How Obamas economic recovery stacks up against Reagans

There is a vast difference between the Reagan environment and Obama's.
Sending jobs offshore was just starting.
Manufacturing automation was in it's infant stages.
Obama had the double trouble of the financial and the housing market collapse, therefore the recession he was handed was much deeper.
Since the 1980's recessions have taken longer to recover thanks to a weakened Middle Class who have seen flat wages in Real Dollars since the late 70s, thus hurting our consumer spending economy. Less expendable income, less consumer spending.
Below is a chart, now compare the depth of the recessions. No contest.


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Interesting take.

People who work in money, people who invest money, people who deal in money ever day aren't partisan. They can't afford to be.

Every president has had his ups and downs in the market.....

So let's get the WSJ to assess this latest news with blinders. Non-partisan blinders.

Not blue shades, not red.... Green

Five Takeaways From Jobs Report - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Bad news about “bad jobs”: June’s job figures showed an unexpected 10-cent rise in average hourly wages, which sparked hopes that the labor market had improved enough to start pushing up earnings. Today’s report suggests that was too optimistic. Hourly wages fell by 2 cents on average — not a huge drop, but nonetheless a move in the wrong direction. Meanwhile, more than half of all private-sector hiring came in the low-paying retail and restaurant sectors. That will likely add to fears that the jobs being created are of poor quality.

Storm clouds ahead: Job growth is generally a so-called lagging indicator, reflecting economic changes only in the rearview mirror. But there are hints of the future in the jobs report, and this month they generally suggest a weakening outlook. Companies trimmed employees’ hours, a sign they’re seeing less demand for their products and services, and temporary jobs — which can be an indicator of permanent hiring in the future — grew at their slowest pace since last fall. The revisions, too, were a bad sign — the government tends to underestimate growth during good times and overstate it during bad times, so downward revisions can suggest the labor market is weakening.

Little confidence from workers: Job seekers saw their fortunes improve somewhat in July: 19.8% of unemployed workers found jobs, the best mark of the recovery. But if anything, workers appeared to grow more pessimistic. Some 2.3 million unemployed workers gave up looking in July, the most since last fall, and fewer people re-entered the job market to look for work. Close to a million Americans say they’ve given up looking for jobs because none are available, a figure that’s actually risen over the past year, while the number saying they’re stuck in part-time jobs involuntarily was unchanged from a year earlier.

Health hiring slows: Few engines of job growth have been more reliable in recent years than the health care industry, which added workers throughout both the recession and recovery. But the sector added a mere 2,500 jobs in July, the fewest in a decade. Meanwhile, one of the most persistent drags on growth, the public sector, showed signs of stabilizing. Despite fears that the sequester is holding back the recovery, government jobs were essentially flat in July, with gains at the local level offsetting modest state and federal cuts.

I'll tell you what.... If any of you libtards are Investment Advisors and are using the same spiel on your clients you're using here.....?

You're going to end up in Prison.

So I suggest you keep working in the Pizza shop until your dream job at the County opens up... In about ten years
Unlike Reagan, Obama was not expected to cut Government Spending and balanace the budget while attemting to revive the economy

Of course, Reagan also had a Congress that was not trying to cut his legs out from him


Reagan had a clear political and economic advantage.

Reagan and Tip O'Neil had their public squabbles but could go into a back room and work out a deal.

This group of Republicans would not make a deal if their childrens life depended on it

I suppose that in your opinion, Nancy and Harry and this group of Democrats are faultless in all of this? :cuckoo:
What an idiotic thread.... there is no recovery, more Americans toady have flatly given up on full-time work, we have record debt.....

Yeah, great job Barry! 7.9% unemployment.. the new normal in moonbat utopia.

Reagan also had interest rates three times higher and much higher inflation
He also can't match doubling the Stock Market

Stupid fuck, he didn't create 85 Billion a month to keep the Market going either, did he?

God you are an idiot.

$85 billion a month to get a Market to increase $15 trillion in market value?
That's a great deal......we should have done it years ago
Unlike Reagan, Obama was not expected to cut Government Spending and balanace the budget while attemting to revive the economy

Of course, Reagan also had a Congress that was not trying to cut his legs out from him

What did Obama do the first 2 years when he had a Democrat controlled congress? Why didn't he do anything then?

That's essentially a fallacy.

Was he just incompetent or lazy?
Reagan also had a more favorable climate for bringing down the unemployment rate

Then again as your thread shows, Reagan is the standard.

Reagan's biggest advantage over Obama though is that he wasn't a clueless moron who was completely over his head. When confiscating and spending more money didn't work, Obama had nothing.
Reagan also had a more favorable climate for bringing down the unemployment rate

Then again as your thread shows, Reagan is the standard.

Reagan's biggest advantage over Obama though is that he wasn't a clueless moron who was completely over his head. When confiscating and spending more money didn't work, Obama had nothing.

Reagan surrounded himself with the right people and LISTENED what they told him, another major difference our creepy assed cracka president.
Reagan also had a more favorable climate for bringing down the unemployment rate

Then again as your thread shows, Reagan is the standard.

Reagan's biggest advantage over Obama though is that he wasn't a clueless moron who was completely over his head. When confiscating and spending more money didn't work, Obama had nothing.

Reagan surrounded himself with the right people and LISTENED what they told him, another major difference our creepy assed cracka president.

So you don't think Obama surrounding himself with yes men who tell him what he wants to hear is the same?

It must be really hard if someone who isn't actually a dim wit works for Obama and he's got to repeat the ridiculous crap Obama thinks back to him as if it weren't as retarded as it is.
America has never seen such obstructionist a-holes and brainwashed morons as the new bs greedy idiot GOP and its hater dupes. Get ready for ANOTHER self inflicted (brand new idea) debt ceiling "CRISIS" costling the economy 1-2% growth,,,add another 1% for a Jobs Act the GOP has supported FOREVER before these morons, and you get the end of the Great Pub Recession- two years agp!. A disgrace. Great to see the GOP imploding, which the hater dupes haven't heard about lol.

Dems had control for 13 days if you subtract Kennedy's death bed and being out of session- spent it talking with the Gang of Six, which turned out to be a sham. Pubs continue to says Dems had their way for 2 years (with 200 filibusters!). Everything Dems passed WERE compromises as offered, to anyone with a brain.
The New GOP is THE world laughingstock and horror... Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, a corrupt DEPRESSION, 5 years of mindless obstruction, and the most ignorant, hateful, and brainwashed voters ever....
America has never seen such obstructionist a-holes and brainwashed morons as the new bs greedy idiot GOP

Right, when you rob people at the point of a gun and they don't want to give you their money ... they ... are greedy. This just in, your post has been rejected as the crap that it is.
Then again as your thread shows, Reagan is the standard.

Reagan's biggest advantage over Obama though is that he wasn't a clueless moron who was completely over his head. When confiscating and spending more money didn't work, Obama had nothing.

Reagan surrounded himself with the right people and LISTENED what they told him, another major difference our creepy assed cracka president.

So you don't think Obama surrounding himself with yes men who tell him what he wants to hear is the same?

It must be really hard if someone who isn't actually a dim wit works for Obama and he's got to repeat the ridiculous crap Obama thinks back to him as if it weren't as retarded as it is.

He is surrounded with worshippers.
Reagan tripled the debt, had Dems who knew how to compromise and wanted the best for the country, then had another cronyism and cooruption Pub bubble and recession (under HW Bush). A mirage. Now a legacy of 30 years of ruining the nonrich and the country- and a disastrous chickenhawk foreign policy...and we're lucky he didn't bring back commie hardliners with his arrogance and bluster...
Obama recovery.. LMFAO... there is no recovery... you have market up as it has to be with all the worthless money being printed under orders of this administration... and that is about all you have.. employment is worse, debt is worse.. increasing size of government is worse.. investment is worse...'

Saying 'Obama Recovery' is like saying Dry Water
America has never seen such obstructionist a-holes and brainwashed morons as the new bs greedy idiot GOP

Right, when you rob people at the point of a gun and they don't want to give you their money ... they ... are greedy. This just in, your post has been rejected as the crap that it is.

Right, the poor wealthy who have 4x the wealth under pander to the rich voodoo, while the nonrich and the country go to hell, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich GOP...
Reagan tripled the debt, had Dems who knew how to compromise and wanted the best for the country, then had another cronyism and cooruption Pub bubble and recession (under HW Bush). A mirage. Now a legacy of 30 years of ruining the nonrich and the country- and a disastrous chickenhawk foreign policy...and we're lucky he didn't bring back commie hardliners with his arrogance and bluster...

Did you know that despite your talking lie that Presidents can't pass a budget? They don't even get to vote. Tip O'Neill did that one, honey.

Federal tax receipts doubled under Reagan. Democrats were on the same spending orgy they are on today.
America has never seen such obstructionist a-holes and brainwashed morons as the new bs greedy idiot GOP

Right, when you rob people at the point of a gun and they don't want to give you their money ... they ... are greedy. This just in, your post has been rejected as the crap that it is.

Right, the poor wealthy who have 4x the wealth under pander to the rich voodoo, while the nonrich and the country go to hell, perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich GOP...

Right now the top 1% of earners pay 20% of all federal taxes and the top 5% pay 60%. If we're their chumps then they aren't getting much for it...
And they've never paid less in all taxes and fees, Pub dupe. RR's scam....
And they've never paid less in all taxes and fees, Pub dupe. RR's scam....

Funny how Republicans are telling me to be a libertarian since I'm their "dupe."

One out of 100 people in this country pay for 1 / 5 of all government and 1 out of 20 pay 1 1/2 times more than the other 19 out of 20 combined. Wow, the evil rich bastards are getting away with murder, aren't they comrade?
How Obama's economic recovery stacks up against Reagan's - The Week

Reagan also had a more favorable climate for bringing down the unemployment rate, as CNN's Charles Riley pointed out:

Reagan had an advantage over Obama: The recession of the early 1980s was caused by runaway inflation, which the Federal Reserve countered by hiking interest rates. When inflation dropped, the Fed lowered rates and a massive economic boom resulted.
The major causes of the recent recession were a banking crisis and housing bubble that exploded during President George W. Bush's final months in office.
Another difference: With comparatively small debt loads, Reagan was able to push through a 23 percent across-the-board cut of individual income tax rates. Obama, meanwhile, entered the presidency with substantial budget deficits and an economy contracting at a rate of 6.7 percent

And who controlled Congress in Bush's final months? :lmao: Thanks for putting me in a good mood. Getting ready to hit the Subways. Needed the laugh. :)

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