How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations. It happens every time coloreds don't know their place

Yeah... like this guy... you libtards just piss purple when you see a conservative black in power... and you can't have that... those upidy damn black conservatives... who do they think they are... they're not following your agenda... gotta take them down...


... you fucking hypocritical libroids truly are pathetic.

You mean the guy who claimed to have a list of 78 Democrats who are communist?
Who got kicked out of the Army?
Who was a one and done Congressman?
OOOOOOooooohhhh... I SEE... you fucking libtards can talk all the shit you want about a CONSERVATIVE black man and that's not RACIST, but the SECOND a conservative utters ONE BAD WORD about your little radical messiah shit bag commie parked in the white house, WE'RE ALL RACISTS!

Like I said, you fucking libroids are pathetic HYPOCRITES, and you just PROVED MY POINT.

I'm not going to compile a list. Are you claiming you don't remember it, or is there some other point to your question?

No. I don't remember it. I am interested in WHO called her racist for questioning the man's qualifications. I did not ask for a list. How about just the loudest voice.

Why do nutters do that so often? You make a straight-up claim and then get pissy when someone asks you to support it. Do your fucking research first.

I don't do "fucking research" for people who call me a nutter and who conveniently don't remember history.
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Yeah... like this guy... you libtards just piss purple when you see a conservative black in power... and you can't have that... those upidy damn black conservatives... who do they think they are... they're not following your agenda... gotta take them down...


... you fucking hypocritical libroids truly are pathetic.

You mean the guy who claimed to have a list of 78 Democrats who are communist?
Who got kicked out of the Army?
Who was a one and done Congressman?
OOOOOOooooohhhh... I SEE... you fucking libtards can talk all the shit you want about a CONSERVATIVE black man and that's not RACIST, but the SECOND a conservative utters ONE BAD WORD about your little radical messiah shit bag commie parked in the white house, WE'RE ALL RACISTS!

Like I said, you fucking libroids are pathetic HYPOCRITES, and you just PROVED MY POINT.

Calling a nut a nut is not racist
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

How do you know white people hate to be left out? and why on earth would you make such a stupid theoretical post?

Black people are worse off since they became democrats. And the democrats, not the republicans, are the ones keeping it that way.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

How do you know white people hate to be left out? and why on earth would you make such a stupid theoretical post?

Black people are worse off since they became democrats. And the democrats, not the republicans, are the ones keeping it that way.

What have Republicans done to help poor people or minorities outside of ridicule?

Where are those jobs Republicans are always promising?
What a load of crap. Racism has existed in the United States since we were colonies of England. We had to pass a Civil Rights Act to try and put an end to institutional racism, but that bill had no effect on generational racists. It is they who have created this new wave of hate and fear.

Obama brought it over on a boat from England and spread it all over himself. Don't be so ignorant of history

Mea Culpa. Please don't tell the Minister of Truth.
As President, Obama has been given a bully pulpit. An honest discussion of race is long overdue

That is not practical when those with the biggest bullhorns are dishonest. The well has been so poisoned by continuous accusations of racism that even when the President tried to say something meaningful regarding race relations (July 19th speech) it fell largely on ears deafened by the sound of self-serving miscreants crying wolf all the time.

I am tired of he constant whimpering of the Rightwing........"we can't criticize Obama without being called racist"
Inconvenient truths can be irritating, huh?

The rightwing has done nothing but criticize Obama and I don't see the calls of racism
Yes confirmation bias does tend to be somewhat blinding .. lemme help you out:

"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American. I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans." -- Jimmy Carter

"They can't stand the idea and a piece of it is racism, not that somebody in one racial group doesn't like somebody in another group, so what, it's the sense that the white race must rule, that's what racism is and they can't stand the idea that a man who's not white is president, that is real" -- Chis Matthews, referring to Republicans in general

"Why is Obama called a Marxist but Biden never is? Because it's the new n-word" -- David Sarota,

"I think it’s entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party. I mean, here are a group of people who are admittedly racist, who are overtly political, who tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can…They are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them." -- Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus NAACP

"Conservatives Revel In Their Racism As They Mock First Lady Michelle Obama " -- PoliticsUSA

"The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to use the president's birth certificate. ... Despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the president to the targeting of Tea Party groups, Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House. ... This afternoon, we welcome the latest phrase in the lexicon of Republican attacks on this president -- the IRS. Three letters that sound so innocent, but we know what you mean." -- Martin Bashir, MSNBC

Why don't you provide some specific examples where you have been called racist and we can talk?

Where I have been called racist? I assume you mean on this board, there aren't any, nor did I make any claims that there were, I suspect those posters here that consider themselves members of the right and/or Republicans might have a different story to tell though, but I cannot speak for them. :dunno:

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

i believe i said the ones who have been doing this are the people who are kinda far left.....will they criticize a fellow Democrat?....i havent seen that....

If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies

and did i not say that in my statement about those who are against the guy because he is black?.....

now lets talk about those who have never said anything racial about the guy and are saying they dont care for something that Obama is for.....but yet the reply from someone like Poet or Dean is....."why dont you just admit you dont like a black guy in charge of things".....the first guy i mentioned had about 7 threads in here that had to do with just that.....he did not care who or what you are a bigot....and if you are going to tell me LL that this never happens in here then you dont pay attention.....the two clowns i mentioned are just 2 examples.....

Dean does bring up race with little prompting. Might be a little hair triggered.

Poet is a loser. Using him as an example of what is normal is an epic fail on your part. You taking what he says seriously....and getting offended by a YOU problem.

Basically, you are telling me that there are a few posters here who prejudge conservatives as being racist......and that has given you the open to pretend that you are forbidden from criticizing the President for fear of being called racist.

I am telling you that you are free to criticize the President......and if you don't come off as racist, people like me won't call you anything at all. You are not persecuted.

During the 2008 campaign, MSNBC regularly had people on to discuss what Republicans said. Not to address the substance of what they said. But to explain how what they said was racist. Didn't matter the topic. Didn't matter how far removed race was from the issue. MSNBC brought race into it with some of the most tortuous mental acrobatics imaginable.

The job of that wing of Obama's campaign was to tar the right as racist, no matter what.

Doesn't matter what "people like [you]" say ... if indeed you are not so casual with your accusations of racism. What matters in this instance is what the people who were influencing voters said. People like MSNBC started it off and they regularly throw more wood on the fire to keep it raging.

I suppose you are going to show some clips so we can judge for ourselves.

You seem to have been horribly traumatized and are still victimized by all of this unfairness.
That is not practical when those with the biggest bullhorns are dishonest. The well has been so poisoned by continuous accusations of racism that even when the President tried to say something meaningful regarding race relations (July 19th speech) it fell largely on ears deafened by the sound of self-serving miscreants crying wolf all the time.

I am tired of he constant whimpering of the Rightwing........"we can't criticize Obama without being called racist"
Inconvenient truths can be irritating, huh?

The rightwing has done nothing but criticize Obama and I don't see the calls of racism
Yes confirmation bias does tend to be somewhat blinding .. lemme help you out:

"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American. I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans." -- Jimmy Carter

"They can't stand the idea and a piece of it is racism, not that somebody in one racial group doesn't like somebody in another group, so what, it's the sense that the white race must rule, that's what racism is and they can't stand the idea that a man who's not white is president, that is real" -- Chis Matthews, referring to Republicans in general

"Why is Obama called a Marxist but Biden never is? Because it's the new n-word" -- David Sarota,

"I think it’s entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party. I mean, here are a group of people who are admittedly racist, who are overtly political, who tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can…They are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them." -- Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus NAACP

"Conservatives Revel In Their Racism As They Mock First Lady Michelle Obama " -- PoliticsUSA

"The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to use the president's birth certificate. ... Despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the president to the targeting of Tea Party groups, Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House. ... This afternoon, we welcome the latest phrase in the lexicon of Republican attacks on this president -- the IRS. Three letters that sound so innocent, but we know what you mean." -- Martin Bashir, MSNBC

Why don't you provide some specific examples where you have been called racist and we can talk?

Where I have been called racist? I assume you mean on this board, there aren't any, nor did I make any claims that there were, I suspect those posters here that consider themselves members of the right and/or Republicans might have a different story to tell though, but I cannot speak for them. :dunno:

Nice quotes. Without knowing what they were responding to, how can we judge if they were being unfair?
Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

Here is the fact of the matter. If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies.

This is because BY ALL ACCOUNTS, this man is a hard-working, highly intelligent, American born patriot who has reached this land's highest office as a result of his outstanding character and ability.

If you lodge a criticism of the President that has some merit, addresses him with the appropriate level of resoect, is supported with some evidence and doesn't dive into a typical stereotype that has been hung on balck people, you won't.

It is very simple.

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

i believe i said the ones who have been doing this are the people who are kinda far left.....will they criticize a fellow Democrat?....i havent seen that....

If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies

and did i not say that in my statement about those who are against the guy because he is black?.....

now lets talk about those who have never said anything racial about the guy and are saying they dont care for something that Obama is for.....but yet the reply from someone like Poet or Dean is....."why dont you just admit you dont like a black guy in charge of things".....the first guy i mentioned had about 7 threads in here that had to do with just that.....he did not care who or what you are a bigot....and if you are going to tell me LL that this never happens in here then you dont pay attention.....the two clowns i mentioned are just 2 examples.....

Dean does bring up race with little prompting. Might be a little hair triggered.

Poet is a loser. Using him as an example of what is normal is an epic fail on your part. You taking what he says seriously....and getting offended by a YOU problem.

Basically, you are telling me that there are a few posters here who prejudge conservatives as being racist......and that has given you the open to pretend that you are forbidden from criticizing the President for fear of being called racist.

I am telling you that you are free to criticize the President......and if you don't come off as racist, people like me won't call you anything at all. You are not persecuted.

gee thanx for giving me your blessing......look i answered Phoenix's question....thats all i did.....she wanted to know how,i told her....

I'm not going to compile a list. Are you claiming you don't remember it, or is there some other point to your question?

No. I don't remember it. I am interested in WHO called her racist for questioning the man's qualifications. I did not ask for a list. How about just the loudest voice.

Why do nutters do that so often? You make a straight-up claim and then get pissy when someone asks you to support it. Do your fucking research first.

why do you call anyone who disagrees with you a nutter?...
I'm not going to compile a list. Are you claiming you don't remember it, or is there some other point to your question?

No. I don't remember it. I am interested in WHO called her racist for questioning the man's qualifications. I did not ask for a list. How about just the loudest voice.

Why do nutters do that so often? You make a straight-up claim and then get pissy when someone asks you to support it. Do your fucking research first.

why do you call anyone who disagrees with you a nutter?...

I don't.
Dean does bring up race with little prompting. Might be a little hair triggered.

Poet is a loser. Using him as an example of what is normal is an epic fail on your part. You taking what he says seriously....and getting offended by a YOU problem.

Basically, you are telling me that there are a few posters here who prejudge conservatives as being racist......and that has given you the open to pretend that you are forbidden from criticizing the President for fear of being called racist.

I am telling you that you are free to criticize the President......and if you don't come off as racist, people like me won't call you anything at all. You are not persecuted.

During the 2008 campaign, MSNBC regularly had people on to discuss what Republicans said. Not to address the substance of what they said. But to explain how what they said was racist. Didn't matter the topic. Didn't matter how far removed race was from the issue. MSNBC brought race into it with some of the most tortuous mental acrobatics imaginable.

The job of that wing of Obama's campaign was to tar the right as racist, no matter what.

Doesn't matter what "people like [you]" say ... if indeed you are not so casual with your accusations of racism. What matters in this instance is what the people who were influencing voters said. People like MSNBC started it off and they regularly throw more wood on the fire to keep it raging.

I suppose you are going to show some clips so we can judge for ourselves.

You seem to have been horribly traumatized and are still victimized by all of this unfairness.

I'm sure you've seen the clips. You are willfully denying it happened.

I'm behind the right's so-called obstruction all the way. If you want something other than "obstruction", then you ought to do what you can to improve the discourse. If the left in general wants something other than "obstruction" then people like Obama need to learn that the way to get what they want is not to insult the people they're supposed to be working with. People like Chris Matthews and Martin Bashir need to learn that they're not helping when they play the race card.

What Obama offers is flawed on many levels. He had to lie to make O-care happen, and now what he spent so much time lying to get is helping to make 30-hour work weeks the norm in the country.

There is no good policy reason to support what Obama wants. There might be a morale reason, but the left undercuts that with all the partisanship.

Remember how the Dream Act was good when Obama was pushing it? Now that Republicans are proposing a Dream Act, it's a horrible thing because it would break up families. Democrats only want what Democrats will get credit for making happen. They don't care for Obama's "policy" much more than Republicans do. It's all politics, but the media keeps pushing the race line because hitting below the belt works for them way more than trying to defend Obama on substance would.

Obama has given us the proof that government is something to guard against. That it would be a mistake to trust the federal bureaucracy with more power than they have. Even if they mean well, there's too much room for corruption. If race is an issue at all, it should be how do-gooder government programs have hurt the people they meant to help. The story should be that there is no such thing as unicorns and we all need to be more vigilant. But with liberals in control of so much of what is put out on the airwaves, we have people like NBC getting away with egregious edits to push a racial story line. Emotion and hype and no substance.

Remember that time they did a story on scary white people bringing guns to rallies near where the president was speaking and they waxed on about the possible racism there? And they edited out the color of the guy whose guns they were gasping about. Their token gun-toter was black, but they wouldn't let little details like that get in the way of the narrative they wanted their viewers to believe.
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I am tired of he constant whimpering of the Rightwing........"we can't criticize Obama without being called racist"
Inconvenient truths can be irritating, huh?

Yes confirmation bias does tend to be somewhat blinding .. lemme help you out:

"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American. I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans." -- Jimmy Carter

"They can't stand the idea and a piece of it is racism, not that somebody in one racial group doesn't like somebody in another group, so what, it's the sense that the white race must rule, that's what racism is and they can't stand the idea that a man who's not white is president, that is real" -- Chis Matthews, referring to Republicans in general

"Why is Obama called a Marxist but Biden never is? Because it's the new n-word" -- David Sarota,

"I think it’s entirely legitimate to look at the Tea Party. I mean, here are a group of people who are admittedly racist, who are overtly political, who tried as best they can to harm President Obama in every way they can…They are the Taliban wing of American politics and we all ought to be a little worried about them." -- Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus NAACP

"Conservatives Revel In Their Racism As They Mock First Lady Michelle Obama " -- PoliticsUSA

"The IRS is being used in exactly the same way as they tried to use the president's birth certificate. ... Despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the president to the targeting of Tea Party groups, Republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House. ... This afternoon, we welcome the latest phrase in the lexicon of Republican attacks on this president -- the IRS. Three letters that sound so innocent, but we know what you mean." -- Martin Bashir, MSNBC

Why don't you provide some specific examples where you have been called racist and we can talk?

Where I have been called racist? I assume you mean on this board, there aren't any, nor did I make any claims that there were, I suspect those posters here that consider themselves members of the right and/or Republicans might have a different story to tell though, but I cannot speak for them. :dunno:

Nice quotes. Without knowing what they were responding to, how can we judge if they were being unfair?


Contextual logic?



Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.


Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

He's biracial. Why don't you lefties get it?

I thought it was awesome that a biracial soul could be elected. My grand baby Trinity is biracial and beautiful beyond belief. (my daughter very white and blonde, daddy one heck of a gorgeous black man from Trinidad).

Now to topic. You left wing nuts bring everything around to racism.

If that's truly the case how in the hell did Obama get elected in the first place?
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Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

He's biracial. Why don't you lefties get it?

I thought it was awesome that a biracial soul could be elected. My grand baby Trinity is biracial and beautiful beyond belief. (my daughter very white and blonde, daddy one heck of a gorgeous black man from Trinidad).

Now to topic. You left wing nuts bring everything around to racism.

If that's truly the case how in the hell did Obama get elected in the first place?

Hey, he's European-American/African-American. 15 syllables, pretty impressive!

Let's not forget, this is Hyphenated-America now.

Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

He's biracial. Why don't you lefties get it?

I thought it was awesome that a biracial soul could be elected. My grand baby Trinity is biracial and beautiful beyond belief. (my daughter very white and blonde, daddy one heck of a gorgeous black man from Trinidad).

Now to topic. You left wing nuts bring everything around to racism.

If that's truly the case how in the hell did Obama get elected in the first place?

I will probably regret this........but here goes.

Please understand.......I am not saying to you that the majority of white Americans are racist. I am not saying to you that the majority of white conservatives are racist. It is an ever decreasing minority that we are speaking of.

Lets throw a number at it for the sake of discussion. I would put the number of white American voters who are bigoted to the point that they advocate segregation to be at 5-10%. You know, like my customers who have refused my swimsuit calendar because one of the models is black.

I would add to that number, another 5-10% who are less extreme, but still stuck in the throes of learned bigotry to a degree. These people would hire a white dude over a black dude with identical bonafides. They might revel in a little watermelon and fried chicken humor. They'll insist that the troubles that plague our cities are related to the innate inability of most black people to grasp complex ideas, work hard and improve themselves. This group is not active....they won't hold up a sign demanding that we "get that ****** out of the White House". But they will not necessarily condemn the person holding that sign unless challenged to do so.

That's it. Tops 20%. Odds are not in this grouping.

But, let us not make any mistake. That 20% is HUGE for GOP politics. They are a key voting block for the Republican Party.

They are a major source of ad revenue for the nutjob RW radio hosts, websites and, of course, FOX news.

That is why you see those outlets play in the race baiting game so vigorously. They know that that these people feast on this whole "any criticism of Obama is called racist" meme. They play it up to the hilt. It is a sure way to get a viewer to tune in tomorrow.

Yup. Twenty percent and fading. That is how Obama got elected in the first.....and the second place. The bigots re vastly outnumbered.

Finally.....this place......the USMB ( and others like it ) is most certainly not indicative of the general trend. It just draws chicken-shit loud mouth bigots like moths to a flame. The get to say the things they re afraid to say IRL.
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In 2008 there was a story on NPR about how the unions in coal country were convincing their membership to vote against their interest.

NPR didn't phrase it that way. NPR talked about it as a triumph against bigotry. The union leadership were telling the membership it would be racist not to vote for Obama and the members proudly went along to prove they had evolved.

The media should have been reporting nationwide on what Obama said in California, and how Obama's election could impact jobs in the industries Obama is not friendly to. Not getting euphoric about how wonderful it was that people would vote for a black guy now, and not coming up with new and improved lists of codewords to accuse Republicans of using when they tried to get the facts out. The media made it about color and helped Democrat power brokers get hardworking people to vote against their self-interest.
In 2008 there was a story on NPR about how the unions in coal country were convincing their membership to vote against their interest.

NPR didn't phrase it that way. NPR talked about it as a triumph against bigotry. The union leadership were telling the membership it would be racist not to vote for Obama and the members proudly went along to prove they had evolved.

The media should have been reporting nationwide on what Obama said in California, and how Obama's election could impact jobs in the industries Obama is not friendly to. Not getting euphoric about how wonderful it was that people would vote for a black guy now, and not coming up with new and improved lists of codewords to accuse Republicans of using when they tried to get the facts out. The media made it about color and helped Democrat power brokers get hardworking people to vote against their self-interest.

Sorry. That is ridiculous.

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