How smart are American Conservatives verbal attacks on China?

But there may be a choice of either agreeing with Chinese Communist Party or with American Progressives.
The only one to agree with is the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights (Amendments), which is the Supreme Law of the Land and undermining it is both seditious and treasonous.
Sadly American Progressives may succeed in imposing complete censorship on American Internet.
How's China these days? At least the party is giving you a job I guess. Trolling western messageboards. Your English is pretty good, but your syntax gives you away.... :2up:
How's China these days? At least the party is giving you a job I guess. Trolling western messageboards. Your English is pretty good, but your syntax gives you away.... :2up:
I have never been to China. I am a realist living in USA.
How's China these days? At least the party is giving you a job I guess. Trolling western messageboards. Your English is pretty good, but your syntax gives you away.... :2up:
He is a Jewish refugee from the old Soviet days.

You remind me of a Nazi on Stormfront who once claimed he could tell I was a Jew by the way I used commas. :auiqs.jpg:
He is a Jewish refugee from the old Soviet days.

You remind me of a Nazi on Stormfront who once claimed he could tell I was a Jew by the way I used commas. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, English ain't his first language. Gee, thanks for the comparison to Storm Front.
Outsida that, unless you know him personally, you have no idea who he is or where he is from.
I am grateful to -- in many ways it is a very interesting forum free for all ideologies. But if Chinese agencies were to pay anyone, they would have asked them to work on a larger Social Media. Besides, this is my only thread about China.
China is going to be the only Global Superpower. Russia sort of lost that status in 1991. USA is losing Superpower status now.

Moreover, what would happen if Progressives in USA would be able to impose complete censorship on American Internet. What Social Media will be available to those who disagree with them? If Conservatives will stop verbally attacking China, then China may give us Free Speech.

China is learning from the US. China doesn't give the US free speech now. It'll be trying to shut down anything to do with Taiwan, and attack everyone and anyone.
The US is not losing its superpower status and China is nowhere near it.
It has little to do with the US losing its superpower status. It is the gap between the US and China in the world status. It was like Jennifer Lawrence vs Jennifer Vallance before. After Afgh, AUKUS, Huawei, Open broader.... cases it is like Jennifer Lawrence vs Scarlett Johansson now. Biden keeps dropping the ball. It is not a good sign.

Go back to the OP topic. WTF wrong with the OP, does he understand China? In the end, you will not your free speech.

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