How Obama’s Decision to Minimize U.S. Role on World Stage Has Worked Out


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Leading from behind has had disastrous results. Radicals are more emboldened than ever before, partly because of the sympathy and lack of action from the Obama administration and partly because Obama considers the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood to be a valid government deserving of his respect.

The Obama administration also blames violent terrorist attacks on the victims or the people who upset the radicals. Benghazi was the fault of a film maker and the people in the Charlie Hebdo office were asking for it. Fort Hood murders were just a another instance of workplace violence. Blame anyone but the murderous animals beheading people and plotting mass murder of infidels.

America doesn't deserve to be a super power, according to some far lefties who hate our country. We don't need to get involved, unless of course it's Muslims who need help. Then we'll send billions of dollars and all the planes and military equipment they need. So what if they use them against us or our allies.

Before Obama's election, the left kept saying the world hated us and it was wrong. They said Bush made some countries hate us and Obama would make them love us again. That was something we heard ad naseum throughout his first campaign. Obama would bring the world together, stop the oceans from rising, fix the economy and maybe put gas in your tank.

We haven't exactly made any new friends, unless you count the terrorists Obama panders to. Our own allies are beginning to wonder if we are an enemy or friend. Suddenly the left says who cares if even more countries in the world hates us. It's not important now.

Obama snubbed the march in Paris. Excuse was that there wasn't enough time to get security measures ready. That wasn't a problem with the death of the Saudi king. Obama dropped everything and went. Apparently, our secret service people and others responsible for security are just as awesome as I thought. So, it was just another lie.

World leaders know they aren't important to Obama. Maybe Netanyahu should fill his bathtub with cereal, film it and put it on youtube and see if he can get Obama's attention that way.

I'm sure the people of France and other nations totally believe we are their friend after Kerry dragged James Taylor out to sing "You've Got a Friend." No need to act like a friend as long you say it. Obama is good with words, lousy with actions. Of course, now that he isn't worried about any more elections, his radical side can completely take over. Not as much pretense now.

" After taking office, President Obama embarked on one of the riskiest experiments in American history. He decided to see what the world would look like if the United States pulled back from its role as guarantor of global stability and underwriter of the international order.

Six years later, we know.

The more we withdrew, the more unstable the world became. The more we tried to let others lead, the less we could influence or control events. Today, we are less able to deter war and keep the peace — and far more exposed to terrorism — than when Obama entered office. "

How Obama’s Decision to Minimize U.S. Role on World Stage Has Worked Out
Our "role on the world stage" huh? :lol:

Pray, what the fuck is that?

Yea, Obama doesn't get it, either. That is the problem. He feels that we shouldn't have any role other than to give away money and kiss the asses of dictators.

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