How should the force of law be used to deal with the Democrats stealing another election?

How should the force of law be used to deal with the Democrats stealing another election?
In the usual American way; take the evidence to court and severely punish those found guilty. That's what any American, especially a self-declared patriot, would do. Now, vigilantes...

You are obvioulsy confused about this.

The Swamp didn't want for Trump to prevail. We saw the filthy ass Supreme Court chickenshit out because Roberts said he didn't want riots. Then the RINO and Moon Bat legislature was too cowardly to even send the EC votes back to the contested states for a measly ten day audit that would have settled it for good. Like was done in 1876.

Trump never got fair treatment because he was looking after the interest of the American people and the Swamp didn't like that. We all saw how much money of the Covid relief package went to foreign and special interests, didn't we? What did that tell you? The people that have a vested interest in maintain the corruption of the Swamp didn't do jackshit and that is the reason for now being being the time for all Patriots to stand up for the Constitution.

We can't allow for our Republic to be stolen by the filthy ass Democrats and an operative of China be installed as President, can we?

So my question remains; what do we need to do with the traitors to prevent this from happening again?
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Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?
Well the GOP and the courts have no interest in any of it.

If you protest Antifa will be there and turn it into something violent so the world will turn on you and oppress you.

Or you can hide in your basement. Who knows, maybe some day you can become President.
He lost, Freaky. Don't like it? Fuck off. The rest of us don't care.

I know you don't care so long as the stolen election installs your hand-puppet.

In 2020, you commie bitches unleashed 8,700 riots in 69 cities with 574 of them having mass looting and destruction. In it all, TWO THOUSAND POLICE OFFICERS were injured by your thugs, with 2,385 businesses looted of their property with 70 million dollars damage at just one shopping mall alone. Several police precincts were set on fire and hundreds of police cars were damaged and destroyed.

This went on for an entire summer while assholes like you and the democrats, mayors and governors of blue states sat back, said nothing, looked the other way, pulled the police back, let them go, defended the actions, condemned Trump for stepping in and resisting, then you guys even went on to POST BALE for the offenders getting them out of jail.

Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

At no time during any of this was there even any negative press much less anyone called "insurrectionists" or "threats to democracy." You were fine with it. You made that the NEW NORMAL for America.

But now that a small group has stood up to protest the destruction and usurpation of our fair electoral process and the refusal for consideration and redress by their self-serving "representatives" for a couple hours and a little of it went a little bad, your skin is peeling off your face and you want blood?


You assholes made this the new normal last year, told America to shove it with the stolen election, and are only mad now because it affected your installing an illegal man in the White House.

JOE BIDEN IS NO ONE'S PRESIDENT BUT A FOOL. Democrats destroyed 69 cities and ruined millions of lives with their riots and shutdowns and want you to now believe we then went on to elect the guy who approved of and defended it all???

Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?
Ho hum! Just another bs Repubtard "steal the election" moron. You are a lemming, because the only rational you have for "steal the election" is your messiah Trump saying so. Sad that you are so stupid, because "You can't fix stupid!" (Ron White)

As quick on the draw as the mods have been has to wonder why the mods aren't going with the "there is already a zillion threads on this topic."
He lost, Freaky. Don't like it? Fuck off. The rest of us don't care.

I know you don't care so long as the stolen election installs your hand-puppet.

In 2020, you commie bitches unleashed 8,700 riots in 69 cities with 574 of them having mass looting and destruction. In it all, TWO THOUSAND POLICE OFFICERS were injured by your thugs, with 2,385 businesses looted of their property with 70 million dollars damage at just one shopping mall alone. Several police precincts were set on fire and hundreds of police cars were damaged and destroyed.

This went on for an entire summer while assholes like you and the democrats, mayors and governors of blue states sat back, said nothing, looked the other way, pulled the police back, let them go, defended the actions, condemned Trump for stepping in and resisting, then you guys even went on to POST BALE for the offenders getting them out of jail.

Jaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

At no time during any of this was there even any negative press much less anyone called "insurrectionists" or "threats to democracy." You were fine with it. You made that the NEW NORMAL for America.

But now that a small group has stood up to protest the destruction and usurpation of our fair electoral process and the refusal for consideration and redress by their self-serving "representatives" for a couple hours and a little of it went a little bad, your skin is peeling off your face and you want blood?


You assholes made this the new normal last year, told America to shove it with the stolen election, and are only mad now because it affected your installing an illegal man in the White House.

JOE BIDEN IS NO ONE'S PRESIDENT BUT A FOOL. Democrats destroyed 69 cities and ruined millions of lives with their riots and shutdowns and want you to now believe we then went on to elect the guy who approved of and defended it all???

View attachment 442245
He's your you may be right.

PS: I like the crying emoticon. You can be a pussy or you can be a patriot. You're no patriot.
These traitors to the Constitution will all be given service medals for enabling a stolen election.

It's time we divide America, dickhead Dems can live in their territory and create the communist dictatorship they long for. Meanwhile we will live free...and control the food supply :muahaha:
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?

The trouble is that Trump and the Republicans tried to steal the election. How should they be dealt with?
Hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel them to Russia?

Make them move to a uneducated state like Alabama? Arkansas? Mississippi?

So follow through, faggots. Charge Trump and everyone who entered the Capitol with treason and execute them all Stalin style.

If you wont follow through stop fucking saying it.

The DOJ is saying SEDITION.
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?

Since you've yet to prove one case of voter fraud. Since 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases were summarily dismissed, I'd say you got nothing. Therefore, this is Trump supporter masturbation material. To the dungeon with ye! :)
I could never understand why they have such fealty to Trump, to me he is not worth pissing on.

Its about a fraudulent election. Not trump or biden.

You are the ones committing the fraud.
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?

The trouble is that Trump and the Republicans tried to steal the election. How should they be dealt with?
Hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel them to Russia?

Make them move to a uneducated state like Alabama? Arkansas? Mississippi?

How did Nancy,Chuckie and Quid Pro stop the Russians from stealing the election for Trump this time? You'd think it would be all over CNN by now.
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?

Since you've yet to prove one case of voter fraud. Since 65 lower court cases and 2 Supreme Court cases were summarily dismissed, I'd say you got nothing. Therefore, this is Trump supporter masturbation material. To the dungeon with ye! :)

You are confused Moon Bat. Typical for an uneducated low information Libtard.

There is tremendous evidence. In fact overwhelming evidence that the filthy Democrats created unverifiable ballots in the swing state districts. Counted by traitorous Democrats after removing Republican observers.

The Swamp did nothing about it because Trump was looking after the best interest of the American people instead of the interest of the Swamp.

Despicable, isn't it?

So the question remains; how do we deal with the traitors that will steal our Republic?

There is no evidence. The courts have said so. Election officials have said so. People had enough of Trump and canceled his reality show Presidency.

How should we deal with traitors like you that will steal a election if they can't win it honestly?
Should we hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel then to China?

Make them move to Kalifornia?

The trouble is that Trump and the Republicans tried to steal the election. How should they be dealt with?
Hang them?

Firing squad?

Expel them to Russia?

Make them move to a uneducated state like Alabama? Arkansas? Mississippi?

How did Nancy,Chuckie and Quid Pro stop the Russians from stealing the election for Trump this time? You'd think it would be all over CNN by now.

Trump's presidency was so bad that the Russians couldn't save him.

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