How much privacy do you give your kids?


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
This is a fair enough question question to ask parents(s) and guardians. I've three daughters. While none of them are like me when I was that age, they have always been "good girls", much to my chagrin at times. They have earned their right to privacy.....which is always subject to change, without notice. There is trust but even "trust" is not enough, not if you want to protect your child from harm.

Where do you stand?

Mine is 8 and 5. So they dont really have their "own lives" yet. But as long as i can trust them, they can have their space when the time comes.
when he lived under my roof....i would toss his room any damn time i felt the need...with trust you have to use common sense...if you smell smoke on the little fuckers...chances are you will find ciggies in their room.....for some reason under the mattress is a fav hiding area.....any hollow object from teddy bears to trophies is fair game....
I don't have a son, but if I did I'd let him party at Kevin Spacey's house.
when he lived under my roof....i would toss his room any damn time i felt the need...with trust you have to use common sense...if you smell smoke on the little fuckers...chances are you will find ciggies in their room.....for some reason under the mattress is a fav hiding area.....any hollow object from teddy bears to trophies is fair game....

^^^^ Teddy bears should not be smoking it is the slippery slope.



Next it's the booze:


Then it's the Bong:


Then they'll steal all your things and it will be:

I allowed my kids a fair amount of privacy, subject to change if I suspected anything.

If I did suspect, and checked, the amount of privacy usually changed. If my suspicions were founded, they had less. If my suspicions were unfounded, they probably got a bit more. And even with the kids close in ages, I tried my best to treat each ones privacy on an individual basis.
We gave them expanding or contracting boundaries depending on how well they handed responsibility and how they treated us.

One of our daughters had to spend a week in a psychiatric hospital for teen age girls before she realized living at home was far better.
It depends on the situation. My kid is 16. We have a pretty good relationship and if he is telling me stuff then we are doing ok. If i don't know who he is with, where he is going and when he is coming home then he goes no where.

That said, he has a phone and it has to remain charged. If he doesn't answer that phone then this happens:

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