How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

Uh huh, sure. Because you lefties just love Christians and know what Christianity is. You attack Christians every chance you get. Homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible. No one professing to be Christian can promote homosexuality.
The Bible doesn't actually say anything about homosexuality.
I addressed that in my previous response to you. But I will repost since you somehow missed it.

Here you go.

It is fair to allow religious groups to use school rooms for their meetings. They have the same right to organize a group and have meetings in teh school as any other group of students do, such as say the Art Club or the LGBTQZWXYTHUREW kids.

Your desire to single them out and deny them the same rights as others, is YOU being oppressive.
It is fair to allow religious groups to use school rooms for their meetings. At my tax payer expense? Says who? Certainly not the First Amendment. It says nothing about that.
What is being "forced" on you by the Republicans. Be specific
Declaring the country a Christian nation in the singular form. Why would we do such a thing, when there are other religions in this country? Discrimminate would be my first answer.
It is fair to allow religious groups to use school rooms for their meetings. At my tax payer expense? Says who? Certainly not the First Amendment. It says nothing about that.
The thing to do at schools that like to play fast and loose with the Constitution is to start rumors that a Satanist club will be forming and asking for a space in the school.
So you actually believe only a religious extremist could oppose killing a baby in the womb? Who are you to say that even exists?

To my knowledge, there is no such thing as a baby in the womb. Show us how that is possible?

Only adults are supposed to be on the site to my knowledge. What are you, three? Here you go


I'm pro-choice, but I would oppose killing this baby in the womb since it's fully developed and could live outside the womb. You and your party are fine with sucking it out and chopping it up
Any other questions?

Yes, what are Republicans forcing you to do. There were no examples in your post or in your quote, you just didn't like him.

So, what are Republicans forcing you to do? Be specific
Only adults are supposed to be on the site to my knowledge. What are you, three? Here you go

View attachment 704984

I'm pro-choice, but I would oppose killing this baby in the womb since it's fully developed and could live outside the womb. You and your party are fine with sucking it out and chopping it up
Definition of baby
(Entry 1 of 3) 1a(1) : an extremely young child especially : infant. (2) : an extremely young animal. b : the youngest of a group He is the baby of the family.

Much older DA, you?
I vaxxed and wear a mask. No covid yet.
The fact that you wear a mask proven to be incapable of blocking microscopic virus and germs and the fact you have been vaccinated with an experimental vaccine that does not prevent anyone from getting COVD has extremely little to do with your not having gotten COVID.
Yes, what are Republicans forcing you to do. There were no examples in your post or in your quote, you just didn't like him.

So, what are Republicans forcing you to do? Be specific
Republicans can’t force me to do anything. It’s more about their notion that they can run roughshod over the Constitution any time they feel like it that’s disturbing.

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