How Much Moving Money is being Created in CA?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Between fires and the soon to come winter mudslides it sounds like 10-20% of CA's population will have the insurance money to get out of CA. That, if my guesstimate is anywhere near right, will destroy the tax base of the state in a vicious cycle of class action lawsuits and inability of the state to correct all of the back-log of normal state functions not done and the resulting chaotic state functions. Will this swing the mid-term even further right?
California communities will continue to levy full property tax on destroyed homes until each "owner" takes it to court and wins. And that won't happen - no wins - because California is still in the Ninth Circus.
Between fires and the soon to come winter mudslides it sounds like 10-20% of CA's population will have the insurance money to get out of CA. That, if my guesstimate is anywhere near right, will destroy the tax base of the state in a vicious cycle of class action lawsuits and inability of the state to correct all of the back-log of normal state functions not done and the resulting chaotic state functions. Will this swing the mid-term even further right?
I worked in So Cal for 38 years. Retired 30 June 2016, and left that shithole 1 July 2016.

California communities will continue to levy full property tax on destroyed homes until each "owner" takes it to court and wins. And that won't happen - no wins - because California is still in the Ninth Circus.

If the homeowner has moved out of state and established residence the community can take the property but that is about it.
The deed holder in CA may be unhappy and the property may no longer be worth the tax assessment but so what?
California is bringing in plenty of Dem voters who are a drain on their economy.

Liberals, your business model is not fucking sustainable in California.

Maybe you should divest town to 5million people,like Norway and have a GDP per capita of $75,000.

California is so fucked, Their residents get who they deserved,
Between fires and the soon to come winter mudslides it sounds like 10-20% of CA's population will have the insurance money to get out of CA. That, if my guesstimate is anywhere near right, will destroy the tax base of the state in a vicious cycle of class action lawsuits and inability of the state to correct all of the back-log of normal state functions not done and the resulting chaotic state functions. Will this swing the mid-term even further right?

If you see 10-20% of any state's population moving out of it I'd like to know where you score your mushrooms.
California is bringing in plenty of Dem voters who are a drain on their economy.

Liberals, your business model is not fucking sustainable in California.

Maybe you should divest town to 5million people,like Norway and have a GDP per capita of $75,000.

California is so fucked, Their residents get who they deserved,
It certainly sounds that way.
Between fires and the soon to come winter mudslides it sounds like 10-20% of CA's population will have the insurance money to get out of CA.?

California's plan to deal with this is to expand the state's sanctuary program, and encourage more illegals to enter the state.
Sounds like an idiotic plan for paying bills. $8k/year instead of $80K+. a 10 to 1 gear down on per capita income will really bring in the tax money.
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California communities will continue to levy full property tax on destroyed homes until each "owner" takes it to court and wins. And that won't happen - no wins - because California is still in the Ninth Circus.
Nope. I know people that have lost property. They just abandon the property. Take the insurance money and let the property get foreclosed on for taxes.

In fact, my husband's daughter did that to some hurricane damaged property in Florida. She used the insurance money and bought a home in Washington.
Due to not spending the money needed to reduce fire and mudslide damage the tax base and bond ratings of CA jurisdiction will go way down.

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