How republicans gave Democrats a foolproof strategy to defeat them in 2014

Sooner or later, Republicans are going to have to point out where they have actually done something to help the country

Playing that "Stopping the Democrats helps the country" has not been working

Fortunately the informed voter knows what Obabble has done...and not done...should be a slam dunk.

Well then, I guess he won't win re-election.
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

LOL, Democrats can't show anything on those either... but hey, they can throw the blame off on someone else...probably won't be about to use Bush this time though..but who knows, you can't accuse them of being the brightest bulbs, just look at ObambamfailnoCare

get ready for more cute ads of someone pushing granny off a cliff in a wheelchair...THEY HAVE NOTHING else to run on

lets see here ... who was it that kept sending bill to the senate with the defunding of ACA??? the repubicans !!!! who was it that tried ever which way to defund ACA ??? the republicans ... who cost us another 27 billion dollars of debt because of their arrogant way ??? the republicans!!! seems you have chose a loser for a party ...
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

LOL, Democrats can't show anything on those either... but hey, they can throw the blame off on someone else...probably won't be about to use Bush this time though..but who knows, you can't accuse them of being the brightest bulbs, just look at ObambamfailnoCare

get ready for more cute ads of someone pushing granny off a cliff in a wheelchair...THEY HAVE NOTHING else to run on

Democrats are going to make a big show of passing Immigration Reform and make the Republicans publically block it
Same goes for background checks....Make the Republicans say No
Same with the Jobs bill

They are popular with the public and will highlight why Republicans should not lead the country

Do we want leaders whose only view of the future is to say....NO?
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

Right. the democrats are going to blame republcians for their failures and say republicans didnt have any ideas either. That's all LOLberals know how to do is blame, blame and blame some more.

Sooner or later Republicans are going to have to come to the table with their ideas for the future

Kill Obamacare? What are you going to replace it with?
Block Immigration Reform? What is your plan to handle 12 million undocumented immigrants and their children?
Block background checks? Answer to the parents from Sandy Hook on why you won't do anything
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

1) The economy sucks and no measures to give economic drivers a break have been done.. DEMs are screwed on economic efforts
2) The shutdown was not really a shutdown.. and the DEMs were the whiners who caused the 13% issue
3) DEMs want immigration amnesty to get more people in to feed their entitlement ponzi schemes for a bit longer
4) Government spending is not a job creator, nor is government debt, nor are higher taxes... the job creators need less government taxation and less government interference
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

Right. the democrats are going to blame republcians for their failures and say republicans didnt have any ideas either. That's all LOLberals know how to do is blame, blame and blame some more.

Sooner or later Republicans are going to have to come to the table with their ideas for the future

Kill Obamacare? What are you going to replace it with?
Block Immigration Reform? What is your plan to handle 12 million undocumented immigrants and their children?
Block background checks? Answer to the parents from Sandy Hook on why you won't do anything

You mean Reid has to allow republican ideas to come to the table? I couldn't agree more.
The biggest winner that came out of the Shutdown was Nancy Pelosi (Dem-SF). She held her Caucus together, while the TeaTerrorists held Republicans Hostages.

Polls taken after the Shutdown shows that Republicans are going to comeup short seat wise in the House in the '14 Election.

The only real reason for Pelosi to run is to get the gavel back.

I for one wish she would retire, she is getting long in the tooth and the time has come for new blood. I would really like to see State Senator Marc Leno run for the seat.

The Tea Party seriously misjudged it's ability influence policy. There was no way in hell that the Defunding, Replace and/or Repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act was ever going to happen.

I am the first to admit that President Obama has, in the past caved in to many times and the TeaTerrorists actually thought President Obama would cave again and instead he stood up the TeaTerrorists and they lost big time.

TeaBaggers went from demanding the Defunding/Replace/Repeal of the A.H.C.A. to attacking Net Neutrality (Which is really baffling, what exacty does Net Neutrality have to Health Care).

The Republican Civil War that is result of TeaHadist Over Reach will no doubt continue.

I just sit back and smile.
The biggest winner that came out of the Shutdown was Nancy Pelosi (Dem-SF). She held her Caucus together, while the TeaTerrorists held Republicans Hostages.

Polls taken after the Shutdown shows that Republicans are going to comeup short seat wise in the House in the '14 Election.

The only real reason for Pelosi to run is to get the gavel back.

I for one wish she would retire, she is getting long in the tooth and the time has come for new blood. I would really like to see State Senator Marc Leno run for the seat.

The Tea Party seriously misjudged it's ability influence policy. There was no way in hell that the Defunding, Replace and/or Repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act was ever going to happen.

I am the first to admit that President Obama has, in the past caved in to many times and the TeaTerrorists actually thought President Obama would cave again and instead he stood up the TeaTerrorists and they lost big time.

TeaBaggers went from demanding the Defunding/Replace/Repeal of the A.H.C.A. to attacking Net Neutrality (Which is really baffling, what exacty does Net Neutrality have to Health Care).

The Republican Civil War that is result of TeaHadist Over Reach will no doubt continue.

I just sit back and smile.

You know, it all comes down to the grownups in the Republican Party sitting down and deciding on the direction they want their party to go.

Allowing the petulant Teatards to throw fits distracts from the GOP brand. While it solidifies support with the extreme right, it drives away moderates and independents in droves

Right now, they don't have the balls. Until they do, the GOP will continue to falter
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

Right. the democrats are going to blame republcians for their failures and say republicans didnt have any ideas either. That's all LOLberals know how to do is blame, blame and blame some more.

Sooner or later Republicans are going to have to come to the table with their ideas for the future

Kill Obamacare? What are you going to replace it with?
Block Immigration Reform? What is your plan to handle 12 million undocumented immigrants and their children?
Block background checks? Answer to the parents from Sandy Hook on why you won't do anything

I know moderate Cons have ideas and bring them up but will Boehner and other leadership allow it to come to the floor? I don't think so. It's House leadership that are holding back progress and attempting to provide a pathway to Teaparty control. Why? Has to be money and Cons want it.

The Christian Right are very generous even if they don't have money to give, they give it all to Jesus. The Teaparty is a part of the Christian Right and will get that money to just the right candidates.

Obama brought up Citizens United in a post shutdown speech, there is a lot more here than just redneck activists wanting a place in government.
The biggest winner that came out of the Shutdown was Nancy Pelosi (Dem-SF). She held her Caucus together, while the TeaTerrorists held Republicans Hostages.

Polls taken after the Shutdown shows that Republicans are going to comeup short seat wise in the House in the '14 Election.

The only real reason for Pelosi to run is to get the gavel back.

I for one wish she would retire, she is getting long in the tooth and the time has come for new blood. I would really like to see State Senator Marc Leno run for the seat.

The Tea Party seriously misjudged it's ability influence policy. There was no way in hell that the Defunding, Replace and/or Repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act was ever going to happen.

I am the first to admit that President Obama has, in the past caved in to many times and the TeaTerrorists actually thought President Obama would cave again and instead he stood up the TeaTerrorists and they lost big time.

TeaBaggers went from demanding the Defunding/Replace/Repeal of the A.H.C.A. to attacking Net Neutrality (Which is really baffling, what exacty does Net Neutrality have to Health Care).

The Republican Civil War that is result of TeaHadist Over Reach will no doubt continue.

I just sit back and smile.

and wipe your mouth while you're smiling for crying out loud

you worshippers are icky subjects for a party and politicians...they laugh at someone like you and call you a useful tool...
2014 is going to be about the economy, the Government Shutdown, Immigration reform and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Republicans are going to be unable to show where they have done a single thing on these issues and Democrats are going to show where the Party of No has stopped progress

Right. the democrats are going to blame republcians for their failures and say republicans didnt have any ideas either. That's all LOLberals know how to do is blame, blame and blame some more.

Sooner or later Republicans are going to have to come to the table with their ideas for the future

Kill Obamacare? What are you going to replace it with?
Block Immigration Reform? What is your plan to handle 12 million undocumented immigrants and their children?
Block background checks? Answer to the parents from Sandy Hook on why you won't do anything
Kill Obamacare? Yes!

What are you going to replace it with? Nothing. There was nothing wrong with the current/former system in the first place! Besides, who wants to be forcibly mandated to buy Health Insurance and penalized if you don't?

What is your plan to handle 12 million undocumented immigrants and their children? Simple. Do what President Eisenhower did, initiate the program 'Operation Wetback' and deport the illegals. It worked then and it'll work now but do it on a larger scale.

Answer to the parents from Sandy Hook on why you won't do anything.

Do anything about what? The Constitutions 2nd Amendment should not be subverted in any manner. Arm the teachers!
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