How Old Do You The Earth Is?

I've had conversations with theologians about this subject. What ever you read or quote is simply the opinion of who ever wrote it. The entire Bible is tracing the lineage of Jesus Christ. If you don't like my explanation you are free to cling to whichever opinion pleases you.

Let's start over. And this time I won't assume that you are;

1) A Christian.
2) Not a bald-faced liar.

Katzndogs said - "No they don't. The figure of 6,000 years is the lineage of Jesus Christ back to Adam and Eve. Not the age of the earth".

Interesting. That would arrive at about an 8000 yr old Earth. I've never seen that age offered before.

Katzndogs said - "I've had conversations with theologians about this subject. What ever you read or quote is simply the opinion of who ever wrote it. The entire Bible is tracing the lineage of Jesus Christ. If you don't like my explanation you are free to cling to whichever opinion pleases you."

I'm an Athiest but I know a little about Christianity. I believe that one of it's foundational tenets is that Jesus Christ did not have a "lineage" to trace. He had a father, "God", (I know that one gets a little convoluted - see "the Nicene Crede") and that's as far as it goes. He didn't have a grandfather, grandmother etc.

So could you let us know which religion these "theologians" represent that you've discussed this matter with? It definitely wouldn't be any sect of Christianity that I'm familiar with. And it doesn't matter if I'm happy with this "explaination" or not..."The entire Bible is tracing the lineage of Jesus Christ". Like I said, I'm an athiest. I don't believe it would satisfy or make too many Christians happy though.

And feel free to make up any story you like, remember I have unassumed #2.
No Christian believes 2+2=5. But a Non Believer thinks Man probably evolved from Monkeys. That sounds like 2+2=5 to me.

How did "Young Earthers" get the idea that the earth is 6,000 years old?

That's not what I meant. I didn't say that fundamentalists believe that 2+2=5 I said that they would were that stated in the Bible. Here is a video of a fundamentalist saying just that:

And to your second question: Young Earthers get that 6,000 year figure from the calculations of a Catholic scholar who's name escapes me at the moment so my apologies for that. Anyway this wondered if there was an event in the Bible that correlated with other historical records and he found one. The death of King Nebuchadnezzar. He added up all the generations mentioned in the Bible and subtracted that number from the date of Nebuchadnezzar's death to get the date that God created Adam. So by his calculations the Earth is 6,000 years old, give or take a couple years at the most.

Not that I agree with that number, that's just where the Young Earthers get it from.
Well, you could always just ask who among us are fundamentalists or young-earth creationists.

Yeah but then half the replies would just be asking me to define those terms and that would get old pretty quick so I figured I'd just ask this question and then with the answer to it I'd kill two birds with one stone
No they don't. The figure of 6,000 years is the lineage of Jesus Christ back to Adam and Eve. Not the age of the earth.

Firstly, no it is not. It is the time from Nebuchadnezzar's death to the creation of Adam (with the years since Neb's death added on of course) But regardless it still would represent the age of the Earth if you follow the Bible because the Bible said that the Earth was created shortly before Adam was. So yes, it is meant to represent the age of the Earth.
Oh you don't know? So it's just a "belief"?

Sounds like a "Religion" to me!

Not it's nothing like a religion because they are still searching for the answer that's just what the evidence is pointing to so far. Religion claims to know the answer and says that searching for any evidence that might prove that claim wrong is against the fules
Did you know the water molecules in our body are millions of years old? There's a fixed amount of water on the earth. It rains, evaporates, rains somewhere else, gets drunk, makes up living things, but the amount of actually static. Changes location and form, but it never disappears, and short of asteroids bringing more, no new water is arriving. Kinda neat.

That is pretty neat. Did you know that if the center of the galaxy had a smell it would be raspberries and rum? Also a neat little fact.
Let's start over. And this time I won't assume that you are;

1) A Christian.
2) Not a bald-faced liar.

Katzndogs said - "No they don't. The figure of 6,000 years is the lineage of Jesus Christ back to Adam and Eve. Not the age of the earth".

Interesting. That would arrive at about an 8000 yr old Earth. I've never seen that age offered before.

Katzndogs said - "I've had conversations with theologians about this subject. What ever you read or quote is simply the opinion of who ever wrote it. The entire Bible is tracing the lineage of Jesus Christ. If you don't like my explanation you are free to cling to whichever opinion pleases you."

I'm an Athiest but I know a little about Christianity. I believe that one of it's foundational tenets is that Jesus Christ did not have a "lineage" to trace. He had a father, "God", (I know that one gets a little convoluted - see "the Nicene Crede") and that's as far as it goes. He didn't have a grandfather, grandmother etc.

So could you let us know which religion these "theologians" represent that you've discussed this matter with? It definitely wouldn't be any sect of Christianity that I'm familiar with. And it doesn't matter if I'm happy with this "explaination" or not..."The entire Bible is tracing the lineage of Jesus Christ". Like I said, I'm an athiest. I don't believe it would satisfy or make too many Christians happy though.

And feel free to make up any story you like, remember I have unassumed #2.

I was asked my opinion. I gave it. It was not intended to be nor was it an invitation to engage in a discussion with atheists. I don't get into discussions with atheists. I don't respect atheists enough to take them seriously. What you really want is an excuse to expound on your own cultist beliefs. Sorry but you chose poorly.
I was asked my opinion. I gave it. It was not intended to be nor was it an invitation to engage in a discussion with atheists. I don't get into discussions with atheists. I don't respect atheists enough to take them seriously. What you really want is an excuse to expound on your own cultist beliefs. Sorry but you chose poorly.

I find it ironic and even bordering on hilarious that you would call atheists cultist.
What about Hindus that believe in a 5000 year cycle for the universe? Buddhism and the various cycles of the universe? Young Earth Atheists?

In other words, why are you assuming only certain Christians have a problem with the age of the Earth, or the universe itself?
I'd be happy to.

Fundamentalist: A member of the Christian faith that believe that every word of the Bible is undeniable, historical fact. People that say that if the Bible said 2 + 2 = 5 then they would believe it, take it as fact and find a way to make it make sense.

Young Earth Creationists: Members of the Christian faith that believe that the creation story in Genesis is a literal account of the origin of life and that Earth is around 6,000 years old.

Famous examples of both are Ken Ham and Fred Phelps.

Phelps doesn't belong in either of those categories as far as I know. He denies things in the Bible that contradict his teachings, and has never said anything that I am aware of about the age of the Earth.
You don't have to have a belief in a fossil, you just have to look at it.
So, by looking at it, you can tell its age? Some months ago, scientists discovered soft tissue in fossils. So, they are saying that soft tissue survived for millions of years, sometimes 100's of millions of years.

I don't know what the age of the Earth is, and no one else does either. If they say they do, they are lying.

Not it's nothing like a religion because they are still searching for the answer that's just what the evidence is pointing to so far. Religion claims to know the answer and says that searching for any evidence that might prove that claim wrong is against the fules
All Religious people I know are "Searching for the Answer".
What about Hindus that believe in a 5000 year cycle for the universe? Buddhism and the various cycles of the universe? Young Earth Atheists?

In other words, why are you assuming only certain Christians have a problem with the age of the Earth, or the universe itself?

Ok first off, like I said in the OP I framed this question out of idle curiosity and is mainly directed at the Christians I've talked to on this forum. And second. There are no Young Earth Atheists. You literally just made that up on the spot
Did you know the water molecules in our body are millions of years old? There's a fixed amount of water on the earth. It rains, evaporates, rains somewhere else, gets drunk, makes up living things, but the amount of actually static. Changes location and form, but it never disappears, and short of asteroids bringing more, no new water is arriving. Kinda neat.

Wow, I love it when people demonstrate their ignorance so completely.

FYI, there is nothing that prevents water from falling to the Earth from extraterrestrial sources.

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