How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President

"Eisenhower warns of military-industrial complex"
On this day in 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower ends his presidential term by warning the nation about the increasing power of the military-industrial complex.

His remarks, issued during a televised farewell address to the American people, were particularly significant since Ike had famously served the nation as military commander of the Allied forces during WWII. Eisenhower urged his successors to strike a balance between a strong national defense and diplomacy in dealing with the Soviet Union. He did not suggest arms reduction and in fact acknowledged that the bomb was an effective deterrent to nuclear war. However, cognizant that America’s peacetime defense policy had changed drastically since his military career, Eisenhower expressed concerns about the growing influence of what he termed the military-industrial complex. "

Eisenhower warns of military-industrial complex - Jan 17, 1961 -

Ike was not joking.

Well, Ike was correct.

Here is Military Industrial Complex trying to remove a duly elected president and the left fascists are urging them to continue.

Go fig.


Kennedy had already averted a War in Cuba with Russia, he had already had it out with CIA Director Dulles and made the decision to disband it. Dulles was in cahoots with Daddy Bush and The Murchison's in Texas who were after the Oil that had been discovered in Cuba.

War, Oil and CIA all being thwarted by JFK. Do the math.

Half a century after JFK’s death, in a once-secret report written in 2013 by the CIA’s top in-house historian and quietly declassified last fall, the spy agency acknowledges what others were convinced of long ago: that McCone and other senior CIA officials were “complicit” in keeping “incendiary” information from the Warren Commission.


There is a reason that Dulles was on the Warren Commission.

The most important information that McCone withheld from the commission in its 1964 investigation, the report found, was the existence, for years, of CIA plots to assassinate Castro, some of which put the CIA in cahoots with the Mafia. Without this information, the commission never even knew to ask the question of whether Oswald had accomplices in Cuba or elsewhere who wanted Kennedy dead in retaliation for the Castro plots.

Has congresss had a problem wh the war on isis ? Obama asked them to declare war and they did nothing .

They seem to be content wh obama bombing isis , and then they ALSO complain he's not doing enough ! Lol!!!


The CIA wanted to remove Assad, allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and to weaken Syria.

Congress would not send in ground troops so Obama used ISIS as ground troops.


Fake news ! Shame on you .

Question: has congress authorized war on isis ?

What part is "fake news"? Why is the Nobel peace prize winner conducting the war?

Congress has never declared war on ISIS.

A Fearful Congress Sits Out the War Against ISIS


The isis ground troop part is fake .
Has congresss had a problem wh the war on isis ? Obama asked them to declare war and they did nothing .

They seem to be content wh obama bombing isis , and then they ALSO complain he's not doing enough ! Lol!!!


The CIA wanted to remove Assad, allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and to weaken Syria.

Congress would not send in ground troops so Obama used ISIS as ground troops.


Fake news ! Shame on you .

Question: has congress authorized war on isis ?

He's telling you the truth.

"The newly released DIA report makes the following summary points concerning “ISI” (in 2012 “Islamic State in Iraq,”) and the soon to emerge ISIS:"

  • Al-Qaeda drives the opposition in Syria
  • The West identifies with the opposition
  • The establishment of a nascent Islamic State became a reality only with the rise of the Syrian insurgency (there is no mention of U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq as a catalyst for Islamic State’s rise, which is the contention of innumerable politicians and pundits; see section 4.D. below)
  • The establishment of a “Salafist Principality” in Eastern Syria is “exactly” what the external powers supporting the opposition want (identified as “the West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey”) in order to weaken the Assad government
  • “Safe havens” are suggested in areas conquered by Islamic insurgents along the lines of the Libyan model (which translates to so-called no-fly zones as a first act of ‘humanitarian war’; see 7.B.)
  • Iraq is identified with “Shia expansion” (8.C)
  • A Sunni “Islamic State” could be devastating to “unifying Iraq” and could lead to “the renewing facilitation of terrorist elements from all over the Arab world entering into Iraqi Arena.” (see last non-redacted line in full PDF view.)"

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”

You can see the original memo here....

Pgs. 287-293 (291) JW v DOD and State 14-812 - Judicial Watch

For once in your life take a look at the reality here.

Has congresss had a problem wh the war on isis ? Obama asked them to declare war and they did nothing .

They seem to be content wh obama bombing isis , and then they ALSO complain he's not doing enough ! Lol!!!


The CIA wanted to remove Assad, allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and to weaken Syria.

Congress would not send in ground troops so Obama used ISIS as ground troops.


Fake news ! Shame on you .

Question: has congress authorized war on isis ?

What part is "fake news"? Why is the Nobel peace prize winner conducting the war?

Congress has never declared war on ISIS.

A Fearful Congress Sits Out the War Against ISIS


The isis ground troop part is fake .

The CIA represented to the Prez that the US was helping the "Syrian Resistance". It is true that the "Syrian Resistance" opposed Assad But ISIS who are Sunnis were also assisted by Saudi Arabia who wants to replace Assad, a shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ were the "Syrian Resistance". How did Al Baghdaddi become so rich and powerful?

You have to read the material.

How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President

Upon entering office, the president promised to end the wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, reset American relations with Russia, and give priority to rebuilding the American middle class. Now, after being “pulled back in” by liberal interventionists and neoconservative hawks both inside and outside his administration, he finds himself pursuing a new open-ended war against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), prosecuting an expanded counterterrorism campaign from Central Asia to North Africa, overseeing a new Cold War with Russia, and pivoting toward what could become one with China in East Asia.


What did the CIA threaten to expose if Obama didn't comply with the CIA's demands?


is that what happened?

or did dubya leave him with a mess created by the mid east HE destabilized?

nice try
How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President

Upon entering office, the president promised to end the wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, reset American relations with Russia, and give priority to rebuilding the American middle class. Now, after being “pulled back in” by liberal interventionists and neoconservative hawks both inside and outside his administration, he finds himself pursuing a new open-ended war against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), prosecuting an expanded counterterrorism campaign from Central Asia to North Africa, overseeing a new Cold War with Russia, and pivoting toward what could become one with China in East Asia.


What did the CIA threaten to expose if Obama didn't comply with the CIA's demands?


is that what happened?

or did dubya leave him with a mess created by the mid east HE destabilized?

nice try

It is true that he inherited the messes in AfPak and Iraq.


For some reason the peace loving ---anti-war" president chose to attack Syria and remove Assad WITHOUT PROVOCATION.

How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President

Upon entering office, the president promised to end the wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, reset American relations with Russia, and give priority to rebuilding the American middle class. Now, after being “pulled back in” by liberal interventionists and neoconservative hawks both inside and outside his administration, he finds himself pursuing a new open-ended war against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), prosecuting an expanded counterterrorism campaign from Central Asia to North Africa, overseeing a new Cold War with Russia, and pivoting toward what could become one with China in East Asia.


What did the CIA threaten to expose if Obama didn't comply with the CIA's demands?


is that what happened?

or did dubya leave him with a mess created by the mid east HE destabilized?

nice try

It is true that he inherited the messes in AfPak and Iraq.


For some reason the peace loving ---anti-war" president chose to attack Syria and remove Assad WITHOUT PROVOCATION.


Syria, Libya, Yemen and the current issues surrounding Russia are all on Obambi.
How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President

Upon entering office, the president promised to end the wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, reset American relations with Russia, and give priority to rebuilding the American middle class. Now, after being “pulled back in” by liberal interventionists and neoconservative hawks both inside and outside his administration, he finds himself pursuing a new open-ended war against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), prosecuting an expanded counterterrorism campaign from Central Asia to North Africa, overseeing a new Cold War with Russia, and pivoting toward what could become one with China in East Asia.


What did the CIA threaten to expose if Obama didn't comply with the CIA's demands?


is that what happened?

or did dubya leave him with a mess created by the mid east HE destabilized?

nice try

It is true that he inherited the messes in AfPak and Iraq.


For some reason the peace loving ---anti-war" president chose to attack Syria and remove Assad WITHOUT PROVOCATION.


Syria, Libya, Yemen and the current issues surrounding Russia are all on Obambi.


My point is that they are issues because the CIA somehow PERSUADED him that he had to get involved.

How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President

Upon entering office, the president promised to end the wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, reset American relations with Russia, and give priority to rebuilding the American middle class. Now, after being “pulled back in” by liberal interventionists and neoconservative hawks both inside and outside his administration, he finds himself pursuing a new open-ended war against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), prosecuting an expanded counterterrorism campaign from Central Asia to North Africa, overseeing a new Cold War with Russia, and pivoting toward what could become one with China in East Asia.


What did the CIA threaten to expose if Obama didn't comply with the CIA's demands?


is that what happened?

or did dubya leave him with a mess created by the mid east HE destabilized?

nice try

It is true that he inherited the messes in AfPak and Iraq.


For some reason the peace loving ---anti-war" president chose to attack Syria and remove Assad WITHOUT PROVOCATION.


Syria, Libya, Yemen and the current issues surrounding Russia are all on Obambi.


My point is that they are issues because the CIA somehow PERSUADED him that he had to get involved.


How Obama Went From Being a Peace Candidate to a War President

Upon entering office, the president promised to end the wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan, reset American relations with Russia, and give priority to rebuilding the American middle class. Now, after being “pulled back in” by liberal interventionists and neoconservative hawks both inside and outside his administration, he finds himself pursuing a new open-ended war against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), prosecuting an expanded counterterrorism campaign from Central Asia to North Africa, overseeing a new Cold War with Russia, and pivoting toward what could become one with China in East Asia.


What did the CIA threaten to expose if Obama didn't comply with the CIA's demands?


is that what happened?

or did dubya leave him with a mess created by the mid east HE destabilized?

nice try

It is true that he inherited the messes in AfPak and Iraq.


For some reason the peace loving ---anti-war" president chose to attack Syria and remove Assad WITHOUT PROVOCATION.


Syria, Libya, Yemen and the current issues surrounding Russia are all on Obambi.


My point is that they are issues because the CIA somehow PERSUADED him that he had to get involved.



Whatever they used to persuade Obama did not work with DJT now they want to remove him from power.

is that what happened?

or did dubya leave him with a mess created by the mid east HE destabilized?

nice try

It is true that he inherited the messes in AfPak and Iraq.


For some reason the peace loving ---anti-war" president chose to attack Syria and remove Assad WITHOUT PROVOCATION.


Syria, Libya, Yemen and the current issues surrounding Russia are all on Obambi.


My point is that they are issues because the CIA somehow PERSUADED him that he had to get involved.



Whatever they used to persuade Obama did not work with DJT now they want to remove him from power.


Frankly if he gets in their way they will.
It is true that he inherited the messes in AfPak and Iraq.


For some reason the peace loving ---anti-war" president chose to attack Syria and remove Assad WITHOUT PROVOCATION.


Syria, Libya, Yemen and the current issues surrounding Russia are all on Obambi.


My point is that they are issues because the CIA somehow PERSUADED him that he had to get involved.



Whatever they used to persuade Obama did not work with DJT now they want to remove him from power.


Frankly if he gets in their way they will.

WE can NOT let that happen.

Syria, Libya, Yemen and the current issues surrounding Russia are all on Obambi.


My point is that they are issues because the CIA somehow PERSUADED him that he had to get involved.



Whatever they used to persuade Obama did not work with DJT now they want to remove him from power.


Frankly if he gets in their way they will.

WE can NOT let that happen.


I'm thinking that that is why he has kept his personal security people on.
I haven't read anything but the Original I apologize if I am redundant to any other post.

But, I disagree with the Original Post.

Obama isn't being threatened by anyone to take a more aggressive military posture.

He thinks only in terms of politics. After eight years, the whole man is before us. And the fact that politics is all he knows ought to be clear to all but the willingly blind. He cares about Politics and His Legacy. His Marxist Agenda and his Ego.

He is suddenly aggressive, if that is what it is to be called...because he has realized:

That his much lusted after Legacy in foreign affairs is going to be that of a Pussy....and he has only a few days left to clean that up; and in cleaning it up, he also has a chance to leave a political mess for his successor; i.e. Politics---never mind what is best for America; it is better to hurt Republicans than to help America.

Six Days to go and then:

Goodbye to the Marxist Pussy who put America third....behind his Politics and his Ego.


My point is that they are issues because the CIA somehow PERSUADED him that he had to get involved.



Whatever they used to persuade Obama did not work with DJT now they want to remove him from power.


Frankly if he gets in their way they will.

WE can NOT let that happen.


I'm thinking that that is why he has kept his personal security people on.

He must keep keep his own security detail.

Trust no one,

I haven't read anything but the Original I apologize if I am redundant to any other post.

But, I disagree with the Original Post.

Obama isn't being threatened by anyone to take a more aggressive military posture.

He thinks only in terms of politics. After eight years, the whole man is before us. And the fact that politics is all he knows ought to be clear to all but the willingly blind. He cares about Politics and His Legacy. His Marxist Agenda and his Ego.

He is suddenly aggressive, if that is what it is to be called...because he has realized:

That his much lusted after Legacy in foreign affairs is going to be that of a Pussy....and he has only a few days left to clean that up; and in cleaning it up, he also has a chance to leave a political mess for his successor; i.e. Politics---never mind what is best for America; it is better to hurt Republicans than to help America.

Six Days to go and then:

Goodbye to the Marxist Pussy who put America third....behind his Politics and his Ego.


He was elected on antiwar platform.

Attacking Syria helps Israel . Supposedly he detests Israel.

So what did he gain politically by destroying Syria.


I haven't read anything but the Original I apologize if I am redundant to any other post.

But, I disagree with the Original Post.

Obama isn't being threatened by anyone to take a more aggressive military posture.

He thinks only in terms of politics. After eight years, the whole man is before us. And the fact that politics is all he knows ought to be clear to all but the willingly blind. He cares about Politics and His Legacy. His Marxist Agenda and his Ego.

He is suddenly aggressive, if that is what it is to be called...because he has realized:

That his much lusted after Legacy in foreign affairs is going to be that of a Pussy....and he has only a few days left to clean that up; and in cleaning it up, he also has a chance to leave a political mess for his successor; i.e. Politics---never mind what is best for America; it is better to hurt Republicans than to help America.

Six Days to go and then:

Goodbye to the Marxist Pussy who put America third....behind his Politics and his Ego.


He was elected on antiwar platform.

Attacking Syria helps Israel . Supposedly he detests Israel.

So what did he gain politically by destroying Syria.



The Banks are making a shitload of money.

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