How Obama Compares - Historic Presidential Approval Ratings

you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

Maybe I could just wear a dress and a wig! ;)

obama will go down in history as the worst president ever. media manipulation of approval ratings means nothing.
his signature piece of legislation, ACA, is the worst piece of legislation in our history, a complete disaster that is destroying the best medical system in the world.

Your blind hatred of Obama is not evidence that the ACA is actually improving the health and lives of hardworking Americans. Furthermore it is not "destroying" anything at all.

if you want to dress up as a woman and have a tryst with a lesbian, be my guest. maybe you can interest wytch and her partner in a 3 way.

That was joke. Why do you extreme rightwingers have zero sense of humor?
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.


"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


And approval ratings go up for all of them when they leave office...even Nixon.

That is usually after they have left office for a while. I was talking about ratings while still in office.
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.

It s amazing about the tight grouping of ratings with Obama. They do not swing much one way or the other
Seems most people have made their decision on Obama and do not swing one way or the other
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.


"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


Just psychology though, everyone likes a winner. Probably had nothing to do with job performance as much as simply "he beat he wrap."

Uh, no.

Like Obama, its results that count.

Both Clinton and Obama have done truly great things for the country and people know it.

Obama's great things
1. doubled the national debt
2. had the longest run of high unemployment in history
3. lost Iraq and Afghanistan
4. got 4 americans killed in Benghazi
5. "if you like your plan you can keep it"
6. divided the country on sex, race, age, income, ethnicity, and location
7. made the US the laughing stock of the world
8. made Putin look like a statesman
9. traded four murdering terrorists for a deserter
10. drew a red line and then ignored it in Syria
11. let millions of jobs move to china
12. made the US corporate tax rate the highest in the world

just for starters.
Fascinating comparison.

What was interesting to note is that both Bush's have the greatest range swings, 60 and 64 percent. Carter comes next with a mere 47 and Nixon with 44. At this stage Obama has the smallest range swing of just 23 percent.

:lol: drama, Obama. Steady, even keel.


In the long run that is going to help his standings historically.His accomplishments with healthcare are significant and his ability to lead in spite of obstruction will survive the test of time IMO.

^^^ This ^^^

In fact, the treasonous obstruction fro the right has failed in that most Americans see it for what it is and has been.

No matter what the right has done, President Obama has simply gone on, doing his job. He had a terrible mess left to him by the previous prez and while it will take a long time to come back from that, Obama made a damn good start.

We saw the same with the fiscal mess left by Reagan and the progress Clinton made.

We, and the world, cannot afford Republican presidents.
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.


"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


And approval ratings go up for all of them when they leave office...even Nixon.

That is usually after they have left office for a while. I was talking about ratings while still in office.

The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.


"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


And approval ratings go up for all of them when they leave office...even Nixon.

Nixon's ratings went up because people realized that he cared more about the country than his personal legacy. He did the honorable thing, unlike clinton.

Nixon, honorable?

You meant to write, Nixon - corrupt crook.
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.


"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


Just psychology though, everyone likes a winner. Probably had nothing to do with job performance as much as simply "he beat he wrap."

Uh, no.

Like Obama, its results that count.

Both Clinton and Obama have done truly great things for the country and people know it.

Obama's great things
1. doubled the national debt
2. had the longest run of high unemployment in history
3. lost Iraq and Afghanistan
4. got 4 americans killed in Benghazi
5. "if you like your plan you can keep it"
6. divided the country on sex, race, age, income, ethnicity, and location
7. made the US the laughing stock of the world
8. made Putin look like a statesman
9. traded four murdering terrorists for a deserter
10. drew a red line and then ignored it in Syria
11. let millions of jobs move to china
12. made the US corporate tax rate the highest in the world

just for starters.

Quite a list and not even one fact.
you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

Maybe I could just wear a dress and a wig! ;)

Ignore Fishy. He has an obsession with all things lesbian and can't concentrate on a topic if there's one in the room.

no wytch, the obsession is yours. I think you have a mental illness to I feel sorry for you.

But its always you who derails threads into phobe attacks.

Its true you are obsessed and quite threatened by homosexuality.
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.


"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


And approval ratings go up for all of them when they leave office...even Nixon.

Nixon's ratings went up because people realized that he cared more about the country than his personal legacy. He did the honorable thing, unlike clinton.

Nixon, honorable?

You meant to write, Nixon - corrupt crook.

Nixon lied aboout his party breaking into an office of the other party, BFD. he did not lie under oath

clinton lied under oath about a sexual encounter with a young employee in the oval office.

corrupt? crook? yes, both of them.
"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


Just psychology though, everyone likes a winner. Probably had nothing to do with job performance as much as simply "he beat he wrap."

Uh, no.

Like Obama, its results that count.

Both Clinton and Obama have done truly great things for the country and people know it.

Obama's great things
1. doubled the national debt
2. had the longest run of high unemployment in history
3. lost Iraq and Afghanistan
4. got 4 americans killed in Benghazi
5. "if you like your plan you can keep it"
6. divided the country on sex, race, age, income, ethnicity, and location
7. made the US the laughing stock of the world
8. made Putin look like a statesman
9. traded four murdering terrorists for a deserter
10. drew a red line and then ignored it in Syria
11. let millions of jobs move to china
12. made the US corporate tax rate the highest in the world

just for starters.

Quite a list and not even one fact.

which one is not true, be specific.
you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

Maybe I could just wear a dress and a wig! ;)

obama will go down in history as the worst president ever. media manipulation of approval ratings means nothing.
his signature piece of legislation, ACA, is the worst piece of legislation in our history, a complete disaster that is destroying the best medical system in the world.

Your blind hatred of Obama is not evidence that the ACA is actually improving the health and lives of hardworking Americans. Furthermore it is not "destroying" anything at all.

no its not. premiums are up, deductibles are up, doctors are leaving medicine, hospitals are closing, drug prices are up.

sure, if you are getting it free, you think its great, but those who are paying think it sucks.

Hospitals are closing in red states that refused to sign up for the ACA. They only have their rabid Republican governors and legislatures to blame for that.

As far as price increases go that is not true across the board. My own healthcare premiums didn't rise at all and that was true for many others too. The increases that have occurred are minor when compared to how they were raping the economy prior to the ACA.

Your hatred of Obama doesn't translate into actual facts.

More winners than losers...


you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

Maybe I could just wear a dress and a wig! ;)

Ignore Fishy. He has an obsession with all things lesbian and can't concentrate on a topic if there's one in the room.

no wytch, the obsession is yours. I think you have a mental illness to I feel sorry for you.

But its always you who derails threads into phobe attacks.

Its true you are obsessed and quite threatened by homosexuality.

no, I have gay friends and relatives who I love and respect. my objection is to the in-your-face attitude of the current gay agenda. and my gay friends and relatives are also offended by it.

I am in the majority, you and wytch are the outlyers.
"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


And approval ratings go up for all of them when they leave office...even Nixon.

Nixon's ratings went up because people realized that he cared more about the country than his personal legacy. He did the honorable thing, unlike clinton.

Nixon, honorable?

You meant to write, Nixon - corrupt crook.

Nixon lied aboout his party breaking into an office of the other party, BFD. he did not lie under oath

clinton lied under oath about a sexual encounter with a young employee in the oval office.

corrupt? crook? yes, both of them.
Nixon covered up a crime

Clinton got a blowjob
you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

Maybe I could just wear a dress and a wig! ;)

obama will go down in history as the worst president ever. media manipulation of approval ratings means nothing.
his signature piece of legislation, ACA, is the worst piece of legislation in our history, a complete disaster that is destroying the best medical system in the world.

Your blind hatred of Obama is not evidence that the ACA is actually improving the health and lives of hardworking Americans. Furthermore it is not "destroying" anything at all.

no its not. premiums are up, deductibles are up, doctors are leaving medicine, hospitals are closing, drug prices are up.

sure, if you are getting it free, you think its great, but those who are paying think it sucks.

Hospitals are closing in red states that refused to sign up for the ACA. They only have their rabid Republican governors and legislatures to blame for that.

As far as price increases go that is not true across the board. My own healthcare premiums didn't rise at all and that was true for many others too. The increases that have occurred are minor when compared to how they were raping the economy prior to the ACA.

Your hatred of Obama doesn't translate into actual facts.

More winners than losers...



yes, as I said, those who get it free or subsidized like it-------------who is surprised by that?

If someone would pay my premium I would like it too.

Now, if your premium went up 20% and your deductible went from 1000 to 6000 would you like it?
Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


And approval ratings go up for all of them when they leave office...even Nixon.

Nixon's ratings went up because people realized that he cared more about the country than his personal legacy. He did the honorable thing, unlike clinton.

Nixon, honorable?

You meant to write, Nixon - corrupt crook.

Nixon lied aboout his party breaking into an office of the other party, BFD. he did not lie under oath

clinton lied under oath about a sexual encounter with a young employee in the oval office.

corrupt? crook? yes, both of them.
Nixon covered up a crime

Clinton got a blowjob

they both lied, one lied under oath. the subject of the lie does not matter.

clinton disgraced the oval office, nixon disgraced himself.
Fascinating comparison.

What was interesting to note is that both Bush's have the greatest range swings, 60 and 64 percent. Carter comes next with a mere 47 and Nixon with 44. At this stage Obama has the smallest range swing of just 23 percent.

:lol: drama, Obama. Steady, even keel.


In the long run that is going to help his standings historically.His accomplishments with healthcare are significant and his ability to lead in spite of obstruction will survive the test of time IMO.

you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

obama will go down in history as the worst president ever. media manipulation of approval ratings means nothing.
his signature piece of legislation, ACA, is the worst piece of legislation in our history, a complete disaster that is destroying the best medical system in the world.

but continue worshiping the kenyan messiah, maybe he will send you some free cheese.

Nothing in your posting, not a single word, is even remotely cogent to the data in the OP. Not even close. Sure you are welcome to your opinion, which you make sure that the whole world hears all the time, but your opinion is not based in fact or approval ratings, to be sure.

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