How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Nomination

Interesting indeed. What we have here is the owner of a medical staffing company writing on an obscure Canadian website about years-old alleged abuses in US primaries, beginning from the assumption that Obama exerted a control over the 2008 election via the New Black Panther Party that in some meaningful way was comparable to the control that Stalin exerted over Russia/USSR.

The author cites as evidence literally several third-hand accounts either of abuses or of practices that the author considers abusive (caucusing, providing transportation to voters and other Stalinist tactics). Perhaps the greatest bit of evidence offered is this unknown authors "sense" of events about which he claims no particular knowledge, direct or otherwise.

(In the interests of absolute clarity let me note that I make the above statements sarcastically rather than sincerely.)
Interesting indeed. What we have here is the owner of a medical staffing company writing on an obscure Canadian website about years-old alleged abuses in US primaries, beginning from the assumption that Obama exerted a control over the 2008 election via the New Black Panther Party that in some meaningful way was comparable to the control that Stalin exerted over Russia/USSR.

That's called the rightwing media machine, I believe. I suspect Orly Taitz is an avid fan of this blog.
The LeftMedia plays a very, very large, inordinate part in the Democratic Party's candidate selection process.
This was only rumour in 2004, the John Kerry candidacy crashed and burned largely as a result of the "Fake But Accurate Texas Air National Guard Documents" scandal propagated by CBS and the "SwiftBoat Veterans For Truth" group that put their lives and fortunes on the line for their country once again, so it mattered little in the light of the events that later occurred.
In December of 2003, with Howard Dean seemingly ready to run off and hide with the Democratic Nomination all but sewn up, members of the John Kerry campaign, including Kerry himself, met surreptitiously with representatives of the major media outlets, ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, the NYT, and the WaPo, not in any of the meeting rooms available to any one of the concerns, but in an upper westside Manhattan apartment, probably to maintain as low profile as possible regarding secrecy, to discuss the candidates flagging campaign. The meeting concluded with no record of any of the conversations that took place, but everyone in the States heard the Howard Dean scream, the night of the Iowa Caucuses, probably because he had just learned he wasn't getting the Media's tacit support, Mr Kerry was. And who could ever forget CNN's in house, 12 hour long coverage from inside DNC Headquarters the day after Mr Kerry won the New Hampshire Primary, where the intrepid CNN reporters recorded every OOOOH!! and AAAHHHH!! that came from the mouths of DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe on down to the janitors and housekeepers who swept and scrubbed the floors, dusted the desks and took out the trash, regarding Senator Kerry's marvelous primary win the day before?
George Soros, one of Obama's early financiers, didn't rely entirely on a Media October Surprise in 2008. He started manipulating the financial markets earlier that year, driving the price of oil up to nearly $150/barrel until the Republicans began gaining traction with reborn "Drill Here! Drill Now" campaign.
He then apparently turned his attention to torpedoing the United States banking system, creating the financial crisis that sank John McCain's campaign and greased the slide that put Barack Obama into the WhiteHouse.
You know the Democrats are already chartering the buses they will use to transport all of those newly franchised American voters from stops just North of the Mexican border and transporting them en mas to their waiting sanctuary cities for this November's election.

Khalid Muhammed, friend of former Harvard Professor and barack Obama mentor Derrick Bell "If you find a good 'cracker', kill him before he changes!"
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Interesting indeed. What we have here is the owner of a medical staffing company writing on an obscure Canadian website about years-old alleged abuses in US primaries, beginning from the assumption that Obama exerted a control over the 2008 election via the New Black Panther Party that in some meaningful way was comparable to the control that Stalin exerted over Russia/USSR.

The author cites as evidence literally several third-hand accounts either of abuses or of practices that the author considers abusive (caucusing, providing transportation to voters and other Stalinist tactics). Perhaps the greatest bit of evidence offered is this unknown authors "sense" of events about which he claims no particular knowledge, direct or otherwise.

(In the interests of absolute clarity let me note that I make the above statements sarcastically rather than sincerely.)

Accusations lacking evidence is the right’s SOP.

The LeftMedia plays a very, very large, inordinate part in the Democratic Party's candidate selection process.

Keep telling yourself that.
Thugs? More racist rhetoric.

How the right sees the president. Now don't "renig" and say it's untrue.

Others have already said it, but how in the world could anyone get that President Obama used an army of thugs to do anything at all.

Serious question, are ALL rw's as stupid as the one's in the video?

Do ALL rw's believe that two black guys constitute an "army" of thugs? or that they are the "New Black Panthers"?

In case you don't get it, this is called keep whitey reeel scared so he doesn't notice that the 1% is stealing them blind. That "sheet" they talk about signing came off the bed and has eye holes cut in it.
Thugs? More racist rhetoric.

How the right sees the president. Now don't "renig" and say it's untrue.

Mindless repetition of leftist lies proves not that the lie is true, but only that you're mindless.

You will not understand that. Because you're stupid.
Others have already said it, but how in the world could anyone get that President Obama used an army of thugs to do anything at all.

Serious question, are ALL rw's as stupid as the one's in the video?

Do ALL rw's believe that two black guys constitute an "army" of thugs? or that they are the "New Black Panthers"?

In case you don't get it, this is called keep whitey reeel scared so he doesn't notice that the 1% is stealing them blind. That "sheet" they talk about signing came off the bed and has eye holes cut in it.

Keep in mind that conservatives are still terrified of the angry black man and use it to fire up their base

The very idea that two uniformed black men could stand in front of a polling place is enough to declare a nationwide insurrection
From the OP link:

The movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democratic Party activist Gigi Gaston, produced by Bettina Sofia Viviano, and executive produced by former Clinton Campaign Regional Director John Siegel, documents how the unknown Senator from Illinois used “falsified delegate counts, falsified documents, and other violations” to beat the seemingly unbeatable Clinton machine and claim the Democratic nomination.

It documents accounts from people from all over the country and it was a Democratic party activist who put this together.

Funny that people were experiencing the same type of incidents everywhere. Hillary tried to bring it to the attention of the media, who yawned.
From the OP link:

The movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democratic Party activist Gigi Gaston, produced by Bettina Sofia Viviano, and executive produced by former Clinton Campaign Regional Director John Siegel, documents how the unknown Senator from Illinois used “falsified delegate counts, falsified documents, and other violations” to beat the seemingly unbeatable Clinton machine and claim the Democratic nomination.

It documents accounts from people from all over the country and it was a Democratic party activist who put this together.

Funny that people were experiencing the same type of incidents everywhere. Hillary tried to bring it to the attention of the media, who yawned.

Still looking for your "thug army"
Others have already said it, but how in the world could anyone get that President Obama used an army of thugs to do anything at all.

Serious question, are ALL rw's as stupid as the one's in the video?

Do ALL rw's believe that two black guys constitute an "army" of thugs? or that they are the "New Black Panthers"?

In case you don't get it, this is called keep whitey reeel scared so he doesn't notice that the 1% is stealing them blind. That "sheet" they talk about signing came off the bed and has eye holes cut in it.

Keep in mind that conservatives are still terrified of the angry black man and use it to fire up their base

The very idea that two uniformed black men could stand in front of a polling place is enough to declare a nationwide insurrection

I'm sure blacks everywhere wish they always had that kind of power. And, I guess they do have that power over really stupid crackers and honkies. But, it was the crackers and honkies who gave the power away by believing such hate mongers as limb-a-a-a-a.
Others have already said it, but how in the world could anyone get that President Obama used an army of thugs to do anything at all.

Serious question, are ALL rw's as stupid as the one's in the video?

Do ALL rw's believe that two black guys constitute an "army" of thugs? or that they are the "New Black Panthers"?

In case you don't get it, this is called keep whitey reeel scared so he doesn't notice that the 1% is stealing them blind. That "sheet" they talk about signing came off the bed and has eye holes cut in it.

Keep in mind that conservatives are still terrified of the angry black man and use it to fire up their base

The very idea that two uniformed black men could stand in front of a polling place is enough to declare a nationwide insurrection

So let me get this straight, RW; you have no objection to a couple of large, menacing-looking, scowling White guys wearing fatigues and combat boots and carrying clubs, standing outside a poling place where it's just possible some Black voters might go to vote? I mean, since the NBPP did it, without legal consequences, that IS OK with you if WE do it, right? You know and I both know that if we did that, your party would be screaming "Racism" and "voter intimidation" all over the place, now don't we? Hell, I forgot; democrats already say both those things just because we want laws requiring a voter to show a photo ID, in order to prevent fraud! Voter intimidation is fine with democrats, so long as it's done on behalf of democrats, and I guess, vote fraud is too! (When's the last time there was an honest election in Cook County, IL, where "dead men CAN vote twice" -or more, as long as they vote democrat)?
From the OP link:

The movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democratic Party activist Gigi Gaston, produced by Bettina Sofia Viviano, and executive produced by former Clinton Campaign Regional Director John Siegel, documents how the unknown Senator from Illinois used “falsified delegate counts, falsified documents, and other violations” to beat the seemingly unbeatable Clinton machine and claim the Democratic nomination.

It documents accounts from people from all over the country and it was a Democratic party activist who put this together.

Funny that people were experiencing the same type of incidents everywhere. Hillary tried to bring it to the attention of the media, who yawned.

I'll yawn too. While some of the practices Gaston claims occurred are indeed abuses, her credibility is called into question when she forms as a basis for her complaint (‘We Will Not Be Silenced’: Democrats Produce Documentary Alleging Rampant Vote Fraud by Obama Campaign vs. Hillary in 2008 Primaries « The Greenroom) that transportation was provided to voters and that Obama earned some of his delegates in caucuses rather than primaries (super-delegates, an even less democratic mechanism which initially favored Clinton, are apparently fine with Gaston).

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