How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

I didn't see a bunch of Obama supporters calling Gary Johnson a racist.

Governor Johnson is fortunate enough to be covered by all the blanket "libertarians are racist" commentary cluttering our National Dialog, I'm sure he appreciates being spared the distinction of being singled out for spurious accusations but it wasn't because of any sudden attack of integrity on the part of the left it was because they didn't consider him a serious political threat.

I don't like to generalize, but most Libertarians I have interacted with, don't seem racist to me. In fact, that's why i voted for Gary Johnson in the last election and supported Ron Paul. Has the current President ever taken a stance like this one below? How about your standard white republican "conservatives"?

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He'll only be judged that way by racist pigs who have an agenda of hate and they can go fuck themselves.

That is the saddest picture I have ever seen but it captures this man's presidency.]

LOL, we can definitely agree to disagree on this issue. That caption was written by an idiot with an agenda yet probably has NOTHING to back up their bullshit assertions. It holds as much water as some racist pig stating that Holder "is the most racist man in America". :lol:
He'll only be judged that way by racist pigs who have an agenda of hate and they can go fuck themselves.

What fucking charter? Our HMNSIC has yet to accept responsibility for anything he has screwed up. Hell the dumb fuck said he was outraged by what the IRS did now he calls is a phony scandal. He also said he would get to the bottom of Benghazi, instead he hides witnesses from congress, yet another phony scandal, right? He allowed Holder to stone wall congress and invoked executive privilege on fast and furious. But I'm very sure you consider this just another phony scandal. The man has no honor or charter.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

Blaming Obama for race problems is a lot like blaming Ronald McDonald if you're fat. If you have a problem with the opposite race--regardless of what race it is--you're the one at fault.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

Blaming Obama for race problems is a lot like blaming Ronald McDonald if you're fat. If you have a problem with the opposite race--regardless of what race it is--you're the one at fault.

There is no such thing as a opposite race, we are all human, the race profiteers have yet to figure that one out.
Kenyan Colonial Mau Mau, boi, man child, thug.




"Put the White Back in the White House" Meme Moves from Twitter to GOP Rally

Sorry but who keeps bringing up Obama's race?

Must be plants by the Democrats.

Dean who keeps on bringing up White people here more than anyone?....

Sorry Dr. Drool. You can't bring up racism without bringing up white Republicans. Everyone knows that. Democrats know it. Independents know it. Republicans are proud of it.

but do you have to bring them up even if the topic has nothing to do with racism? you do? you have to ALWAYS mention that they are White every time you mention them? you do? cant just say Republicans? you have to mention them no matter what the topic is like you do?......that Tea Baggin in HS by that QB sure must have scarred you.....his name wasn't Romney by any chance was it?....
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That's because white racist conservatives did their best to make the situation worse. Did you personally have a more positive view before Obama got elected? :lol:

and the Politically Correct racist on the left helped....

if you were against Obama for ANYTHING you were a were not allowed to be against the guy......i guess you are supposed to let the guy do anything he wants just because he is Black to these people......and don't tell me that's bullshit....there are a whole bunch of Far Lefties here who have engaged in this kinda shit for the last 5 years.....there are people who ARE against Obama because he is Black mostly from the far can tell who they are just by how they talk about the guy and what they call him....but anyone else who never says anything racial about the guy and just says they don't like this policy or that one.....have been called bigots too by these same assholes......that's not helping things.....that's why the Far Right and Left should be smothered every time they open their mouths.....they are Dividers and love it when the too sides are fighting....
Race relations have always been shitty in this country and they probably always will be.

This poll is a Captain Obvious moment.
It's funny though.

Liberals champion racial equality, but shame white people for being white. When they have the black man surely under their heel, they go after the white man. It's funny to watch this colossal double standard unfold.

Except that affirmative action is proof that the left DOESN'T think blacks are equal. They need special help to compete for jobs or college admission.

Was segregation proof that whites needed special help in competing for jobs or college admissions. I ask since many white protestant institutions not only wouldn't hire blacks, they wouldn't hire Jews or Catholics either. If you were a white male protestant in those days, you had a leg up on just about everybody.

Stay on the point. AA is state sponsored race discrimination. Its driving theory is that blacks can't compete equally with whites.

White males are now discriminated against with impunity. Blacks are often squandering this gift from the left, failing in colleges where more qualified students might succeed, doing marginal jobs where they are hired on skin color, not merit. That's wasted human capital any way you slice it. Part of the reason Big Fed is so completely fucked is that MANY agencies have hired blacks in greater proportion than their % of the population. These hires are not all merit based. We pay full rate for incompetence. Direct welfare might be cheaper since screwing up the job would be less frequent.
Affirmative Action (AA) wasn't proof of what the left thought. AA was a product of institutional racism and an effort to level the playing field and open doors.

And today it continues and IS institutional racism, freely discriminating against white males.

Blacks have not closed the education gap or the IQ gap in the 50+ years of AA. We are hiring the inferior to feel good, costing all of society in inefficiencies.
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and the Politically Correct racist on the left helped....

if you were against Obama for ANYTHING you were a were not allowed to be against the guy......i guess you are supposed to let the guy do anything he wants just because he is Black to these people......and don't tell me that's bullshit....there are a whole bunch of Far Lefties here who have engaged in this kinda shit for the last 5 years.....there are people who ARE against Obama because he is Black mostly from the far can tell who they are just by how they talk about the guy and what they call him....but anyone else who never says anything racial about the guy and just says they don't like this policy or that one.....have been called bigots too by these same assholes......that's not helping things.....that's why the Far Right and Left should be smothered every time they open their mouths.....they are Dividers and love it when the too sides are fighting....

That is not true. You FEEL that you are an overly emotional nutter with an inferiority complex. are being called racist by a crazy person and cannot recognize it. You then throw your hands up and scream that "every time I criticize Obama, I am called a racist!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?
Affirmative Action (AA) wasn't proof of what the left thought. AA was a product of institutional racism and an effort to level the playing field and open doors.

And today it continues and IS institutional racism, freely discriminating against white males.

Blacks have not closed the education gap or the IQ gap in the 50+ years of AA. We are hiring the inferior to feel good, costing all of society in inefficiencies.

Oh, you poor, poor, oppressed white guy! You have it so tough. A qualified white dude can't catch a break in this society!
I didn't see a bunch of Obama supporters calling Gary Johnson a racist.

Governor Johnson is fortunate enough to be covered by all the blanket "libertarians are racist" commentary cluttering our National Dialog, I'm sure he appreciates being spared the distinction of being singled out for spurious accusations but it wasn't because of any sudden attack of integrity on the part of the left it was because they didn't consider him a serious political threat.

I don't like to generalize, but most Libertarians I have interacted with, don't seem racist to me.
Can't speak for all libertarians but this libertarian appreciates your kindness and the fact that you prefer not to generalize. :)

In fact, that's why i voted for Gary Johnson in the last election and supported Ron Paul.
We would have that in common then.

Has the current President ever taken a stance like this one below?
Not that I'm aware of

How about your standard white republican "conservatives"?
That would depend on how you define "standard white republican conservatives"? The term "conservative" has such a loose definition. Would you have considered Barry Goldwater a standard white republican conservative?

if you were against Obama for ANYTHING you were a were not allowed to be against the guy......i guess you are supposed to let the guy do anything he wants just because he is Black to these people......and don't tell me that's bullshit....there are a whole bunch of Far Lefties here who have engaged in this kinda shit for the last 5 years.....there are people who ARE against Obama because he is Black mostly from the far can tell who they are just by how they talk about the guy and what they call him....but anyone else who never says anything racial about the guy and just says they don't like this policy or that one.....have been called bigots too by these same assholes......that's not helping things.....that's why the Far Right and Left should be smothered every time they open their mouths.....they are Dividers and love it when the too sides are fighting....

That is not true. You FEEL that you are an overly emotional nutter with an inferiority complex. are being called racist by a crazy person and cannot recognize it. You then throw your hands up and scream that "every time I criticize Obama, I am called a racist!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

yes it is true.....Dean says it....Lakota says it....Dudly and Franco say it....Poet says it....geezus LL do you pay attention when you are in these threads?.....and i did not say it was ME ...did i?.....

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

probably because those saying that look at you as being just as left as they you get a pass.....
A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations. It happens every time coloreds don't know their place
A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations.

Thanks in no small part to certain parties using the Presidents race as a foil to silence any opposition to the Presidents policies, such behavior should be beneath the dignity of fair-minded and thoughtful people as it not only debases the national dialog but insults the President personally.

History will be as unkind to these people as it will be to those that took to characterizing everyone that disagreed with the Bush Administrations policies as "traitors".

"You know, there's been talk about, should we convene a conversation on race? I haven't seen that be particularly productive when, you know, politicians try to organize conversations. They end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have." --- Barack Obama, 7/19/2013
Affirmative Action (AA) wasn't proof of what the left thought. AA was a product of institutional racism and an effort to level the playing field and open doors.

And today it continues and IS institutional racism, freely discriminating against white males.

Blacks have not closed the education gap or the IQ gap in the 50+ years of AA. We are hiring the inferior to feel good, costing all of society in inefficiencies.

Affirmative Action was a rousing success. Today we have blacks in fields formerly restricted, professional coaches, managers, executives......why we even have one as President
A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations.

Thanks in no small part to certain parties using the Presidents race as a foil to silence any opposition to the Presidents policies, such behavior should be beneath the dignity of fair-minded and thoughtful people as it not only debases the national dialog but insults the President personally.

History will be as unkind to these people as it will be to those that took to characterizing everyone that disagreed with the Bush Administrations policies as "traitors".

"You know, there's been talk about, should we convene a conversation on race? I haven't seen that be particularly productive when, you know, politicians try to organize conversations. They end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have." --- Barack Obama, 7/19/2013

As President, Obama has been given a bully pulpit. An honest discussion of race is long overdue
If stupid white people would stop calling the cops on black people for walking down the street, store aisle, or wherever, then much progress would be made.
We are more divided as a country now than we have ever been. Hussein has been HORRIBLE for "race relations". It started with his dissing his white half and claiming to be black. He coddles our enemies--especially criminal blacks, Hispanics and Muslimes. He sticks up for losers like Travon Martin, Muslime terrorist Nidal Hasan, criminal aliens and the maggots of the country. He is the worst president EVER!

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