How should the force of law be used to deal with the Democrats stealing another election?

Shouldn't "Stealing a Republic" like the Democrat Dirty tricks Department did be at least a capital crime?

No one stole anything. Nothing was rigged. A bunch of judges in six states saw the D-Teams "evidence" and said Get Lost!. For good measure the Stacked...erm...Supreme Court said "Talk to the hand".

Keep saying a lie over and over again and you'll eventually believe it.

I think you're getting close! Don't give up.
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?

Since you've yet to prove one case of voter fraud. Since 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases were summarily dismissed, I'd say you got nothing. Therefore, this is Trump supporter masturbation material. To the dungeon with ye! :)

You are confused Moon Bat. Typical for an uneducated low information Libtard.

There is tremendous evidence. In fact overwhelming evidence that the filthy Democrats created unverifiable ballots in the swing state districts. Counted by traitorous Democrats after removing Republican observers.

The Swamp did nothing about it because Trump was looking after the best interest of the American people instead of the interest of the Swamp.

Despicable, isn't it?

So the question remains; how do we deal with the traitors that will steal our Republic?

There is NO evidence. Just conspiracy theories swallowed by swooning true believers and amplified in alt-right echo chambers. If there was anything to any of these lawsuits, they would have been heard. BTW, for your information, Trump helped build that swamp. And then filled it with bigger and hungrier swamp creatures. I don't expect you to be swayed by any evidence that your savior was a fraud. The voters showed him the door. Deal with it.
Also, you left out beheading.

Guillotine is the most efficient, but I prefer the Daitō. .

Maybe Hattori Hanzō will come out of retirement for this righteous purpose.
One way is to coat you in honey and fill you with milk and honey. They hang you horizontal and just dip you in swampy water. The shit you make causes worms to invade your body. Insects eat the honey off of you. Guess it takes about 3 days of horrific suffering
Shouldn't "Stealing a Republic" like the Democrat Dirty tricks Department did be at least a capital crime?

No one stole anything. Nothing was rigged. A bunch of judges in six states saw the D-Teams "evidence" and said Get Lost!. For good measure the Stacked...erm...Supreme Court said "Talk to the hand".

Keep saying a lie over and over again and you'll eventually believe it.

I think you're getting close! Don't give up.

Limbaugh disciple huh? You do know he's the one that made that phrase popular.
Describes you true believers to "T". Willing, pliant sheep. Weak minded. Soft. Malleable.
Should we hang them? Firing squad? Expel then to China? Make them move to Kalifornia?

I don't think the law provides any remedy for when your own "law-makers" themselves live outside the law with impunity. The democrats have effectively said the the POTUS and nation that FU, we are going to do whatever we damn well please and there is nothing you can do about it, so a group of people spoke up and said: "No there IS something we can do."

So it looks like all that is left is for the People to rise up and take their country back by force and then go from there. I just looked at my copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and nowhere in there does it expressly state what to do when the government has painted itself into a position of no accountability, because the Founders could not have imagined an entire political party taking over the means of education, the means of communication (internet) and the means of information (news media) and making itself an effective totalitarian socialistic autocracy.

Ben Franklin told us he gave us a Representative Republic, too bad he wasn't smart enough to SPELL THAT OUT in the Constitution so that all laws and actions attempting to usurp the Republic were endemically ILLEGAL.
Shouldn't "Stealing a Republic" like the Democrat Dirty tricks Department did be at least a capital crime?

No one stole anything. Nothing was rigged. A bunch of judges in six states saw the D-Teams "evidence" and said Get Lost!. For good measure the Stacked...erm...Supreme Court said "Talk to the hand".

Keep saying a lie over and over again and you'll eventually believe it.

I think you're getting close! Don't give up.

Limbaugh disciple huh? You do know he's the one that made that phrase popular.
Describes you true believers to "T". Willing, pliant sheep. Weak minded. Soft. Malleable.

I laugh harder at your ignorance than Rush does.
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?
None of the above. No. 1, nobody stole a national election, in any of the 50 states. No. 2, none of the above are legal remedies under the law, so you don't care much about the law, anyway. Is that you Rudy? After helping spur insurrection, I doubt you will have your law license much longer, anyway. Who knows, you may even do some jail time.:auiqs.jpg:
Should we hang them? Firing squad? Expel then to China? Make them move to Kalifornia?

I don't think the law provides any remedy for when your own "law-makers" themselves live outside the law with impunity. The democrats have effectively said the the POTUS and nation that FU, we are going to do whatever we damn well please and there is nothing you can do about it, so a group of people spoke up and said: "No there IS something we can do."

So it looks like all that is left is for the People to rise up and take their country back by force and then go from there. I just looked at my copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and nowhere in there does it expressly state what to do when the government has painted itself into a position of no accountability, because the Founders could not have imagined an entire political party taking over the means of education, the means of communication (internet) and the means of information (news media) and making itself an effective totalitarian socialistic autocracy.

Ben Franklin told us he gave us a Representative Republic, too bad he wasn't smart enough to SPELL THAT OUT in the Constitution so that all laws and actions attempting to usurp the Republic were endemically ILLEGAL.

He lost, Freaky. Don't like it? Fuck off. The rest of us don't care.
Shouldn't "Stealing a Republic" like the Democrat Dirty tricks Department did be at least a capital crime?

No one stole anything. Nothing was rigged. A bunch of judges in six states saw the D-Teams "evidence" and said Get Lost!. For good measure the Stacked...erm...Supreme Court said "Talk to the hand".

There's no stopping them from lying..

There's no stopping them from lying..

obviously, nothing stopping you either.
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?

Well it's clear lynching would be your pick of choice, though one of your buddies used a fire extinguisher last Wednesday to make your day. BTW, where were you last Wednesday? Is this you in the photograph:

View attachment 442217

Your leftist brethren were involved in violence, death, destruction of property, pillaging, looting, assault, for over a year and you said nary a peep. Pound sand hypocrite. Your tears are laughable and to be ignored.
How should the force of law be used to deal with the Democrats stealing another election?
In the usual American way; take the evidence to court and severely punish those found guilty. That's what any American, especially a self-declared patriot, would do. Now, vigilantes...
Also, you left out beheading.

Guillotine is the most efficient, but I prefer the Daitō. .

Maybe Hattori Hanzō will come out of retirement for this righteous purpose.
One way is to coat you in honey and fill you with milk and honey. They hang you horizontal and just dip you in swampy water. The shit you make causes worms to invade your body. Insects eat the honey off of you. Guess it takes about 3 days of horrific suffering

^No inner subconscious turmoil about your sexuality going on, is there?
So typical of nazi types, wanting to have kangaroo courts because they have no evidence to back up their irrational hatred.

You all are worse than ISIL

Untitled drawing - 2021-01-11T085301.998.png
Yep you better quit voting. Lol
I fear that many people will quit voting

but considering the success of democrat vote fraud it may not make any difference over time
Who knew Trump in the long run would be the best thing ever for the Democratic party. Hillarious Just like in the art of war feed a fool with pride and they will destroy themselves. Hillarious

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