How popular/unpopular is Donald Trump? Who is winning the race for Congress?


VIP Member
Jun 7, 2018
I see articles on numerous news organizations websites focusing on Trump's s-called base digging in, and getting more stubborn, defending him because they believe his 'unfair!' rap.

But I see little movement in polls. I keep looking at a few states that if he loses a small percentage of support, the next electoral college battle will be a terrible surprise maybe even worse than the 2012 election, when we saw rightwing loons swoon and sway in disbelief. They had their very own polls and special sauce.

The midterms will be an interesting battle to watch unfold in the war of "I alone!" Trump versus Reality

and this thing Can Trump Use Hard-Line Immigration Policies To Turn Out GOP Voters? seems to look favorable for Trump personally in some corners of his base, but looks to be a losing proposition for those running for either of the two houses of the Congress
Some primaries today will help answer some questions

  1. Does a Trump endorsement pack any punch against a Trump-like candidate?
  2. Can progressive Democrats notch another win against the national party?
  3. Can the Year of the Woman overcome even a multimillion-dollar juggernaut?
  4. Will incumbent Democrats get a scare?
Four Key Questions Today’s Primaries Will Help Answer

And while we're looking at partisan issues, I wonder how well you know yourself as well as others


Democrats Are Wrong About Republicans. Republicans Are Wrong About Democrats.
Intelligent discussion. It may be refreshing to listen to somebody else besides yourself and the voices speaking in your head

Politics Podcast: Trump Won’t Stop Talking About Immigration

FiveThirtyEight Jun. 25, 2018, at 4:53 PM

Filed under Politics Podcast

Politics Podcast: Trump Won’t Stop Talking About Immigration

or download and listen offline
------------------------------------------------ as far as i am concerned the most important issue is 'immigration' , getting it down in numbers and types of unsuitable people and stopping it completely for young Americans, Nothing else matters in my opinion JBVM .
by the way and just an off topic comment but The TRUMPS Fargo North Dakota Rally is almost ready to get going . See it on FOX . Just a comment and a friendly heads up JBVM .
How popular/unpopular is Donald Trump?
Probably More Popular Than Polls Or MSM Will Have Us Believe
Popularity Increasing As More People Come Off Assistance
If This Trajectory Continues
Trump Will Be A Walk-Away Landslide In 2020
No Matter How Far The Cancerous Offspring
Of California And NYC Have Been Flung

Are Democrats/Republicans Winning The Race For Congress?
Polls Had Shown Dems With A Sizable Lead At First
Then Neck & Neck Toss-Up
Repub's Now Polling Slightly Ahead Of Dems
If This Trend Continues Into November
Dems Can Expect To Remain The Minority Party Into The Foreseeable Future

That Said
Dems Are Facing Primary Challenges By Out-Right Socialist Candidates
Democrats Had Better Come Up With Something Besides 'I Hate Trump'
Or Whatever Their Lame, Forgettable Slogan Is
by the way and just an off topic comment but The TRUMPS Fargo North Dakota Rally is almost ready to get going . See it on FOX . Just a comment and a friendly heads up JBVM .
The Hive gathered?
He's more popular than Obama at the same time in his presidency. Which is amazing considering every TV news outlet except FNC attacks him 24 and 7 and sucked Obama's gonads 24 and 7.

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