How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

In 2008 there was a story on NPR about how the unions in coal country were convincing their membership to vote against their interest.

NPR didn't phrase it that way. NPR talked about it as a triumph against bigotry. The union leadership were telling the membership it would be racist not to vote for Obama and the members proudly went along to prove they had evolved.

The media should have been reporting nationwide on what Obama said in California, and how Obama's election could impact jobs in the industries Obama is not friendly to. Not getting euphoric about how wonderful it was that people would vote for a black guy now, and not coming up with new and improved lists of codewords to accuse Republicans of using when they tried to get the facts out. The media made it about color and helped Democrat power brokers get hardworking people to vote against their self-interest.

I call bullshit...

In 2008, Democrats at every level of government trounced Republicans. Were they all black?

Obama won because he was young and dynamic and people were sick of Republucans after eight years and a collapsing economy

Any Democrat was going to win in 2008
No. I don't remember it. I am interested in WHO called her racist for questioning the man's qualifications. I did not ask for a list. How about just the loudest voice.

Why do nutters do that so often? You make a straight-up claim and then get pissy when someone asks you to support it. Do your fucking research first.

why do you call anyone who disagrees with you a nutter?...

I don't.

you called me and Amelia one just a few threads back......if you think im a Nutter there are a few Righties here that dont think so im sure.....
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

He's biracial. Why don't you lefties get it?

I thought it was awesome that a biracial soul could be elected. My grand baby Trinity is biracial and beautiful beyond belief. (my daughter very white and blonde, daddy one heck of a gorgeous black man from Trinidad).

Now to topic. You left wing nuts bring everything around to racism.

If that's truly the case how in the hell did Obama get elected in the first place?

I will probably regret this........but here goes.

Please understand.......I am not saying to you that the majority of white Americans are racist. I am not saying to you that the majority of white conservatives are racist. It is an ever decreasing minority that we are speaking of.

Lets throw a number at it for the sake of discussion. I would put the number of white American voters who are bigoted to the point that they advocate segregation to be at 5-10%. You know, like my customers who have refused my swimsuit calendar because one of the models is black.

I would add to that number, another 5-10% who are less extreme, but still stuck in the throes of learned bigotry to a degree. These people would hire a white dude over a black dude with identical bonafides. They might revel in a little watermelon and fried chicken humor. They'll insist that the troubles that plague our cities are related to the innate inability of most black people to grasp complex ideas, work hard and improve themselves. This group is not active....they won't hold up a sign demanding that we "get that ****** out of the White House". But they will not necessarily condemn the person holding that sign unless challenged to do so.

That's it. Tops 20%. Odds are not in this grouping.

But, let us not make any mistake. That 20% is HUGE for GOP politics. They are a key voting block for the Republican Party.

They are a major source of ad revenue for the nutjob RW radio hosts, websites and, of course, FOX news.

That is why you see those outlets play in the race baiting game so vigorously. They know that that these people feast on this whole "any criticism of Obama is called racist" meme. They play it up to the hilt. It is a sure way to get a viewer to tune in tomorrow.

Yup. Twenty percent and fading. That is how Obama got elected in the first.....and the second place. The bigots re vastly outnumbered.

Finally.....this place......the USMB ( and others like it ) is most certainly not indicative of the general trend. It just draws chicken-shit loud mouth bigots like moths to a flame. The get to say the things they re afraid to say IRL.

ill go as high as 25%.....i would think a hell of a lot of Far Righties dont care for Obama no matter how much good the guy might do....
Governor Johnson is fortunate enough to be covered by all the blanket "libertarians are racist" commentary cluttering our National Dialog, I'm sure he appreciates being spared the distinction of being singled out for spurious accusations but it wasn't because of any sudden attack of integrity on the part of the left it was because they didn't consider him a serious political threat.

I don't like to generalize, but most Libertarians I have interacted with, don't seem racist to me.
Can't speak for all libertarians but this libertarian appreciates your kindness and the fact that you prefer not to generalize. :)

We would have that in common then.

Has the current President ever taken a stance like this one below?
Not that I'm aware of

How about your standard white republican "conservatives"?
That would depend on how you define "standard white republican conservatives"? The term "conservative" has such a loose definition. Would you have considered Barry Goldwater a standard white republican conservative?

I didn't phrase that correctly, I don't like to make generalizations and that certainly came off as one. I meant to qualify it with "like limbaugh, hannity, levin and the people who have their same mindset."

I'm not sure if Goldwater was or wasn't, according the article below, his views evovled a little. But yes I would call him a Conservative with whom I can or could have agreed with and disagreed with on some issues in an amicable way.
We are more divided as a country now than we have ever been. Hussein has been HORRIBLE for "race relations". It started with his dissing his white half and claiming to be black. He coddles our enemies--especially criminal blacks, Hispanics and Muslimes. He sticks up for losers like Travon Martin, Muslime terrorist Nidal Hasan, criminal aliens and the maggots of the country. He is the worst president EVER!

Please name the era where we were more "unified" as a country. In my opinion, we are getting better and better everyday, with the way we have such a blending of many of the different cultures in this country both socially and entertainment wise, many "racial" lines are being blurred. I can see it all over the place here,I can see it with my son's circle of friends, as well as my friend's children and their circle of friends. As a matter of fact, I can even see the same blending with the "circle of friends" with my mother in law and her children in rural North Georgia. It's the part of North georgia that rounds along in the moutain adjacent to the Zell Miller Highway.

In my opinion, the dividers are part of the "old guard" from all or many of the different "racial" groups and cultures. Yes there are some younger ones who learn from the "old guard", but I think that they are in the minority. I think and hope that it's only going to get better.
A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations. It happens every time coloreds don't know their place

Yeah... like this guy... you libtards just piss purple when you see a conservative black in power... and you can't have that... those upidy damn black conservatives... who do they think they are... they're not following your agenda... gotta take them down...


... you fucking hypocritical libroids truly are pathetic.

So, are you basically "crying racism" when people criticize Alan West ?
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

How do you know white people hate to be left out? and why on earth would you make such a stupid theoretical post?

Black people are worse off since they became democrats. And the democrats, not the republicans, are the ones keeping it that way.

When did they start becoming Democrats?
In 2008 there was a story on NPR about how the unions in coal country were convincing their membership to vote against their interest.

NPR didn't phrase it that way. NPR talked about it as a triumph against bigotry. The union leadership were telling the membership it would be racist not to vote for Obama and the members proudly went along to prove they had evolved.

The media should have been reporting nationwide on what Obama said in California, and how Obama's election could impact jobs in the industries Obama is not friendly to. Not getting euphoric about how wonderful it was that people would vote for a black guy now, and not coming up with new and improved lists of codewords to accuse Republicans of using when they tried to get the facts out. The media made it about color and helped Democrat power brokers get hardworking people to vote against their self-interest.

I call bullshit...

In 2008, Democrats at every level of government trounced Republicans. Were they all black?

Obama won because he was young and dynamic and people were sick of Republucans after eight years and a collapsing economy

Any Democrat was going to win in 2008

Finally sense prevails. I have never understood this mindset that it was because of the black population voting in a block that he won. He took the female vote, the Hispanic vote and the Asian Vote.
That is not practical when those with the biggest bullhorns are dishonest. The well has been so poisoned by continuous accusations of racism that even when the President tried to say something meaningful regarding race relations (July 19th speech) it fell largely on ears deafened by the sound of self-serving miscreants crying wolf all the time.

I am tired of he constant whimpering of the Rightwing........"we can't criticize Obama without being called racist"
Inconvenient truths can be irritating, huh?

The rightwing has done nothing but criticize Obama and I don't see the calls of racism
Yes confirmation bias does tend to be somewhat blinding .. lemme help you out:

"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American. I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans." -- Jimmy Carter

"They can't stand the idea and a piece of it is racism, not that somebody in one racial group doesn't like somebody in another group, so what, it's the sense that the white race must rule, that's what racism is and they can't stand the idea that a man who's not white is president, that is real" -- Chis Matthews, referring to Republicans in general

"Why is Obama called a Marxist but Biden never is? Because it's the new n-word" -- David Sarota,

"I think it’s entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party. I mean, here are a group of people who are admittedly racist, who are overtly political, who tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can…They are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them." -- Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus NAACP

"Conservatives Revel In Their Racism As They Mock First Lady Michelle Obama " -- PoliticsUSA

"The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to use the president's birth certificate. ... Despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the president to the targeting of Tea Party groups, Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House. ... This afternoon, we welcome the latest phrase in the lexicon of Republican attacks on this president -- the IRS. Three letters that sound so innocent, but we know what you mean." -- Martin Bashir, MSNBC

Why don't you provide some specific examples where you have been called racist and we can talk?

Where I have been called racist? I assume you mean on this board, there aren't any, nor did I make any claims that there were, I suspect those posters here that consider themselves members of the right and/or Republicans might have a different story to tell though, but I cannot speak for them. :dunno:

oh for crying out loud...that is some shit that only a left wing radical can much SPEW
And you need a box of tissues? the tea party was out to hurt Obama...are you whiners overlooking how many damn ways you all tried to hurt Bush...someone even CAMPED out on his property and pissed and shit in his bushes...Obama has had it mild compared to what the democrats in Congress on top of you hateful Libs did to Bush
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In 2008 there was a story on NPR about how the unions in coal country were convincing their membership to vote against their interest.

NPR didn't phrase it that way. NPR talked about it as a triumph against bigotry. The union leadership were telling the membership it would be racist not to vote for Obama and the members proudly went along to prove they had evolved.

The media should have been reporting nationwide on what Obama said in California, and how Obama's election could impact jobs in the industries Obama is not friendly to. Not getting euphoric about how wonderful it was that people would vote for a black guy now, and not coming up with new and improved lists of codewords to accuse Republicans of using when they tried to get the facts out. The media made it about color and helped Democrat power brokers get hardworking people to vote against their self-interest.

I call bullshit...

In 2008, Democrats at every level of government trounced Republicans. Were they all black?

Obama won because he was young and dynamic and people were sick of Republucans after eight years and a collapsing economy

Any Democrat was going to win in 2008

Finally sense prevails. I have never understood this mindset that it was because of the black population voting in a block that he won. He took the female vote, the Hispanic vote and the Asian Vote.

Are you under the impression that that has anything to do with what I posted?
I am tired of he constant whimpering of the Rightwing........"we can't criticize Obama without being called racist"
Inconvenient truths can be irritating, huh?

Yes confirmation bias does tend to be somewhat blinding .. lemme help you out:

"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American. I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans." -- Jimmy Carter

"They can't stand the idea and a piece of it is racism, not that somebody in one racial group doesn't like somebody in another group, so what, it's the sense that the white race must rule, that's what racism is and they can't stand the idea that a man who's not white is president, that is real" -- Chis Matthews, referring to Republicans in general

"Why is Obama called a Marxist but Biden never is? Because it's the new n-word" -- David Sarota,

"I think it’s entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party. I mean, here are a group of people who are admittedly racist, who are overtly political, who tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can…They are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them." -- Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus NAACP

"Conservatives Revel In Their Racism As They Mock First Lady Michelle Obama " -- PoliticsUSA

"The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to use the president's birth certificate. ... Despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the president to the targeting of Tea Party groups, Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House. ... This afternoon, we welcome the latest phrase in the lexicon of Republican attacks on this president -- the IRS. Three letters that sound so innocent, but we know what you mean." -- Martin Bashir, MSNBC

Why don't you provide some specific examples where you have been called racist and we can talk?

Where I have been called racist? I assume you mean on this board, there aren't any, nor did I make any claims that there were, I suspect those posters here that consider themselves members of the right and/or Republicans might have a different story to tell though, but I cannot speak for them. :dunno:

oh for crying out loud...that is some shit that only a left wing radical can much SPEW
And you need a box of tissues? the tea party was out to hurt Obama...are you whiners overlooking how many damn ways you all tried to hurt Bush...someone even CAMPED out on his property and pissed and shit in his bushes...Obama has had it mild compared to what the democrats in Congress on top of you hateful Libs did to Bush

I fail to see how your reply is in any way related to what I posted, perhaps you should go back and re-read my post.
I didn't phrase that correctly, I don't like to make generalizations and that certainly came off as one.
Didn't take it as one, Goldwater was popularly known as "Mr. Conservative" in his day although his views leaned strongly toward classical liberalism. Thus he had a lot of views in common with Ron Paul but some might consider him a "white republican conservative". :dunno:

I meant to qualify it with "like limbaugh, hannity, levin and the people who have their same mindset."
Honestly don't really know since I know very little about Limbaugh, Hannity or Levin; don't pay much attention to them, I've seen Hannity a few a times , seems like a nice chap who's a fairly typical social conservative but I don't have enough information to say for sure.
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Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.



I suspect it has become PC to be a racist, at least within some sets of Americans, It would fit nicely with anti intellectualism, a dominant feature of the American Right Wing.
Load of doo doo. Racism has always lingered in this country. People just swept it under the rug now it has resurfaced.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2
As President, Obama has been given a bully pulpit. An honest discussion of race is long overdue

That is not practical when those with the biggest bullhorns are dishonest. The well has been so poisoned by continuous accusations of racism that even when the President tried to say something meaningful regarding race relations (July 19th speech) it fell largely on ears deafened by the sound of self-serving miscreants crying wolf all the time.

I am tired of he constant whimpering of the Rightwing........"we can't criticize Obama without being called racist"

The rightwing has done nothing but criticize Obama and I don't see the calls of racism

Why don't you provide some specific examples where you have been called racist and we can talk?

I see a very small percentage of that race card being played on common arguments. The exception was the birtherism that is still going on today believe it or not. Call it racist was truthful.

The same guys who claim they are being called racist are the same ones who call the man Messiah. Very few democrats do that.
By Arnold Ahlert

A new poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reveals that public perceptions about race relations in America have taken a devastating hit since the election of Barack Obama. At the beginning of the president’s first term, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks had a positive view of American race relations. Those numbers have plummeted to 52 percent and 38 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, 45 percent of whites now consider race relations fairly or very bad, compared with 20 percent in 2009, and the negative views held by black Americans has jumped from 30 percent to 58 percent. Thus, the idea that the election of Barack Obama would usher in a golden age of so-called post-racial relations has exploded. And the president and his administration bear the lion’s share of the responsibility for lighting the fuse.


Read more:
How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America | FrontPage Magazine

Of course even the revelations coming from NBC, somehow will be denied by the Progressive Left.

Seriously? Oh my fucking God you're a moron. Now its OBAMA's fault that white people are fucking racist. That's a new one. I suppose it was Obama who started the racist birther movement, Obama who started the go back to kenya movement, and Obama who decide to import slaves from west africa and then fight a bloody fucking war over it. Where do you shit stains of human existence find this crap? Isn't there some hole you can crawl into, safe from black people, where you can shoot cans and thump your chests all day long? Just go away man!

Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.



I suspect it has become PC to be a racist, at least within some sets of Americans, It would fit nicely with anti intellectualism, a dominant feature of the American Right Wing.

Yes, the dominant right wing meme these days is to be overtly racist and then to act all offended when someone calls you racist and whine about the Constitution, free speech, and black crime statistics, as if that means they can be racist and no one else is allowed to be offended by it. Fucking bigots. Some folks never fucking change.

And they double down. That's okay guys, it's not the first time it's been inferred by the PC Police here that I'm a racist, nor the last. I know how the game is played.

We'll see how much longer the Dems can get away with avoiding an honest, comprehensive, productive discussion about race issues in this country -- one that challenges both ends of the issue. For a change.

Until then, it's all "the other guy's" fault. And until then, nothing improves, which I suspect is the goal.

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And they double down. That's okay guys, it's not the first time it's been inferred by the PC Police here that I'm a racist, nor the last. I know how the game is played.

We'll see how much longer the Dems can get away with avoiding an honest, comprehensive, productive discussion about race issues in this country -- one that challenges both ends of the issue. For a change.

Until then, it's all "the other guy's" fault. And until then, nothing improves, which I suspect is the goal.


What is the other side of the issue that is not being discussed?
Posting facts about blacks, Hispanics, white trash and all other minorities is NOT racist. It is fact. And most liberals can not handle facts.

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