How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?

Here I'll spare everyone reading Mac/Gigi's twelve thousandth "Think piece"


We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
The night he won in 2016 view the videos of the Prog socialists' shills on TV. And the delay of three hours that he won earlier. In 2020 the global swamp made sure.

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?

I almost feel bad for you Mac/Gigi. I voted for Trump twice and it looks like I will vote for him again, yet I don't give him the scintilla of attention that you do.

My post history vs. yours here confirms this. I would never, have never that I remember, written a "think piece" like this about Trump. For pity's sake. Throughout my day I hardly give him a thought. While you seem OBSESSED.

Your lack of awareness is both sad and funny.

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?


We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
I don't get it.
I've known of Trump since 1985 and he's always been a lying, bloviating, grifter for decades.
I don't get it.
I've known of Trump since 1985 and he's always been a lying, bloviating, grifter for decades.
Yep. That's why people from across the political spectrum just don't understand the psychology of this adoration, and are trying to.

The funny (kind of) thing here is that these folks think I'm talking about Trump. They always do. They don't see it.
Yep. That's why people from across the political spectrum just don't understand the psychology of this adoration, and are trying to.

The funny (kind of) thing here is that these folks think I'm talking about Trump. They always do. They don't see it.
mac you cant even figure out why people think you are a democrat/liberal......
It goes beyond celebrity

It is more of a religious obsession
does that cover the posters here who obsess over trump by doing thread after thread about the guy like skews and the banker?....there is some kind of obsession there also....

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?

Trying to treat Pompous Mac seriously.

Here's the thing. Trump's support is about the same as it has been for every Republican for decades. He really hasn't broken new ground. He got the same percentage of the electorate McCain and Romney got.

What is different is that many Republicans refuse to let him go because, unlike Romney and McCain, he actually "won" due to a fluke in our system, and all the people who supported him had to rationalize their bad judgment when he proceeded to fuck up.

People had friends and family stop talking to them because they supported Trump. I'm sure that Trump's supporters had more than a few divorces when their wives found themselves living the IRL version of The Handmaid's Tale.

So it's not so much, "They love them some celebrity", but that they all gave up so much in supporting this fool, and they have to tell themselves it was all worth it somehow. It's the ultimate example of the "Sunk Cost Fallacy" - you've invested all this time, money, and emotion into something, and you can't abandon it now.
Trying to treat Pompous Mac seriously.

Here's the thing. Trump's support is about the same as it has been for every Republican for decades. He really hasn't broken new ground. He got the same percentage of the electorate McCain and Romney got.

What is different is that many Republicans refuse to let him go because, unlike Romney and McCain, he actually "won" due to a fluke in our system, and all the people who supported him had to rationalize their bad judgment when he proceeded to fuck up.

People had friends and family stop talking to them because they supported Trump. I'm sure that Trump's supporters had more than a few divorces when their wives found themselves living the IRL version of The Handmaid's Tale.

So it's not so much, "They love them some celebrity", but that they all gave up so much in supporting this fool, and they have to tell themselves it was all worth it somehow. It's the ultimate example of the "Sunk Cost Fallacy" - you've invested all this time, money, and emotion into something, and you can't abandon it now.
and all the people who supported him had to rationalize their bad judgment when he proceeded to fuck up.
thats the way it is with every politician joe....especially the die hards from each backed the guy and then make excuses for their fuckups.....
and all the people who supported him had to rationalize their bad judgment when he proceeded to fuck up.
thats the way it is with every politician joe....especially the die hards from each backed the guy and then make excuses for their fuckups.....

I can't think of another politician who fucked things up as badly as Trump did.

Now, I'll admit I voted for George W. Bush twice. And I wish I could honestly say that what turned me against him was blundering us into a war with Iraq or fouling up the response to Katrina. But I really didn't until he messed up the economy in 2008, and I found myself with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than what I had been making. In short, his incompetence affected me personally.

All that said, I think George is actually a decent guy. I can't say that for Trump, who seems to be a truly awful human being. Heck, even Tricky Dick has taken on a new luster compared to Trump. Nixon took accountability for his mistakes. So did Clinton, to a degree.
The dem shill is just pissed that there is nobody on the dem side who is that galvanizing.

Once Tater leaves office I doubt I would even think of him a year later except as the Worst POTUS Ever (WPE).

I figure that's why Jimmy Carter keeps hanging in there.....So we can take Biden's full measure as WPE.

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
Some of it is based on celebrity -- since for the most part, the right feels totally left out when it comes to their crop of celebrity right-wingers....because Kevin Sorbo, James Woods and Scott Baio aren't really packing them into the movie theaters

Part of it is also based on being wealthy...since we tend to worship wealth in this country, especially right-wingers...

But the main motivating factor to his worship is just the idea of believing you are "triggering the libs" by doing fact, the more overboard they are with it, the more they feel they are "triggering the libs" -- which is why you see them calling him their King or savior.....anything to "trigger the libs"

There is no both sides to it because the majority of Democratic voters don't view their politicians as entertainment you won't see us gathering to see someone on stage whine about how unfair everything is to him -- not when we can go see real talented entertainers instead

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