How Old Is The Earth?

Let's objectively look at this "now" you speak of...

Nothing can "happen" in the "now". It's not physically possible. Anything that "happens" requires passage of time. We are unable to observe "the now" because of physics. Light must travel from an object to our eyes and our brain must register the image... all of it takes time to happen. By the time we have any realization of "the present" or "the now" that particular moment has passed. In essence, all we have are perceptions of time which has passed. The very most recent passage of time we call the present.

Think about this... The future doesn't exist yet. The past no longer exists. The present takes no time at all. Does time actually exist?

Thoughts and feelings can happen in the now and can flow through time with us through the present. When we experience a holiday it occurs in the now. Days, months, years... etc. Events, competitions, wars, etc can all occur in the now. Relationships can occur in the now. A song, a video, a dance, a fight... the now is the most important aspect of time.

"Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs. Be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment"- Qui Gon mothafuckin' Jinn

The future exists because it has not occurred yet, that's what makes it the future. The past exists because it is no longer occurring, that is what makes it the past.

You trippin

No such thing as now. Only the future and the past. If you imagine an atomic clock, it measures time to many decimal places beyond 1 second. And since time never stops (for us on Earth anyway heh) nothing you do can occur in the smallest unit of time. It takes many. The time is takes a thought to pass from one neuron to the next takes multiples of the smallest unit of time measurement we use, the attosecond.
I'm watching the Boondocks right now (in the present, I might add). Riley was about to get extorted by the president of some mentally ill group, who was referring to himself as "specially abled"...

Riley was like, "Nigga, ninjas are specially abled! Luke Skywalker is specially abled! You niggas is just retar..." Then gets slapped upside the head lmao

I fucking laughed so hard
How old is Michaelangelo's David? The sculpture is over 500 years old but the marble it was made from is far older, so whats the answer
How old is Michaelangelo's David? The sculpture is over 500 years old but the marble it was made from is far older, so whats the answer
Michealangelo's David is 500 years old regardless of how old the fucking rock is, you fucking numbskull. Now you know.
How old is Michaelangelo's David? The sculpture is over 500 years old but the marble it was made from is far older, so whats the answer
Michealangelo's David is 500 years old regardless of how old the fucking rock is, you fucking numbskull. Now you know.

So it was created only recently using material far older?
If Michaelangelo made it 500 years ago, it's 500 years old. See how that work? :lol:
The age of the Earth is determined by dating many rocks, including moon rocks and meteorites from Antarctica. All support approx. 4.6 billion years old as noted by many posting here.

No one is arguing that scientists don't estimate the universe to be 4.6 billion years old or 4.543 billion years old. I'm not arguing about the methods they used or whether they are wrong. My point has always been, we are not certain. We think we are, but I'm sure we thought that before... when the universe was thought to be 20 million years old. I don't know what tests we did back then to come up with that number but they were obviously wrong if we've now determined a different age. And as sure as we are of the methods used to come up with 4.6 billion years, those test methods could be equally as wrong. For instance, we could learn something about dark energy and dark matter, quantum mechanics or subatomic particles, that completely changes our understanding with how we measure age of things really old. I'm not claiming we will, I have no way of knowing what we might discover in the future... but I'm not some egotistical smart ass who has closed his mind to the possibility our estimates could be wrong or that we could learn something new.
I am observing now, right now...

Not unless you are a superhuman who can defy physics.

You are observing a perception of "now" which has already passed before your sensory abilities caused your perception. Anything you can possibly observe has already happened. It happened before you even knew it happened, you had to wait for physics to happen. Anything that can be said to "happen" requires time to pass. Therefore, nothing happens in the now... it can't. It's impossible for anything to happen without time passing.
How old is Michaelangelo's David? The sculpture is over 500 years old but the marble it was made from is far older, so whats the answer
Michealangelo's David is 500 years old regardless of how old the fucking rock is, you fucking numbskull. Now you know.

So it was created only recently using material far older?
If Michaelangelo made it 500 years ago, it's 500 years old. See how that work? :lol:

I see the creation of Michaelangelo is 500 years old but he did not create the material used 500 years ago. So the creation is 500 years old and the material used is much older. See how that works? :lol:
No such thing as now. Only the future and the past. If you imagine an atomic clock, it measures time to many decimal places beyond 1 second. And since time never stops (for us on Earth anyway heh) nothing you do can occur in the smallest unit of time. It takes many. The time is takes a thought to pass from one neuron to the next takes multiples of the smallest unit of time measurement we use, the attosecond.

ANYTHING that "happens" takes time. I challenge anyone to present any kind of evidence that something can physically happen without time passing.

We have a PERCEPTION of the present moment in time. However, our perception is lagging because physics is having to happen. Light has to travel, nerves have to be stimulated, signals have to be sent to the brain and processed into cognition. All of these things take certain amounts of time... it doesn't matter that it's a very small amount of time, it still takes time and if it takes time, the moment of present time is gone... been gone!

In essence, only the past exists...or our memories of it. The most recent memory of the most recent past is what we define as our perception of the present.
How old is Michaelangelo's David? The sculpture is over 500 years old but the marble it was made from is far older, so whats the answer
Michealangelo's David is 500 years old regardless of how old the fucking rock is, you fucking numbskull. Now you know.

So it was created only recently using material far older?
If Michaelangelo made it 500 years ago, it's 500 years old. See how that work? :lol:

I see the creation of Michaelangelo is 500 years old but he did not create the material used 500 years ago. So the creation is 500 years old and the material used is much older. See how that works? :lol:
The question was: how old is michealangelo's David? So you lose.
And you copied me, should I be flattered?
The question was: how old is michealangelo's David? So you lose.
And you copied me, should I be flattered?

But we can do the same tests you use on rocks and meteorites to determine the Earth is 4.563 billion years old and we find the marble he used is considerably older than 500 years. The point you seem to be missing is, the creation doesn't have anything to do with the material the creation was made from. God could create an Earth 6,000 years ago and just like with Michelangelo's masterpiece, he used material that was much older. For the record, I don't believe the 6k-yr. Earth story. But I also don't believe 4.563 billion years is some empirical truth that can't ever be challenged. And regardless of how old the marble is, it has nothing at all to do with the masterpiece.

You should be flattered that you've lasted a week without me putting you on ignore. It is purely attributable to how fun it is to slap you around here. Most stupid people I encounter are smart enough to know when to shut up or when they're over their heads... but not you. We just keep on being entertained with your 'gems of brilliance' and I'm like an intellectual cat with a little toy mouse.
The question was: how old is michealangelo's David? So you lose.
And you copied me, should I be flattered?

But we can do the same tests you use on rocks and meteorites to determine the Earth is 4.563 billion years old and we find the marble he used is considerably older than 500 years. The point you seem to be missing is, the creation doesn't have anything to do with the material the creation was made from. God could create an Earth 6,000 years ago and just like with Michelangelo's masterpiece, he used material that was much older. For the record, I don't believe the 6k-yr. Earth story. But I also don't believe 4.563 billion years is some empirical truth that can't ever be challenged. And regardless of how old the marble is, it has nothing at all to do with the masterpiece.

You should be flattered that you've lasted a week without me putting you on ignore. It is purely attributable to how fun it is to slap you around here. Most stupid people I encounter are smart enough to know when to shut up or when they're over their heads... but not you. We just keep on being entertained with your 'gems of brilliance' and I'm like an intellectual cat with a little toy mouse.
Don't be mad that I handed you your fried chicken lunch again. Just enjoy it. :D
No such thing as now. Only the future and the past. If you imagine an atomic clock, it measures time to many decimal places beyond 1 second. And since time never stops (for us on Earth anyway heh) nothing you do can occur in the smallest unit of time. It takes many. The time is takes a thought to pass from one neuron to the next takes multiples of the smallest unit of time measurement we use, the attosecond.

ANYTHING that "happens" takes time. I challenge anyone to present any kind of evidence that something can physically happen without time passing.

We have a PERCEPTION of the present moment in time. However, our perception is lagging because physics is having to happen. Light has to travel, nerves have to be stimulated, signals have to be sent to the brain and processed into cognition. All of these things take certain amounts of time... it doesn't matter that it's a very small amount of time, it still takes time and if it takes time, the moment of present time is gone... been gone!

In essence, only the past exists...or our memories of it. The most recent memory of the most recent past is what we define as our perception of the present.

Dr. Michio Kaku talked about this once on the Discovery channel. He said that it takes about a billionth of a second for the light from your mirror to reach your eye, be processed and for you to recognize yourself.

So, if you think about it, Boss, you're right. We're all living in some form of the past.
The age of the Earth is determined by dating many rocks, including moon rocks and meteorites from Antarctica. All support approx. 4.6 billion years old as noted by many posting here.

No one is arguing that scientists don't estimate the universe to be 4.6 billion years old or 4.543 billion years old. I'm not arguing about the methods they used or whether they are wrong. My point has always been, we are not certain. We think we are, but I'm sure we thought that before... when the universe was thought to be 20 million years old. I don't know what tests we did back then to come up with that number but they were obviously wrong if we've now determined a different age. And as sure as we are of the methods used to come up with 4.6 billion years, those test methods could be equally as wrong. For instance, we could learn something about dark energy and dark matter, quantum mechanics or subatomic particles, that completely changes our understanding with how we measure age of things really old. I'm not claiming we will, I have no way of knowing what we might discover in the future... but I'm not some egotistical smart ass who has closed his mind to the possibility our estimates could be wrong or that we could learn something new.

Ad Infinitum fallacy. You seem to argue that we'll never know anything for sure.

Honestly why you post to threads like these is an oddity, your belief in everything is utterly nebulous and nothing is really 'known' so what's the point.

And while trying to argue 'we really will never know' you don't do a simple search to understand why scientists DO know these things.
Let's objectively look at this "now" you speak of...

Nothing can "happen" in the "now". It's not physically possible. Anything that "happens" requires passage of time. We are unable to observe "the now" because of physics. Light must travel from an object to our eyes and our brain must register the image... all of it takes time to happen. By the time we have any realization of "the present" or "the now" that particular moment has passed. In essence, all we have are perceptions of time which has passed. The very most recent passage of time we call the present.

Think about this... The future doesn't exist yet. The past no longer exists. The present takes no time at all. Does time actually exist?

I would think under that scenario you could question if anything exists. I think of the now as ever present and not fleeting. There is a lot of change in the now but it is always here and includes all existence. In my mind it is what eternity is and reality. Everything happens in the now in a series of changes. The light that travels is a change in the light. What once was in a state of now, no longer exists and its current state of change is in the now. Some change is faster and some slower. But its current state is in the now. The now isn't something that changes but houses all other changes within it. It is existence and reality. It contains all our current passing thoughts, experiences, feelings, etc. It doesn't fade into the past but only the changes within it fade. It becomes the now with new changes in it. Sure there are intervals between events that occur due to change but that is the nature of change. We derive time from change and not change from time. We use change to create time and we find it quite useful. We structure our lives around it so much that we find it hard to separate it from reality. But perhaps it is only change in a constant now. Time is a measure. We measure how long the change of traveling light takes to reach our eyes in relation to some other change. If we agree on the measure we use to measure the interval of a beginning state of change to and ending state of change we call it time, but it is all just change in the now. The interval is due to the nature of the way varying things change. The measure of it becomes time. After a while we begin to think of time as an actual property because we live in change. But maybe it is all occurring in a constant Now which is ever present and everything is enclosed within it. Perhaps it is also known as eternity. It is a never ending reality that cannot be escaped.

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