How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.
So no, while agnostic is about thinking, a thinking person must seek the truth and find it.
Everyone seeks the truth, agnostics simply acknowledge that we haven't found it yet.
Admitting lack of knowledge is, indeed, the smartest position to take, but saying only smart people take it is ignorant.
Not smart people, thinking people. A lot of really intelligent people believe in god or are atheists. But their critical thinking is impaired.
ag-nos-tic, not atheist.
An agnostic is someone to lazy to make up their mind in the most important issue in their lives.
Show me some real proof to tilt me one way or the other and I'll stop being lazy. :D
I said the decision must be made upon available evidence. It's like gravity. All the available evidence is there and you can make a decision if it exists or not.
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
Like gravity, the existence of God is seperate to a person deciding if gravity or God really exist.
Your intellectual retardation says a lot about why you have such opinions.
That's why I an agnostic, the existence of god is independent of my personal opinion, but objectively, god had not been proven either way yet.
Wouldn't a "weak atheist" be the same as an agnostic. Not sure whether or not a God exists? I guess I'm either an agnostic or a "weak atheist." I don't really believe in all the stories and I don't know if there is a god (s) or not, but I fall on the skeptical side.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
What's the proof? Let's examine that first.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
I don't recall anyone saying that the miracles that Jesus performed were allegories. Except Hobo and he doesn't count. He's a militant atheist like you guys.
So what's the proof that Jesus turned water into wine?
The first time I heard of a scale being around was through Richard Dawkins, one of the founders of the New Atheism group. Since I do not have a differing widely known scale, I use his. He's eliminating other beliefs and the like for those whose beliefs lie elsewhere, so I include "Other" in my poll.

  1. Strong Theist: I do not question the existence of God, I KNOW he exists.
  2. De-facto Theist: I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God and I live my life on the assumption that he is there.
  3. Weak Theist: I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.
  4. Pure Agnostic: God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.
  5. Weak Atheist: I do not know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be skeptical.
  6. De-facto Atheist: I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life under the assumption that he is not there.
  7. Strong Atheist: I am 100% sure that there is no God.
If this has been posted before, then please forgive. I did a search and did not find.
what is god?
allah or jesus father ? im sure this god is bullshit.
An agnostic is someone to lazy to make up their mind in the most important issue in their lives.
Show me some real proof to tilt me one way or the other and I'll stop being lazy. :D
I said the decision must be made upon available evidence. It's like gravity. All the available evidence is there and you can make a decision if it exists or not.
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
Like gravity, the existence of God is seperate to a person deciding if gravity or God really exist.
Your intellectual retardation says a lot about why you have such opinions.
That's why I an agnostic, the existence of god is independent of my personal opinion, but objectively, god had not been proven either way yet.
Hard to prove something that doesn't exist doesnt
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
What's the proof? Let's examine that first.
There is no proof. So are you agnostic about lazeris?
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
I don't recall anyone saying that the miracles that Jesus performed were allegories. Except Hobo and he doesn't count. He's a militant atheist like you guys.
So what's the proof that Jesus turned water into wine?
Does it matter to you? Because I don't have proof he didn't walk on water. So you're agnostic about that too right?
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
I don't recall anyone saying that the miracles that Jesus performed were allegories. Except Hobo and he doesn't count. He's a militant atheist like you guys.
So what's the proof that Jesus turned water into wine?
I'm just glad it isn't atheists blowing up churches. Islam is an example how the god hypothesis is not healthy
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
What's the proof? Let's examine that first.
There is no proof. So are you agnostic about lazeris?
If it's in the bible, the bible has been proven to have been written a minimum of several generations after the facts, so basically hearsay. No big events/miracles/weird, unrealistic shit in it can be or has been proven.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
You know how when you bring up the impossible stories in the bible theists say those are just allegories, but they never admit Jesus is also an allegory? Well today the priest in church was telling about how lazeris was brought back from the dead. And he wasn't telling an allegory. He really believes that.

Are you agnostic about lazeris?
I don't recall anyone saying that the miracles that Jesus performed were allegories. Except Hobo and he doesn't count. He's a militant atheist like you guys.
So what's the proof that Jesus turned water into wine?
Does it matter to you? Because I don't have proof he didn't walk on water. So you're agnostic about that too right?
The bible is full of fairy tales, and no I am not agnostic about fairy tales.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.
So no, while agnostic is about thinking, a thinking person must seek the truth and find it.
Everyone seeks the truth, agnostics simply acknowledge that we haven't found it yet.
Admitting lack of knowledge is, indeed, the smartest position to take, but saying only smart people take it is ignorant.
Not smart people, thinking people. A lot of really intelligent people believe in god or are atheists. But their critical thinking is impaired.
And a lot of dumbasses who "think" they're thinking people believe they know it all.

Smart people are critical thinkers. In the case of ideas about existence, they realize there is a spiritual component to mankind. Mind, Body, Spirit. That latter doesn't fit the tangible aspects of the first two, but just like there is a strong relation between mind and body in illnesses, there is a strong relation with spirit to the first two and a person's relationship with existence. This might explain why Atheists only compose about 3% of the population.

10 facts about atheists
1. 3.1% of American adults say they are atheists when asked about their religious identity

2. 68% are men, and the median age of atheist adults in the U.S. is 34

3. About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals

4. 8% of those who call themselves atheists also say they believe in God or a universal spirit.

5. atheists are more likely than U.S. Christians to say they often feel a sense of wonder about the universe (54% vs. 45%).

6. two-thirds (65%) say they seldom or never discuss their views on religion with religious people.

7. About a third of atheists (32%) say they look primarily to science for guidance on questions of right and wrong

8. Americans like atheists less than they like members of most major religious groups.

9. About half of Americans (51%) say they would be less likely to support an atheist candidate for president

10. About half of Americans (53%) say it is not necessary to believe in God to be moral, while 45% say belief in God is necessary to have good values

The Religiously Unaffiliated
The religiously unaffiliated population includes atheists, agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion in surveys. However, many of the religiously unaffiliated do hold religious or spiritual beliefs. For example, various surveys have found that belief in God or a higher power is shared by 7% of unaffiliated Chinese adults, 30% of unaffiliated French adults and 68% of unaffiliated U.S. adults.6
Show me some real proof to tilt me one way or the other and I'll stop being lazy. :D
I said the decision must be made upon available evidence. It's like gravity. All the available evidence is there and you can make a decision if it exists or not.
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
Like gravity, the existence of God is seperate to a person deciding if gravity or God really exist.
Your intellectual retardation says a lot about why you have such opinions.
That's why I an agnostic, the existence of god is independent of my personal opinion, but objectively, god had not been proven either way yet.
Hard to prove something that doesn't exist doesnt
Just as hard to prove something doesn't exist. "An absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence".

Smart people acknowledge this is a matter of faith, not logic.
I'm a weak atheist. I used to consider myself agnostic, but I get more skeptical with time.

But here's a question for everyone. If someone in your town started proclaiming he was the son of God, would you worship him, withhold judgement and observe, or send him to the nearest mental hospital?

Just for clarity, same questions if a woman claims to be the daughter of God.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.
So no, while agnostic is about thinking, a thinking person must seek the truth and find it.
Everyone seeks the truth, agnostics simply acknowledge that we haven't found it yet.
Admitting lack of knowledge is, indeed, the smartest position to take, but saying only smart people take it is ignorant.
Not smart people, thinking people. A lot of really intelligent people believe in god or are atheists. But their critical thinking is impaired.
And a lot of dumbasses who "think" they're thinking people believe they know it all.

Smart people are critical thinkers. In the case of ideas about existence, they realize there is a spiritual component to mankind. Mind, Body, Spirit. That latter doesn't fit the tangible aspects of the first two, but just like there is a strong relation between mind and body in illnesses, there is a strong relation with spirit to the first two and a person's relationship with existence. This might explain why Atheists only compose about 3% of the population.

10 facts about atheists
1. 3.1% of American adults say they are atheists when asked about their religious identity

2. 68% are men, and the median age of atheist adults in the U.S. is 34

3. About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals

4. 8% of those who call themselves atheists also say they believe in God or a universal spirit.

5. atheists are more likely than U.S. Christians to say they often feel a sense of wonder about the universe (54% vs. 45%).

6. two-thirds (65%) say they seldom or never discuss their views on religion with religious people.

7. About a third of atheists (32%) say they look primarily to science for guidance on questions of right and wrong

8. Americans like atheists less than they like members of most major religious groups.

9. About half of Americans (51%) say they would be less likely to support an atheist candidate for president

10. About half of Americans (53%) say it is not necessary to believe in God to be moral, while 45% say belief in God is necessary to have good values

The Religiously Unaffiliated
The religiously unaffiliated population includes atheists, agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion in surveys. However, many of the religiously unaffiliated do hold religious or spiritual beliefs. For example, various surveys have found that belief in God or a higher power is shared by 7% of unaffiliated Chinese adults, 30% of unaffiliated French adults and 68% of unaffiliated U.S. adults.6
Your spiritual component has never been proven. And so you have stats about atheists. So what? :dunno:
I said the decision must be made upon available evidence. It's like gravity. All the available evidence is there and you can make a decision if it exists or not.
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
Like gravity, the existence of God is seperate to a person deciding if gravity or God really exist.
Your intellectual retardation says a lot about why you have such opinions.
That's why I an agnostic, the existence of god is independent of my personal opinion, but objectively, god had not been proven either way yet.
Hard to prove something that doesn't exist doesnt
Just as hard to prove something doesn't exist. "An absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence".

Smart people acknowledge this is a matter of faith, not logic.
Faith is the absence of evidence. Thinking people need evidence.
I'm a weak atheist. I used to consider myself agnostic, but I get more skeptical with time.

But here's a question for everyone. If someone in your town started proclaiming he was the son of God, would you worship him, withhold judgement and observe, or send him to the nearest mental hospital?

Just for clarity, same questions if a woman claims to be the daughter of God.
I'd recommend they go to a hospital, but in the US they are free to believe as they like just like theists and atheists.

FWIW, if surveyed, I'd be among the "religiously unaffiliated" since spirituality and dogmatic religion are two different things.
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
So you're saying that gravity didnt exist until there was enough available evidence?
Like gravity, the existence of God is seperate to a person deciding if gravity or God really exist.
Your intellectual retardation says a lot about why you have such opinions.
That's why I an agnostic, the existence of god is independent of my personal opinion, but objectively, god had not been proven either way yet.
Hard to prove something that doesn't exist doesnt
Just as hard to prove something doesn't exist. "An absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence".

Smart people acknowledge this is a matter of faith, not logic.
Faith is the absence of evidence. Thinking people need evidence.

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