully.
here is an article by a university guy (professor I'm confident) and a big organization to study it. Basically it's a really reliable source.

It has the same 4 witches mentioned.

The Wiccans themselves say the same about 1792 and burnings:

So yeah the whole Internet will either say the general period stopped in 1692 if they don't have the 1792 sources or it stoped in 1792 if they do. The wording may establish to careful reading that none of these dozens of websites with lots on witch hunt history ever claim it stopped in America then. And we have the two positive sources that say it kept going, and the book which I won't buy apparently backs up it all.

So I'll just make no "in your face" arguments. How do you like that?

Hopefully we can settle the Louisiana story and get on topic.
catatonic said:
.... If you'd like me to come accross all mellow and kind, I can do that, but it will just slow things down. Life is a countdown.
:rotflmao: Your screen name demonstrates just how SLOW things, and trolls can be.:)
Mr. P said:
:rotflmao: Your screen name demonstrates just how SLOW things, and trolls can be.:)

Hey hey nice flag. If any board member wants to speed me up on anything anytime, I totally ask for it.

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