How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

Nope. Not what I said at all. And I was nice and clear. But your only defense is to mistate what I said.

THat's you losing, btw.

Thus we can see, declaring this a Christian Nation is a good idea. Hurts no one, and helps the majority.
It hurts everything, because it is forced. We have a separation clause in the first amendment right?
I'm a German and you are is still alive. So I am a nice guy.

That sounds like you mean to suggest that you could and would kill Correll, and to that only your “niceness” is preventing that from happening.

I'd have to say that you being on the opposite side of the planet from him has more to do with it. And also that even if you were near him, and had the will to attack him, you're surely too much of a pussy to be any threat. Try attacking any American, and you'll just end up getting your ass severely kicked.
My mistake. I said here "Everyone who votes for Donald Trump is shame for the USA." You answered something with Hitler. And since you did do so I answered only with "no comment" to your statements.
Everyone who votes for Donald Trump is shame for the USA." You are right by the way.
No one has ever forced Christianity onto anyone. I'm sure that's your opinion, but it's not reality.
To declare the country a Christian nation, is to discrimminate against other religions within this country. By the way, most Christians have no relationship with real Christianity. The whole thing is a facade to further their own personal interests.
If Trump spoke to your interests, then you certainly are a Nazi. Trump idolizes Putin. Putin is a Fascist dictator. So was Hitler. He idolizes Kim. Kim and Putin murder their own people.

What policies "EXACTLY" did Trump craft to cater to a voting block? Tax cuts for the wealthy? A Muslim ban, while domestic terrorism is our number one threat coming from white rednecks? Putting kids in cages, totally separating them from their families? Policies that exploded the national debt? Or what about the policies that he used to enrich himself while in office? Saudia Arabia for example? How about the disastrous foreign policy catering to dictators. You know, "Putin said it wasn't him and love letters to Kim?"

Try to be less crazy pal. Trump's unstoppable rise in teh primaries was based on Trade and Immigration.

Specifcally pro-job Trade policy and securing the border.

That that strikes you as "nazi", is a YOU problem.
To declare the country a Christian nation, is to discrimminate against other religions within this country. By the way, most Christians have no relationship with real Christianity. The whole thing is a facade to further their own personal interests.
Oh, so you're a real Christian?
It hurts everything, because it is forced. We have a separation clause in the first amendment right?

What is "forced"? The words of a statement? Oh, you are imagining shit and holding me responsibile for defendingi the shit the voices in your head are telling you.

Yes, me or the voices, one conversation at a time.

But, the way this site works, you have plenty of time. Talk to the voices in your head and come back to this. I have to go to work soon anyways, and will read your post and respond when I get home.

Make sure to address only the stuff I actually said. Remember I can't hear the voices though hte computer. THey are only there in your room....
You don't understand what separation of church and state means.
Sure I do. It means I can separate myself from the church, without any intervention by the church, if I so desire. And it cannot impose any burdens on me as it relates to government functions.

I've noticed lately that there are some government public schools allowing church services. That's forcing religion onto the grounds of a government institution. Is that fair? How does that not violate church and state? Do you know what
separation of church and state mean? If so, explain it? Because some folks seem to be confused, like some public schools?

So yea, calling this a Christian nation, further enhances the little nugget which contributes to violating that separation.
Sure I do. It means I can separate myself from the church, without any intervention by the church, if I so desire. And it cannot impose any burdens on me as it relates to government functions.

I've noticed lately that there are some government public schools allowing church services. That's forcing religion onto the grounds of a government institution. Is that fair? How does that not violate church and state? Do you know what
separation of church and state mean? If so, explain it? Because some folks seem to be confused, like some public schools?

So yea, calling this a Christian nation, further enhances the little nugget which contributes to violating that separation.
Separation of church and state means the government cannot interfere with the church. The church is not forcing you to believe. It means to mind your own damn business and leave people alone to worship as they please.
Sure I do. It means I can separate myself from the church, without any intervention by the church, if I so desire. And it cannot impose any burdens on me as it relates to government functions.

I've noticed lately that there are some government public schools allowing church services. That's forcing religion onto the grounds of a government institution. Is that fair? How does that not violate church and state? Do you know what
separation of church and state mean? If so, explain it? Because some folks seem to be confused, like some public schools?

So yea, calling this a Christian nation, further enhances the little nugget which contributes to violating that separation.

A good example.

It is fair to allow religious groups to use school rooms for their meetings. They have the same right to organize a group and have meetings in teh school as any other group of students do, such as say the Art Club or the LGBTQZWXYTHUREW kids.

Your desire to single them out and deny them the same rights as others, is YOU being oppressive.
Try to be less crazy pal. Trump's unstoppable rise in teh primaries was based on Trade and Immigration.

Specifcally pro-job Trade policy and securing the border.

That that strikes you as "nazi", is a YOU problem.
Securing the border? From who, us or them?

Trump has an unstoppable date with a bunch of criminal judges. Stay tuned.

Where's your self respect boy?
A good example.

It is fair to allow religious groups to use school rooms for their meetings. They have the same right to organize a group and have meetings in teh school as any other group of students do, such as say the Art Club or the LGBTQZWXYTHUREW kids.

Your desire to single them out and deny them the same rights as others, is YOU being oppressive.
Nothing fair about it at all. When did we all of a sudden decide religious groups could use public schools? Any religious group? Why should I pay taxes to fund a specific religious group?
Securing the border? From who, us or them?

Trump has an unstoppable date with a bunch of criminal judges. Stay tuned.

Where's your self respect boy?

Where's yours? You made a retarded claim and I corrected you. Now you drop it, like it doesn't matter.

If it didn't matter, then why did you make the claim in the first place?

You really came into this thread to fill in with shit that you don't give a fuck about? That is what you think you have to offer?


LOL. Sucks to be you.

Me? I think the things I say are often brilliant. I could really see people being educated or even having their minds blown by my words.

you drop yours like a cow drop a patty. Plop and move on.

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