How republicans gave Democrats a foolproof strategy to defeat them in 2014


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
How the shutdown gave Democrats a foolproof strategy for 2014 - The Week

Congressional Republicans backed themselves into a corner during the government shutdown, playing into their stereotype as the "party of no" so thoroughly that they obliterated their approval rating
By aggressively needling their opponents, Democrats could place Republicans in a bind: Either grudgingly give ground, or further cement the "party of no" moniker
If Republicans balk at their demands, Democrats would have all the campaign ad ammunition they would need to hammer the GOP next year, particularly on issues that enjoy overwhelming popular support (universal background checks for gun purchases) or bipartisan institutional support (an immigration overhaul that passed the Senate).
His strategy, the paper wrote, hinged on him trying to "articulate for the American electorate his own feelings — an exasperation with an opposition party that blocks even the most politically popular elements of his agenda."

In sum, the plan meant convincing voters the GOP was working against their best interests. By furloughing 800,000 workers and sabotaging the shaky economic recovery, the GOP did more to convey that impression in two weeks than Obama could have done in a year's worth of campaigning.

Forcing the GOP to keep throwing wrenches in the works would only further ingrain that impression
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Sooner or later, Republicans are going to have to point out where they have actually done something to help the country

Playing that "Stopping the Democrats helps the country" has not been working
Sooner or later, Republicans are going to have to point out where they have actually done something to help the country

Playing that "Stopping the Democrats helps the country" has not been working

Fortunately the informed voter knows what Obabble has done...and not done...should be a slam dunk.
what a fool !! :up: the Republicans have done more for the liberty and freedom of this once great country since Lincoln than the liberal/demoncRAT faction have done since the signing of the Declaration of Independence :up:
They have been. Everyone knows house republicans have submitted countless bills to Reid and where are they?

The real terrorists are Reid, Pelosi and Obama. They just know how to play a mean game of projection blame. The media runs with it, and retards gobble up the soundbites liek they are Skittles.

Thats the winning Democrat strategy.
They have been. Everyone knows house republicans have submitted countless bills to Reid and where are they?

The real terrorists are Reid, Pelosi and Obama. They just know how to play a mean game of projection blame. The media runs with it, and retards gobble up the soundbites liek they are Skittles.

Thats the winning Democrat strategy.

Yup. Works quite well when you have the media in your pocket.

The Dems are also gonna have the ACA to contend with. Its their baby and it sucks. Oh and they did this one all on their own. Can't blame the Reps. Too bad.
another thread on what Democrats are going to hang off Republicans necks?

let the lynching began, it's nothing new for the dirty politics of the Democrat party...they can't win on their RECORDS

they are already sending out emails with burning crosses to make money off of

you all better donate
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They have been. Everyone knows house republicans have submitted countless bills to Reid and where are they?

The real terrorists are Reid, Pelosi and Obama. They just know how to play a mean game of projection blame. The media runs with it, and retards gobble up the soundbites liek they are Skittles.

Thats the winning Democrat strategy.

Yup. Works quite well when you have the media in your pocket.

The Dems are also gonna have the ACA to contend with. Its their baby and it sucks. Oh and they did this one all on their own. Can't blame the Reps. Too bad.

Oh, they will find a way to blame republicans.
How the shutdown gave Democrats a foolproof strategy for 2014 - The Week

Congressional Republicans backed themselves into a corner during the government shutdown, playing into their stereotype as the "party of no" so thoroughly that they obliterated their approval rating
By aggressively needling their opponents, Democrats could place Republicans in a bind: Either grudgingly give ground, or further cement the "party of no" moniker
If Republicans balk at their demands, Democrats would have all the campaign ad ammunition they would need to hammer the GOP next year, particularly on issues that enjoy overwhelming popular support (universal background checks for gun purchases) or bipartisan institutional support (an immigration overhaul that passed the Senate).
His strategy, the paper wrote, hinged on him trying to "articulate for the American electorate his own feelings — an exasperation with an opposition party that blocks even the most politically popular elements of his agenda."

In sum, the plan meant convincing voters the GOP was working against their best interests. By furloughing 800,000 workers and sabotaging the shaky economic recovery, the GOP did more to convey that impression in two weeks than Obama could have done in a year's worth of campaigning.

Forcing the GOP to keep throwing wrenches in the works would only further ingrain that impression

translation=they fucked themselves, all by their little selves ...and WE DIDN"T HELPED!!!!
Obamacare will be the result of the democrats and GOP elite being defeated in 2014. Once Americans start reeling the affects of high Obamacare premiums once it kicks in Jan 1st, they will be livid at the polls and vote their representatives out.
Sooner or later, Republicans are going to have to point out where they have actually done something to help the country

Playing that "Stopping the Democrats helps the country" has not been working

Fortunately the informed voter knows what Obabble has done...and not done...should be a slam dunk.

Obama is done.....he can't get elected again

Neither can the Republicans
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress
They have been. Everyone knows house republicans have submitted countless bills to Reid and where are they?

The real terrorists are Reid, Pelosi and Obama. They just know how to play a mean game of projection blame. The media runs with it, and retards gobble up the soundbites liek they are Skittles.

Thats the winning Democrat strategy.

Yup. Works quite well when you have the media in your pocket.

The Dems are also gonna have the ACA to contend with. Its their baby and it sucks. Oh and they did this one all on their own. Can't blame the Reps. Too bad.

there's no such thing as the liberal press ... or media in your pocket unless you're fox noise... there is how every, a such of a thing as press you don't like ... can you tell us why 90% of the radio stations are own by republicans and still you lose in then end ... and can you tell us why the majority of TV stations are owned by republicans and they are still losing against the dems/liberals ... could it be the majority of people hate your lame Ideas... and all the press is doing is printing your lame Ideas ... and you don't like it being put out their ??? as I said there is a such of a thing as press you don't like
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2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

Right. the democrats are going to blame republcians for their failures and say republicans didnt have any ideas either. That's all LOLberals know how to do is blame, blame and blame some more.
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

LOL, Democrats can't show anything on those either... but hey, they can throw the blame off on someone else...probably won't be about to use Bush this time though..but who knows, you can't accuse them of being the brightest bulbs, just look at ObambamfailnoCare

get ready for more cute ads of someone pushing granny off a cliff in a wheelchair...THEY HAVE NOTHING else to run on
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Obamacare will be the result of the democrats and GOP elite being defeated in 2014. Once Americans start reeling the affects of high Obamacare premiums once it kicks in Jan 1st, they will be livid at the polls and vote their representatives out.

So far your wishes have become true ... myself, who Ive got through, yes it was a little difficult, but I got it done ...I myself am saving 300 dollars a month in health care starting January 1... like you said when they see the results the dems will keep their jobs, and the republicans ,WELL, not so much ... and the republicans will be livid at the polls, you cam count on that ...
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

LOL, Democrats can't show anything on those either but hey, they can throw the blame off on someone else...probably won't be about to use Bush this time though..but who knows, you can't accuse them of being the brightest bulbs, just look at ObambamfailnoCare

get ready for more cute ads of someone pushing granny off a cliff in a wheelchair...THEY HAVE NOTHING else to run on

They dont need Bush any more (though when convenient, they will blame him). They've created a brand new boogeyman to run on - Tea Party Terroists, hostage takers and anarchists.
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

LOL, Democrats can't show anything on those either but hey, they can throw the blame off on someone else...probably won't be about to use Bush this time though..but who knows, you can't accuse them of being the brightest bulbs, just look at ObambamfailnoCare

get ready for more cute ads of someone pushing granny off a cliff in a wheelchair...THEY HAVE NOTHING else to run on

They dont need Bush any more (though when convenient, they will blame him). They've created a brand new boogeyman to run on - Tea Party Terroists, hostage takers and anarchists.

Very true, and their sheep fall in line with spreading if for them

This country is hopeless with the base of Democrat voters in it...

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