How Old Do You The Earth Is?

There is no evidence that mammals have ever evolved from one species into 2 or more different species. There is no evidence that man and ape evolved from a single source.

The fact that there exists more than one mammal is evidence that more than one mammal evolved. Jeez, reading this thread reminds me of the silly shit blurbed in elementary school by equally ignorant school kids. What grade did you folks finish, if any?
The fact that there exists more than one mammal is evidence that more than one mammal evolved. Jeez, reading this thread reminds me of the silly shit blurbed in elementary school by equally ignorant school kids. What grade did you folks finish, if any?

Affirming the consequent, sometimes called converse error or fallacy of the converse, is a formal fallacy of inferring the converse from the original statement. The corresponding argument has the general form:

  1. If P, then Q.
  2. Q.
  3. Therefore, P.
it isn't that the earth is young.....its that I am old.....why God and I argued what color grass should be.....can you believe it, he wanted green!?.......
Did you know the water molecules in our body are millions of years old? There's a fixed amount of water on the earth. It rains, evaporates, rains somewhere else, gets drunk, makes up living things, but the amount of actually static. Changes location and form, but it never disappears, and short of asteroids bringing more, no new water is arriving. Kinda neat.
You're not "up to date" on the young earth theory. I don't know why people insist on arguing points they obviously have no knowledge of. Could you explain your motivation for stating as fact that incorrect piece of info? Or what led you to believe that idea, was it just faulty memory of something you thought you heard? There's a good explaination of how they calculate a 6000 year age for the Earth here: 6000-years -

In summary they say; "It is not the purpose of this article to choose any particular one of these chronologies, but rather to show how the plain interpretation of Scripture gives a straightforward chronology that leads us to believe the world is around 6,000 years old, regardless of which of these other chronological frameworks one uses."

I've had conversations with theologians about this subject. What ever you read or quote is simply the opinion of who ever wrote it. The entire Bible is tracing the lineage of Jesus Christ. If you don't like my explanation you are free to cling to whichever opinion pleases you.
I'd be happy to.

Fundamentalist: A member of the Christian faith that believe that every word of the Bible is undeniable, historical fact. People that say that if the Bible said 2 + 2 = 5 then they would believe it, take it as fact and find a way to make it make sense.

Young Earth Creationists: Members of the Christian faith that believe that the creation story in Genesis is a literal account of the origin of life and that Earth is around 6,000 years old.

Famous examples of both are Ken Ham and Fred Phelps.

Utter bullshit. Fred Phelps was a leftist demagogue who made a career of slandering Christians for the delight of the leftist press.

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