How Queer! Delta Air Lines will now show unedited gay sex scenes in movies on its flights

Unbelievable! I will not fly Delta or any airline that caves to LGBT demands.


Delta Air Lines will now show unedited gay sex scenes in movies on its flights
You slimy piece of shit!! Why is my name on your stupid ass post!!

Overall, we rate LifeSiteNews far right biased based on story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks.


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

LifeSiteNews - Media Bias/Fact Check
Unbelievable! I will not fly Delta or any airline that caves to LGBT demands.


Delta Air Lines will now show unedited gay sex scenes in movies on its flights
You slimy piece of shit!! Why is my name on your stupid ass post!!

Overall, we rate LifeSiteNews far right biased based on story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks.


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

LifeSiteNews - Media Bias/Fact Check

it's rigged to fit what you want dumb ass what part of " RIGGED TO FIT THE LEFT"S" fact mfao you idiot.
I'm happy with this change. Have you ever tried watching Fisting Firemen on a Delta flight? It's 14 seconds long.
I have a real problem when gay, all-male features on shown on airlines that accept children as passengers.

This is Delta Airlines, supposedly a family business.

This is what I would expect on Anal Airlines or other homosexual lines.
I sometimes wonder how some of the largest/richest companies in the world employ some of the dumbest people in existence. They are setting themselves up for massive liabilities.

1 word: Children.

Children ride these planes. Exposing them to sexually explicit material is a crime. So what happens when the freak sitting next to a child decides to fire up one of these videos? Lawsuits and criminal charges.

Christ these people are stupid.
Unbelievable! I will not fly Delta or any airline that caves to LGBT demands.


Delta Air Lines will now show unedited gay sex scenes in movies on its flights
You slimy piece of shit!! Why is my name on your stupid ass post!!

Overall, we rate LifeSiteNews far right biased based on story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks.


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

LifeSiteNews - Media Bias/Fact Check

it's rigged to fit what you want dumb ass what part of " RIGGED TO FIT THE LEFT"S" fact mfao you idiot.
What the fuck are you blathering about, Slick?? Wipe the spit off of your chin and get help.
I sometimes wonder how some of the largest/richest companies in the world employ some of the dumbest people in existence. They are setting themselves up for massive liabilities.

1 word: Children.

Children ride these planes. Exposing them to sexually explicit material is a crime. So what happens when the freak sitting next to a child decides to fire up one of these videos? Lawsuits and criminal charges.

Christ these people are stupid.
Dude! It's not a movie theater. Each passenger has their own entertainment center. If they have children with then they need to make careful choices. There is no reason to deprive everyone else of the films that they want to see, of present a censored version of them.

See What's Playing on Delta Studio : Delta Air Lines
Our advanced, touch-screen digital entertainment system, located right at your seat, puts you in charge of your entertainment options. Watch, listen or play - choose from up to 300 movies, HBO®, SHOWTIME®, 18 channels of live satellite TV on select flights, 2500+ songs, TV and games, including in-flight trivia. Now that's entertainment.


Delta Responds to Outrage Over 'Booksmart’s Censored Lesbian Sex Scene

But during a Q&A following a screening of the film at SCAD Savannah Film Festival, director Olivia Wilde expressed her dismay that Delta Airlines had heavily edited the film for in-flight viewing,
removing any depiction of women discussing their own bodies, while leaving in a scene in which a male character is seen “deep-throating a microphone.”

If you're going to sound off and pitch a bitch about something you should actually understand the issue

“What we discovered is that on certain planes, this film has been edited in a very slanted manner,” Wilde explained, according to Vulture. “That there are certain words and certain scenes that are cut out, that aren’t the swear words. It’s ‘fuck, fuck, fuck’ all day, but they removed the word ‘masturbation,’ they removed the word ‘vagina.’ So I’m just curious what a woman is supposed to take from that. That it’s an obscenity. That it’s inappropriate.” Wilde was disappointed that Delta felt that profanity was fine, but not an animated sequence in which the main characters imagine themselves as naked Barbie dolls, “which by design, have no genitals, which is the entire fucking point of the scene.”

Wilde later told Variety that “there’s insane violence of bodies being smashed in half and yet a love scene between two women is censored from the film. It’s such an integral part of this character’s journey. I don’t understand it. My heart just broke. I’m trying to get to the bottom of it; I want people to experience the entire film.”
I have a real problem when gay, all-male features on shown on airlines that accept children as passengers.

This is Delta Airlines, supposedly a family business.

This is what I would expect on Anal Airlines or other homosexual lines.
You have a real problem alright. Actually a lot of real problems. See post #12
It is just one more example of the moral decay of human society...
It's on more example of a mindless jackass posting right wing propaganda and engaging in histrionics while ignoring the real story and the real issues. Here it is if your interested but I doubt that you are capable of understanding the truth, or even recognizing it. In fact people like you fear it

Delta Responds to Outrage Over 'Booksmart’s Censored Lesbian Sex Scene

Delta responds to backlash over in-flight film censorship of 'homosexual content'
It is just one more example of the moral decay of human society...
It's on more example of a mindless jackass posting right wing propaganda and engaging in histrionics while ignoring the real story and the real issues. Here it is if your interested but I doubt that you are capable of understanding the truth, or even recognizing it. In fact people like you fear it

Delta Responds to Outrage Over 'Booksmart’s Censored Lesbian Sex Scene

Delta responds to backlash over in-flight film censorship of 'homosexual content'

The headline was misleading. The original link's headline said it as "Gay", but story you are posting says it was "Lesbian".

There is a lot less objections to lesbianism, than there is is "gay" per se, taking it in the proverbial caboose.

Remember its LGBT. Lesbian , Gay, yada yada. Two separate orientations.
Unbelievable! I will not fly Delta or any airline that caves to LGBT demands.


Delta Air Lines will now show unedited gay sex scenes in movies on its flights
You slimy piece of shit!! Why is my name on your stupid ass post!!

Overall, we rate LifeSiteNews far right biased based on story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks.


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

LifeSiteNews - Media Bias/Fact Check

it's rigged to fit what you want dumb ass what part of " RIGGED TO FIT THE LEFT"S" fact mfao you idiot.
What the fuck are you blathering about, Slick?? Wipe the spit off of your chin and get help.

No i'm healthier than you will ever be even in ur fkn dreams........
They're coming for your kids and dumb fk left can't even see it..

You're attributing to ignorance what, I think, is clearly malicious intent. The dumb fk left is not oblivious to the targeting of children; it is wholly, knowingly, and willfully behind it. If confronted directly about it, they'll deny it, but their actions and policies put the lie to their denials.
They're coming for your kids and dumb fk left can't even see it..

You're attributing to ignorance what, I think, is clearly malicious intent. The dumb fk left is not oblivious to the targeting of children; it is wholly, knowingly, and willfully behind it. If confronted directly about it, they'll deny it, but their actions and policies put the lie to their denials.

Yes, you do have a point there.
Unbelievable! I will not fly Delta or any airline that caves to LGBT demands.


Delta Air Lines will now show unedited gay sex scenes in movies on its flights
Indoctrinating our youth. ( Natural and cool to be gay ) I personally don't like to see any sex scenes by any gender. I like it when the blouse is just being opened in a kissing scene or the hands slide just past the waist and then I want the camera to cut away so I can imagine the rest as I would. This very sexy, non-prudish woman finds sex scenes so boring. And LGBTQ sex scenes are just laughable to me. So, I don't watch. Problem solved and also the main reason I ditched NTFX for Prime Video. Prime content before PC can still be found there. ;)

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