How Sick Is Hillary?


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
I wish Stephen Hawking would run against Robert Tilton - that would be a race worth watching. Other way, I don't really care, they're all the same degenerates.
In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller
You worry too much, although you have plenty to worry about if she runs because she will very likely win, especially if Romney is still around.

If we could elect Reagan, and two Bushes, we can elect another Clinton.
She is the one that authored the TPP and is against a raise in the minimum wage. Frankly, this pisses off most progressives these days.
She is the one that authored the TPP and is against a raise in the minimum wage. Frankly, this pisses off most progressives these days.
Politics is the art of compromise. It's how one wins.

Clintons don't make compromises, they take orders from their financiers and then lie to their base. They have the media lie to the public and cover up their positions on the issues that matter to their base.

They then threaten their allies, and black mail or destroy their enemies to silence them. They have always made tricky Dick look like a Teddy bear and Rahm Emanuel look like a school boy.

You are either young and naive, or stupid.
If she's suffering from neurological disorders now, she ought to be in real good shape by 2016. Not to mention the steady decline in her physical appearance. Yeah, put Jerry Moonbeam up there, that'll work.
She is the one that authored the TPP and is against a raise in the minimum wage. Frankly, this pisses off most progressives these days.
Politics is the art of compromise. It's how one wins.

Clintons don't make compromises, they take orders from their financiers and then lie to their base. They have the media lie to the public and cover up their positions on the issues that matter to their base.

They then threaten their allies, and black mail or destroy their enemies to silence them. They have always made tricky Dick look like a Teddy bear and Rahm Emanuel look like a school boy.

You are either young and naive, or stupid.

Well then, I'm sure the RNC and Fox will have no trouble digging up all the dirt and serving it up for us.

Then it will be up to Hillary to prove the allegations false, if she can.
I was all for Hillary a few years ago...but I think she needs to just kick back and not go this route. It just ain't worth it any more. Nobody is going to be able to fix what has been done these past years since Bill was out of office.
John McCain couldn't lift his arms over his head, and Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of retarded monkeys.

Perhaps you don't really know much about Sarah Palin,
she ran as governor, cleaned up corruption among the Good Ole Boys Club, got grand jury indictments against several they were tried and convicted and are behind bars for their corruption. She also took on big Oil, Exxon specifically told them to start honoring their leases or should would sell them to others that would. Tax monies flowed back to the people of Alaska.


In closing about her understanding about government the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave has more experience? He's accomplished virtually nothing positive and is driving our economy over the cliff. We would be far better off with Sarah Palin as president..."

Had Sarah Palin run head to head against Obama would the world be a safer place? - National Conservative |

Perhaps you don't know much about most things. I'm finding myself having to tutor you on a regular basis.

Wassup wit 'dat?

Are you ever right about anything, KNB?
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I was all for Hillary a few years ago...but I think she needs to just kick back and not go this route. It just ain't worth it any more. Nobody is going to be able to fix what has been done these past years since Bill was out of office.
It started way before Bill, but then Bill made it worse
Bill did a great job. But you can think as you like. At least for now. Maybe not in a few years the rate we are going in this country.
Politics is the art of compromise. It's how one wins.

Clintons don't make compromises, they take orders from their financiers and then lie to their base. They have the media lie to the public and cover up their positions on the issues that matter to their base.

They then threaten their allies, and black mail or destroy their enemies to silence them. They have always made tricky Dick look like a Teddy bear and Rahm Emanuel look like a school boy.

You are either young and naive, or stupid.

Well then, I'm sure the RNC and Fox will have no trouble digging up all the dirt and serving it up for us.

Then it will be up to Hillary to prove the allegations false, if she can.

Fox is in the same tank as all the other media, they have absolutely no interest in doing so. Besides, it's already been done, nobody paid attention, nor did they care. Everyone in Washington already knows, that is why they fear the Clinton's and give them the respect they are due. Bill was Carol Quigley's Protege, hand picked Rhodes material. Not for squat.

The RNC is just the right hand of the same organization the DNC works for. Why would they want to reveal anything? Both organizations are making a handsome profit off of insider trading on Wall Street. Every representative and congressmen knows what is going to happen on the market before the shlubs out here in the hinterland do. All Americans know this. . . or they should know by now. The elites in Washington have more in common with each other than they do with the people, they don't give a rat's ass about the common folk, not really.

It doesn't matter WHO the Democrats run after Obama has had his turn. If the dollar doesn't die by the end of his term, then it will be the RNC's turn to take the reigns, and I'm betting they'll throw a Dominionist in there. And American's will oblige them. Haven't you read how angry the conservatives on this board are? They are just about ready for fascism. Hell, this administration has already shredded the bill of rights, so isn't that what a conservative anti-immigrant, pro-family, pro-god, ultra-nationalist government sans-civil rights and civil liberties would amount to? Gays better enjoy their marriages now, b/c come 2016, they'll be the first up against the wall, and that makes me really sad.

Why? Because internationalists like the Bushes, Clintons and Obamas were in on planning such a heinous division from the start. They power share with the RNC at the CFR. Divide et Imperium is the rule of the day for these elites. If you partisans are busy believing the media and criticizing each other, believing these elites don't cooperate and have a plan together to lord over the nation, it is easier for them to rule.

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