how much warming from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is what we

Heat is a measure of a quality of net flow from one system to another. *Heat is not a real physical thing. *An object does not physically contain heat. That would be the equivalent of saying there is some fluid called "caloric", a concept that has long been abandoned as proven wrong. An object contains energy in the form of kinetic and potential energy. *When two objects are put into contact with each other, there is a ramdom exchange of energy across the contact boundary. This exchange may occur in both directions simultameously and is dominated by the object that has more internal energy. *There is more energy exchanged from the higher energy object than is echanged from the lower energy object. *The net difference in the flow of energy is qualitatively refered to as heat flow.
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I read precisely defined mathematical expressions. I don't watch videos.

You describe in your best words and math. Then we can discuss.

I aced my thermo course and my project was on the thermodynamics of the internal combustion engine. You learned from a video.

You couldn't "ace" tying your shoes. As I said, watch and learn. The subject of the video is a Nobel Prize winner and is certainly better qualified than the mechanic you learned your thermodynamics from.

I read precisely defined mathematical expressions. I don't watch videos.

You describe in your best words and math. Then we can discuss.

I aced my thermo course and my project was on the thermodynamics of the internal combustion engine. You learned from a video.

You couldn't "ace" tying your shoes. As I said, watch and learn. The subject of the video is a Nobel Prize winner and is certainly better qualified than the mechanic you learned your thermodynamics from.

Keep telling yourself that... That will work for you.

I read precisely defined mathematical expressions. I don't watch videos.

You describe in your best words and math. Then we can discuss.

I aced my thermo course and my project was on the thermodynamics of the internal combustion engine. You learned from a video.

How about this question;
Can the entropy of a closed system increase without any change in temperature?

You couldn't "ace" tying your shoes. As I said, watch and learn. The subject of the video is a Nobel Prize winner and is certainly better qualified than the mechanic you learned your thermodynamics from.

Here, I have a little test for you. Describe what thermodynamic and information entropy are and why they share the same term "entropy" evem though one involves physical materialm and the other involves an abstract quality of communication?
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You should be able to answer the following from your video.

In thermodynamics, the ideal gas law is important. It is the foundation for the thermodynamic cycle that allows a steam engine to run. *During the thermodynamic cycle, there are two contant quantity paths that allow energy to be input amd extracted, tranfering heat to work.*

Show the following mathematically, in terms of enthalpy, entropy, heat ans work.

What is the ideal gas law?

What are the two constant quantity processes?

Which one does the work and which one allow energy to be added?

I'll give you a clue: dU=dQ-dW or rather dQ=dU+dW

Bonus; which thermodynamic law does this come from and what is the significance in proving that a perpetual motion machine is impossible?
Clear your head.. Take a breath.. You're in the desert at night..

Answer my 2 questions about the COOLING profile.. Is it gonna be warmer in the morning if there's a substantial cloud deck? Why? It's back radiation.. It's reducing the rate of Net flow UPWARDS. Nothing says that a colder body doesn't radiate. EVERY body with any heat radiates..

If I am in the desert at night, and there is a substantial cloud deck, and I look at my hygrometer, I will surely see that there is much more humidity in the air than if the skys are clear. Water, even in its vaporous form, can, unlike any of the other so called greenhouse gasses, actually has the capacity to absorb, and hold on to heat. It has nothing to do with backradiation, it has to to with the relative humidity in the air and water's ability to store heat.

Remember that Second law knows nothing about quantum effects...

And in reality, neither do we. Your "quantum effects" are the product of mathematical models and remain to this day, and all days in the forseeable future, unmeasured, unobserved, undetectable, and unprovable. Thanks for the reminder, but the present paradigm is that energy flow is one way towards more entropy.....when the Second Law is rewritten to reflect what you believe, then, and only then will a new paradigm exist.

Because particle for particle, they are bombarding each other almost equally.

So you say, but you can't even begin to prove it. You may as well claim that a certain percentage of dropped rocks falls up because the forces that govern which way the rock fall aren't necessarily consistent, or just don't have time to deal with all of the dropped rocks.

Say one shoots 20 photons per minute, the other 21 photons. THERE'S your "net flow".. A virtual cannonade broadside like in the pirate days and that extra ONE cannonball wins the day..

It doesn't matter if all of the photons are moving towards a state of greater entropy. Why would you believe that any photon, or any other form of energy would be able to move towards a state of less entropy?[/QUOTE]

Really can't help you with ALL your misconceptions.. Can only do one at a time..

That's unfortunate that you deny that CO2 can retain heat. A simple trip to a Chem materials handbook could fix that. But whatever....

As for the two frigates battling analogy.. A body is gonna emit what is dictated BY THE body and it's temp. So literally take 2 identical bodies bring one to T1 equilibrium and the other to T1 equilibrium plus 0.01degC. (where T1 is very low temp giving you about 20 avg photons per (say) nanosecond. BOTH will emit identically except for that 21st photon per unit time. THAT will determine the NET flow of 1 photon per time unit.

At that point -- they are pretty equally bombarding each other.. Your view that nothing gets launched at lower entropy targets becomes very problematic. For short time periods of observations --- it is EVEN POSSIBLE that the net flow reverses temporarily.. But over the long haul -- nothing in the thermo laws gets violated.

But what the hay.. Your view is problematic on several levels..

Let's compromise with "the desert thought experiment works for water vapor then".. You just need to cross the finish line with it. The water retains heat.. Becomes both a source of emission AND thermal resistance to the outbound flow of heat from the surface. Lowers the total amount of surface cooling due to (yes say it , say it) back radiation.. What else could it be? The additional heat in the air INCREASES radiation heating via IR photons.. That IS the definition of radiative heat transfer.

((Might also increase pure conduction and convection as well))

What I wanted to do was to make that point and then direct you to a paper on why CO2 does not REALLY work in that desert scenario.. A study that DOES NOT FIND Global Warming in the desert at night when controlling for water vapor...

A New Metric to Detect CO2 Greenhouse Effect* Applied To Some New Mexico Weather Data

The arid environment of New Mexico is examined in an attempt to correlate increases in atmospheric CO2 with an increase in greenhouse effect. Changes in the greenhouse effect are estimated by using the ratio of the recorded annual high temperatures to the recorded annual low temperatures as a measure of heat retained (i.e. thermal inertia, TI). It is shown that the metric TI increases if a rise in mean temperature is due to heat retention (greenhouse) and decreases if due to heat gain (solar flux). Essentially no correlation was found between the assumed CO2 atmospheric concentrations and the observed greenhouse changes, whereas there was a strong correlation between TI and precipitation. Further it is shown that periods of increase in the mean temperature correspond to heat gain, not heat retention. It is concluded that either the assumed CO2 concentrations are incorrect or that they have no measurable greenhouse effect in these data.

Seems like with our rough edges here ---- At least we could agree on that..
Can't do that. He has found himself some new friends. They have been having themselves a fine little circle jerk. He has gathered them around him like a hen gathers her chicks. They respect good old Ian because when they get backed into a wall and have no idea what to say, good old Ian can spout some bullshit that sounds far better than anything that they could make up and then all they have to do is say "what he says".

Which is why I call them the 'quadruplets' and possibly 'quintuplets'. Now that Mamooth has returned, can Saigon be far behind? But you'll notice they all use the same style of posting, the same syntax, the same absurd cut and pastes, misspell the same words the same way. And they all try to drown the thread with interminably long masses of cut and pasted gray type because they can then giggle and point and slap each other on the back when somebody takes their bait and addresses that.

I am now convinced they don't have a clue what they are talking about and could care less about the topic. And you can rebut their posts until the cows come home and it won't change a thing.

A pity too as there are a number of us who would really enjoy discussing the pros and cons of climate change and the implications for all of us re the policy that the AGW religionists are tying to force on us. But the tag team won't allow it so most serious debaters have now moved on to other forums that this crew hasn't discovered yet.

So who agrees with SlackSacks theory that CO2 isn't part of the carbon cycle amd that plants get carbon from soil carbon?

This is pretty telling, as group behavior goes...

No one agrees with BS you just made up asshat..LOL
The two "no backradiation!" loons seem kind of lonely without the third loon, PolarBear.

Yes, it's a century of physics as known by the entire planet, vs. two bitter cranks on a message board. But if the cranks just rant loud and long enough, it will make them correct, because that's how the magic of the internet works.

Go take a dump in one of your many hats fraud..
Clear your head.. Take a breath.. You're in the desert at night..

Answer my 2 questions about the COOLING profile.. Is it gonna be warmer in the morning if there's a substantial cloud deck? Why? It's back radiation.. It's reducing the rate of Net flow UPWARDS. Nothing says that a colder body doesn't radiate. EVERY body with any heat radiates..

If I am in the desert at night, and there is a substantial cloud deck, and I look at my hygrometer, I will surely see that there is much more humidity in the air than if the skys are clear. Water, even in its vaporous form, can, unlike any of the other so called greenhouse gasses, actually has the capacity to absorb, and hold on to heat. It has nothing to do with backradiation, it has to to with the relative humidity in the air and water's ability to store heat.

And in reality, neither do we. Your "quantum effects" are the product of mathematical models and remain to this day, and all days in the forseeable future, unmeasured, unobserved, undetectable, and unprovable. Thanks for the reminder, but the present paradigm is that energy flow is one way towards more entropy.....when the Second Law is rewritten to reflect what you believe, then, and only then will a new paradigm exist.

So you say, but you can't even begin to prove it. You may as well claim that a certain percentage of dropped rocks falls up because the forces that govern which way the rock fall aren't necessarily consistent, or just don't have time to deal with all of the dropped rocks.

It doesn't matter if all of the photons are moving towards a state of greater entropy. Why would you believe that any photon, or any other form of energy would be able to move towards a state of less entropy?

Really can't help you with ALL your misconceptions.. Can only do one at a time..

That's unfortunate that you deny that CO2 can retain heat. A simple trip to a Chem materials handbook could fix that. But whatever....

As for the two frigates battling analogy.. A body is gonna emit what is dictated BY THE body and it's temp. So literally take 2 identical bodies bring one to T1 equilibrium and the other to T1 equilibrium plus 0.01degC. (where T1 is very low temp giving you about 20 avg photons per (say) nanosecond. BOTH will emit identically except for that 21st photon per unit time. THAT will determine the NET flow of 1 photon per time unit.

At that point -- they are pretty equally bombarding each other.. Your view that nothing gets launched at lower entropy targets becomes very problematic. For short time periods of observations --- it is EVEN POSSIBLE that the net flow reverses temporarily.. But over the long haul -- nothing in the thermo laws gets violated.

But what the hay.. Your view is problematic on several levels..

Let's compromise with "the desert thought experiment works for water vapor then".. You just need to cross the finish line with it. The water retains heat.. Becomes both a source of emission AND thermal resistance to the outbound flow of heat from the surface. Lowers the total amount of surface cooling due to (yes say it , say it) back radiation.. What else could it be? The additional heat in the air INCREASES radiation heating via IR photons.. That IS the definition of radiative heat transfer.

((Might also increase pure conduction and convection as well))

What I wanted to do was to make that point and then direct you to a paper on why CO2 does not REALLY work in that desert scenario.. A study that DOES NOT FIND Global Warming in the desert at night when controlling for water vapor...

A New Metric to Detect CO2 Greenhouse Effect* Applied To Some New Mexico Weather Data

The arid environment of New Mexico is examined in an attempt to correlate increases in atmospheric CO2 with an increase in greenhouse effect. Changes in the greenhouse effect are estimated by using the ratio of the recorded annual high temperatures to the recorded annual low temperatures as a measure of heat retained (i.e. thermal inertia, TI). It is shown that the metric TI increases if a rise in mean temperature is due to heat retention (greenhouse) and decreases if due to heat gain (solar flux). Essentially no correlation was found between the assumed CO2 atmospheric concentrations and the observed greenhouse changes, whereas there was a strong correlation between TI and precipitation. Further it is shown that periods of increase in the mean temperature correspond to heat gain, not heat retention. It is concluded that either the assumed CO2 concentrations are incorrect or that they have no measurable greenhouse effect in these data.

Seems like with our rough edges here ---- At least we could agree on that..[/QUOTE]

A New Metric to Detect CO2 Greenhouse Effect*Applied To Some New Mexico Weather Data*Slade Barker*2002

Yep, listed at; -- Archives, July 2002

That explains why, in 11 years, it has never been cited in another paper.
Not one of them makes that statement. If you are so convined otherwise, pick one and quote it.

So either you are a bald faced liar, or you can't read. Which one is it?

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Physics Department of the University of Georgia...Cut and paste from that link

"Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object."

Maybe you are a liar who can't read.
I aced my thermo course and my project was on the thermodynamics of the internal combustion engine. You learned from a video.

Since you have never taken a physics class in which thermodynamics was discussed, it is clear that I was are a liar who simply can't read.
There IS backradiation... Has to be.. Photons don't decide where to go depending on the destination temperature. NET FLOW is upwards. Doesn't violate ANY damn principle.. The warming of the lower trop simply acts to SLOW DOWN the ENERGY transfered from the Gray Body Surface upwards.. Remember the diff between POWER (instantaneous) and ENERGY (over time).

You and ssdd are stuck on the paradigm that this means the net warming direction changes. It doesn't.. Take the sun out of the picture. Desert at night.

1) What is the surface COOLING profile (over time) on a cloudless night?

2) What is the surface COOLING profile (over time) on a cloudy night?

THere's your backradiation effect..

THe reason your backradiation oven doesn't work >>>>>>> --- there's NO NET DOWNWARD FLOW --- ever..
((OK maybe BRIEFLY LOCALLY with warmer air aloft and other weather transients. ))

Check the plug.. That's what an electronics engineer always does first..

No you are missing the point here. Net flow, or absolute, IF there is back-radiation yet it cannot warm it's source it's a moot claim as far as AGW theory goes. If the process slows heat loss as you just said, and Ian now claims (despite past claims to the contrary by him) than it's an insulator and NOT a secondary heating mechanism.

An insulator does not create more heat, it slows heat loss. Now if Ian's previous claim via Dr. Spencer and co. is to be believed, backradiation can produce additional warming of the source. IF Ian is now claiming that it doesn't warm the source more but only slows heat loss, which we claimed all along, then he is in fact backpeddling from his previous claims..

Thermal properties of gases (especially GH gases due to additional the molecular bonds), are directly effected by their temperature. Meaning more heat in, the faster it sheds that heat. Same thing in reverse, less heat in the better an insulator they are. Further, and at that same time Add heat, and convection increases, remove heat and convection decreases.

Air minus convection is a great thermal insulator, add convection and it's a great heat dissipation/transfer system. We aren't discussing solid, liquid, or a porous material with trapped air pockets inside here, we are discussing air moving relatively freely and able to convect heat away very well.

As I said before and will continue to say, the entire system is an excellent heat pump, with limited thermal insulating properties. Limited by air flow and the inherent thermal properties of gases.

Compress the gasses to the point they are near liquid, a different story. But they aren't here and so they react as gases do to heat.

You can call it "net flow" all you want, the fact remains if the "back-radiation" that is claimed is actually going on, and as you and Ian say it has no effect on the warmer source, than it's a moot claim..

All things radiate some amount of heat, yet that does not mean that radiated heat can warm it's warmer heat source. Call it phase differential, call it wavelength variance, call it magic for all I care, the point remains it doesn't effect noticeable change in it's source.

If you heat up a iron bar until it's red hot, and wrap it in a blanket, it will still cool down, slower than without the blanket, but it won't get hotter, it will cool.

That's the very reason we cannot create perfect or even near-perfect heat engines. The entire process would require infinite or near-infinite reusable energy from a source.

PS.. Before I forget again. You're forgetting the wave-like properties of EM radiation. You are doing what Ian and Spencer does and treating it as a particle only. As SSD pointed out before if it's a particle, it can flow back due to the shear space available to miss the incoming source particle. But if it's a wave than it is a wave and cannot flow back towards it's greater source. What we have in our understanding right now is wave-particle duality, meaning to our understanding it shows properties of both equally. Dismissing the wave property to suit a theory makes the theory dubious at best. As I said before, the entire system reacts and responds more like a heat pump than an insulator. The thermal properties of gases and convection alone would lead to this conclusion, add in the complete failure of climate modeling and predictions based on them, the failure of rises in GH gases to show additional warming in the last decade and a half, and then realize that 180 years of CO2 increases and we have not even a 2 degree rise in temps globally.. Yet every year in my state we go from 90 degree and up summers and 30 degree and below winters, and this drastic drop is due to our position relative to the sun. SOmething which warmers and luke-warmers claim to have less an impact on climate then a trace gas...

Sorry I didn't read too far into that reply.. You're still not getting it.

You didn't answer my questions about the desert COOLING profile under 2 conditions..

The desert will cool at night WITH or WITHOUT clouds. But the RATES will be diff and the EQUILIBRIUM position will be different depending on the cloud "blanket"... If it loses LESS heat at night because of the thermal insulation effect of the clouds, it will start the day warmer than it normally would because of the RETAINED HEAT.. NOT ADDED HEAT from the back radiation.. Get it?? NOTHING ADDED to time integral of net flow.. Just RETAINED...

So will your "iron bar" reach a different equilibrium if you pump it daily for 12 hours with a little bit of energy.. Depending on whether the blanket is there or not.

All you're doing is adding a thermal resistance to a uni-directional flow.. That's how rates of flow according to thermolaws behave. THey radiate BOTH ways and establish a net flow. THe warmer object will cool SLOWER if interacting with a boundary that is raised in heat energy --- but still cooler than the radiating grey body.

No wave/particle discussion, no violation of any thermo law..

The bolded part... A lame excuse. Why respond then? If you can't be bothered toread it,than why bother responding to it?

Your desert at night analogy; pointless in the exchange here. The fact remains an insulator does not warm it's source more, it slows heat loss. You are assuming that any incidental radiation that may be radiated back towards it's source is used by that source.

As we already know CO2 is transparent to short-wave IR radiation from the sun, but reacts to long wave IR radiation from the surface. What makes you believe that there isn't a similar situation going on here? Do you know this? Have you been made privy to some kind factual evidence that the rest of the world hasn't been told about?

Again, just because something can radiate in any and all directions at once, doesn't mean it will do so back to it's source or that it can effect change in that source.. You are assuming radiation in a direction from whence that energy came, must effect change in that source. Why? Because it effects change in other objects? Warmer objects? No... WHY? Because entropy doesn't work that way.

Two-way energy flow could mean perfect machines, it can't happen to our knowledge but you seem to think that back-radiation exists anyway.

Again your desert scenario. Cloud cover at night acting as an insulator is not proff of back-radiation. It shows how an insulator is supposed to work. That's it. SLowing heat loss does not mean re-radiating some back to it's source. It simply means that the energy is slowed in it's transfer between the molecular bonds of a material. More molecular bonds = more time to through them.

One reason GH gases react to IR is the extra bonds they have over less complex gaseous compounds. More bonds = more time spent in transfer. A solid for instance can retain heat a lot longer than a gas, for this very same reason. It doesn't have to re-radiate, there is no need for it and it violates the fundamental laws.
That's unfortunate that you deny that CO2 can retain heat. A simple trip to a Chem materials handbook could fix that. But whatever....

It can't. It absorbs, it emits. It doesn't store. EDIT..... OK, CO2 can store heat, but not above 0.01675 K or -459.63985 degrees F at atmospheric pressure...What's your point?

Lowers the total amount of surface cooling due to (yes say it , say it) back radiation.. What else could it be? The additional heat in the air INCREASES radiation heating via IR photons.. That IS the definition of radiative heat transfer. [/quote]

Since water can actually store heat, it is entirely possible for water vapor to be warmer than the surface of the earth...especially after nightfall. In that case, it isn't backradiation at all, it is the warmer water vapor in the air radiating to the cooler surface.

There is no such thing as backradiation. If there were, then the second law would read quite differently.
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No one agrees with BS you just made up asshat..LOL

Guess he thinks no one has been reading the conversation and knows that it was his own stupid...very basic error that brought on the whole thing.

You should be able to answer the following from your video.

In thermodynamics, the ideal gas law is important. It is the foundation for the thermodynamic cycle that allows a steam engine to run. *During the thermodynamic cycle, there are two contant quantity paths that allow energy to be input amd extracted, tranfering heat to work.*

Show the following mathematically, in terms of enthalpy, entropy, heat ans work.

What is the ideal gas law?

What are the two constant quantity processes?

Which one does the work and which one allow energy to be added?

I'll give you a clue: dU=dQ-dW or rather dQ=dU+dW

Bonus; which thermodynamic law does this come from and what is the significance in proving that a perpetual motion machine is impossible?

Got a thermally perfect gas do ya? LOL

An IDEAL GAS is exactly as it states "ideal" meaning perfect...

WTF does that have to do with anything we discussed here socko?

Your googling is tiresome you grabbed that verbatim from this link...

New Page 1

You don't even know shit about it, you just grabbed some random tidbits and tried tosell your intellect again..

You're a proven fraud and fake socko.. From your sequestered CO2 nonsense, to your asinine ramblings from the start till now, all of it shows you for a BS artist fake...

ROFL trifling moron..
I aced my thermo course and my project was on the thermodynamics of the internal combustion engine. You learned from a video.

Since you have never taken a physics class in which thermodynamics was discussed, it is clear that I was are a liar who simply can't read.

LOL, a thermal course?

Wasn't aware they had a specific "thermal course".. Heard of physics, natural sciences, thermal imaging, thermodynamics, solar thermal training, and many others but not a "thermal course"..

Maybe he was instructed how to use his mom's hot water bottle once?

You don't even know shit about it, you just grabbed some random tidbits and tried tosell your intellect again..

You're a proven fraud and fake socko.. From your sequestered CO2 nonsense, to your asinine ramblings from the start till now, all of it shows you for a BS artist fake...

ROFL trifling moron..

You can always tell the fakes...take random samplings of their "science talk" plug it into google and you almost always find that it came from somewhere else. They never speak in their own words because they just aren't able to actually discuss the topic....and the idea that they actually understand what they cut and paste is just a joke.
LOL, a thermal course?

Wasn't aware they had a specific "thermal course".. Heard of physics, natural sciences, thermal imaging, thermodynamics, solar thermal training, and many others but not a "thermal course"..

Maybe he was instructed how to use his mom's hot water bottle once?


Maybe it was a talk they had on the short bus about how dangerous a thermos full of hot chocolate could be and he heard thermos as thermo....or maybe thermo is what he called his thermos.

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