How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

I can understand why the left hates people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. If it weren't for people like those, Hillary would probably be President right now.

You'd be in a much better place. Me? I'd not have gotten a 50% tax cut, buy I really didn't need one.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin have screwed and are screwing the American poor with credit (the former middle class) to make themselves VERY wealthy. You're just a "minion" in the game.
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"

Were you stupid before becoming libertarian or did libertarianism make you stupid?
Tantrum #123,456 since Tuesday. What's it like to get your ass handed to you over and over and over and all you can do is call someone stupid? Lmao!

Stupid is as stupid does....

Libertarianism Makes You Stupid
Yup, you keep posting and proving how stupid you are.
He's NOT. He's a CONSERVATIVE, not an anarchist style libertarian. He holds Republican accountable ccx when they stray, but he's NOT a libertarian
Who said he's a libertarian? Oh, you. Your broad brush anecdote hyperbole doesn't gain you much credibility except amongst fellow acolytes. The root of conservative is conserve. To conserve means to keep. To keep = status quo. Status quo = 2 party duopoly.
I can understand why the left hates people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. If it weren't for people like those, Hillary would probably be President right now.

You'd be in a much better place. Me? I'd not have gotten a 50% tax cut, buy I really didn't need one.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin have screwed and are screwing the American poor with credit (the former middle class) to make themselves VERY wealthy. You're just a "minion" in the game.

Don't you feel guilty partaking of the benefits Trump and the Republican Party has given you? You're free to give that tax cut back anytime you want, you know. Do it for the "cause", the Democrats will thank you.
Yup, you keep posting and proving how stupid you are.
I'm not an acolyte of godvernment- that would be stupid- however, I don't believe desiring Liberty is stupid-

Jefferson on Liberty

For your edification: “Liberty . . . is unobstructed action according to our will: but rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within the limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’; because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.”

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

IDK, maybe you and your brethren in the church of godvernment prefer being ruled over vs ruled for-
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"

Were you stupid before becoming libertarian or did libertarianism make you stupid?

I'm registered libertarian however that's only because they come closest to my own beliefs. In actual fact I am against ALL political parties and think they are a very large part of the problems we all have with our government today.

It's really high time we all began voting for the very best people for the job and stop voting for and being lead around by political parties.

If you examine the constitution there is no mention of political parties. They are the invention of professional politicians that are for the most part leeches on our society. They exist by playing us off against one another and it's getting entirely out of hand, as this latest impeachment fiasco should be ample evidence of to anyone with a functioning brain.

Don't be a sucker and don't fall for it. Start thinking for yourself.
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"

Were you stupid before becoming libertarian or did libertarianism make you stupid?

That's quite an astounding display of ignorance and bias on your part. Just an observation.

That's my opinion that I backed with fact. Libertarianism Makes You Stupid

I like the quote: "I regard the Libertarianism as a kind of business-worshiping cultish religion, which churns out annoying flamers who resemble nothing so much as street-preachers on the Information Sidewalk." It's so fitting.
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"

Were you stupid before becoming libertarian or did libertarianism make you stupid?

I'm registered libertarian however that's only because they come closest to my own beliefs. In actual fact I am against ALL political parties and think they are a very large part of the problems we all have with our government today.

It's really high time we all began voting for the very best people for the job and stop voting for and being lead around by political parties.

If you examine the constitution there is no mention of political parties. They are the invention of professional politicians that are for the most part leeches on our society. They exist by playing us off against one another and it's getting entirely out of hand, as this latest impeachment fiasco should be ample evidence of to anyone with a functioning brain.

Don't be a sucker and don't fall for it. Start thinking for yourself.

So you bitch moan and grown about paying taxes but don't mind using taxed based public services. Got it.
I can understand why the left hates people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. If it weren't for people like those, Hillary would probably be President right now.

You'd be in a much better place. Me? I'd not have gotten a 50% tax cut, buy I really didn't need one.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin have screwed and are screwing the American poor with credit (the former middle class) to make themselves VERY wealthy. You're just a "minion" in the game.

Don't you feel guilty partaking of the benefits Trump and the Republican Party has given you? You're free to give that tax cut back anytime you want, you know. Do it for the "cause", the Democrats will thank you.

I did give it back. I increased benefits for my employees. But I'm the small percentage of businesses that actually did.
I can understand why the left hates people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. If it weren't for people like those, Hillary would probably be President right now.

You'd be in a much better place. Me? I'd not have gotten a 50% tax cut, buy I really didn't need one.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin have screwed and are screwing the American poor with credit (the former middle class) to make themselves VERY wealthy. You're just a "minion" in the game.

Don't you feel guilty partaking of the benefits Trump and the Republican Party has given you? You're free to give that tax cut back anytime you want, you know. Do it for the "cause", the Democrats will thank you.

I did give it back. I increased benefits for my employees. But I'm the small percentage of businesses that actually did.

Ahh ok. So the drug trade must be pretty good these days.
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"
So...he made you con-servative? Didn't come to that point on your own? That's quite cultish.
I started listening to Rush back in the 1990's during the Clinton scandals, but it was Alan Keyes who made me see the light and switch parties. Back then I had C-Band satellite.

Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"

Were you stupid before becoming libertarian or did libertarianism make you stupid?

That's quite an astounding display of ignorance and bias on your part. Just an observation.

Dumbpercenter is a basement dwelling moron. And a liar. Pay him no mind.
I can understand why the left hates people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. If it weren't for people like those, Hillary would probably be President right now.

You'd be in a much better place. Me? I'd not have gotten a 50% tax cut, buy I really didn't need one.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin have screwed and are screwing the American poor with credit (the former middle class) to make themselves VERY wealthy. You're just a "minion" in the game.

How does a basement dwelling troll, such as yourself, get a tax cut? Your mom pays whatever taxes your family does, not some infantile twerp, like you.
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"
He’s a racist who attacks children. Are you that? Or is that something you can relate to?
That's quite an astounding display of ignorance and bias on your part. Just an observation.
I didn't write the article knothead. I gave my opinion about listening to Rush- and, as Rush has said; it's not arrogant if you can prove it- I am libertarian. Always have been, but, just didn't recognize it until I started thinking for myself and recalling my past.
I think for myself and ALL my political thoughts are founded on Liberty and the philosophy of life that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- I offer ALL my political posts as "proving what I say".

I wasnt responding to you. The post was to One Percenter... whatever.
I can understand why the left hates people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. If it weren't for people like those, Hillary would probably be President right now.

You'd be in a much better place. Me? I'd not have gotten a 50% tax cut, buy I really didn't need one.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin have screwed and are screwing the American poor with credit (the former middle class) to make themselves VERY wealthy. You're just a "minion" in the game.

Don't you feel guilty partaking of the benefits Trump and the Republican Party has given you? You're free to give that tax cut back anytime you want, you know. Do it for the "cause", the Democrats will thank you.

I did give it back. I increased benefits for my employees. But I'm the small percentage of businesses that actually did.

Ahh ok. So the drug trade must be pretty good these days.

You think it is wrong to increase benefits for employees? Commie......
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"

Were you stupid before becoming libertarian or did libertarianism make you stupid?

That's quite an astounding display of ignorance and bias on your part. Just an observation.

Dumbpercenter is a basement dwelling moron. And a liar. Pay him no mind.

Yet YOU can't refute anything that I write.....
Along with the one-on-one time with my dad, three hours of Rush Limbaugh’s observations, wit, and humor provided everything I needed for a foundation in conservative thought.

How Rush Limbaugh Made Millennials Like Me Conservative

Full disclosure: I listened to him for many years and often agreed with his opinions. I credit him, and others, for making me see I'm libertarian and say Rush is extremely intelligent and insightful. He's also a shill for the Republican Party which is no more about Liberty than a goose. Rush, and others helped me start thinking for myself- others; Andrew Wilkow, Mike Church, posters on other message boards.
The US was created to protect the Liberty of Individuals from a tyrannical gov't force. I've yet to see that in the myriad of laws created and approved by the pay for play scam in the District of Criminals from BOTH sides.
"He did it first" or worse is what kids say to their parents when caught misbehaving. No self respecting adult should ever resort to childish tactics.

"when I was a child I thought as a child and acted as a child, when I became a man I put away childish things"

Were you stupid before becoming libertarian or did libertarianism make you stupid?

That's quite an astounding display of ignorance and bias on your part. Just an observation.

Dumbpercenter is a basement dwelling moron. And a liar. Pay him no mind.

Yet YOU can't refute anything that I write.....

I have proven, beyond question, that you are a liar.

And it is impossible to prove a negative.

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