How Old Do You The Earth Is?

That's not what I meant. I didn't say that fundamentalists believe that 2+2=5 I said that they would were that stated in the Bible. Here is a video of a fundamentalist saying just that:

And to your second question: Young Earthers get that 6,000 year figure from the calculations of a Catholic scholar who's name escapes me at the moment so my apologies for that. Anyway this wondered if there was an event in the Bible that correlated with other historical records and he found one. The death of King Nebuchadnezzar. He added up all the generations mentioned in the Bible and subtracted that number from the date of Nebuchadnezzar's death to get the date that God created Adam. So by his calculations the Earth is 6,000 years old, give or take a couple years at the most.

Not that I agree with that number, that's just where the Young Earthers get it from.

Actually, you are the one that got it from that. Most Christians that believe that number get it from an entirely different source.
Firstly, no it is not. It is the time from Nebuchadnezzar's death to the creation of Adam (with the years since Neb's death added on of course) But regardless it still would represent the age of the Earth if you follow the Bible because the Bible said that the Earth was created shortly before Adam was. So yes, it is meant to represent the age of the Earth.

Where, exactly, does the Bible say that the Earth is only slightly older than Adam?
Ok first off, like I said in the OP I framed this question out of idle curiosity and is mainly directed at the Christians I've talked to on this forum. And second. There are no Young Earth Atheists. You literally just made that up on the spot
I think a large part of the problem is that the Bible defines a Day as "evening and then morning", which is a rather poor English translation of the words Eh-rev (translated as evening but actually refers to a mixture, such as a mixture of light and dark) and Bow-Kehr (translated as morning, which is defined as when light emerges from dark).

An opinion is that after the sun was created the actual physical activity that occurred in the daily cycle changed.
Wow, I love it when people demonstrate their ignorance so completely.

FYI, there is nothing that prevents water from falling to the Earth from extraterrestrial sources.

Didn't he say "and short of asteroids bringing more, no new water is arriving"? Isn't that an extraterrestrial source? What's with the shooting from the hip, tonight? You're missing everything! :cool:
What unwarranted assumptions? Since you're new to the discussion, you're going have to fill us in a little more.

The one in the OP where he assumed that only a fundamentalist Christian would have a problem with the age of the Earth springs to mind.
Soft tissue in fossils?

link, please.

Here you go:

Controversial T. Rex Soft Tissue Find Finally Explained

From the link:

The researchers also analyzed other fossils for the presence of soft tissue, and found it was present in about half of their samples going back to the Jurassic Period, which lasted from 145.5 million to 199.6 million years ago, Schweitzer said.

Like I said, I don't know how old the Earth is, and neither do you. But, if someone tells me that they can "explain" over 100 million year old soft tissue, when "science" previously believed that soft tissue couldn't possibly last over a million years under the absolute best conditions...I may have a bridge you might be interested in.

Ok first off, like I said in the OP I framed this question out of idle curiosity and is mainly directed at the Christians I've talked to on this forum. And second. There are no Young Earth Atheists. You literally just made that up on the spot

Did I?
Here you go:

Controversial T. Rex Soft Tissue Find Finally Explained

From the link:

The researchers also analyzed other fossils for the presence of soft tissue, and found it was present in about half of their samples going back to the Jurassic Period, which lasted from 145.5 million to 199.6 million years ago, Schweitzer said.

Like I said, I don't know how old the Earth is, and neither do you. But, if someone tells me that they can "explain" over 100 million year old soft tissue, when "science" previously believed that soft tissue couldn't possibly last over a million years under the absolute best conditions...I may have a bridge you might be interested in.

One doesn't have to be able to explain how it got to be there for it to be useful. Just knowing it does provides avenues for research.
Didn't he say "and short of asteroids bringing more, no new water is arriving"? Isn't that an extraterrestrial source? What's with the shooting from the hip, tonight? You're missing everything! :cool:

He did said the amount of water on Earth is fixed.

Want to admit I was right to mock him, or does your personal hatred of all things me preclude you admitting that I nailed this one?
What about Hindus that believe in a 5000 year cycle for the universe? Buddhism and the various cycles of the universe? Young Earth Atheists?

In other words, why are you assuming only certain Christians have a problem with the age of the Earth, or the universe itself?

The Hindu cycle is a lot longer than 5,000 years. I don't know where you got that from.

We are currently living in the 155,521,972,949,115th year of the current Brahma.

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