How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding - not for abortions

I don't care what they use the money for. They don't need tax payer money.
I still don't know why they need our tax dollars considering the huge profits they make each year.

You seem extraordinarily ignorant about the services Planned Parenthood provides for women.

They report huge profits each year. They run like a business and should not be funded by tax payers.

What profit? Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit entity.

A nonprofit entity can have profits... According to their most recent financial statements, they had a profit of $127 million.

ISSUU - Planned Parenthood 2013-2014 Annual Report by Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Federal dollars are not used to fund Planned Parenthood abortions!

Of course they are, where's the accounting for facilities and staffing? Does the abortion arm pay separate rent, utilities and are their staff paid separately? If not, you and they are lying if any federal monies go to those functions.
They should get rid of PP. The ACA now handles everything they used to.

Just more money we taxpayers will be spending taking care of freeloaders.

No need to double it with PP and the ACA.
and now for some truth....

Defunding Planned Parenthood and Women s Health Care Access

In reality, Planned Parenthood itself has decreased cancer screenings and other preventive care since 2004, all the while increasing the number of abortions its affiliates perform annually by about 70,000.

Indeed, Planned Parenthood performs about 1 out of every three abortions in the United States, performing 327,653 abortions during its last reporting year alone. And despite some supporters’ statements to the contrary, Planned Parenthood does not and cannot provide mammograms.

Moreover, health care services are already being provided for those who need them without unethical practices or entanglement in abortion. There are roughly 9,000 health clinics across the country that served 21 million people in 2012 alone.

According to new research by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, those clinics serve nearly eight timesthe number of individuals served by Planned Parenthood every year. These clinics are located in medically underserved rural and urban areas and can provide birth control options, cancer screenings and women’s health exams, not to mention a wide range of primary health services for low-income women, children and men.

Additionally, roughly 2,000 pregnancy centers provide prenatal care, ultrasounds and childbirth classes, among other services to women facing unplanned pregnancies, empowering them with life-affirming options.

Policymakers looking to put limited taxpayer funds to more efficient and effective use should redirect those dollars to centers and clinics that can provide more comprehensive care for women. All women—but especially those facing difficult circumstances—deserve better care for their health and more options than the cold doors of an abortion facility.
They use the money to buy votes for libtards. Help a woman kill her baby is rewarded by voting for the helper.

Why can't you retards focus on the thread topic? Because it doesn't support your lies?

He's on topic, want the list of democrats PP donated to last election cycle? Thousands of dollars to buy their votes

Planned Parenthood Spent $679,596 in 2014 to Help Elect These Candidates

Planned Parenthood Helped Elect These Candidates
You can't get millions of dollars and put it in some pot somewhere and say there is no funding for abortion because we're getting money from this other pot to fund abortion.

It's all one big pot. You give a dollar to Planned Parenthood and it's going to fund abortion, maybe not all of it, but some of it.
That's too complex a calculation for a libtard to understand.
You can't get millions of dollars and put it in some pot somewhere and say there is no funding for abortion because we're getting money from this other pot to fund abortion.

It's all one big pot. You give a dollar to Planned Parenthood and it's going to fund abortion, maybe not all of it, but some of it.
That's too complex a calculation for a libtard to understand.

Think of a glass, fill it with water from different sources....which source is which once it's in the glass?
It sounds like the reason NaziCons don't like Planned Parenthood is because Planned Parenthood prefers Democrats. Isn't that also why NaziCons destroyed ACORN?
How they are spending their money isn't the issue. How they are,making their money is the issue.

They have created a revenue stream, in addition to the public funds they receive, of selling baby body parts.

The only attractive aspect of selling human beings piece by piece, is that by far the biggest sales are of black babies. What irony is this? More than 100 years after the buying and selling of black people was ended, America is back to buying and selling black people.
Thing is they are not being honest about what is going on with the remains after the abortion...awful awful...

The only thing planned parenthood should be able to do now is education , and birth control.

The need to step down from any abortion and if medically needed let a doctor do it.
PP is a money making abortion factory that kicks back profits to their dim cronies. It should illegal. maybe it is illegal. The fact that they are taking our tax dollars to do it is something the Mafia couldn't dream up.
Federal dollars are not used to fund Planned Parenthood abortions!

That's what you're told, so that's what you believe!

Unless you're part of the government that sends them their $$, you are only going by what your being told.

Actually no. It's the law. The hyde amendment prohibits federal tax dollars to be used for abortions. There's exceptions, for the life and health of the woman, for rape survivors and for incest survivors.

However if you live in one of the states that uses their state tax dollars to pay for abortions then yes your state tax dollars are paying for abortions. Which I'm proud to say my state is one of those states. It was passed by the vote of the people. The people spoke in loud numbers that we want our state tax dollars to pay for abortions.

If you have private insurance you're paying for abortions.

I just want to know what makes you think you're so special that you can dictate how all tax dollars are spent but no one else who disagrees with you can have that same right.

How very unAmerican of you.
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