How Senate Democrats Will Vote on Iran Treaty


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The 10 Senate Democrats up for election next year will be allowed to vote to nullify the treaty, which will be passed by the Senate and vetoed by the President. Tragically, they will fall just short of the 2/3 vote necessary to override the veto. Then these 10 Democrats can shed crocodile tears and tell the voters that they did their best, even though the fix was in from the get-go. And the charade will go on...
The 10 Senate Democrats up for election next year will be allowed to vote to nullify the treaty, which will be passed by the Senate and vetoed by the President. Tragically, they will fall just short of the 2/3 vote necessary to override the veto. Then these 10 Democrats can shed crocodile tears and tell the voters that they did their best, even though the fix was in from the get-go. And the charade will go on...
Okay. Let's document your predictive powers.

Here are the Democratic Senators up for re-election/retiring next year:

Michael Bennet (Colorado)
Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)
Barbara Boxer (California) retiring in 2016
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland) retiring in 2016
Patty Murray (Washington)
Harry Reid (Nevada) retiring in 2016
Brian Schatz (Hawaii)
Charles Schumer (New York)
Ron Wyden (Oregon)
Wyden Statement on Iran Agreement Press Releases U.S. Senator Ron Wyden

"My bottom line has always been that a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable. That is why I fought to ensure that Congress had a strong voice in this process and the opportunity to thoroughly scrutinize any agreement. I said all along I was skeptical that Iran’s leaders would agree to dismantle their nuclear weapons program and I have questions about whether this agreement accomplishes that, particularly in light of Iran’s history on this issue. However, I will use my seat on the Senate Intelligence Committee to thoroughly review the details. An agreement with such serious consequences for U.S. security must be subject to rigorous oversight before any decisions are made.”
Blumenthal Statement on Iran Nuclear Agreement Press Releases United States Senator Richard Blumenthal

"I welcome the announcement of an agreement with Iran after a long and difficult diplomatic road, but the terms now must be carefully and closely reviewed by Congress with the paramount goal of preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. This agreement must be airtight, comprehensive and enduring – and, perhaps most importantly, strictly verifiable and enforceable. While our common hope may be that diplomacy has succeeded in barring an Iranian path to nuclear weapons capability, Congress must apply exacting standards and strict scrutiny, especially given Iran’s history of deceit and international law violations."
Boxer Statement on Announcement of Framework Reached with Iran Barbara Boxer United States Senator for California
"Now that all parties have agreed to a framework, Congress has a choice: support these negotiations or disrupt them and potentially jeopardize this historic opportunity to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

"We don't yet know the details of a final deal, but initial reports are promising, and if the U.S. had prematurely ended talks on nuclear issues in the past, we would never have had historic and critical international agreements like the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the New START Treaty.

"The Obama Administration has worked tirelessly to reach this point and I will work to ensure that Congress has the patience to support this diplomatic effort because the risks of walking away from the table are simply too high."

Boxer Statement on Historic Agreement with Iran Barbara Boxer United States Senator for California

“I look forward to robust hearings in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and, if this agreement is what the Administration says it is, it is a major, historic diplomatic breakthrough.”
Of course it will not be exactly 10, but the target vote in the Senate will be 60-65 to reject the agreement but sustain the veto. Business as usual for these dirt bags.

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