How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

Religious freedom has long been a shield. It is this right that all Americans possess, and the words etched into the edifice of the Supreme Court tell us, "Equal justice under law." This right applies equally to all of us. It was supported by a strong separation of church and state, but not anymore.

There is a well-funded powerful network of Christian nationalist organizations and judges that are working to weaponize the First Amendment, to turn the protection of religious freedom enjoyed by all of us into a weapon of Christian privilege for the few. The crusaders' religious freedom challenges are superficially about things like Christian crosses and veterans or playgrounds or private school vouchers or bakeries and gay weddings, but really they're about religious privilege, often literally about privileging religion over non-religion, Christianity over other religions and the right kind of conservative Christians over other Christians. At its most basic level, they are trying to turn religious freedom into a weapon to reclaim and entrench their lost status as the dominant caste in American society.

As Seidel notes, 150 years ago the Supreme Court warned that weaponized religious freedom would "permit every citizen to become a law unto himself," so there's much more at stake here than "just" the First Amendment.

"permit every citizen to become a law unto himself"

I guess those "originalists" just conveniently ignored that part of the original intent.

You live in a country with other people. You have the right to a view, but not to dictating to others their view. It's the democracy way, but not the Democrat Party way
Separation of church and state means the government cannot interfere with the church. The church is not forcing you to believe. It means to mind your own damn business and leave people alone to worship as they please.
The church is interferring with the government.
They know how to use their supposed religion (wink wink) as a political weapon.

Hell, it's been happening in the Middle East forever.

So you actually believe only a religious extremist could oppose killing a baby in the womb?

I'm pro-choice, but that is a government position as a libertarian, not a religious one. As a human being though, I find abortion disgusting. You don't?
So you actually believe only a religious extremist could oppose killing a baby in the womb?

I'm pro-choice, but that is a government position as a libertarian, not a religious one. As a human being though, I find abortion disgusting. You don't?
So you actually believe only a religious extremist could oppose killing a baby in the womb? Who are you to say that even exists?

To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a baby in the womb. Show us how that is possible?
Cite a group like that using public resources, or you are a liar?

Sure, that's easy.

  1. The educational system is being used to push the gay agenda by Democrats
  2. Democrats say if government doesn't pay for your abortion they are denying your right to an abortion
  3. Democrats are ignoring left wing groups police protection that target Conservatives
  4. Black/female/minority who leave the Democrat plantation are actually targeted by law enforcement and denied protection as are Republican politicians

There are lots of them, you're completely immoral and full of hate for anyone different than you
But that's only happening in your mind. There's not much I can do about that.

Man up a little. Not everyone has to see the world through your eyes, you know.
But they are all eager to force it on you.

Let's all declare this a Christian nation. Why not declare it what it actually is? A nation of many religions? Why leave the rest of them out?
But that's only happening in your mind. There's not much I can do about that.

Man up a little. Not everyone has to see the world through your eyes, you know.

You man up first

But they are all eager to force it on you.

Let's all declare this a Christian nation. Why not declare it what it actually is? A nation of many religions? Why leave the rest of them out?

What is being "forced" on you by the Republicans. Be specific
😂😂😂 Sodom and Gomorrah were ancient history by the time of Abraham and Lot. The morality tale is about the treatment of strangers, not sex

Yet here you commies are, promoting sodomites, sexualizing children and telling Americans and their children, your sick sexual perversions are normal.


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