How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

Both sides need to be honest so you decided you wouldn't? Oh makes sense

How about you try this? You talk about your "side" and stop talking for the other "side" and see how that turns out.


I'm not sure what your point is. If you think I'm lying about something, please be specific and point out where you think I'm lying.

And I can say that we already have more than enough partisan ideologues who can only push their "side" with the standard one-sided intellectual dishonesty. Maybe a little big-picture thinking would be helpful now.

And since I see pretty clear and reasonable arguments on both "sides", I'm afraid I wouldn't be completely welcome on either. The two need to have a comprehensive and honest conversation, neither "side" is doing a very good job of that in my estimation, as I've now said multiple times. And again, I really don't see that happening.

Maybe you think this honest conversation is already happening. I don't see that, maybe that's what your point is, who knows.

Not sure what you're angry about, but this is becoming tedious.


I cant point to specifics because you use a lot of weasel words like "some on the left" "the left believes" "blacks need to". Its all generalizations just like you trying to play the "angry" card. I'm sure thats gonna come up again.

So lets look. You're unsure what I'm talking about. I call that the "New Page" message board memory making you forget the page before.

Conflating racial comments with racist comments has long been a very effective (if dishonest) tool of the PC Police to keep us divided, but we'll see how much longer they can get away with it.

It seems screamingly obvious to me, but I'll answer anyway.

A vast, vast majority of what we hear from the Left is about how blacks are victimized and how anyone who disagrees with that is a racist. Of course, anyone who does or says any number of things is a racist, too, which is a very effective tool in keeping both blacks and whites angry and furthers the Left's political agenda.

So let's look at what each "side" of the this argument must say and do to begin an honest, productive conversation about race, not including screaming and finger-pointing:

The Right must stop denying and deflecting from the obvious fact that racism still exists on a widespread basis, and they must start holding those people accountable for their actions and their words. They also must do everything they can to marginalize the division pimps in their party and endeavor to truly change hearts and minds, because that's the only way an issue this severe is going to see any changes.

The Left must stop denying and deflecting from the obvious fact that the "black community" has critical issues and problems that it must address clearly and unambiguously, such as the abject breakdown of the family and, black on black crime. Recognize the "soft bigotry of reduced expectations" and REJECT IT. They also must do everything they can to marginalize the division pimps in their party and endeavor to truly change hearts and minds.

And that's the answer to your question. Stop finding every excuse to scream "racism", stop waiting for the "other guys" to do something, and do the heavy lifting this is going to require. But it's not a little speech here or there, or a visit by some "leader" to a black church where they only say what blacks want to hear. It's a widespread, honest, daily, deep-rooted introspection and action. The same thing, by the way, that must happen on the Right.

And here's another thing: If that were to happen, it would decrease the amount of animosity that has been built up from the all "racism" screaming, and would further challenge the other "side" to get ITS shit together, too.

The tragic thing is the above plan is just sitting there, waiting to happen. But I don't see that happening, because there are far too many people who have a vested interest in NOT doing what I suggest. Some of the vested interest is financial, some is political. The division pimps. Finger-pointing and attacks are good business, they're good politics.

And the narcissism that so badly infects both "sides" will prohibit it as well.


I love it when you guys say someone must do something while it's actually happening already :lol:

Lets remember who the "division pimps" are and why they are called that shall we: Jesse (Black and speaks for blacks), Al (Black and speaks for blacks), Cornell West (black and speaks for blacks).

Who were the "division pimps" of the past and why were they called that: MLK (Black and speaks for blacks), Malcolm (Black and speaks for blacks), Marcus Garvey (Black and speaks for blacks), Rosa Parks (Black and speaks for blacks)

See the pattern here? There has NEVER EVER been a black person that EVER EXISTED that was able to exist AND speak on issues in their Community without having this "race/division/divisive pimp" label. Coincidence?

Sure, there is a black person out there who is repping for blacks that is not a pimp. White people just haven't been able to identify him so it's only obvious that you ask for the one thing that has never existed. Or blacks should just STFU altogether then whites wont give them the "trouble maker" label.

This is what I quoted you on. It's dishonest but sure as the sun comes up. You'll leave this thread and run to another saying the same shit.

Everyone you dont like is "causing division" because either you like them or you dont and by golly thats divisive. Divisions exist in communities everywhere but by golly divisions are divisive! People who talk about divisions are divisive and unless I say what you like...I'm divisive too!

it's perfect circular logic

You're once again accusing me of lying without pointing out the lie.

See, this is a forum in which we post our opinions. Assuming the bolded area is the "lie" to which you're referring, that is my opinion. Are you saying that I'm lying about my opinion? So you're saying I actually don't believe what I wrote? Also, do you think I'm just saying that one "side" or the other is dishonest in this debate? That would be interesting, because you won't be able to find where I said that. Examples, yes. Exclusivity, no. And I continue to point out that the responsibilty is on both "sides". I wonder if you'd just be making that one up to make a point.

It's also my opinion that there are people who have a vested interest in keeping us angry and divided. This seems abundantly clear to me, but it's still my opinion. Is that what you're referring to in that last, bizarre paragraph?

If I say something with which you disagree, that doesn't mean that I'm lying. I remember telling my children something like that when they were young. This is a very strange conversation indeed, but at least you have succeeded in taking the focus off my actual point.

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I'm not sure what your point is. If you think I'm lying about something, please be specific and point out where you think I'm lying.

And I can say that we already have more than enough partisan ideologues who can only push their "side" with the standard one-sided intellectual dishonesty. Maybe a little big-picture thinking would be helpful now.

And since I see pretty clear and reasonable arguments on both "sides", I'm afraid I wouldn't be completely welcome on either. The two need to have a comprehensive and honest conversation, neither "side" is doing a very good job of that in my estimation, as I've now said multiple times. And again, I really don't see that happening.

Maybe you think this honest conversation is already happening. I don't see that, maybe that's what your point is, who knows.

Not sure what you're angry about, but this is becoming tedious.


I cant point to specifics because you use a lot of weasel words like "some on the left" "the left believes" "blacks need to". Its all generalizations just like you trying to play the "angry" card. I'm sure thats gonna come up again.

So lets look. You're unsure what I'm talking about. I call that the "New Page" message board memory making you forget the page before.

I love it when you guys say someone must do something while it's actually happening already :lol:

Lets remember who the "division pimps" are and why they are called that shall we: Jesse (Black and speaks for blacks), Al (Black and speaks for blacks), Cornell West (black and speaks for blacks).

Who were the "division pimps" of the past and why were they called that: MLK (Black and speaks for blacks), Malcolm (Black and speaks for blacks), Marcus Garvey (Black and speaks for blacks), Rosa Parks (Black and speaks for blacks)

See the pattern here? There has NEVER EVER been a black person that EVER EXISTED that was able to exist AND speak on issues in their Community without having this "race/division/divisive pimp" label. Coincidence?

Sure, there is a black person out there who is repping for blacks that is not a pimp. White people just haven't been able to identify him so it's only obvious that you ask for the one thing that has never existed. Or blacks should just STFU altogether then whites wont give them the "trouble maker" label.

This is what I quoted you on. It's dishonest but sure as the sun comes up. You'll leave this thread and run to another saying the same shit.

Everyone you dont like is "causing division" because either you like them or you dont and by golly thats divisive. Divisions exist in communities everywhere but by golly divisions are divisive! People who talk about divisions are divisive and unless I say what you like...I'm divisive too!

it's perfect circular logic

You're once again accusing me of lying without pointing out the lie.

See, this is a forum in which we post our opinions. Assuming the bolded area is the "lie" to which you're referring, that is my opinion. Are you saying that I'm lying about my opinion? So you're saying I actually don't believe what I wrote? Also, do you think I'm just saying that one "side" or the other is dishonest in this debate? That would be interesting, because you won't be able to find where I said that. Examples, yes. Exclusivity, no. And I continue to point out that the responsibilty is on both "sides". I wonder if you'd just be making that one up to make a point.

It's also my opinion that there are people who have a vested interest in keeping us angry and divided. This seems abundantly clear to me, but it's still my opinion. Is that what you're referring to in that last, bizarre paragraph?

If I say something with which you disagree, that doesn't mean that I'm lying. I remember telling my children something like that when they were young. This is a very strange conversation indeed, but at least you have succeeded in taking the focus off my actual point.



You are the only truly honest person here. The rest of us....every one of us....are blinded by our partisan ideology. We all thank you for even taking the time out of your day to try and help us. You are so kind.
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Facts: blacks and hispanics commit the most crime. They commit disproportionate high amounts considering blacks make up 13% of the country and hispanics 20%. Blacks and hispanics combined commit 90% of the crime. Maggots...
AGAIN w/ the "Front Page" magazine inks. :eusa_hand: You Rightists don't think we know thats a David Horowitz- backed hate site?
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Facts: blacks and hispanics commit the most crime. They commit disproportionate high amounts considering blacks make up 13% of the country and hispanics 20%. Blacks and hispanics combined commit 90% of the crime. Maggots...

Fact: White have destroyed more land and indigenous people than any other race on earth.

I don't give a fck about environ-wackos and their tree-hugging bs or "indigs". I care about MY country being taken over by filthy, dirty, stupid, broke, diseased, godless criminals who won't assimilate, educate themselves, learn the language, behave like civil human beings etc.

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