How Old Is The Earth?

as the same process by which a species / individual over time that has stored enough information can produce an offspring of an entirely new composition ... as altered DNA of a new species.

So you think we have the unknown ability to change our literal molecular structure through our experiences and hardships? Seems like black people would have "stored up enough information over time" to produce only white babies? :tomato:

why would they do that?

Because they have been racially oppressed by people who's skin is white for thousands and thousands of years. If "information stored over time" causes us to change into completely new species, it doesn't seem unreasonable to think black skinned people would have morphed themselves into white people a long time ago. That's not even a change in species.

The point is, Breezy's idea is cockamamie. We can't change our DNA through "power of the mind" or whatever.

so stop racially oppressing them.

jews have been oppressed too. i still wouldn't want to be one of you.
no one has to defend reality.

and no one is going to pretend idiocy and fantasy are deserving of "debate".

your hallucinations are not up for debate. they are simply hallucinations.

There is no universal reality. You experience a reality completely different than mine or anyone else on the planet or anyone who has ever been on the planet or will ever be on the planet. What you experience is a perception created entirely by physics happening.

I am not here to debate you about what I personally believe. You need to know, I do not require your approval for my beliefs or your validation of my beliefs.
as the same process by which a species / individual over time that has stored enough information can produce an offspring of an entirely new composition ... as altered DNA of a new species.

So you think we have the unknown ability to change our literal molecular structure through our experiences and hardships? Seems like black people would have "stored up enough information over time" to produce only white babies? :tomato:

why would they do that?

Because they have been racially oppressed by people who's skin is white for thousands and thousands of years. If "information stored over time" causes us to change into completely new species, it doesn't seem unreasonable to think black skinned people would have morphed themselves into white people a long time ago. That's not even a change in species.

The point is, Breezy's idea is cockamamie. We can't change our DNA through "power of the mind" or whatever.

so stop racially oppressing them.

jews have been oppressed too. i still wouldn't want to be one of you.

Well that doesn't have a damn thing to do with the context or point. I am not the history of humanity so I can't very well change what the history of humanity has done, can I? ...and why should I have to? We presumably have this uncanny ability to morph ourselves into something better through years of information gathering, according to Breeze's theory. Seems like blacks would have morphed themselves into white folks a long time ago, if this were true.

You want to spin that back around and pretend I am being a racist or something? Fine... have at it. I know myself better than you. We still have no scientific evidence to support his theory and it's patently asinine.
Dismissal of the absurd happens so people don't have to take total bullshit seriously. Once totality of bullshit is identified, it's a civic duty to drop a road flare so everyone doesn't have to step in it.

What I find is, "dismissal of the absurd" usually means, "closed minded intolerance."
Open mindedness is not dismissal of fact, however. Dismissing the many facts that contradict young earth 'theory' is absurd and dismissable.

I don't see anything being dismissed with facts. I see people running around claiming things are facts that are not facts. Mostly while calling people names and foaming at the mouth because they have a different belief.
But this is because this theory of 6000 years is absurd. Nothing substantiates the theory except for an interpretation of the bible which I also find absurd. If a destitute Banladeshi believed something like this, they'll have an excuse, but Americans with internet and universal education should be ashamed.
Dismissal of the absurd happens so people don't have to take total bullshit seriously. Once totality of bullshit is identified, it's a civic duty to drop a road flare so everyone doesn't have to step in it.

What I find is, "dismissal of the absurd" usually means, "closed minded intolerance."
Open mindedness is not dismissal of fact, however. Dismissing the many facts that contradict young earth 'theory' is absurd and dismissable.

I don't see anything being dismissed with facts. I see people running around claiming things are facts that are not facts. Mostly while calling people names and foaming at the mouth because they have a different belief.
But this is because this theory of 6000 years is absurd. Nothing substantiates the theory except for an interpretation of the bible which I also find absurd. If a destitute Banladeshi believed something like this, they'll have an excuse, but Americans with internet and universal education should be ashamed.

Well I agree that the theory is probably not valid. However, when you're talking about an omnipotent spiritual entity that isn't confined to radiometric dating or any kind of physical tests.... it is possible. You and I may not agree, that doesn't matter with regard to what is the truth. I'm not here to ridicule people for their theories as much as I am in search of the truth.

Technically, the age of the earth is the same as the age of the universe because all the physical atoms which comprise earth were created when the universe began. When you say "age of earth" when are you starting? When the first minerals began to clump together and form a planet? At what arbitrary point are we starting at? We don't know... no one has explained that. If we got into our Back To The Future Time Machine and went back 4.545669 billion years, what would be here? Nothing? A fully functional planet with oceans and an atmosphere? A big molten ball of smoldering debris? When was the actual "birth" in this determination of age? :dunno:

Yet we have idiots here proclaiming this is a FACT by gawd! Don't you DARE challenge Science on it, buddy! ...and it's all based on a meteorite and radiometric dating. We don't know anything about dark matter and dark energy yet... no telling what role they might have played in creating the Earth.

I have known Christians all my life. Some of them believe the Earth is 6k years old and God simply created it to appear older. I would say the overwhelming majority of Christians don't believe this. I personally think it's kind of nutty and based on a lot of false interpretation of the Bible. But I can't disprove the theory and I don't need to.
Dismissal of the absurd happens so people don't have to take total bullshit seriously. Once totality of bullshit is identified, it's a civic duty to drop a road flare so everyone doesn't have to step in it.

What I find is, "dismissal of the absurd" usually means, "closed minded intolerance."
Open mindedness is not dismissal of fact, however. Dismissing the many facts that contradict young earth 'theory' is absurd and dismissable.

I don't see anything being dismissed with facts. I see people running around claiming things are facts that are not facts. Mostly while calling people names and foaming at the mouth because they have a different belief.
But this is because this theory of 6000 years is absurd. Nothing substantiates the theory except for an interpretation of the bible which I also find absurd. If a destitute Banladeshi believed something like this, they'll have an excuse, but Americans with internet and universal education should be ashamed.

Well I agree that the theory is probably not valid. However, when you're talking about an omnipotent spiritual entity that isn't confined to radiometric dating or any kind of physical tests.... it is possible. You and I may not agree, that doesn't matter with regard to what is the truth. I'm not here to ridicule people for their theories as much as I am in search of the truth.

Technically, the age of the earth is the same as the age of the universe because all the physical atoms which comprise earth were created when the universe began. When you say "age of earth" when are you starting? When the first minerals began to clump together and form a planet? At what arbitrary point are we starting at? We don't know... no one has explained that. If we got into our Back To The Future Time Machine and went back 4.545669 billion years, what would be here? Nothing? A fully functional planet with oceans and an atmosphere? A big molten ball of smoldering debris? When was the actual "birth" in this determination of age? :dunno:

Yet we have idiots here proclaiming this is a FACT by gawd! Don't you DARE challenge Science on it, buddy! ...and it's all based on a meteorite and radiometric dating. We don't know anything about dark matter and dark energy yet... no telling what role they might have played in creating the Earth.

I have known Christians all my life. Some of them believe the Earth is 6k years old and God simply created it to appear older. I would say the overwhelming majority of Christians don't believe this. I personally think it's kind of nutty and based on a lot of false interpretation of the Bible. But I can't disprove the theory and I don't need to.
For those people who feel the world was designed to appear differently than it was made, they have drifted from the same fundamentalism which brought them to the stupid conclusion in the first place. Where's that in scripture? Those are charlatans or their sheep. The theory is absurd. The minutia of earthbirth or dark energy aren't even relevant because 6000 years is not a remotely plausible outcome of any study into the matter, whether via bible study or geology.
For those people who feel the world was designed to appear differently than it was made, they have drifted from the same fundamentalism which brought them to the stupid conclusion in the first place. Where's that in scripture? Those are charlatans or their sheep. The theory is absurd. The minutia of earthbirth or dark energy aren't even relevant because 6000 years is not a remotely plausible outcome of any study into the matter, whether via bible study or geology.

I'm not here to defend the YEC view, like I said, I personally don't believe it. I can only go by what they have told me about their beliefs and I don't want there to be any misunderstanding... I never said they believed earth was designed to appear differently. I tried to convey that their belief is that God can make rocks appear any way He pleases because He's God. I say, why not just make the radiometric dater's instruments show 6k years?

Now... let's talk about some "plausibility" here, since you brought it up. I kinda think 6k~10k years is fairly plausible in terms of when 'humanity' was created. Not much recorded history before that. Perhaps "created the earth" means recreation of the earth following the great flood?

A scientist I was watching recently was saying the planet is old enough that it's possible there have been other advanced civilizations. Cataclysmic events erase all signs and everything starts over again. I can't disprove his theory. It makes sense that it could have happened. I also can't prove his theory, but I don't have to.
For those people who feel the world was designed to appear differently than it was made, they have drifted from the same fundamentalism which brought them to the stupid conclusion in the first place. Where's that in scripture? Those are charlatans or their sheep. The theory is absurd. The minutia of earthbirth or dark energy aren't even relevant because 6000 years is not a remotely plausible outcome of any study into the matter, whether via bible study or geology.

I'm not here to defend the YEC view, like I said, I personally don't believe it. I can only go by what they have told me about their beliefs and I don't want there to be any misunderstanding... I never said they believed earth was designed to appear differently. I tried to convey that their belief is that God can make rocks appear any way He pleases because He's God. I say, why not just make the radiometric dater's instruments show 6k years?

Now... let's talk about some "plausibility" here, since you brought it up. I kinda think 6k~10k years is fairly plausible in terms of when 'humanity' was created. Not much recorded history before that. Perhaps "created the earth" means recreation of the earth following the great flood?

A scientist I was watching recently was saying the planet is old enough that it's possible there have been other advanced civilizations. Cataclysmic events erase all signs and everything starts over again. I can't disprove his theory. It makes sense that it could have happened. I also can't prove his theory, but I don't have to.
The issue with plying logic to absurdity is that eventually you do get caught with shoddy compromises that still far from plausible... but you stepped in it. No, it's not plausible that human or earth's origins are dated within the extents of human recorded history. This would require, not for instruments to be tricked, but for molecular decay itself to be tricked, not fitting with our universe. Literally a theory that would require a miracle to stand up to truth.
as the same process by which a species / individual over time that has stored enough information can produce an offspring of an entirely new composition ... as altered DNA of a new species.

So you think we have the unknown ability to change our literal molecular structure through our experiences and hardships? Seems like black people would have "stored up enough information over time" to produce only white babies? :tomato:

why would they do that?

Because they have been racially oppressed by people who's skin is white for thousands and thousands of years. If "information stored over time" causes us to change into completely new species, it doesn't seem unreasonable to think black skinned people would have morphed themselves into white people a long time ago. That's not even a change in species.

The point is, Breezy's idea is cockamamie. We can't change our DNA through "power of the mind" or whatever.

so stop racially oppressing them.

jews have been oppressed too. i still wouldn't want to be one of you.

Well that doesn't have a damn thing to do with the context or point. I am not the history of humanity so I can't very well change what the history of humanity has done, can I? ...and why should I have to? We presumably have this uncanny ability to morph ourselves into something better through years of information gathering, according to Breeze's theory. Seems like blacks would have morphed themselves into white folks a long time ago, if this were true.

You want to spin that back around and pretend I am being a racist or something? Fine... have at it. I know myself better than you. We still have no scientific evidence to support his theory and it's patently asinine.
Mosquito metamorphosis time-lapse

but bossy, there will not be afro-hair in the near future ... going bald may seem superficial to you however it is the pysio-bio inception to alter the molecular code as determined for future generations to a smother follicle - you are just being stupid again, change is a mental process however it is concluded. the mosquito has you hands down.


For those people who feel the world was designed to appear differently than it was made, they have drifted from the same fundamentalism which brought them to the stupid conclusion in the first place. Where's that in scripture? Those are charlatans or their sheep. The theory is absurd. The minutia of earthbirth or dark energy aren't even relevant because 6000 years is not a remotely plausible outcome of any study into the matter, whether via bible study or geology.

I'm not here to defend the YEC view, like I said, I personally don't believe it. I can only go by what they have told me about their beliefs and I don't want there to be any misunderstanding... I never said they believed earth was designed to appear differently. I tried to convey that their belief is that God can make rocks appear any way He pleases because He's God. I say, why not just make the radiometric dater's instruments show 6k years?

Now... let's talk about some "plausibility" here, since you brought it up. I kinda think 6k~10k years is fairly plausible in terms of when 'humanity' was created. Not much recorded history before that. Perhaps "created the earth" means recreation of the earth following the great flood?

A scientist I was watching recently was saying the planet is old enough that it's possible there have been other advanced civilizations. Cataclysmic events erase all signs and everything starts over again. I can't disprove his theory. It makes sense that it could have happened. I also can't prove his theory, but I don't have to.
The issue with plying logic to absurdity is that eventually you do get caught with shoddy compromises that still far from plausible... but you stepped in it. No, it's not plausible that human or earth's origins are dated within the extents of human recorded history. This would require, not for instruments to be tricked, but for molecular decay itself to be tricked, not fitting with our universe. Literally a theory that would require a miracle to stand up to truth.

Again... the questions of Earth's origin are not exactly clear. Was it also a "miracle" that something nuked the Earth like a TV dinner in order for there to be a nickel-iron core and lighter minerals to rise and form a mantle and crust? How do you explain that in the frozen vacuum of space? What effects might something like that have on effects of decay or what appears to be decay? If you don't have all the answers it's cool, no one does... that's why it's important to not dismiss any possibility.

I disagree that I am plying logic to absurdity. I didn't say I accept the argument or believe in it, just that it's an opinion people have. Why is there a problem with that? Lots of people have opinions... none of them have been proved or disproved. The bottom line is, we don't know what the truth is. But some people want to pretend to be geniuses and tell us their opinion as fact and dismiss opinions they don't agree with.
So you think we have the unknown ability to change our literal molecular structure through our experiences and hardships? Seems like black people would have "stored up enough information over time" to produce only white babies? :tomato:

why would they do that?

Because they have been racially oppressed by people who's skin is white for thousands and thousands of years. If "information stored over time" causes us to change into completely new species, it doesn't seem unreasonable to think black skinned people would have morphed themselves into white people a long time ago. That's not even a change in species.

The point is, Breezy's idea is cockamamie. We can't change our DNA through "power of the mind" or whatever.

so stop racially oppressing them.

jews have been oppressed too. i still wouldn't want to be one of you.

Well that doesn't have a damn thing to do with the context or point. I am not the history of humanity so I can't very well change what the history of humanity has done, can I? ...and why should I have to? We presumably have this uncanny ability to morph ourselves into something better through years of information gathering, according to Breeze's theory. Seems like blacks would have morphed themselves into white folks a long time ago, if this were true.

You want to spin that back around and pretend I am being a racist or something? Fine... have at it. I know myself better than you. We still have no scientific evidence to support his theory and it's patently asinine.
Mosquito metamorphosis time-lapse

but bossy, there will not be afro-hair in the near future ... going bald may seem superficial to you however it is the pysio-bio inception to alter the molecular code as determined for future generations to a smother follicle - you are just being stupid again, change is a mental process however it is concluded. the mosquito has you hands down.


The mosquito cannot change into anything it's DNA isn't coded for. Living things cannot change their DNA through power of the mind. Everything is capable of changing into a better version of itself, or at least, a better suited version. What living things can't do is change into something else.

If horses need to reach the tall branches of trees to eat and the only option is to grow a much longer neck, they will become extinct... not turn into giraffes.
So Bossy, I may have missed that post, but how old do YOU think the earth is?
So Bossy, I may have missed that post, but how old do YOU think the earth is?

What do you mean by "the earth"?

The atoms apparently came into existence when the universe began. The iron nickel core with lighter minerals forming a mantle and even lighter ones forming a crust, indicate that sometime after the various atoms of dust cloud debris clumped together to form our planet it underwent a 'baking' process where it entirely melted. Shortly thereafter, something delivered all the atoms of water which remains our most abundant compound. It gets more interesting because it turns out, the iron-nickel core is essential for our magnetic poles and this is important in numerous ways to the functionality of our environment.

When does "the earth" become The Earth? When the rocks came together? When the baking process happened? When the water delivery arrived? When it was all up and running as operational? When is the Birthday?
So Bossy, I may have missed that post, but how old do YOU think the earth is?

What do you mean by "the earth"?

The atoms apparently came into existence when the universe began. The iron nickel core with lighter minerals forming a mantle and even lighter ones forming a crust, indicate that sometime after the various atoms of dust cloud debris clumped together to form our planet it underwent a 'baking' process where it entirely melted. Shortly thereafter, something delivered all the atoms of water which remains our most abundant compound. It gets more interesting because it turns out, the iron-nickel core is essential for our magnetic poles and this is important in numerous ways to the functionality of our environment.

When does "the earth" become The Earth? When the rocks came together? When the baking process happened? When the water delivery arrived? When it was all up and running as operational? When is the Birthday?
Wow! You really are lost in the vast emptiness of your mind, aren't you? So why argue with people if you have no clue? Kinda makes no sense.

I'm not lost at all. I have all the clues I need. You are the one who seems lost and confused, you don't have any explanation for these things but you want to proclaim God is an impossibility because you don't like God for some reason.... probably something to do with religion since you talk about that a lot.

Let me take the liberty to explain what is happening to you here. Your soul which you neglect is causing you to feel this insurmountable need to be certain. You just naturally feel compelled to find something you can depend on and be sure of. Science is something you can relate to because the theories are calculated and analyzed and smart people have done their homework. You feel safe with Science, it gives your soul that sense of security it needs.

My circumstance is different. My soul is already fulfilled, it doesn't make me feel this need to be certain. I'm fine with not knowing all the answers or continuing to explore possibilities. I don't have to be sure. My cup is already full.
The mosquito cannot change into anything it's DNA isn't coded for. Living things cannot change their DNA through power of the mind. Everything is capable of changing into a better version of itself, or at least, a better suited version. What living things can't do is change into something else.

If horses need to reach the tall branches of trees to eat and the only option is to grow a much longer neck, they will become extinct... not turn into giraffes.
Boss: The mosquito cannot change into anything it's DNA isn't coded for ... Living things cannot change their DNA through power of the mind.

weren't you once a Spiritualist - what then survives after the physiology, surly you do not believe it is your grey matter.

yes, the mental process w/ environmental conditions direct the composition of future offspring's.

* unless you are never able to know anything as bossy ....

Dismissal of the absurd happens so people don't have to take total bullshit seriously. Once totality of bullshit is identified, it's a civic duty to drop a road flare so everyone doesn't have to step in it.

What I find is, "dismissal of the absurd" usually means, "closed minded intolerance."
Open mindedness is not dismissal of fact, however. Dismissing the many facts that contradict young earth 'theory' is absurd and dismissable.

I don't see anything being dismissed with facts. I see people running around claiming things are facts that are not facts. Mostly while calling people names and foaming at the mouth because they have a different belief.
But this is because this theory of 6000 years is absurd. Nothing substantiates the theory except for an interpretation of the bible which I also find absurd. If a destitute Banladeshi believed something like this, they'll have an excuse, but Americans with internet and universal education should be ashamed.

Why should that have any effect at all upon your ability to carry on with your life?
yes, the mental process w/ environmental conditions direct the composition of future offspring's.

No. DNA directs composition of future offspring. You've been watching too many action cartoons. Our minds and environment cannot change our molecular structure.
So Bossy, I may have missed that post, but how old do YOU think the earth is?

What do you mean by "the earth"?

The atoms apparently came into existence when the universe began. The iron nickel core with lighter minerals forming a mantle and even lighter ones forming a crust, indicate that sometime after the various atoms of dust cloud debris clumped together to form our planet it underwent a 'baking' process where it entirely melted. Shortly thereafter, something delivered all the atoms of water which remains our most abundant compound. It gets more interesting because it turns out, the iron-nickel core is essential for our magnetic poles and this is important in numerous ways to the functionality of our environment.

When does "the earth" become The Earth? When the rocks came together? When the baking process happened? When the water delivery arrived? When it was all up and running as operational? When is the Birthday?
Wow! You really are lost in the vast emptiness of your mind, aren't you? So why argue with people if you have no clue? Kinda makes no sense.

Seems to me, I asked you some questions about the origin of Earth and you never answered. Instead, you popped off a couple of sarcastic questions and ran. Myself and others here are considerate enough to answer your questions but you want to act like a sniveling little coward when it comes to ours.
Seems to me, I asked you some questions about the origin of Earth and you never answered. Instead, you popped off a couple of sarcastic questions and ran. Myself and others here are considerate enough to answer your questions but you want to act like a sniveling little coward when it comes to ours.

Why do you even come here to ask such a question? All you need to do is google "How did the earth form" or "how old is the earth" and you can browse as long as you like. And there is no need for conflicts and sarcastic answers.
Seems to me, I asked you some questions about the origin of Earth and you never answered. Instead, you popped off a couple of sarcastic questions and ran. Myself and others here are considerate enough to answer your questions but you want to act like a sniveling little coward when it comes to ours.

Why do you even come here to ask such a question? All you need to do is google "How did the earth form" or "how old is the earth" and you can browse as long as you like. And there is no need for conflicts and sarcastic answers.

Because google doesn't answer the questions I asked. I require more than some fucking atheist blog telling me "how things happened" as if they have some inside wisdom. And I am tired of you little godless pissants talking down to me as if you have some kind of superior knowledge you're just too fucking high and mighty to share with the rest of us.

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