How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Nomination

Others have already said it, but how in the world could anyone get that President Obama used an army of thugs to do anything at all.

Serious question, are ALL rw's as stupid as the one's in the video?

Do ALL rw's believe that two black guys constitute an "army" of thugs? or that they are the "New Black Panthers"?

In case you don't get it, this is called keep whitey reeel scared so he doesn't notice that the 1% is stealing them blind. That "sheet" they talk about signing came off the bed and has eye holes cut in it.

Keep in mind that conservatives are still terrified of the angry black man and use it to fire up their base

The very idea that two uniformed black men could stand in front of a polling place is enough to declare a nationwide insurrection

So let me get this straight, RW; you have no objection to a couple of large, menacing-looking, scowling White guys wearing fatigues and combat boots and carrying clubs, standing outside a poling place where it's just possible some Black voters might go to vote? I mean, since the NBPP did it, without legal consequences, that IS OK with you if WE do it, right? You know and I both know that if we did that, your party would be screaming "Racism" and "voter intimidation" all over the place, now don't we? Hell, I forgot; democrats already say both those things just because we want laws requiring a voter to show a photo ID, in order to prevent fraud! Voter intimidation is fine with democrats, so long as it's done on behalf of democrats, and I guess, vote fraud is too! (When's the last time there was an honest election in Cook County, IL, where "dead men CAN vote twice" -or more, as long as they vote democrat)?

Let's get this straight.....a couple of black men in cammo, one carrying a club are standing outside of one polling place and are told to leave. They peacefully leave and there are no further incidents

The rightwing use this as evidence of widespread voter intimidation by the Obama campaign.
Others have already said it, but how in the world could anyone get that President Obama used an army of thugs to do anything at all.

Serious question, are ALL rw's as stupid as the one's in the video?

Do ALL rw's believe that two black guys constitute an "army" of thugs? or that they are the "New Black Panthers"?

In case you don't get it, this is called keep whitey reeel scared so he doesn't notice that the 1% is stealing them blind. That "sheet" they talk about signing came off the bed and has eye holes cut in it.

Keep in mind that conservatives are still terrified of the angry black man and use it to fire up their base

The very idea that two uniformed black men could stand in front of a polling place is enough to declare a nationwide insurrection

So let me get this straight, RW; you have no objection to a couple of large, menacing-looking, scowling White guys wearing fatigues and combat boots and carrying clubs, standing outside a poling place where it's just possible some Black voters might go to vote? I mean, since the NBPP did it, without legal consequences, that IS OK with you if WE do it, right? You know and I both know that if we did that, your party would be screaming "Racism" and "voter intimidation" all over the place, now don't we? Hell, I forgot; democrats already say both those things just because we want laws requiring a voter to show a photo ID, in order to prevent fraud! Voter intimidation is fine with democrats, so long as it's done on behalf of democrats, and I guess, vote fraud is too! (When's the last time there was an honest election in Cook County, IL, where "dead men CAN vote twice" -or more, as long as they vote democrat)?

The white thugs would have to stand outside a majority white polling station. I two white thugs stood out in front of a west Philly polling station they would be Reginald Denny'ed in about 5 minutes.
To put it in perspective, Hillary Clinton had no one to blame but herself for losing the nomination in 2008.

She won all the Super Tuesday contests except Illinois. She had an okay lead in delegates. Then she somehow forgot that half the country hadn't actually voted yet. Obama did the work in those other states, most of them Red States the Democrats had no intention of even bothering with in November, but hey, at least someone was paying attention to them. By the time they figured out they were losign this thing, it was pretty much too late.

I think the other factor was the super-delegates, a nice convention the GOP doesn't have. congressmen, Senators and Governors who all said, "Wait a minute, do we REALLY want to go through another 8 years of the Clintons?"

Finally, Hillary miscalculated. The Democratic Rank and File HATED the Iraq War, but she voted for it. The Code Pink ladies never forgave her for that.

Incidently, I think that Hillary would have been a fair better president than Obama is. McCain would have been a better president than either one of them.

But the GOP is going with the four stooges this year, so we will get four more years of Obama.
Keep in mind that conservatives are still terrified of the angry black man and use it to fire up their base

The very idea that two uniformed black men could stand in front of a polling place is enough to declare a nationwide insurrection

So let me get this straight, RW; you have no objection to a couple of large, menacing-looking, scowling White guys wearing fatigues and combat boots and carrying clubs, standing outside a poling place where it's just possible some Black voters might go to vote? I mean, since the NBPP did it, without legal consequences, that IS OK with you if WE do it, right? You know and I both know that if we did that, your party would be screaming "Racism" and "voter intimidation" all over the place, now don't we? Hell, I forgot; democrats already say both those things just because we want laws requiring a voter to show a photo ID, in order to prevent fraud! Voter intimidation is fine with democrats, so long as it's done on behalf of democrats, and I guess, vote fraud is too! (When's the last time there was an honest election in Cook County, IL, where "dead men CAN vote twice" -or more, as long as they vote democrat)?

Let's get this straight.....a couple of black men in cammo, one carrying a club are standing outside of one polling place and are told to leave. They peacefully leave and there are no further incidents

The rightwing use this as evidence of widespread voter intimidation by the Obama campaign.

at a polling station in a precinct with about 5 % white voters, no less.
There's an old sea story about a ship's Captain

who inspected his sailors, and afterward told

the first mate that his men smelled bad.

The Captain suggested perhaps it would
help if the sailors would change underwear
The first mate responded, "Aye, aye sir,
I'll see to it immediately!"
The first mate went straight to the sailors berth deck and announced, "The Captain thinks you guys smell bad and wants you to change your underwear."

He continued,

"Pittman, you change with Jones,

McCarthy, you change with Witkowski,

and Brown, you change with Schultz."

Someone may come along and promise
" Change ",
but don't count on things smelling any better.
The LeftMedia plays a very, very large, inordinate part in the Democratic Party's candidate selection process.
....And, John McBush "countered" with Snooki the White Wingers' Christian Soldiers "saddled-up"......


[ame=]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]​
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Do ALL rw's believe that two black guys constitute an "army" of thugs? or that they are the "New Black Panthers"?
Yeah.....both of 'em. :lol:


In case you don't get it, this is called keep whitey reeel scared so he doesn't notice that the 1% is stealing them blind. That "sheet" they talk about signing came off the bed and has eye holes cut in it.

[ame=]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]​
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From the OP link:

The movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democratic Party activist Gigi Gaston, produced by Bettina Sofia Viviano, and executive produced by former Clinton Campaign Regional Director John Siegel, documents how the unknown Senator from Illinois used “falsified delegate counts, falsified documents, and other violations” to beat the seemingly unbeatable Clinton machine and claim the Democratic nomination.

It documents accounts from people from all over the country and it was a Democratic party activist who put this together.

Funny that people were experiencing the same type of incidents everywhere. Hillary tried to bring it to the attention of the media, who yawned.

I know it's true. My sister's husband's aunt's ex-husband knew a guy who said his boss was told by a cop who heard from an FBI agents ex-wife that election fraud is rampant in America and run by a secret cabal of black men who conspired to elect a black man as president. Now, according to this reliable source, these same "thugs" have bigger plans for the 2012 election. Be scared, be very scared.
From the OP link:

The movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democratic Party activist Gigi Gaston, produced by Bettina Sofia Viviano, and executive produced by former Clinton Campaign Regional Director John Siegel, documents how the unknown Senator from Illinois used “falsified delegate counts, falsified documents, and other violations” to beat the seemingly unbeatable Clinton machine and claim the Democratic nomination.

It documents accounts from people from all over the country and it was a Democratic party activist who put this together.

Funny that people were experiencing the same type of incidents everywhere. Hillary tried to bring it to the attention of the media, who yawned.

I know it's true. My sister's husband's aunt's ex-husband knew a guy who said his boss was told by a cop who heard from an FBI agents ex-wife........

Keep in mind that conservatives are still terrified of the angry black man and use it to fire up their base

The very idea that two uniformed black men could stand in front of a polling place is enough to declare a nationwide insurrection

So let me get this straight, RW; you have no objection to a couple of large, menacing-looking, scowling White guys wearing fatigues and combat boots and carrying clubs, standing outside a poling place where it's just possible some Black voters might go to vote? I mean, since the NBPP did it, without legal consequences, that IS OK with you if WE do it, right? You know and I both know that if we did that, your party would be screaming "Racism" and "voter intimidation" all over the place, now don't we? Hell, I forgot; democrats already say both those things just because we want laws requiring a voter to show a photo ID, in order to prevent fraud! Voter intimidation is fine with democrats, so long as it's done on behalf of democrats, and I guess, vote fraud is too! (When's the last time there was an honest election in Cook County, IL, where "dead men CAN vote twice" -or more, as long as they vote democrat)?

The white thugs would have to stand outside a majority white polling station. Freudian.

Any chance you're related to Ricky "The Spaz" Santorum?


He's got a tendency to say more (with fewer words), as well!!
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To put it in perspective, Hillary Clinton had no one to blame but herself for losing the nomination in 2008.

She won all the Super Tuesday contests except Illinois. She had an okay lead in delegates. Then she somehow forgot that half the country hadn't actually voted yet. Obama did the work in those other states, most of them Red States the Democrats had no intention of even bothering with in November, but hey, at least someone was paying attention to them. By the time they figured out they were losign this thing, it was pretty much too late.

I think the other factor was the super-delegates, a nice convention the GOP doesn't have. congressmen, Senators and Governors who all said, "Wait a minute, do we REALLY want to go through another 8 years of the Clintons?"

Finally, Hillary miscalculated. The Democratic Rank and File HATED the Iraq War, but she voted for it. The Code Pink ladies never forgave her for that.
....And, NOW.....she's only added Secretary Of State (the Gold Standard of foreign-policy experience) to her resume....which will make her a SHOO-IN as The (first woman) President Of The United States, in 2016!!!....and, there isn't a damned thing you Teabaggers can do, to stop it.


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