How Obamacare was built on a LIE and "stupidity" as the Obamacare architect states!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many of you believed Obama, MSM and truly uninformed people that Obama's below!
Then read further to see where Gruber said people were STUPID that voted for ACA!
Read what Gruber points out Falsehood 2 shows that Medicaid covered 14 million Americans!
Not a fan of Obamacare and its $10,000 deductibles, but where's the Republican health plan?
You can't beat something with nothing.

Republicans drafted a plan that was a fraction of the size and addressed the top 10 most important issues. Dems ignored it because they wanted a 2,800 page wealth redistribution government takeover.
How many of you believed Obama, MSM and truly uninformed people that Obama's below!
Then read further to see where Gruber said people were STUPID that voted for ACA!
Read what Gruber points out Falsehood 2 shows that Medicaid covered 14 million Americans!
TView attachment 401180
Moral of the story: Moonbats couldn't care less about being insulted and lied to straight to their faces, as long as the're being told that they're getting what they're demanding.
How many of you believed Obama, MSM and truly uninformed people that Obama's below!
Then read further to see where Gruber said people were STUPID that voted for ACA!
Read what Gruber points out Falsehood 2 shows that Medicaid covered 14 million Americans!
TView attachment 401180
Moral of the story: Moonbats couldn't care less about being insulted and lied to straight to their faces, as long as the're being told that they're getting what they're demanding.
That's the core principle of American politics.
All the proof you needed was in the website, which completely failed for months.

They couldn't even build a website let alone change the national healthcare system. "We have to pass to know what's in it." -- what a joke.
Not a fan of Obamacare and its $10,000 deductibles, but where's the Republican health plan?
You can't beat something with nothing.

Republicans drafted a plan that was a fraction of the size and addressed the top 10 most important issues. Dems ignored it because they wanted a 2,800 page wealth redistribution government takeover.
What healthcare plan was that?

Next week, the Republican party takes its turn laying out a vision for the next four years under a second Trump administration. On the one hand, it is hard to know what this health policy vision could look like because there is no official Republican platform for 2020. (In fact, the website still highlights the 2016 Republican platform.) On the other, it is fair to expect more of the same—in part because very few of the Trump administration’s policies from the past three years have been implemented. This post identifies several of the Republican party’s health policy priorities since 2017 and takes stock of President Trump’s record on health care.

Why should anyone believe right wingers simply because they are on the right wing?
How many of you believed Obama, MSM and truly uninformed people that Obama's below!
Then read further to see where Gruber said people were STUPID that voted for ACA!
Read what Gruber points out Falsehood 2 shows that Medicaid covered 14 million Americans!
TView attachment 401180
Moral of the story: Moonbats couldn't care less about being insulted and lied to straight to their faces, as long as the're being told that they're getting what they're demanding.
right wingers are worse. y'all are just plain tools.
How many of you believed Obama, MSM and truly uninformed people that Obama's below!
Then read further to see where Gruber said people were STUPID that voted for ACA!
Read what Gruber points out Falsehood 2 shows that Medicaid covered 14 million Americans!
TView attachment 401180
Moral of the story: Moonbats couldn't care less about being insulted and lied to straight to their faces, as long as the're being told that they're getting what they're demanding.
right wingers are worse. y'all are just plain tools.
You're easy to lie to, child.
Not a fan of Obamacare and its $10,000 deductibles, but where's the Republican health plan?
You can't beat something with nothing.
If the "something" is shit, if it's just a corporatist sellout to lobbyists, "nothing" is infinitely better.
Blackburn was on Ingram's show and gave the real numbers.
Only 8m on Obamacare
130m on private healthcare thru work
68m on Medicaid
44m on Medicare

I had private insurance before Obamacare, we paid premiums and it covered doctors visits.
Now they pay premiums AND pay up to $10,000 deductibles. It was better BEFORE Obamacare.
Not a fan of Obamacare and its $10,000 deductibles, but where's the Republican health plan?
You can't beat something with nothing.

Republicans drafted a plan that was a fraction of the size and addressed the top 10 most important issues. Dems ignored it because they wanted a 2,800 page wealth redistribution government takeover.
What healthcare plan was that?

Next week, the Republican party takes its turn laying out a vision for the next four years under a second Trump administration. On the one hand, it is hard to know what this health policy vision could look like because there is no official Republican platform for 2020. (In fact, the website still highlights the 2016 Republican platform.) On the other, it is fair to expect more of the same—in part because very few of the Trump administration’s policies from the past three years have been implemented. This post identifies several of the Republican party’s health policy priorities since 2017 and takes stock of President Trump’s record on health care.

Why should anyone believe right wingers simply because they are on the right wing?

What health plan is needed? Prove these numbers are wrong because I got them from legitimate sources!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.4 million!!!
Original medicare 37.6
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million or combined total of 62.7 million!
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 76,000,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System.
THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!
  • 156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
  • 62,745,770 Medicare
  • 76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
  • 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
  • 84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
  • 391,015,570
So what is needed?
Evidently some Americans have several forms of health insurance i.e. 391 million vs 330 million in America.
Where are you people that still believe 46 million uninsured?

I have said this at the time and it is going to be a true major issue.

Repealing obamacare politically is virtually impossible.

Here is the reality when PROGRAMS begin. There are now many registered Republicans who were forced onto obamacare. After it was passed and their regular insurance through their work place was canceled, they were forced to purchase what they have now, and they NEED IT. Something is far better than NOTHING. That is millions of REGISTERED REPUBLICANS that are now RELIANT on it.

Do people understand what that means? It's easy for us who have health insurance or can even afford to pay health costs OUT OF POCKET.

That is NOT the reality of millions in the middle class who have it and need it.

I said it then when it was passed and I will say it now. Once it was passed and Justice John Roberts (obviously blackmailed or implant by socialist GWB) ruled his ruling, we were fucked.

It is now a political THIRD RAIL ISSUE and don't think that is lost on democrats. That's the reason they are harping on it.

They are after those REPUBLICANS that are RELIANT ON IT.

That is the reality.

I have said this at the time and it is going to be a true major issue.

Repealing obamacare politically is virtually impossible.

Here is the reality when PROGRAMS begin. There are now many registered Republicans who were forced onto obamacare. After it was passed and their regular insurance through their work place was canceled, they were forced to purchase what they have now, and they NEED IT. Something is far better than NOTHING. That is millions of REGISTERED REPUBLICANS that are now RELIANT on it.

Do people understand what that means? It's easy for us who have health insurance or can even afford to pay health costs OUT OF POCKET.

That is NOT the reality of millions in the middle class who have it and need it.

I said it then when it was passed and I will say it now. Once it was passed and Justice John Roberts (obviously blackmailed or implant by socialist GWB) ruled his ruling, we were fucked.

It is now a political THIRD RAIL ISSUE and don't think that is lost on democrats. That's the reason they are harping on it.

They are after those REPUBLICANS that are RELIANT ON IT.

That is the reality.

NO THIS is reality!
NO where in your comments are there any links, substantiation. JUST cases!
FACTS I deal in FACTS and these are the facts. PLEASE repudiate these FACTS!
What health plan is needed? Prove these numbers are wrong because I got them from legitimate sources!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.7 million!!!
Original Medicare 37.6 million
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million or combined total of 62.7 million!
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 76,000,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System.
THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!
  • 156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
  • 62,745,770 Medicare
  • 76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
  • 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
  • 84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
  • 391,015,570 when you add the above together!

Please advise where these sources are wrong and therefore their numbers are wrong! Please look the links up and prove them wrong!
Don't go to other sources but repudiate that the above sources did NOT have these numbers!

I have said this at the time and it is going to be a true major issue.

Repealing obamacare politically is virtually impossible.

Here is the reality when PROGRAMS begin. There are now many registered Republicans who were forced onto obamacare. After it was passed and their regular insurance through their work place was canceled, they were forced to purchase what they have now, and they NEED IT. Something is far better than NOTHING. That is millions of REGISTERED REPUBLICANS that are now RELIANT on it.

Do people understand what that means? It's easy for us who have health insurance or can even afford to pay health costs OUT OF POCKET.

That is NOT the reality of millions in the middle class who have it and need it.

I said it then when it was passed and I will say it now. Once it was passed and Justice John Roberts (obviously blackmailed or implant by socialist GWB) ruled his ruling, we were fucked.

It is now a political THIRD RAIL ISSUE and don't think that is lost on democrats. That's the reason they are harping on it.

They are after those REPUBLICANS that are RELIANT ON IT.

That is the reality.

NO THIS is reality!
NO where in your comments are there any links, substantiation. JUST cases!
FACTS I deal in FACTS and these are the facts. PLEASE repudiate these FACTS!
What health plan is needed? Prove these numbers are wrong because I got them from legitimate sources!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.7 million!!!
Original Medicare 37.6 million
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million or combined total of 62.7 million!
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 76,000,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System.
THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!
  • 156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
  • 62,745,770 Medicare
  • 76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
  • 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
  • 84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
  • 391,015,570 when you add the above together!

Please advise where these sources are wrong and therefore their numbers are wrong! Please look the links up and prove them wrong!
Don't go to other sources but repudiate that the above sources did NOT have these numbers!
The stats we need are how many registered REPUBLICANS are on and reliant on ACA?


This is an example of how this issue is splitting. The democrats are after those registered Republicans that are reliant on it and have preexisting conditions.

Now, I am not all together sure what Republicans plan is right now. The preexisting condition is the cockroach in this matter.
Not a fan of Obamacare and its $10,000 deductibles, but where's the Republican health plan?
You can't beat something with nothing.

Knock it off -
They have had plans for 20 years
They all involve less Government Intrusion not more -

I have said this at the time and it is going to be a true major issue.

Repealing obamacare politically is virtually impossible.

Here is the reality when PROGRAMS begin. There are now many registered Republicans who were forced onto obamacare. After it was passed and their regular insurance through their work place was canceled, they were forced to purchase what they have now, and they NEED IT. Something is far better than NOTHING. That is millions of REGISTERED REPUBLICANS that are now RELIANT on it.

Do people understand what that means? It's easy for us who have health insurance or can even afford to pay health costs OUT OF POCKET.

That is NOT the reality of millions in the middle class who have it and need it.

I said it then when it was passed and I will say it now. Once it was passed and Justice John Roberts (obviously blackmailed or implant by socialist GWB) ruled his ruling, we were fucked.

It is now a political THIRD RAIL ISSUE and don't think that is lost on democrats. That's the reason they are harping on it.

They are after those REPUBLICANS that are RELIANT ON IT.

That is the reality.

NO THIS is reality!
NO where in your comments are there any links, substantiation. JUST cases!
FACTS I deal in FACTS and these are the facts. PLEASE repudiate these FACTS!
What health plan is needed? Prove these numbers are wrong because I got them from legitimate sources!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.7 million!!!
Original Medicare 37.6 million
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million or combined total of 62.7 million!
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 76,000,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System.
THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!
  • 156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
  • 62,745,770 Medicare
  • 76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
  • 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
  • 84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
  • 391,015,570 when you add the above together!

Please advise where these sources are wrong and therefore their numbers are wrong! Please look the links up and prove them wrong!
Don't go to other sources but repudiate that the above sources did NOT have these numbers!
The stats we need are how many registered REPUBLICANS are on and reliant on ACA?


This is an example of how this issue is splitting. The democrats are after those registered Republicans that are reliant on it and have preexisting conditions.

Now, I am not all together sure what Republicans plan is right now. The preexisting condition is the cockroach in this matter.

YOUR comment..."The preexisting condition is the cockroach in this matter."

Do you agree or disagree with these numbers? Prove these numbers wrong because THIS is the major problem...i.e. the MSM/evidently you and millions of Americans BELIEVE there is a "Pre-existing conditions" problem that affects over half of all Americans which is what Obama totally mislead people!

WHERE are the 100 million Americans who have Pre-existing conditions that don't have coverage?
Prove these numbers are wrong because I got them from legitimate sources!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.7 million!!!
Original Medicare 37.6 million
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million or combined total of 62.7 million!
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 76,000,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System.
THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!
  • 156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
  • 62,745,770 Medicare
  • 76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
  • 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
  • 84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
  • 391,015,570 when you add the above together!

Please advise where these sources are wrong and therefore their numbers are wrong! Please look the links up and prove them wrong!
Don't go to other sources but repudiate that the above sources did NOT have these numbers!
I would remind people that in the last USSC casing involving the ACA, Roberts did not say the ACA was Constitutional. In fact, he eluded to the fact that it is NOT Constitutional, but he rejected declaring it Un-Constitutional based on THE NUMBER OF AMERICANS THAT WOULD BE HURT IF IT WAS SUDDENLY RULED UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

THIS goes against what USSC Justices are supposed to rule. They are to answer 1 question: Is it Constitutional or not?

Whether that finding makes life hard for anyone or not is NOT their concern. Ruling the ACA is Un-Constitutional, which should have been done, WILL make life suck a little more until a new health care plan is adopted, but BARRY and the Democrats are responsible for that. THEY are the ones who destroyed the existing system and forced the minority-supported ACA down the throats of the majority who opposed it.

Instead of ruling ti Un-Constitutional he voted with the Liberals and stated Congress / the President will have to strengthen their argument / case and RESUBMITT.

In doing so, Roberts ruled on emotion (concern/sympathy for the people, not based on the Constitution). He left the door open for another challenge in the future.

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