How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America


It was clear that race relations in America were rapidly deteriorating, and that recent NBC poll just reinforced the obvious.

Hopefully someday soon a person or group will come along and successfully challenge both "ends" of the issue to face their own faults and to fix them -- but it will require someone who is brave, not worried about how "it will look", not worried about annoying a key constituency, and willing to do what it takes, strong enough to hold a mirror to the face of both ends.

Obviously Obama is not that guy. Oh well. All we can do now is keep hoping.


It's refreshing to run across someone with some common sense and integrity regarding race relations, very rare in today's politicized climate. :clap2:
When your entire persona and political carrier revolves around racism its bound to jump up and bite you in the ass. He feeds the beast for his own benefit.
It's funny though.

Liberals champion racial equality, but shame white people for being white. When they have the black man surely under their heel, they go after the white man. It's funny to watch this colossal double standard unfold.

No one can make you feel shame except yourself. It's called "SELF esteem".

Project much?
What a load of crap. Racism has existed in the United States since we were colonies of England. We had to pass a Civil Rights Act to try and put an end to institutional racism, but that bill had no effect on generational racists. It is they who have created this new wave of hate and fear.

What a load of crap, your dear leader has set race relations back 75 years is less than 2 and has continued his divisionist tactics since. His Alinski traing demands division and he's damned good at it. It will take another generation or two just to get back to the point we were before this commie took the spot light.
By Arnold Ahlert

A new poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reveals that public perceptions about race relations in America have taken a devastating hit since the election of Barack Obama. At the beginning of the president’s first term, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks had a positive view of American race relations. Those numbers have plummeted to 52 percent and 38 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, 45 percent of whites now consider race relations fairly or very bad, compared with 20 percent in 2009, and the negative views held by black Americans has jumped from 30 percent to 58 percent. Thus, the idea that the election of Barack Obama would usher in a golden age of so-called post-racial relations has exploded. And the president and his administration bear the lion’s share of the responsibility for lighting the fuse.


Read more:
How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America | FrontPage Magazine

Of course even the revelations coming from NBC, somehow will be denied by the Progressive Left.

Yeah, white conservatives hate Obama. Therefore, the state of race relations are horrible.

What is this? Some kind of kooky right-wing (increasingly those two words are synonyms) political fantasy?

The SC striking down part of the voting rights act and the Zimmerman acquittal has more to do with the poisoning of race relations in this country, and those are decisions that made the right positively giddy with delight. Can you figure out the rest without bread crumbs?
Yes, the racists have really come to the fore with Obama in office.

Yeah that tends to happen when everybody that even considers disagreeing with a Presidents viewpoints gets labelled as a racist, apparently self fulfilling notions are still self fulfilling. :rolleyes:

Call in the cavalry! we're surrounded by racists and they're multiplying like rabbits on Viagra!

Silly me all this time I thought the GOP seeing terrorists hiding under every rock and behind every tree was about as ridiculous as things could possibly get.

What viewpoint were they disagreeing with when before Obama became president cons said he was being sworn in on the Koran? Was that economical or foreign policy?

If one were to guess (based on the very narrow and self serving nature of your question of course) one might suppose that a very small but vocal group of hyper-partisan robots made such claims in order to attempt to plant the notion that President Obama is a Muslim, which of course in today's left wing vernacular equates not to a crass partisan slander by said small group but to evidence of wide spread racism among conservatives.

The fact of the matter is that some on the left want to see racism everywhere, love seeing racism everywhere and can't wait to see more racism everywhere. They have become in essence the leading manufacturers and distributors of racism (which I'm sure discomfits the KKK to no end). I have to congratulate such people though, since they've managed to achieve a level of ludicrous previously believed doable only by the Westboro Baptist Church congregation.
Yeah that tends to happen when everybody that even considers disagreeing with a Presidents viewpoints gets labelled as a racist, apparently self fulfilling notions are still self fulfilling. :rolleyes:

Call in the cavalry! we're surrounded by racists and they're multiplying like rabbits on Viagra!

Silly me all this time I thought the GOP seeing terrorists hiding under every rock and behind every tree was about as ridiculous as things could possibly get.

What viewpoint were they disagreeing with when before Obama became president cons said he was being sworn in on the Koran? Was that economical or foreign policy?

If one were to guess (based on the very narrow and self serving nature of your question of course) one might suppose that a very small but vocal group of hyper-partisan robots made such claims in order to attempt to plant the notion that President Obama is a Muslim, which of course in today's left wing vernacular equates not to a crass partisan slander by said small group but to evidence of wide spread racism among conservatives.

The fact of the matter is that some on the left want to see racism everywhere, love seeing racism everywhere and can't wait to see more racism everywhere. They have become in essence the leading manufacturers and distributors of racism (which I'm sure discomfits the KKK to no end). I have to congratulate such people though, since they've managed to achieve a level of ludicrous previously believed doable only by the Westboro Baptist Church congregation.

Sure some do...but I'm talking about this time and this instance.

So please stop saying theres no reason for people to think hatred of Obama comes from policies. As you just mentioned, it wasnt
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

gawd you're an idiot...white people hate it when they are left out...figures you would stick up for the race baiting President, Obama....Obama hates it when his is left out so he just has to stick his know nose into everything that has to do with a black person, so he can have a hand in stirring up more hate amongst the people in this country...

and here we all thought our Presidents were SUPPOSE to represent all the people in this country...AND the poll wasn't just of WHITE people adked if Obama has hurt race relations in this country you damn Obamabot dummy
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Sure some do...but I'm talking about this time and this instance.

So please stop saying theres no reason for people to think hatred of Obama comes from policies. As you just mentioned, it wasnt

I never mentioned "hatred" (I won't even speculate on why some people "hate" him) I specifically said disagree and I'm speaking from personal experience since there have numerous occasions that I've called a "racist" for no greater offense than expressing my disagreement with President Obama's policies and/or political philosophy, and I'm neither a Republican nor a Conservative, I can only imagine how often GOP Conservatives get slandered with that label.

If certain people on the left wouldn't intentionally paint with such broad brushes then maybe, just maybe an intelligent and productive conversation about race relations in this country could be conducted, but I suspect those guilty of slinging the racism charge at everyone and everything that doesn't meet with their approval aren't really interested in improving race relations and that their only objective is using race as a tool to silence those that disagree with them, if they had any honor or integrity they'd be deeply ashamed of themselves.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

gawd you're an idiot...white people hate it when they are left out...figures you would stick up for the race baiting President, Obama....Obama hates it when his is left out so he just has to stick his know nose into everything that has to do with a black person, so he can have a hand in stirring up more hate amongst the people in this country...

and here we all thought our Presidents were SUPPOSE to represent all the people in this country...AND the poll wasn't just of WHITE people adked if Obama has hurt race relations in this country you damn Obamabot dummy

Gawd you're an idiot blah blah...Libtards....blah blah Retard....blah OMG! Meanie....blah blah
Sure some do...but I'm talking about this time and this instance.

So please stop saying theres no reason for people to think hatred of Obama comes from policies. As you just mentioned, it wasnt

I never mentioned "hatred" (I won't even speculate on why some people "hate" him) I specifically said disagree and I'm speaking from personal experience since there have numerous occasions that I've called a "racist" for no greater offense than expressing my disagreement with President Obama's policies and/or political philosophy, and I'm neither a Republican nor a Conservative, I can only imagine how often GOP Conservatives get slandered with that label.

Well those people are stupid. Don't be stupid with them or excuse future stupidity with that..if that's really true. Even the people who held pics of Obama with bones through his nose have a justification for it.

If certain people on the left wouldn't intentionally paint with such broad brushes then maybe, just maybe an intelligent and productive conversation about race relations in this country could be conducted, but I suspect those guilty of slinging the racism charge at everyone and everything that doesn't meet with their approval aren't really interested in improving race relations and that their only objective is using race as a tool to silence those that disagree with them, if they had any honor or integrity they'd be deeply ashamed of themselves.

A productive conversation about race can never be had....It's not because of "todays liberals" or Obama.

Think back 10 years. Remember when America was ready to have the "productive conversation"? Yeah, me neither.

Think back 20, 30, 40, hell...pick a number. Remember when America was ready then? Yeah, me neither.

But you know whos fault it is. Obama's...or Jesse's...or Al's....Or Martin's...Or Malcolm's....Or Rosa's....or
Obama is a black Muslim racist who hates whites and Christians, it is not amazingly that his policy has divided Americans according to their races.
Obama is a black Muslim racist who hates whites and Christians, it is not amazingly that his policy has divided Americans according to their races.

He and his hateful wife attended a black racist church called, Black Liberation with the racist (everything wrong for blacks is because of white people) Wright for 20 damn years...

but these wonderful votes overlooked all that and instead called the people speaking out about his church, RACIST.... Hard to swallow they put this hateful little man on the American people and now we are all suffering for it
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What a load of crap. Racism has existed in the United States since we were colonies of England. We had to pass a Civil Rights Act to try and put an end to institutional racism, but that bill had no effect on generational racists. It is they who have created this new wave of hate and fear.

What a load of crap, your dear leader has set race relations back 75 years is less than 2 and has continued his divisionist tactics since. His Alinski traing demands division and he's damned good at it. It will take another generation or two just to get back to the point we were before this commie took the spot light.

Trifecta of RW taking points..."dear leader", "Alinski", and "commie". You left out "Muslim" and "fascist" tho.
He and his hateful wife attended a black racist church called, Black Liberation with the racist (everything wrong for blacks is because of white people) Wright for 20 damn years...

but these wonderful votes overlooked all that and instead called the people speaking out about his church, RACIST.... Hard to swallow they put this hateful little man on the American people and now we are all suffering for it

Obama's voters are dumb people, Obama will ruin America like affirmative acion''s benefitors in Detroit it did. Barry Southero is a clandestine Muslim and helped fundamentalist sickos in Arab countries to obtain the power.
Well I suppose Obama was bringing us together when he goes out and rails about our laws and courts because they found Zimmerman (who is HISPANIC not guilty) and says thing like if Martin had been white, blaaa blaa blaa

Obama is the number one RACE BAITER in this country...just a pathetic man

and now the black people are once again playing the we are the (victims) in this hateful country run by the white man

how people were cheering and dancing in the streets when the court found Oj. Simpson NOT GUILTY in his murder trial for killing his WHITE wife and her friend
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Sure some do...but I'm talking about this time and this instance.

So please stop saying theres no reason for people to think hatred of Obama comes from policies. As you just mentioned, it wasnt

I never mentioned "hatred" (I won't even speculate on why some people "hate" him) I specifically said disagree and I'm speaking from personal experience since there have numerous occasions that I've called a "racist" for no greater offense than expressing my disagreement with President Obama's policies and/or political philosophy, and I'm neither a Republican nor a Conservative, I can only imagine how often GOP Conservatives get slandered with that label.

Don't be stupid with them or excuse future stupidity with that..if that's really true.
That's the spirit always attempt to impugn the intelligence and integrity of those that refuse to fall directly into lockstep with you...... such fare would offer some comedic relief if it wasn't so predictable. :rolleyes:

A productive conversation about race can never be had....
Not as long as boys keep crying wolf anyways ..

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