How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations.

Thanks in no small part to certain parties using the Presidents race as a foil to silence any opposition to the Presidents policies, such behavior should be beneath the dignity of fair-minded and thoughtful people as it not only debases the national dialog but insults the President personally.

History will be as unkind to these people as it will be to those that took to characterizing everyone that disagreed with the Bush Administrations policies as "traitors".

"You know, there's been talk about, should we convene a conversation on race? I haven't seen that be particularly productive when, you know, politicians try to organize conversations. They end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have." --- Barack Obama, 7/19/2013

As President, Obama has been given a bully pulpit. An honest discussion of race is long overdue

That is not practical when those with the biggest bullhorns are dishonest. The well has been so poisoned by continuous accusations of racism that even when the President tried to say something meaningful regarding race relations (July 19th speech) it fell largely on ears deafened by the sound of self-serving miscreants crying wolf all the time.
Thanks in no small part to certain parties using the Presidents race as a foil to silence any opposition to the Presidents policies, such behavior should be beneath the dignity of fair-minded and thoughtful people as it not only debases the national dialog but insults the President personally.

History will be as unkind to these people as it will be to those that took to characterizing everyone that disagreed with the Bush Administrations policies as "traitors".

"You know, there's been talk about, should we convene a conversation on race? I haven't seen that be particularly productive when, you know, politicians try to organize conversations. They end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have." --- Barack Obama, 7/19/2013

As President, Obama has been given a bully pulpit. An honest discussion of race is long overdue

That is not practical when those with the biggest bullhorns are dishonest. The well has been so poisoned by continuous accusations of racism that even when the President tried to say something meaningful regarding race relations (July 19th speech) it fell largely on ears deafened by the sound of self-serving miscreants crying wolf all the time.

I am tired of he constant whimpering of the Rightwing........"we can't criticize Obama without being called racist"

The rightwing has done nothing but criticize Obama and I don't see the calls of racism

Why don't you provide some specific examples where you have been called racist and we can talk?
if you were against Obama for ANYTHING you were a were not allowed to be against the guy......i guess you are supposed to let the guy do anything he wants just because he is Black to these people......and don't tell me that's bullshit....there are a whole bunch of Far Lefties here who have engaged in this kinda shit for the last 5 years.....there are people who ARE against Obama because he is Black mostly from the far can tell who they are just by how they talk about the guy and what they call him....but anyone else who never says anything racial about the guy and just says they don't like this policy or that one.....have been called bigots too by these same assholes......that's not helping things.....that's why the Far Right and Left should be smothered every time they open their mouths.....they are Dividers and love it when the too sides are fighting....

That is not true. You FEEL that you are an overly emotional nutter with an inferiority complex. are being called racist by a crazy person and cannot recognize it. You then throw your hands up and scream that "every time I criticize Obama, I am called a racist!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

yes it is true.....Dean says it....Lakota says it....Dudly and Franco say it....Poet says it....geezus LL do you pay attention when you are in these threads?.....and i did not say it was ME ...did i?.....

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

probably because those saying that look at you as being just as left as they you get a pass.....

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

Here is the fact of the matter. If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies.

This is because BY ALL ACCOUNTS, this man is a hard-working, highly intelligent, American born patriot who has reached this land's highest office as a result of his outstanding character and ability.

If you lodge a criticism of the President that has some merit, addresses him with the appropriate level of resoect, is supported with some evidence and doesn't dive into a typical stereotype that has been hung on balck people, you won't.

It is very simple.

if you were against Obama for ANYTHING you were a were not allowed to be against the guy......i guess you are supposed to let the guy do anything he wants just because he is Black to these people......and don't tell me that's bullshit....there are a whole bunch of Far Lefties here who have engaged in this kinda shit for the last 5 years.....there are people who ARE against Obama because he is Black mostly from the far can tell who they are just by how they talk about the guy and what they call him....but anyone else who never says anything racial about the guy and just says they don't like this policy or that one.....have been called bigots too by these same assholes......that's not helping things.....that's why the Far Right and Left should be smothered every time they open their mouths.....they are Dividers and love it when the too sides are fighting....

That is not true. You FEEL that you are an overly emotional nutter with an inferiority complex. are being called racist by a crazy person and cannot recognize it. You then throw your hands up and scream that "every time I criticize Obama, I am called a racist!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

Geraldine Frickin Ferraro was called racist for pointing out his singular lack of qualifications.
It's funny though.

Liberals champion racial equality, but shame white people for being white. When they have the black man surely under their heel, they go after the white man. It's funny to watch this colossal double standard unfold.

Except that affirmative action is proof that the left DOESN'T think blacks are equal. They need special help to compete for jobs or college admission.

Was segregation proof that whites needed special help in competing for jobs or college admissions. I ask since many white protestant institutions not only wouldn't hire blacks, they wouldn't hire Jews or Catholics either. If you were a white male protestant in those days, you had a leg up on just about everybody.

In "those days" there was segregation. We are now in our third generation of no segregation. How many generations do we need?
if you were against Obama for ANYTHING you were a were not allowed to be against the guy......i guess you are supposed to let the guy do anything he wants just because he is Black to these people......and don't tell me that's bullshit....there are a whole bunch of Far Lefties here who have engaged in this kinda shit for the last 5 years.....there are people who ARE against Obama because he is Black mostly from the far can tell who they are just by how they talk about the guy and what they call him....but anyone else who never says anything racial about the guy and just says they don't like this policy or that one.....have been called bigots too by these same assholes......that's not helping things.....that's why the Far Right and Left should be smothered every time they open their mouths.....they are Dividers and love it when the too sides are fighting....

That is not true. You FEEL that you are an overly emotional nutter with an inferiority complex. are being called racist by a crazy person and cannot recognize it. You then throw your hands up and scream that "every time I criticize Obama, I am called a racist!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

Geraldine Frickin Ferraro was called racist for pointing out his singular lack of qualifications.

By who?
Except that affirmative action is proof that the left DOESN'T think blacks are equal. They need special help to compete for jobs or college admission.

Was segregation proof that whites needed special help in competing for jobs or college admissions. I ask since many white protestant institutions not only wouldn't hire blacks, they wouldn't hire Jews or Catholics either. If you were a white male protestant in those days, you had a leg up on just about everybody.

In "those days" there was segregation. We are now in our third generation of no segregation. How many generations do we need?

My guess, two or three more. We are not there yet. Need evidence? Find a mirror.
A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations. It happens every time coloreds don't know their place

Yeah... like this guy... you libtards just piss purple when you see a conservative black in power... and you can't have that... those upidy damn black conservatives... who do they think they are... they're not following your agenda... gotta take them down...


... you fucking hypocritical libroids truly are pathetic.
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A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations. It happens every time coloreds don't know their place

Yeah... like this guy... you libtards just piss purple when you see a conservative black in power... and you can't have that... those upidy damn black conservatives... who do they think they are... they're not following your agenda... gotta take them down...


... you fucking hypocritical libroids truly are pathetic.

It is simple, 007.

The dude has extreme nutter ideology. He could be an albino and he'd never get a liberal vote. You are simply wrong in your analysis and contention that race plays a role in this man's toxicity.
That is not true. You FEEL that you are an overly emotional nutter with an inferiority complex. are being called racist by a crazy person and cannot recognize it. You then throw your hands up and scream that "every time I criticize Obama, I am called a racist!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

yes it is true.....Dean says it....Lakota says it....Dudly and Franco say it....Poet says it....geezus LL do you pay attention when you are in these threads?.....and i did not say it was ME ...did i?.....

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

probably because those saying that look at you as being just as left as they you get a pass.....

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

Here is the fact of the matter. If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies.

This is because BY ALL ACCOUNTS, this man is a hard-working, highly intelligent, American born patriot who has reached this land's highest office as a result of his outstanding character and ability.

If you lodge a criticism of the President that has some merit, addresses him with the appropriate level of resoect, is supported with some evidence and doesn't dive into a typical stereotype that has been hung on balck people, you won't.

It is very simple.

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

i believe i said the ones who have been doing this are the people who are kinda far left.....will they criticize a fellow Democrat?....i havent seen that....

If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies

and did i not say that in my statement about those who are against the guy because he is black?.....

now lets talk about those who have never said anything racial about the guy and are saying they dont care for something that Obama is for.....but yet the reply from someone like Poet or Dean is....."why dont you just admit you dont like a black guy in charge of things".....the first guy i mentioned had about 7 threads in here that had to do with just that.....he did not care who or what you are a bigot....and if you are going to tell me LL that this never happens in here then you dont pay attention.....the two clowns i mentioned are just 2 examples.....
A black man being elected President has certainly affected race relations. It happens every time coloreds don't know their place

Yeah... like this guy... you libtards just piss purple when you see a conservative black in power... and you can't have that... those upidy damn black conservatives... who do they think they are... they're not following your agenda... gotta take them down...


... you fucking hypocritical libroids truly are pathetic.

You mean the guy who claimed to have a list of 78 Democrats who are communist?
Who got kicked out of the Army?
Who was a one and done Congressman?
Affirmative Action (AA) wasn't proof of what the left thought. AA was a product of institutional racism and an effort to level the playing field and open doors.

And today it continues and IS institutional racism, freely discriminating against white males.

Blacks have not closed the education gap or the IQ gap in the 50+ years of AA. We are hiring the inferior to feel good, costing all of society in inefficiencies.

Oh, you poor, poor, oppressed white guy! You have it so tough. A qualified white dude can't catch a break in this society!

6 YO blather. Bring SOMETHING!
That is not true. You FEEL that you are an overly emotional nutter with an inferiority complex. are being called racist by a crazy person and cannot recognize it. You then throw your hands up and scream that "every time I criticize Obama, I am called a racist!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

Geraldine Frickin Ferraro was called racist for pointing out his singular lack of qualifications.

By who?

I'm not going to compile a list. Are you claiming you don't remember it, or is there some other point to your question?
yes it is true.....Dean says it....Lakota says it....Dudly and Franco say it....Poet says it....geezus LL do you pay attention when you are in these threads?.....and i did not say it was ME ...did i?.....

I often criticize the President's actions and methods. I have never been accused of being racist because of it. Why do you suppose that is?

probably because those saying that look at you as being just as left as they you get a pass.....

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

Here is the fact of the matter. If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies.

This is because BY ALL ACCOUNTS, this man is a hard-working, highly intelligent, American born patriot who has reached this land's highest office as a result of his outstanding character and ability.

If you lodge a criticism of the President that has some merit, addresses him with the appropriate level of resoect, is supported with some evidence and doesn't dive into a typical stereotype that has been hung on balck people, you won't.

It is very simple.

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

i believe i said the ones who have been doing this are the people who are kinda far left.....will they criticize a fellow Democrat?....i havent seen that....

If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies

and did i not say that in my statement about those who are against the guy because he is black?.....

now lets talk about those who have never said anything racial about the guy and are saying they dont care for something that Obama is for.....but yet the reply from someone like Poet or Dean is....."why dont you just admit you dont like a black guy in charge of things".....the first guy i mentioned had about 7 threads in here that had to do with just that.....he did not care who or what you are a bigot....and if you are going to tell me LL that this never happens in here then you dont pay attention.....the two clowns i mentioned are just 2 examples.....

Dean does bring up race with little prompting. Might be a little hair triggered.

Poet is a loser. Using him as an example of what is normal is an epic fail on your part. You taking what he says seriously....and getting offended by a YOU problem.

Basically, you are telling me that there are a few posters here who prejudge conservatives as being racist......and that has given you the open to pretend that you are forbidden from criticizing the President for fear of being called racist.

I am telling you that you are free to criticize the President......and if you don't come off as racist, people like me won't call you anything at all. You are not persecuted.
Except that affirmative action is proof that the left DOESN'T think blacks are equal. They need special help to compete for jobs or college admission.

Was segregation proof that whites needed special help in competing for jobs or college admissions. I ask since many white protestant institutions not only wouldn't hire blacks, they wouldn't hire Jews or Catholics either. If you were a white male protestant in those days, you had a leg up on just about everybody.

In "those days" there was segregation. We are now in our third generation of no segregation. How many generations do we need?

To close the white/black gap in achievement? Many. Dozens. Hundreds.
Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

Here is the fact of the matter. If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies.

This is because BY ALL ACCOUNTS, this man is a hard-working, highly intelligent, American born patriot who has reached this land's highest office as a result of his outstanding character and ability.

If you lodge a criticism of the President that has some merit, addresses him with the appropriate level of resoect, is supported with some evidence and doesn't dive into a typical stereotype that has been hung on balck people, you won't.

It is very simple.

Now you only get called racist if you are right wing and criticize the President. Goalpost moved.

i believe i said the ones who have been doing this are the people who are kinda far left.....will they criticize a fellow Democrat?....i havent seen that....

If you lodge a criticism of the a president that is not based in fact......and especially if it involves his being lazy, stupid, foreign, unAmerican, vengeful or having been aided by affirmative action, you are probably going to get accused of having some racist tendencies

and did i not say that in my statement about those who are against the guy because he is black?.....

now lets talk about those who have never said anything racial about the guy and are saying they dont care for something that Obama is for.....but yet the reply from someone like Poet or Dean is....."why dont you just admit you dont like a black guy in charge of things".....the first guy i mentioned had about 7 threads in here that had to do with just that.....he did not care who or what you are a bigot....and if you are going to tell me LL that this never happens in here then you dont pay attention.....the two clowns i mentioned are just 2 examples.....

Dean does bring up race with little prompting. Might be a little hair triggered.

Poet is a loser. Using him as an example of what is normal is an epic fail on your part. You taking what he says seriously....and getting offended by a YOU problem.

Basically, you are telling me that there are a few posters here who prejudge conservatives as being racist......and that has given you the open to pretend that you are forbidden from criticizing the President for fear of being called racist.

I am telling you that you are free to criticize the President......and if you don't come off as racist, people like me won't call you anything at all. You are not persecuted.

During the 2008 campaign, MSNBC regularly had people on to discuss what Republicans said. Not to address the substance of what they said. But to explain how what they said was racist. Didn't matter the topic. Didn't matter how far removed race was from the issue. MSNBC brought race into it with some of the most tortuous mental acrobatics imaginable.

The job of that wing of Obama's campaign was to tar the right as racist, no matter what.

Doesn't matter what "people like [you]" say ... if indeed you are not so casual with your accusations of racism. What matters in this instance is what the people who were influencing voters said. People like MSNBC started it off and they regularly throw more wood on the fire to keep it raging.
Our mitochondrial mother, Eve, would not be proud of us.

"As a graduate student in economics, I have used Google search data to quantify the cost of racism on President Barack Obama's vote total. I compared the rate at which areas made racist searches on Google to Obama’s vote share, controlling for the vote share of the previous Democratic candidate, John Kerry in 2004. After a large set of robustness checks, I estimated that Obama lost about 4 percentage points of the popular vote (more than 4 million total votes) from racism in both 2008 and 2012. Furthermore, he only gained about 1 percentage point from increased black turnout, and I found little evidence that he gained additional white voters due to his race." Author of Obama Racism Study Responds to Nate Cohn Criticism | New Republic
Geraldine Frickin Ferraro was called racist for pointing out his singular lack of qualifications.

By who?

I'm not going to compile a list. Are you claiming you don't remember it, or is there some other point to your question?

No. I don't remember it. I am interested in WHO called her racist for questioning the man's qualifications. I did not ask for a list. How about just the loudest voice.

Why do nutters do that so often? You make a straight-up claim and then get pissy when someone asks you to support it. Do your fucking research first.
The election of a Black man to the American presidency was a great step forward, but it has excited some Americans, and racism might have increased temporarily. When Obama leaves office that step will have been done, and the nation survived and may have even prospered? We will now elect a white, but the Obama election will be seen as a major change in our race relations. Whether people admire Obama or not, the election was a significant step for America, with more steps to come. Just during my lifetime we went from Blacks not being allowed into pro-baseball to a Black president, and we're still functioning.

I think this is fake. The names look fake and if you notice Matty Ice is black.
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